Read Aced Online

Authors: Ella Frank,Brooke Blaine

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Gay

Aced (19 page)

“Hey,” Dylan said from behind me, and I heard him getting off the couch. “It’s okay. We can keep this quiet for however long you need it to stay that way.”

“And what if I don’t know how long that is?” I rubbed my hands over my face, frustrated. This was ridiculous. I should’ve felt free to pursue the gorgeous man behind me—that was why I’d come out in the first place. But instead, I was back to square one. Terrified that someone would find out I wanted Dylan more than I wanted to take my next breath.

When a tentative hand touched my back, I let out a sigh. I knew what I was asking of him wasn’t fair.
But am I really asking, if he offered first?
And it isn’t like it will be that way forever.

“Well,” Dylan said, and stepped around in front of me. When our eyes met, he waggled his brows. “Then we get creative.” I frowned, and the expression had Dylan laughing. “Don’t look so excited by the notion.”

I opened my mouth to respond, and Dylan’s hand whipped out so he could press his forefinger to my lips. “Just listen for a minute. Yeah?”

He was grinning at me in a way that made me want to kiss him senseless. It was a flirty smile. One that was full of mischief. So I nodded, wondering what he would say next.

“I want you too.”

Those words were like a shot of adrenaline straight to my heart, but then Dylan continued talking and the rush traveled much further south.

“And if I have to have you behind closed doors, in dark corners, and under fucking stairs…I will take it. But I have one request.”

The devil was lurking beneath the sensual smile that was tempting me to come play with him. And I more than wanted to keep playing with him. “What’s that?”

Dylan smoothed his palm up my bare chest to my shoulder and said, “When we’re together, like this, you let your guard down. I will sign whatever you need me to sign to put your mind at ease. But if I have you, and your body is going to be inside mine, I want to know you. The

Dylan definitely had me. I just wondered how long he would want me.

* * *

ACE BROUGHT HIS hands up to cup my face and then leaned in to brush a kiss over my lips, and when he raised his head he said, “What do you want to know?”

seemed like too much to ask for right off the bat, and I wasn’t immune to the tension that had made the air thick inside my tiny apartment, so I said something I figured would lighten the mood—or at least change the focus.

“Mmm.” I nipped at his lower lip and ran my hand up his neck and around to cup the back of his head, holding him in place as I whispered against his lips, “Tell me something you’ve always wanted to try that you’ve never told anyone else.”

Ace’s lips curved against mine and he let go of my face to bring his hands down to my waist. Wrapping his arms around me, he hauled me in close with those strong arms of his, and I looped mine around his neck.

“I’ve always wanted to take singing lessons.”

I pulled back from him and raised an eyebrow, and Ace chuckled.

“Ahh…not exactly what I meant.”

“Then you need to be more specific with your questions. Don’t you know, us celebrity types are professionals when it comes to sidestepping.”

“You celebrity types are evasive shits.”

Ace squeezed the denim covering my ass, and when he ground his hips against mine, I lost some of my indignation and groaned instead.

“Be more specific. If you want to know something about the real me, then you have to ask. I know you don’t lack the balls.”

That had my mouth falling open, and then I lost it and started laughing. “Seriously? I can’t believe you just said that to me. Fine. But remember,” I said, and stroked my fingers up and down the back of his neck. “You asked for this.”

“So, in other words, I should have another drink before we launch into your twenty questions?”

I pursed my lips, pretending to mull that over. “Perhaps, but before you do that, answer my first question.”

True to the agitator I was now coming to know Ace as, he feigned forgetfulness. “And what exactly was that again?”

“Tell me something
that you’ve always wanted to try that you’ve never told anyone else.”

Ace’s fingers flexed on my ass again as a blush hit his cheeks, and damn, that made him look even sexier. I put my lips to his jaw and kissed my way along the stubble until I was at his ear. “Tell me. And I will tell you something I’ve never told anyone.” I flicked my tongue over his lobe and then added, “Please.”

“Fuck, Dylan.”

I could feel Ace’s erection now as he rubbed his hips over mine, and I knew whatever was about to come out of his mouth was going to be something I would do everything in my power to make happen.

“My car.”

My pulse sped up at the mention of his wicked ride, but as I recalled the tight confines of the vehicle, I frowned. “I need you to elaborate a little on that. Because as sexy as that car is, it’s a little snug on the inside.”

“Who said I was talking about the inside?”

Oh hell.
If he meant what I thought he did then I was—

“I was thinking more…”

Keep going. Keep going… Say it. Please, God, say it.

“Your idea. You know, the one you had when you watched
Hard Throttle
? Me, bent over the hood of it.”

Fuck me.
Or should I say, fuck Ace? “
is the hottest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. It’s now forever ingrained in my mind as a go-to fantasy.”

One of Ace’s hands left my ass to move to the front of my jeans. I’d left them unbuttoned, so it was easy enough for him to slide the zipper down and slip his hand inside. I sucked in a breath of air as his fingers wrapped around me, and when he said, “Just a fantasy?” I moaned.

“I was kind of hoping you’d take me up on the offer.”

Ace maneuvered me backward until my back was against the wall and then stroked his fist up my length as he shoved a leg between mine.

“Hmmm. Who said I wasn’t going to? I’m not going to give all my…
Oh shit
,” I said around a muffled groan. Ace’s lips were on my jaw now, his teeth sinking into my flesh as his fingers flexed around me.

“You’re something else when you’re turned on. Your eyes change from their usual light color to a deep, dark sea green. Turbulent waters.”

My head rested back on the wall and Ace slid his lips down to the spot where my shoulder and neck met, and sucked the skin between his teeth. My hips bucked forward and he laughed, the sound washing over me, making me want to head straight back to the bed we’d vacated less than an hour earlier.

“Now you,” he said, and as Ace’s words crept inside my brain, I tried to decipher what he was saying. But with his hand and mouth working me over, I was finding it difficult to remember what the hell that was.

“Now me what?”

Ace raised his head and drew his tongue over my lower lip, then he stilled his hand, and I wanted to demand he not stop. But he had other ideas.

“Now you tell me something you’ve always wanted to try.”

Oh yeah, that’s right.
Christ. There goes his hand again. Stroking me, up and down.


“I…” I shut my eyes, trying to concentrate, but Ace was hellbent on that not happening.


“Uh, yeah,” I panted. “I would love to do something in public.”

As soon as the final word fell from my lips, Ace’s hand halted and his eyes found and locked on to mine, and it was only then that it occurred to me how fucking stupid I was. How could I have been so insensitive, or moronic, to mention having sex in public when Ace had just spent the last fifteen minutes telling me that was his worst nightmare? Him being seen with me in public right now. And he only meant drinking a coffee or holding hands, and here I was telling him I wanted—

“Something?” Ace said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I blinked up at him, and when the side of his mouth curled up, a little frisson of excitement zipped through me. “Something as in…”

Holy shit,
was he actually— Did he
that idea? Then Ace squeezed my dick and his hips moved, brushing his denim-covered erection against my thigh, and it became abundantly clear that he did.

“As in you stripping me naked and taking me…in public.”

That same light I’d seen in Ace’s eyes earlier, the unrestrained one, resurfaced, and the sound that rumbled free of him could only be described as a growl. And it had my hips pistoning forward, trying to get more and more friction on my aching cock.

“Tell me the truth,” I said, needing to know what was behind that fierce expression. “There’s more than what you showed me tonight, isn’t there?”


“Yes. It’s right there, simmering under the surface. And once you finally realize I’m not going to bolt, no matter what you want to do or try, I’m excited to see how far you will go.”

Ace twisted his wrist at the tip of my cock, and my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

“You want me to unleash on you. Is that what you’re saying?”

Yes fucking please
, I thought, and nodded. I was about to explode all over him once again, and there was no way I could stop it. Ace crushed his mouth over mine, and I gripped his arms to hold myself steady, but he shook his head.

“Mhmm. I’ll take that under consideration. Now, use the wall to steady yourself. I want to taste you again.”

Ace was down on his knees before I could say a thing, and then my jeans were at my ankles and my cock was being swallowed between his lips. My hands went to the side of his head as I thrust forward to—
let’s be real here
—fuck Ace’s mouth with everything I had, and it didn’t take more than three or four pumps between his lips before the orgasm raced down to my balls, grabbed a tight hold of them, and I was coming down his throat, shouting his name so fucking loud my ears rang. As I loosened my hold on his head and he slowly slipped his lips free, he glanced up at me and swiped his thumb over his lower lip, sucking it inside.

“I think these are two things we both need to…explore, if this is the reaction. Wouldn’t you agree?”

And that right there was the first sign I was in way over my head with this guy.




DON’T FUCK UP the line. Don’t fuck up the line. Don’t fuck up the line.

Stepping forward under the sheets of rain that blanketed the section of the ship we were filming on, I pointed at the man playing Lieutenant Gerschick and said, “You’re wrong. Commander Scott wouldn’t back down from a threat, so if he goes, I go.”

“Cut!” The director sounded frustrated from where he sat behind a wall of cameras and monitors.

Oh God, not again. Please let it not be me that screwed that up, especially not with Ace watching.
It had been a long week of shooting, and to say I wasn’t a natural at this was an understatement. I never realized how much work went into filming a movie, and it seemed like every little thing I did set off the director and had him singling me out. And with today being the day I had the most lines, I was doing everything in my power not to fuck myself, or the movie, royally, but I had a sneaking suspicion I was about to be—

“Prescott,” Ron yelled over the sound of the rain pounding against the deck.

Yep. Called the hell out. Shit.

Holding a hand up to my forehead to shield my eyes from the river of water drenching my entire body, I looked over to where Ron was shaking his head.

“When we give you a fucking mark, you have to hit it or the shot’s shit. Will someone please show Prescott where he’s supposed to be?”

No one moved at first, and then the guy playing Lieutenant Gerschick took pity on me and walked me back to the spot I’d started from. Oh fuck, I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to move. I’d moved, hadn’t I? God, this was embarrassing. I could feel Ace’s stare from where he waited off camera to enter the shot, but if I couldn’t get this scene right, he’d be waiting there for a while.

I am so out of my element.

“Got it?” Ron said, and when I answered in the affirmative, he went and sat back down in his director’s chair. “All right, let’s try this again, people.”

The assistant camera operator slated for the camera again, and then Ron called out, “Action!”

As we ran through the scene again, I kept my damn feet frozen in place, and then when it was time for me to speak, I pointed at the man across from me and said, “You’re wrong. Commander Locke wouldn’t back down from a threat, so if he goes, I go.”


What the fuck did I do now?

“Christ, will someone get the kid a script,” Ron yelled, and I furrowed my brow.
What did I say wrong?

As I was beckoned off to the side by the script supervisor, the dread pooled in my stomach. When I trudged over, my gaze fell on Ace, and the concerned expression on his face had my own flushing hotter.

Can’t he go wait in his trailer until it’s time for him to come out?
He made it all look so easy, and though I wasn’t a stranger to the camera, this was a whole different ballgame, and more than anything I hated being the new kid on set who couldn’t hack it.

“The name is Commander Scott,” the supervisor said.

“Uh…yeah, that’s what I said.”

“You said Commander
.” The woman looked over to where Ace was standing and then back at me, and if I could’ve crawled under a fucking rock then, I would’ve.

Goddammit. That was what I got for having Ace all over my damn brain. Shit shit motherfucking shit.

“Got it?” she asked, and I nodded.

“Commander Scott. Right.” As I turned to walk back to my mark, as they called it, I saw Ace talking to Ron out of the corner of my eye, and their conversation made its way to my ears.

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