Read A Place Beyond Online

Authors: Laura Howard

A Place Beyond (20 page)

“Well, I better go see if there’s anything I can do to help,” I said, turning to leave the room.

“Okay, sweetheart. I’ll be right down to join you.”



After dinner and the massive cleanup that always follows holiday meals, I flopped back on the couch for a second. Ethan dropped next to me, rubbing his belly.

“I am stuffed,” I said, groaning.

“What about pumpkin pie?” he asked, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

“Later,” I said, waving.

“You know, exercise helps with digestion,” he said. “Why don’t we go for a walk?”

I looked over at him and smiled. It was time.

“Good idea. Maybe my mom will want a break. I’ll see if I can get her to come with us.”

I went into the den where Gram and Aunt Jessie sat talking with my mother.

“Ethan and I thought we’d go for a walk,” I said. “Maybe Mom would like to come, get a bit of fresh air?”

“What do you think about that, Beth?” Gram said. My mother didn’t respond at first.

“I don’t know, honey. Do you think she’ll go?” Aunt Jessie said.

“Of course she will,” Gram said, shushing Aunt Jessie. I gave Aunt Jessie an apologetic glance. Sometimes Gram was a little blunt.

“Come on Beth, let’s get your jacket and you can go outside with the kids.” Gram stood and held her hand out to my mother. My mother looked over at me and back to Gram’s hand. After a moment, she finally reached out and took it.

The air was very crisp, so we put on jackets and hats before walking onto the porch. I pulled my hat down over my ears and turned to Gram standing in the doorway.

“We won’t be long,” I said. “I have my phone, so if I have any trouble I’ll call.”

Gram nodded, her face completely open. She was trusting me with Mom and I was thrilled with her confidence in me.

Once we made our way onto the sidewalk, I dialed Liam’s number. “We’re in front of the house,” I told him.

“Excellent, I’ll be right out.”

We walked the short distance to Liam’s driveway, and he was there in seconds, his hands shoved into his hair.

As we walked along, he was quiet, casting looks at my mother every few minutes. Once I thought we were far enough away from the house, I stopped walking.

“All right, this should be a good place.”

We were at a place on the road where there were no houses on either side for miles. Liam paced a little, flexing and relaxing his hands. I reached out and grabbed his arm, raising my eyebrows at him.

“Right, best get on with it,” he said, his eyes darting to my mother.

He walked over to her and she stood perfectly still, watching him. He cleared his throat and lifted his hand, letting it hover next to her face for a moment.

With a nod, he laid his hand gently against her cheek, sighing. At almost the same exact second, my mother sighed too.

Liam stared at her, waiting. She blinked a few times, but didn’t say anything. His shoulders slumped and he looked down at his feet.

Her hand lifted slowly, shaking, to return the touch to his face. I’d never seen her reach out to touch anyone on purpose. Ever. I held my breath as Liam eyes lifted to hers in wonder.

“Beth?” he said softly.

She smoothed her shaking hand along the line of his jaw, to his neck. Lifting her other hand she repeated the same process on his other cheek. He was like a marble statue as her hands made their way back up his face.

“Is this real?” she whispered. My heart exploded at the sound of her voice.

Liam’s smile stretched across his face. “Yes,” he said softly, placing his hands over hers.

I took a step back, right into Ethan. He grabbed my elbows and steadied me. I looked up and he smiled back at me.

“It worked,” I said, voice shaking.

He nodded and wrapped his arms around my chest, pulling me back against him. Bending down, he kissed my temple. “It did.”

Watching as they stood taking each other in felt obtrusive, but I couldn’t look away. After a few minutes, my mother turned her head. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears, but her smile was full of unbridled joy.

“I can’t believe this,” she said, holding out her hand. I looked at it, then up into her eyes.

My mother was reaching out a hand to me.

I stumbled forward and she touched my face, much like she’d touched Liam’s. Tears stung my eyes, and it took me a few minutes to get words out. “I know,” I said shaking my head.

“How?” she asked, looking from me to Liam. “How is it possible?”

“It’s quite a long story, but… Aoife is gone. Forever,” Liam said.

Her eyebrows furrowed. “Does this mean I’m…” she broke off.

“You’re free now,” he said, sliding one hand behind her head and kissing her on the forehead.

“We don’t have a long time before we’re expected back, Mom,” I said. “But Liam and I think it will probably be best if we sprung this on Gram slowly.”

She pulled her hand back and smiled, looking up at Liam. “Of course. Whatever you think.”

Liam wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her to him, hugging her tight. I stepped back as she returned his embrace.

“Just try to stay quiet for now, that’s all. Maybe say a few words, keep it rather simple,” Liam said.

She nodded. “I can do that,” she said, beaming as she pulled back just enough to look at him.

“Your mum did invite me over for pie, do you think that would be okay? I understand if it’ll be overwhelming for you.”

My mother’s face fell. “I can manage. She’ll need to get used to you coming by, won’t she?”

I had to press my lips together to keep from laughing. They were both testing the waters with each other, and it was adorable.

“Yes, definitely come for pie,” I said with a smile. “There are at least eight of them over there. I don’t want to have to eat them by myself, you know.”

Ethan chucked me on the shoulder. “Don’t you worry about that. I have your back too, you know.”

I laughed and smiled up at him with a dramatic sigh. “My hero.”





“No, no, no. I’m not doing it,” I said, laughing but digging in my heels.

My mother wrapped her arms around my shoulders, giggling. “Come on, Allison. We’ll be doing it together,” she said, trying to push me forward.

The pulsating beat of the DJ at Nicole’s wedding was nothing compared to the way my heart thudded in my chest.

“Mom, do you have any idea what you have to do if you catch that bouquet?” I asked.

She waved her hand at me, still grinning. “Of course I know what you have to do. I may have missed a few years, but I wasn’t born yesterday. Now,
come with me?”

I glanced over at the spot where Liam sat, looking handsome in his suit and tie. I saw I’d be getting no help from him. He just laughed along with her. “Oh, go for it Allison. YOLO,” he said.

My mother burst into hysterical laughter and I rolled my eyes, even though I was laughing too. “You did
just say YOLO, did you?”

He shrugged, his eyes brimming with mirth. “It’s true.”

“Where is Ethan? I know he’d go ballistic if some other guy got to put a garter on my leg,” I said, scanning the crowded ballroom.

He stood at the opposite end of the room chatting with his brother and my radiant cousin, the newlyweds. He glanced up to see me watching him and gestured toward the group of single ladies gathering on the dance floor. He was no better than the rest of them.

In the six months since the geis had been broken, my mother had made a full recovery. Doctor’s scratched their heads, completely baffled. My whole family was just beyond themselves with happiness, myself included.

“See, Ethan thinks you should have some fun, too. Come on, let’s go.”

“Fine. But, I’m not going to catch that thing,” I said, shaking my head.

The ceremony had been beautiful and my grandmother was having a wonderful time chatting with old friends and, of course, making new ones. Once in a while I caught her looking at the empty chair next to her with a wistful expression, but she held herself together.

My mother squeezed my hand and dragged me up to the dance floor just as the DJ made the final call for single women to enter the bouquet toss. Ethan threw his head back and laughed when he saw me begrudgingly join the group. His applause was louder than anyone in the room, causing heat to creep up my neck.

Liam had taken to coming by the house more and more regularly as the weeks went by after the geis was broken. It wasn’t long before my parents couldn’t hold back and the world knew there was something going on between them.

I glanced at my father who was watching my mother, enraptured. She was more beautiful than even I could have imagined. Her skin glowed and her eyes were wide and full of life. I thought of the way Pop would always describe what she was like before schizophrenia.

Beth drew everyone’s attention, she just had so much life in her. A smile from her could wipe the frown off even the surliest of men.

And now I knew exactly what he meant. She was radiant, both inside and out. When I’d gone back to school after Christmas break, she’d gone back too. Because of the time that had passed, she needed to take most of her classes over. But she was so happy to be given this second chance at life, she didn’t complain.

Nicole took the cordless microphone from the DJ and walked over to the front of our little group. She smiled at us, raising her eyebrows in surprise that I was standing there.

“Well, well. Looks like a few of my girls want to take a walk down the aisle,” she said into the microphone, ever dramatic.

The guests applauded, and several whistles lit through the room. I saw Ethan watching from the corner of my eye, his hands jammed into his pockets. He looked so completely adorable in the tuxedo, I could hardly keep from staring.

Nicole put her back to us, microphone still in hand. “You ladies ready?”

More whistles and cat calls filled the room, and I stood there, at the back of the group, rolling my eyes.

The DJ played a drumroll and at the crash of the cymbals, Nicole threw the bouquet high in the air.

Before I could even think, it came straight at my face, hitting me right between the eyes. I threw my hands out for balance and the thing fell straight into my arms. My shoulders sagged, I really did not want any part of this.

That was, until I heard the loud whoop from Ethan. I looked over and his friends were all fist bumping him. His smile was wide and I blushed when he caught my eye.

The group of disappointed women filed off the dance floor and I walked up to Nicole, shaking my head.

“Congratulations,” she said, planting a loud kiss on my cheek.

“Yeah, thanks. How did you manage that?” I asked.

She blinked at me. “I did not plan that, silly. You’re just lucky.”

I laughed. “Uh-huh,” I said, and twirled her bouquet in my hands. “Thanks for the flowers.”

I walked back to the head table and tossed the bouquet at my spot. The hairs on the back of my neck tingled and I turned my head to find Ethan standing right behind me.

He leaned forward, whispering into my ear, “If you wanted to get married so bad, you should have said something.”

I spun, lightly shoving him. “Who says it’s
I’m marrying?” I said, my voice loaded with snark.

His lips quirked into a grin and he hovered close, like he was going to tell me a secret. “I say,” he said, his breath fanning over my cheeks causing chills to break out across my skin.

“Not if you don’t go catch the garter,” I said, playing along.

He spun on his heel, and walked away. After a few steps, he glanced over his shoulder. “I fully intend to.”

♥ The End ♥



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