Read A Second Chance Love Online

Authors: T.K. Paige

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

A Second Chance Love (2 page)

“Okay, Jacob. Let’s go.”

When he automatically stepped to the side so he could follow me, my heart clenched. It was just so Jacob. One of the small, gentlemanly gestures that were such an innate part of him that had I to steel myself for whatever happened. Becs might have been hopeful, but I was too afraid to be. How often did people get second chances?


* * * *


Wearing only his favorite faded blue jeans, like Jacob, Kyle stood next to the stone fireplace in the living room with a hand covering his eyes. His thick blond hair was pulled back in the short ponytail he preferred. I couldn’t keep from admiring his chest. He wasn’t as broad or tall as Jacob, but his muscles were just as well defined. When I came into the room he dropped his hand and searched my face with worried jade-green eyes. He hurried over to me and blurted, “Don’t go, Kerri!”

I smiled at him and hugged him tight. “I don’t know if I can stay any longer… It hurts too much.”

“Did I do something? Did we do something?”

I looked up into his face. “No. It’s me. I need more.”

“More what? You want to go back to work at a restaurant or something more like that?”

I leaned into him and laid my head on his shoulder, savoring the feel of him against me as he hugged me to him. “No, I like working on the ranch. I like taking care of you and Jacob and the rest of the guys.”

“Then what do you mean, Kerri?” Jacob came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. His voice shook slightly. “There isn’t anything we wouldn’t give you or do for you.”

“You know that I will always love Caleb, right?”

Kyle cupped my cheek gently. “Of course we do, sweetie. And so does Caleb.”

“I‘m changing, Kyle. It’s like I’m waking from a bad dream.” My throat closed up as I fought back my tears. When Jacob turned me around to hug me, they started leaking out. “I’m ready to move on.”

“Do you think that we don’t want you to be happy? That we would be upset if you were ready to move on?” Jacob sounded so tender and yet very sad too. “Is there someone new?”

“Yes.” I could barely force the word out. I had lost Caleb. I didn’t think I could survive losing these two men who had snuck into my heart.

Kyle made a small sound of pain and took a step back from me. I tried to pull away from Jacob, but he tightened his hands on my shoulders and growled at me. “Who, Kerri?”

I froze. Once I said it I couldn’t take it back. Everything would change.

“You are leaving us because of this asshole, whoever the fuck he is!” Kyle’s eyes were snapping with green fire as he started pacing, waving his arms around. “Who?”

I watched the normally easy-going Kyle storm around the living room, my mouth agape in shock. I breathed his name, but he was so worked up he didn’t acknowledge my stunned whisper.

“Kyle,” Jacob admonished him. “You need to calm down.”

Fuck calm! Calm hasn’t worked

He raged at us and my jaw dropped as he stalked over to me. Then he was pressing me back against Jacob with a determined set to his jaw.

“We tried your way, babe, giving her time and space, and now she is leaving us… My turn now.”

Kyle slammed his mouth down on mine. When I gasped in surprise, he quickly deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue in and I was lost.

It was everything I had ever fantasized about. Every nerve ending in my body came to life as Kyle devoured my mouth, pinning me between two of the sexiest men I had ever known. Kyle ground his hips into me, his large erection pressing into my stomach, and I just caught fire. All tentativeness forgotten, I wrapped my arms around Kyle’s shoulders as I rocked myself into him desperately. I wanted to feel him rubbing against me.
I want to feel him in me!
He buried one of his hands in my hair, pulling my head to one side. I sensed his other hand wrap around Jacob’s neck. Pulling his head down toward us. I slowed my kiss with Kyle as I prayed that Jacob wanted this too.

God, please! Let this happen!
I felt Jacob resist for a moment. It was enough to make me stiffen, my hope dying as quickly as it had flared to life. I pulled my mouth from Kyle to protest. “No, Kyle. Jacob doesn’t think of me that way. Don’t force him.” My voice shook with tears as I tried to get away from them. Every hope that I had in my heart was dying.

Kyle tightened his arms. “Babe, please. You have got to let her see, or we will lose her for sure.”

Jacob gave a low groan and pulled my hips back into him. He shoved his lower body against me, and I jerked in surprise. He was larger than Kyle and rock hard. Then he growled in my ear. “You believe I don’t think of you that way? You couldn’t be more wrong.”

He started kissing, licking and nipping up and down my neck, leaving me gasping as each of his actions set off ripples of fiery sensation that echoed all the way through me. His hands roamed up and down, grazing the sides of my breasts, which were swelling with arousal, nipples stabbing into Kyle’s bare chest as he pressed into me again and took possession of my mouth. All I could do was moan into the kiss while I wrapped one arm up around each of their necks, hanging on to them.

I don’t know how long it continued like that. Every little move they made heightened the waves of pleasure that consumed me. Every little whimper or mewl from me was met with rumbles of hungry approval from the two men. It went on and on until it seemed like forever, but when Kyle pulled his mouth away from mine, I realized that it hadn’t lasted anywhere near long enough. I was aching with unfulfilled desire and even more at the thought that this might be all there ever was.
I’m not ready for it to be over!
I whimpered in protest and clutched at them, trying to pull them tighter to me.

“Who is he, Kerri? Can he give you what Jacob and I can give you? What we have always wanted to give you?” Kyle’s voice was raw with pain. “Why can’t you see us?”

“You don’t understand. There isn’t anyone else.”

“Then why were you leaving us?”

Oh, God, Jacob—big, strong Jacob who had always been a tower of silent strength for me—sounded devastated.

“Because I love the two of you.” My throat was tight with tears. I had gotten a glimpse of what I had been yearning for, and I was so afraid it wouldn’t, couldn’t last. “I know you two are bi, that you have taken women to your bed, but never for more than a few weeks at the most… I don’t think I could take only having you both for a little while and then having to walk away. I would rather not know what I was missing and keep my friends forever.”

Jacob and Kyle looked at each other. Kyle reached out to Jacob in an almost pleading gesture. Jacob took his hand and gave it a squeeze. They shifted so they were both standing facing me.

Jacob spoke first, very gently. “Kerri, we have always wanted a woman for forever, but none of the ones that we took to bed were the right one. Don’t you understand why?”

I shook my head, a wild hope building inside me. They couldn’t mean what I wished. Could they? I clutched their hands.

“Why?” My voice broke on the one word that held every dream of them that I had kept silent for so long.

It was Jacob that answered, blue eyes full of tenderness. “They weren’t you, Kerri. It was always you that we wanted forever with.”

Then it was Kyle’s turn again. “We have always loved you, but you only saw Caleb. We loved you both too much to ever try to come between you two.” Kyle sighed. “We tried to find someone else, because we knew you had a forever with Caleb, but it never seemed right. Nobody ever fit the two us as perfectly as you do. All those times it was just the three of us hanging out in college while Caleb was in class or studying because he insisted on doing a double major and building a close friendship. I don’t know how to explain it.” His eyes strayed to Jacob, an unspoken plea.

“You don’t realize it, but if Caleb hadn’t asked you out at that game, we would’ve. Because, yes, we were young and liked to play around with girls sometimes. Caleb wasn’t the only that fell for you at first sight, Kerri. But we were truly happy for the two of you yet…” Jacob’s mouth twisted wryly. “There was always a wistful thought of what if Caleb hadn’t been at that game. Kyle and I are happy together, but we fell in love with you. Then after college we missed you and trying to bring anyone new in never worked. They never fit like you.”

Kyle brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. “And when Caleb died, we wanted to make sure you would be okay. We mourned Caleb. While we never stopped loving you, he was our family too and you were a connection to him. We didn’t bring you here hoping for something to happen.”

“It’s been over two years.” The first year had been so hard, but I had started living again a while ago. “Why didn’t you say anything until now?”

“We were afraid of losing you too. We kept hoping that when you were ready, you would notice us.”

I smiled at them. “Oh, I did. It snuck up on me. All those nights spent watching you two snuggled up on the sofa while I sat in the chair with my crocheting. At first I just wished I had Caleb back. I don’t even know when it changed to me wanting to be with you both on that sofa.” I blushed deeply. “Listening to you two in bed at night and wishing I was there too.”

Jacob turned fire engine red. “Oh, God, you could hear us?”

“I don’t think you need to embarrassed, babe, look at her face.” Kyle’s eyes were filled with heat while he grinned. “I think she liked it.”

Oh, my God!
I blushed even deeper. Of course I had liked it. If by liked it they meant turned on to the point of digging a toy out of my nightstand and bringing myself to orgasm to the sounds of their groans and shouts of completion then, yeah, I had liked the hell out of it. Frequently.

Jacob sent me a passionate look. “Did you?”

The hell with being shy about this. “I more than liked it. I listened for it every night for the last six months, fantasizing about being in bed with you. Imagining what you looked like together.” My voice lowered as I continued, “Imagining what you would feel like in my mouth and taste like… What you would feel like in me…both of you in me at the same time.”

They pressed me in between them again. But now Kyle was rubbing his cock into my ass and Jacob was in front of me. This time I didn’t hesitate. I went pliant between them as I whimpered with desire, spreading my legs to feel the best possible contact. I was swollen, wet and needy.

This time I knew they both wanted me as much as I wanted them, and that made me feel bolder than I would have believed possible. When Jacob gently grazed my sides this time, I wanted more. I tugged his hands to where they cupped my full breasts, then moaned when he squeezed and zeroed in on my stiff nipples with his thumbs. Kyle was caressing my stomach, the muscles twitching in delight. Then he was moving farther down to cup my pussy. I knew he could feel how wet I was, even through my worn cut-offs.

“Please, more.” I moaned.

“What do you want, sweetheart?” Jacob whispered in my ear. “How much are you ready for?”

Kyle was at my other ear. “You need to tell us, because we have had years to think about all the things that we want to do to you. Things you may not be ready for…”

“Do you want us one at time? Or together? Can you take one of us in your ass?”

God, Jacob sounded dark and dirty, as my mind filled with the images he was creating. The thought of one them stroking in and out of my pussy, of being filled with one of their thick cocks, while the other was fucking my ass…
Oh, God…
Was it really possible to be this turned on and nervous at the same time?

I swallowed, my throat tight with hope and desire as I asked, “This is for real, right? We can make this work?”

Jacob cupped my face, gentle blue eyes looking down at me in a way that I had only seen directed at Kyle before. “Yes.”

“Then, yes, I want it all.” My voice shook with nerves, but I was going to take the risk. I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and quickly pulled it over my head. As soon as it was off, Kyle unhooked my bra and slid the straps off my shoulders while Jacob unzipped my shorts then pushed them to the ground along with my panties. I should have been self-conscious, and I would have been if I had stopped to think about it, but the only thing that filled me was the desire to see them naked too.

I reached for Jacob’s jeans, fumbling a bit as I hastily unsnapped them and lowered the zipper. He swore as he impatiently shoved them and his briefs down and kicked them out of the way. I about swallowed my tongue as I looked at him. He was hung like a porn star, long, thick and cut. His cock was rock hard and flushed, steadily leaking pre-cum as it stood proudly jutting up and curving back toward him slightly.

Kyle whispered in my ear from behind me. “His dick is gorgeous, isn’t it? It feels even better than it looks. Soft and hard and hot, it will feel fantastic when he fucks you with it. He loves to fuck hard and fast, all you can do is hold on and beg him to let you come. He really likes it when you beg.”

Licking my lips, I turned my head to Kyle and lifted an eyebrow. I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

Kyle grinned and whispered, “Go for it, sweetheart.”

I gave Kyle a quick kiss and I reached out to touch Jacob. When I started running my hands gently over his wide, muscled chest, being careful to just tease his nipples, he drew in a sharp breath, his eyes darkening as he shuddered at my touch. I deliberately tantalized with whisper soft touches, enjoying the feel of his light dusting of chest hair. I wanted to make him crazy with desire so he’d forget about any other woman that had ever touched him.

When I leaned forward to lightly flick his nipple with my tongue, he groaned, and when I latched on to suck it hard, he swore. I smiled to myself. If he liked that, I wondered what he would think of my next move. I slowly started to lower myself to my knees, licking delicately as I followed his thin treasure trail down to what I desperately wanted to taste.

He gasped when my chin bumped the tip of his leaking cock, and gently held my head as I moved so I could nuzzle it on my way to lick his balls. He made moans of approval as I drew first one then the other into my mouth, swirling my tongue around, searching for what he reacted to the most. I loved the feel of him, the contrast of the soft, wrinkly skin and the crisp hairs that slightly tickled me. His balls were just large enough that I couldn’t keep them both in my mouth, so I moved them around and gently sucked first one then the other. I relished his flavor, a little salty, a little musky and very, very male.

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