Read A Russian Bear Online

Authors: CB Conwy

Tags: #Gay Romance

A Russian Bear (12 page)

Then his Dom walked the painstakingly long way back between Tom’s legs again and finally let out the air before he pulled the plug out. Mischa didn’t say anything while Tom whimpered with relief, just got out a condom, put it on with calm movements, covered it with lube, and then pushed all the way into Tom.

Until then, Tom hadn’t known how much he had needed this, how much he needed Mischa to take him. Now he cried out, loud moans being forced out of him every time Mischa moved deeply into him. All he could feel was Mischa’s cock in his ass, the long, steady movements driving him out of his mind. Tom didn’t even register when Mischa loosened his cock ring, just felt his orgasm build up and flood him, sensing Mischa push deep and hearing his Dom shout in pleasure. Tom shook and quivered and panted his way through his climax and then fell back, totally spent.

It was quiet, Mischa lying over him, the only sounds their labored breathing. Then Tom turned his head, kissing Mischa on the neck. “Thank you, sir.” He couldn’t get out more than a whisper. It didn’t matter; he was sure that Mischa got it.


Mischa was almost too spent to get up. The way Tom took to the pain, to the things he made the boy do, was enough to make Mischa come so hard he saw stars.

He did get up, though. Of course he did; he had a boy to take care of. He kissed Tom softly, bringing his sub back down. Then Mischa cleaned him up, and Tom relaxed, quietly accepting what Mischa did to him. The trust was beautiful.

Mischa loosened the straps one by one, and Tom wrapped his arms around Mischa while Mischa washed him. Then Mischa took him to bed. Tom fell asleep at once, not waking up until dinner time.

The rest of their evening was quiet. Tom stayed naked, and Mischa reacted like he always did when he had a naked sub, being protective and possessive. Well, maybe the possessiveness was new. And maybe Mischa had something he needed to think through during the next week.

They were on the couch, watching television. Mischa had wrapped them up in a large quilt so Tom wouldn’t be cold, and they snuggled and enjoyed being close.

Mischa hesitated, then he spoke. “I wonder if you’d like to learn a little bit more about kink?”

Tom looked up. “I thought I’d already learned quite a bit about it?” He winked.

Mischa smiled. “You have, and you liked it.” That would teach the boy to sass. He pretended to ignore the blush and went on. “I did mean in a less hands-on way. If you get what I mean.” It was his turn to wink exaggeratedly.

Tom laughed out loud. “Yeah, maybe I would appreciate a less... taxing way of learning. What do you have in mind? Oh, wait -- is now the time for you to reveal your huge porn collection?”

“Impertinent boy!” He pinched Tom, hard. Tom yelped, but didn’t look in the least repentant.

“No, I thought about taking you to my club. There’s a party next Saturday, and you’re bound to see almost any kink you can dream of there. And a few beyond that, probably. I want you to see how many different ways there are to do this. Some of it might be a bit overwhelming for you, but I’m not bringing you to show you what you can expect. It’s more so you can see what other people enjoy.”

Tom definitely looked curious. “I don’t know anything about it. Am I supposed to come naked and on your leash?”

“Would you like to?”

“I don’t think so.” That wasn’t a straight no. Interesting.

“You can wear a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, or you can dress up in full BDSM costume. That’s entirely up to you. I’ll probably wear black trousers and a black t-shirt.” Mischa liked black. It made him look predatory.

“Should I... You know, in the books, there are all kinds of rules. Is it like that in reality? Because I don’t want to mess up.” Mischa had a feeling that humiliation would be the biggest punishment for Tom. Not that he intended to use it; it was a cruel weapon.

“You will probably see some pairs who follow those rules, but I don’t expect you to do it. I can walk you through them before if you want to? Then you’ll at least know what they’re about.”

“Okay. I mean, thank you, sir. And yes, I’d like to go. It sounds interesting.”

“I don’t know if ‘interesting’ is the correct term, but it will be hot and probably mind-blowing for you.” He kissed Tom soundly. “I can’t wait to take you.”


After breakfast Sunday, they had the morning to play before Tom had to go back. They had had lazy, Sunday morning sex. Well, lazy, Sunday morning oral sex; Tom was predictably very sore. And equally predictably very aroused by it. Mischa couldn’t help being just a little bit smug at the thought of how Tom had screamed and come when Mischa put a finger up Tom’s ass while blowing him.

Now they were in the playroom again. Tom was in what Mischa was already thinking of as the boy’s usual position; it hadn’t taken Mischa any time at all to get used to having Tom in here.

Mischa was relaxed, purposely letting a bit of his authority go. He wanted to suggest their last scene, not order Tom to do it.

“You were scared by the cross.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yes, sir, I was.”

“I’d like to give you a flogging anyway, tied to it.”

Tom took a deep breath, looking questioningly at him.

“First of all, this is not an order; if you don’t want to do it, we won’t. And if we do it, you have your words. You can stop what we do at any time.”

Tom nodded. He seemed sincerely interested in hearing Mischa’s arguments. He had come such a long way since Friday.

“I want to do it because it scares you. Not like the enema; this isn’t a gift for me, it’s a gift for yourself. Because I think you’ll like it.”

Mischa waited, letting Tom think about it. The boy took his time, and Mischa was proud of him; Tom was no pushover. Then Tom cocked his head.

“Can I... I came without permission yesterday. I’d like to do this, but it still scares me and I’m not sure I can. Can the flogging be my punishment?” Tom met Mischa’s eyes, stoic even if his cheeks were reddening.

“It depends. Do you feel guilty about coming?” Tom looked a bit embarrassed, but shook his head no. Mischa suddenly got it.

“You want to experience how it is to be punished?” Tom nodded solemnly.

“Okay. But remember: you still have your safewords.” Tom nodded again, still looking calm. Only his hardening cock gave him away.

“Good. Come with me and choose your cuffs.” They went over to the cabinets, and Mischa opened the door where the cuffs hung. It didn’t take Tom long time to choose the sturdy double wrist and hand cuffs. “Good choice. They will keep you tight and give you something to hold on to at the same time.”

Mischa opened the drawer and studied his whips and floggers. “I won’t let you choose here, since you don’t know how they feel.” He took out his favorite flogger. “This is a simple flogger. The difference between a flogger and a whip is that a flogger feels much more like a slap than like a whiplash. You liked the spanking, and that’s why I’m choosing this one for you. Next week, I’m going to paddle your ass; I have a feeling that may turn out to be your favorite thing.” Tom nodded, accepting Mischa’s choices.

“Stand up straight. Give me your right hand.” Mischa would give Tom some time to get in the right headspace before he tied his boy to the cross.

Tom reached out, his breathing deep and even. Mischa fastened the cuff, getting the clasps closed around Tom’s hand. This cuff did not just keep him tied up; it also prevented him from even clenching his hand. The weight and the inflexibility of the heavy cuff clearly affected Tom, and he had started breathing a bit faster. When Mischa had finished with his other hand, Tom was hard and ready.

“Good boy.” He led Tom to the cross. “First, let’s walk around it. Touch it.”

Tom reached out and let his fingers glide over the padded leather. “It’s soft.” He sounded surprised.

“It is. And very solid.” Tom pushed, but it didn’t budge an inch. The sight of his boy, hard and tentatively touching his cross, made Mischa’s heart leap. So sexy.

They came back in front of it. “Still scared? It’s just a piece of furniture. A sexy one in my opinion, but no more than that.”

Tom nodded. “Yeah, I get that. Now I’m mostly worried about the flogging. Sir.”

Mischa let his hands wander over Tom’s body.”Do you still want to do it?”

“Yes, sir.” There was no hesitation.

“Good. Step closer.” Mischa tied the boy to the cross for the very first time, watching everything to memorize it: the hitch in Tom’s breath when the boy first felt his hand tied down, his hard cock, dripping and jerking when Mischa touched the cuffs, his moan when Mischa pushed his legs farther apart so the Dom could tie them to the bottom of the cross.

Then Mischa stood up, taking the flogger and getting in position. “I want to hear you. Don’t hide from me. And it’s okay to fight. That’s why you’re bound.”

Tom looked surprised. “Sir?”

He stepped in close. “It’s not all about being obedient. Sometimes it’s also about fighting me. Do what feels right for you.” Mischa stepped back. He could see his boy tense up. The first stroke was always the worst, even for an experienced sub. He let it fall.

“Ah!” The outburst was more surprise than pain. Mischa knew; he had made it even lighter than when he spanked Tom. He hit the boy again, drawing a sigh out of Tom. Then again, setting up a steady pattern of strokes to Tom’s buttocks, legs, and back.

At first, Tom struggled to stay still, to be quiet. Then he started letting his breath out with a sound, getting louder each time, and soon Mischa’s boy started writhing, trying to escape the pain.

Mischa held up his rhythm, never deviating from it. Tom was getting hoarse, the sounds from him becoming more and more guttural, primal. It sounded beautiful, and Mischa didn’t even notice how hard he was himself. He did see Tom’s erection, though, and after a last, powerful stroke, Mischa freed his own cock and stepped up close to Tom, rubbing against his boy’s sore backside.

Tom cried out, and Mischa reached around and grabbed Tom’s cock, letting his thumb slide over the head. “Come for me,” Mischa said, and ground his hips into Tom’s ass. With a shout, Tom obeyed, come spurting on the floor. Mischa forced the last sperm out of him. Then the Dom grabbed his own cock and groaned while he covered Tom’s red ass with his come. It was a beautiful sight, making Mischa shudder as his balls tried to turn themselves inside out.

He stayed like that for a moment, kissing and nuzzling his exhausted sub. Then he pulled back, and with a firm hand, Mischa rubbed his come into Tom’s reddened ass. Tom moaned quietly, and his boy’s cock twitched and forced out a last trickle of come. It made Mischa moan, too, and he had to restrain himself from starting all over again. It wasn’t the right time for it; Tom was inexperienced, and there was only so much one man could take in a weekend.

Mischa cleaned himself up and untied the cuffs strapping down Tom’s legs. Then he leaned in, undoing the wrist cuffs, ready to catch if Tom should fall.

Tom swayed back, but stayed upright. Mischa gently lowered Tom’s arms, making him moan. Then the boy turned around and pushed into Mischa’s arms. Mischa held on, letting him breathe. They stood like that until Tom almost timidly kissed Mischa’s neck. “Thank you, sir.” His voice was quiet.

“You’re welcome, boy. Let’s get you cleaned up.” He took Tom to the padded table, making him lie down. Tom rested his head on his hands, sighing contentedly.

Mischa gently washed him, making him writhe. The oil followed, and Tom relaxed under his hands.

“You did so well, boy. Good job.” Mischa let his hands slide over Tom, heavily in the beginning and then making his movements softer, less intense, bringing his boy back into the real world. “Ready to get up now?”

Tom smiled and nodded. He sat up carefully and winced when his tender butt hit the table.

Mischa laughed. “Come down and let’s take a shower. Then I’ll rub some cream into that red ass.”

In the shower, Mischa let his hands slide over Tom’s skin, keeping his movements light. “How did you like your first flogging?”

“I liked it. Which surprises me, but I did. It was such a heavy feeling, and the level of pain was just enough to make me hurt but not enough to be too much. I... kind of like to make those sounds.” Even through the water, Mischa knew that Tom was blushing. He couldn’t not be.

“I thought you would. It has been a really nice weekend. Thank you for coming to see me.” He kissed Tom gently.

“You’re welcome. I really liked being here. And I’m really looking forward to next weekend.”

“Good. That’s good.” Mischa suddenly couldn’t find any more words. He leaned his forehead against Tom’s, closing his eyes and letting the water fall over them. It had been a very, very good weekend.

Chapter 5

Mischa was somewhat apprehensive. The thing was, he was a forty-year-old investment manager, very successful at what he was doing. He was also a hard-ass Dom, equally successful, if his screaming little subs were anything to go by. None of these things went very well with being teased. Nonetheless, Toby hadn’t even tried to keep his laughter at bay.

It had begun very innocently. Mischa had called Toby, saying that he was coming to the party and that he was bringing someone.

“Sure, sounds good. Do you want to reserve a room or do a scene?”

“No, not yet. Tom is new to this, and I’m basically showing him what the lifestyle is about.”

“Tom?” Mischa knew right away that he had fucked up. Even so, he wasn’t about to admit it.

“Yes. That’s his name.”

“I see. And this Tom -- is he even into kink?” He could just hear how much Toby was enjoying this.

“He is. Otherwise I wouldn’t bring him.” Watch him being stubborn.

“No, of course you wouldn’t. I’m just interested in hearing about the man who has broken your ‘boys don’t have names’ rule. You have been very consistent about that, you know.”

He had. Hell, he didn’t even remember half the names of the subs he’d had. He remembered their sounds and what turned them on, but their names? Not really.

“Yes, well, this one has.” Mischa wasn’t going to be teased.

“He sure has. And I couldn’t help notice that you said ‘not
.’ Does that mean that you’re planning to break your equally longstanding tradition of never doing more than one scene with a boy? ‘One boy, one scene,’ you call it, as far as I remember.” Damn Toby and his clever mind. Trust him to catch something like that.

“I might.” No need to tell him that Mischa, technically, already had broken that rule. Not since Toby was already laughing out loud. Okay, he was being teased. Damn it.

But Toby wasn’t mean, and he had sounded genuine when he said that he looked forward to seeing them Saturday. Well, he probably was, being the curious bastard that he was.

So, Mischa didn’t really feel all that master-ly and tough. It didn’t help that he had actually given in to temptation and called Tom. After trying hard for more than two days not to do so.

“Hi, Mischa! It’s so good to hear from you.” Tom had sounded surprised, happy to talk to him. It had made Mischa feel a bit less foolish.

“Hello, Tom. How are you?”

“Oh, I’m fine. Working my ass off, as usual, to have time to be with you on the weekend.” Tom suddenly sounded worried. “Are we still on? Did you call to say that something came up?”

“No, no, everything’s fine. I just called you to say that I’ve told the owner of the club that we’re coming.” Yeah, right. That was the reason he called. Not to hear that happy voice. Nope.

“Okay. I can’t wait to see you in your natural environment.” Wait. Was he being teased again?

“I mean, on the prowl along with other predators like you.” He was. And he couldn’t even help taking the bait.

“I won’t be on the prowl, you know. I’ll have you with me.” Mischa was even growling. He was way too easy.

Tom’s voice went all husky and low. “You will. I’m thinking about wearing a pair of jeans and then going without a top. Or maybe I should just borrow some leather from you?”

Mischa really, really tried to keep back his moan. And failed miserably. “I have a pair of black leather chaps you can wear. Bring your jeans and a black jockstrap, then you can try them on and we’ll decide what you’ll wear.”

The only consolation for his own lack of control was the little squeak Tom made. “I will, sir.”

Mischa quickly ended the call, not wanting to have it end up in phone sex. Which was where he was heading if he had to listen to Tom’s voice for much longer.

So, Mischa had some serious worries about his reputation. The odd thing was that those worries didn’t apply to Tom. Yes, he was the reason for the whole mess, but the boy was also the sweetest thing that had happened to Mischa in a long time. And one Mischa didn’t want to give up.

Mischa started. Was it as simple as that? All his principles going to hell over a graduate student fifteen years younger than him? The scary part was that the answer seemed so simple. He snorted; maybe he had even learned something about going with the flow from Tom. Maybe it could be that easy. It sure felt like it.


It was Saturday morning and they were in the playroom. Tom had had an emergency meeting the day before, and they hadn’t gotten to Mischa’s house until late in the evening. Mischa had made the boy undress and suck him off in the hallway. Tom had fallen into his headspace naturally, and even if his hard dick made the boy moan with need, he didn’t complain about going to bed without coming. It was a rush for Mischa to see him take to it this easily.

Now Mischa was walking around the boy, circling him in his most predatory manner. Tom was hard, had been all morning. The boy was stubborn, though, standing proudly upright, head held high. Mischa let his finger brush Tom’s slit ever so lightly, but even the light touch made Tom whimper. He was ready.

“Today, you’re going to get your first paddling. It’s going to hurt, but it’s the kind of pain that you like. You’ll enjoy it so much.” Tom was blushing, of course he was, but his cock was hard as nails.

Mischa walked him to the bench and bent him over it. “Put your legs on the ledges here. Good.” Without warning his sub, Mischa strapped Tom down, hands and legs and waist, making the boy gasp. As he had thought, Tom was excited enough to react just right to the rougher treatment, moaning and rubbing against the bench. Mischa chuckled and opened the bench from beneath, making sure Tom wouldn’t come before Mischa wanted him to. Tom whimpered but tried to comply. Beautiful.

“Stay here. I’m going to get a paddle.” He knew how vulnerable it was going to make Tom feel, being alone and tied up. Of course, the boy wasn’t alone at all -- Mischa never took his eyes off him -- but Tom would feel that way. It would make him think; make him realize what they were doing. Mischa wanted to hear the result of that.

He deliberately dragged out time, choosing the heavy leather paddle and then just watching his boy. Tom was pulling at the cuffs; not fighting them, just ensuring that they were tight. Mischa had a hunch that Tom would like to fight. But that took trust, and they weren’t entirely there yet.

He went back to Tom, letting his hand glide over the boy’s back. “Ready for your paddling, boy?”

“Yes, sir, please. Please paddle my ass. Please make it hurt.” In the last minute, Mischa managed to transform his moan into a sigh. If this was what his boy wanted, then Mischa would gladly give it to him.

“Don’t worry, boy. I will.” He didn’t waste any time and let the first slap fall. The air rushed out of Tom. Mischa hit him again, making him jerk and adjust his legs. Mischa didn’t hold back but gave him slap after slap of hard, solid whacks. Tom lifted his ass a little, seeking more feeling. That was so fucking hot, and Mischa kept up his paddling.

He held a steady rhythm of hard slaps, and after a while Tom started to writhe. Mischa could sense the pain getting worse, could hear it in Tom’s labored breathing that was turning into gasps, then to moans. The boy’s cock never went down, though.

Mischa added another hard blow to the reddened ass, and Tom cried out. “No! Sir, it hurts, it hurts.” He didn’t sound panicked, though, and Mischa just kept up. Tom started begging, his words almost incomprehensible, asking for more, to stop, to let him come. Mischa smiled.

“Take it, boy. Take my pain.” Mischa’s words made Tom groan, and for a moment the boy lifted his butt, trying to get more. Then it hurt too much and he whimpered, using what little leeway the straps gave him to jerk and struggle.

“Stop fighting the pain. Accept it. Go with it.” Mischa knew that Tom was at a limit here; not of how much he could take, but a line between fighting and hurting and then just accepting, flowing with the pain.

And Tom crossed the line, as easy as that. He was gasping now, his breath rushing out of him with every smack, ending on a keening noise. He was still hard, and Mischa knew that Tom had found somewhere he could stay in the middle of the pain. Mischa let the slaps get a little lighter; the aim was to keep Tom right here, and the sensitivity from the earlier smacks meant that the boy would perceive this as the same pain level as before.

His boy was singing now, sounds flowing from Tom with no barriers, no attempts of forming words. It was exhilarating to witness, and Mischa wanted to keep him here forever. But that would damage Tom, and Mischa had to let his smacks get lighter, let the tension go down.

“No! Please, sir, please.” It made Mischa’s breath catch in his throat hearing his boy ask for more, to let it go on. He put the paddle down and grabbed Tom’s ass, squeezing it. Tom yelped, panted.

“You like this, don’t you?”

“Yes, sir, I like it. Please, give me what I need.” It was the biggest turn on for Mischa, hearing his boy beg like this. He smacked Tom’s butt, enjoying the strangled noise from Tom. Then he let his hand find Tom’s cock.

“Oh, you’re still hard, aren’t you?” Mischa brushed the hard member lightly; if he gave Tom any more sensation, the boy would come on the spot.

“Yes, sir, so hard for you. Please, take me. Please, sir.” Well, Mischa hadn’t really planned to, but Tom was begging so prettily. He found a condom and lubed himself up.

He quickly put a finger in Tom’s ass, then two. Mischa didn’t want to be gentle; he wanted Tom to take him and his pain and his arousal. Tom just hissed and pushed back, trying to get more.

Mischa took out his fingers and placed his cock at Tom’s entrance. Then he pushed in, making Tom shout when Mischa breached the boy’s tight opening. Mischa didn’t let up, but pushed all the way in, making Tom grunt and groan when Mischa bottomed out.

Mischa didn’t take his time, couldn’t; he needed to move and did so, taking his boy deeply, pushing himself inside and shouting out with the pleasure. He ground his hips into Tom, ripping the sounds from the boy and pushing the pain deep into him. Then Mischa had to move, and he started slapping his hips into Tom’s tender ass, forcing the shouts out of his boy like he did with the paddle. It was too much, and Mischa came, yelling and shaking, his hips moving in spasms while he pumped his seed into the condom deep inside his boy’s body.

He let Tom take his weight, panting for breath. Then Mischa had to pull out, Tom whimpering as he did so. Mischa fumbled for his boy’s dick and felt it hanging limply under the bench.

“Sorry, sir.” Tom sounded a bit sheepish.

“I didn’t say you couldn’t come, did I?” And hell, it did make Mischa feel smug to make Tom come like that.

“I guess not.” Tom moved a bit, head turning to follow where Mischa went to get a towel and some cream. Mischa cleaned himself up and turned back. He had to stop for a moment, taking in the sight of his boy. Tom’s body was limp on the bench, ass red and looking so obscene that Mischa moaned.

Tom blushed and smiled, shyly. “I... I look okay?”

Mischa went over and let his hand glide over the red ass, none too gently. Tom gasped, hips shivering under Mischa’s fingers.

“You look fucking hot. If you hadn’t just made my balls turn themselves inside out, I would fuck you again.”

Tom sighed, accepting the sting of Mischa’s caresses. Fuck, the boy was a natural.

“I take it that I was right -- you did like this?”

Tom laughed out loud. “Oh yes, you have every right to say ‘I told you so!’ God, that was good. Please do that again next weekend.” Then Tom blushed and bit his lip.

Mischa smiled. Tom had been very particular about not demanding more of Mischa’s time, of keeping it casual. It was nice to know that Mischa wasn’t the only one wanting more of it. “I will, don’t worry.”

Tom looked relieved, and Mischa bent down and kissed him. Then Mischa helped him up, laughing at the shocked expression on the boy’s face as Tom felt the sting on his butt. Mischa leaned in and smacked it one last time.

“Ow, fuck!” Tom jumped. “I mean, sir. That stings.”

Mischa just laughed and winked at him. “I know.”


Mischa wanted their afternoon scene to be light; he didn’t want to blow Tom’s mind before the party tonight. On the other hand, he wanted Tom to be in the right headspace.

That was why he had Tom back in the playroom after lunch, leading the boy to the bench again. Tom looked a bit apprehensive; there was no doubt that he could still feel his sore ass if the color was anything to go by. Mischa didn’t have any more paddlings in mind, though.

He helped Tom up but didn’t fasten the straps. “I want you to keep yourself still for this. Did you clean yourself thoroughly?” Tom blushed, but nodded.

Without further explanations, Mischa went to the cabinets and got what he needed. He slicked the toy up and showed it to Tom. “Do you know what these are?”

Tom looked curiously at the bright blue beads. “Well, I think I can guess. They... They go up my ass?” He obviously had to struggle to get the words out.

“They do. And they’re called beads. You can get them in all kinds and sizes. Some of them you can hardly feel, some of them are big enough to make you yell. And yes, I like them.” Mischa let his hands glide over the soft material, the lube making the beads glisten. “These are five different sizes, two of each size. Even the big ones won’t be too difficult for you to take. You’ll like them. Now, bend over while I put them in you.”

He could see the boy get all flustered by his brusque order; Mischa was giving Tom less and less time to adjust, pushing him a bit more. Tom bent over, though, and grabbed the cuffs to have something to hold on to.

“Good boy. Here comes the first ball.” He pushed the little ball in, making Tom gasp. Mischa smiled knowingly.

“Yeah, it feels good, doesn’t it? How about this?” He pulled out the ball again.

“Oh! Oh, that’s good, sir.” Tom ground his hips.

“It is. You’re going to take the whole string like that: one ball in, out again, two balls in, and so on. Do you think you can handle that?” Mischa was almost grinning; he was quite sure that Tom could handle it.

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