Read Abandoned but Not Alone Online

Authors: Theresa L. Henry

Abandoned but Not Alone (9 page)

Shut up you idiot, there will be no
fighting, violence is never the answer.

If you say so sweetness, but what would
you call grinding your heel into his foot


Whatever, don

t do as I do, do as I say. Those are my words of wisdom and will
keep you out of trouble until you learn to fight. Come on lets go eat, I'm


Dinner was
winding down; when the band that had been playing soothing jazz throughout the
meal changed the tempo indicating that the dance floor was soon to open.
Appearing before a microphone standing in the middle of the stage, Hope and Steve
called for everyone


Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your
attention please. Thank you all for coming out to join Hope and I for our
wedding reception. As most of you know we wanted to have a small intimate
ceremony, which will be taking place tomorrow, but we also wanted an
opportunity to bring all our friends together to celebrate with us. So far this
has been a perfect evening.

We have a very special treat for you
tonight. Aviva Johnson, my best friend and song writer has agreed to sing a
song composed especially for Steve and I as we take our first dance, ladies and
gentlemen, please show your appreciation for

Ms Aviva Johnson.

fluttered in Aviva

s stomach
as she walked towards the stage, only having agreed to sing as it was Hope that
had requested it of her, she wouldn

t have
agreed to sing in public for anyone else. As each step took her closer to the
stage and the waiting crowd, she was gripped by the nearly overwhelming urge to
bolt, always preferring to stay behind the scenes. Too late now Aviva thought
as she stood in place ready to say a few words before the start of her

Hope, Steve, I love you guys very much.
The song I

m going to
sing as you take your first dance is called

Special Love

. I hope
the journey on which you are both embarking will be special, and endure a

to the band leader that she was ready, Aviva turned to the crowd and began to
sing. Her contralto voice low and sultry, wrapping layer upon layer of feeling
throughout the lyrics of the song.

I waited a
lifetime for your love, a love that would pass the test of time, and I found
this special love with you. The gentle touch of your hands tells me I

m special, that you
will never let me fall. The look in your eyes speaks of love everlasting, my
darling I found this special love with you.

I found
this with you, this love that completes me, a journey just started yet
everlasting, because we

re together

m so glad,
I found this love with you.  I

ll love you
today, tomorrow and always, because I found this special love with you.

Whisper to
me words of love as we walk together through life, and when our life here is
over we will always
be remembered for the feelings we left behind to inspire
those around us to embark on a journey like ours, filled with a special love.

I found
this love with you, this love that completes me, a journey just started yet
everlasting, because we

re together

m so glad,
I found this love with you. I

ll love you
today, tomorrow and always, because I found this special love with you.

watched as Hope and Steve moved around the dance floor holding each other in a
tight embrace, and as she watched the couple, Jason watched her. As the chords
of the final chorus drifted away she looked over at Jason to find him staring
at her, intensity alive in his eyes, causing her to almost forget the final
words of the song. Aviva tried to look away but she couldn

t, and in that moment she was unsure if
she even wanted to. Their gazes held firm as she brought the words to an end.

The sound
of applause tore Aviva's eyes from Jason

s penetrating gaze; coming back to herself she looked around at
the gathered crowd and proffered a small bow to acknowledge their show of
appreciation. Blowing a kiss to Hope and Steve, Aviva turned and made her way
off the stage, heading straight for the balcony doors to get some much needed
air. She knew she had a good singing voice and had been told so repeatedly
growing up. The pastor of their church would always call on her to lead the praise
and worship section of the Sunday service; it was at those moments her mother
would be the most proud of her. Whenever Aviva thought of her life back in
England, it brought back the good feelings of her mother

s love coupled with the realization that
she was gone. She would never again be enfolded in her arms, never again hear
the sound of her mother

s voice
filled with encouragement that she could do and be anything she set her mind

Chapter 6

As the cool
night breeze washed over her heated skin, Aviva's thoughts of her mother
brought tears to her eyes. Looking up at the twinkling stars that bathed the
heavens, she gave up a small prayer.

I love you
mama, I hope you

re still
proud of me.

Who are you speaking to, Angel?

jumped as Jason

s deep
voice penetrated her thoughts. Surreptitiously wiping the tell tail signs of
tears from the corner of her eyes, Aviva turned, offering him a bittersweet

I was speaking to my mother.

Your mothers


asked peering into the darkened corners that surrounded the balcony.

Where is she, I

d like an introduction and to congratulate her on her very
talented daughter.


s not here physically; she died when I was seventeen. At moments
like this, when I feel her presence surrounding me, I talk to her.

Aviva said, a gentle smile touching her
lips as she remembered the kind, gentle soul that had been her mother. A woman,
who throughout her life had made no mistakes except loving a man unworthy of
her love, a man who had taken something pure and freely offered, ripping it to
pieces and discarded the tattered remnants of her mother

s life; never once looking behind to see
the devastation his selfish actions had wrought.

And your father, do you still have
contact with him?

The look of
gentle contemplation immediately left Aviva

s face and Jason knew he had said the wrong thing. Unsure as to
the reason; he took a step closer and placed a long finger beneath her chin,
raising her face so they looked into each others eyes.

What about your father, Angel?

away Aviva again raised her eyes the night sky. 

He lives right here in California with his wife and family.

His wife and family?

Yeah, we don

t really speak, you see I

m his dirty little secret that came to America and almost destroyed
his perfect life, with his perfect wife and their perfect children. And I
prefer not to speak about him.


m sorry Angel.

Why should you be sorry my father wants
nothing to do with me?

Good question, now I think about it, I

m sorry for him, he

s not a part of your life and he

s missing out on the opportunity
to know a very special

Stop it Jason, you don

t know me, in fact you don

t know anything about me and my name is
Aviva, not Angel. Please go back inside; I just need a few moments alone to
cool down.

of her mother and father

s tragic
love affair pulled up unwanted memories of anger, bitterness and pain for a man
who was ashamed of her very existence. Tears of frustration sprang to her eyes
as they always did whenever she thought of her father.


s okay Angel, any emotion you display is alright with me. If you
need to cry on my shoulders they

re broad


t you hear what I just said, leave me alone, please, I just need
some time by myself.

Cupping his
hands lightly around Aviva

s cheeks,
Jason slowly bent his head and placed a soft kiss against her forehead.
Frustrated at his refusal to listen to her she tried to pull away from his
gentle ministration, alarmed at how
comfortable it felt to be comforted
by this man in such a short period of time.

against his chest Aviva attempted to move Jason out of her space as the tears
she had valiantly tried to hold at bay found a path through her closed eyelids.
Refusing to back away Jason followed up the first kiss with another, first
against one tightly closed eyelid and then the next.  For a moment he stilled
all movement. Aviva held her breath in anticipation of where he would place his
next kiss. She didn

t have long
to wait as she felt the brush of his lips against her own before he murmured.


s going to be okay Angel, you

ve got me now, and I know just how special you are.

Jason I don

t think this is a good

Shh, sometimes you need to think less and
feel more, this is one of those times.

Jason whispered as he took Aviva

s lips in a kiss meant to express the feelings that had already
taken hold of him. As he rubbed his lips against hers he pulled her tighter
into his warm embrace, so tight he could feel her heartbeat as it increased in
pace to a tempo that matched his own. He had only wanted to offer comfort but
the feel of her soft body against his own was his undoing, he wanted more, he
needed more. Every time he touched this woman something happened to him. Having
no inclination to dissect or fight his feelings, he went with his heart and
deepened the kiss, using his tongue to part her lips as he thrust into her
mouth claiming the kiss he had wanted from the very moment she started singing
the song created for Steve and Hope. The lyrics had so resonated with him; it
was as though she had pulled the thoughts from within his mind and transferred
them through song.

She was
driving him mad, he wanted her so much, needed her so much. Pulling his mouth
from hers, Jason placed soft kisses against the side of her face.

Do you have any idea what you do to me,
how you make me feel?

Jason stop, please stop. It

s too much.

  Aviva pleaded in a weak voice, feeling as though they were
moving too fast and she was losing control of the situation

of herself.

Yes Jason, this is hardly the time or the

This was said by a
surprised Hope who neither of them had heard approach, so lost were they in
emotion. Jason unhurriedly released Aviva as they glanced in Hope

s direction. Aviva felt the heat of
another blush pass over her face, embarrassed to be caught kissing Jason on the
balcony, where anyone could have come across them, as Hope had. Jason had no
such feelings of embarrassment; he was just pissed at Hope

s terrible timing.

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