Read Across The Hall Online

Authors: NM Facile

Across The Hall (34 page)

“Wel , Dad, if you want to go, we can.”

“Then what do we do with the turkey I bought at your suggestion?”

“I could cook it and we could take it with,” I suggested hopeful y.

“No, Syl. I think we should just stay here. It’s nice having you al to myself for awhile.”

I was disappointed, but I didn’t let him see it. “Wel , maybe sometime while I’m home we could invite them over. If we did it Friday, Brad and

Jason could come too.”

“That’s a fine idea. Now tel me, how are your classes going?”

We talked more about my classes and I fil ed him in on how the others were doing. Dad had been taken with Kai-ying since the first time he’d met

her. He always asked after her. I final y caved and told him about Quinn moving in across the hal . As I suspected, he wasn’t thril ed to hear about it. I

spent a great deal of time reassuring him that I was fine with it and that we were getting along. I explained how Quinn got along with the others and

that everything was truly al right.

I opted to go to bed when the news came on. I knew he would want to watch that in peace. I was tired anyway. There was always something

comforting about being in my old room, in my old bed. When we first moved I had trouble sleeping. Everything was unfamiliar and the unfamiliar

night sounds kept me up. Now it just made me drowsy as I laid there and relaxed. My phone buzzed and I reached over to check it.

I was just thinking of you. Hope all is well. Good night - Q

My heartbeat picked up, and I smiled. He had been thinking of me, too.

Everything’s great. I was thinking of you too. Sweet dreams - S

I thought about tel ing him I stopped at the farm, but in the end I decided to keep it short and sweet. I waited a few minutes but he didn’t reply

back. I put my phone on the table and drifted off to sleep, thinking about the weekend I stayed with him.

I got up early the next morning to make a pie and get the turkey ready. Dad and I watched the Macy’s parade together. When it was over, I went

and took stock of the kitchen. I had sent Dad a list of things to get at the store, but he’d forgotten butter, of al things. Thankful y, the store was open

until two.

I got in Kai’s car, and picked up the butter and a couple other things that I thought we could use over the weekend. On the way back to the car, I

had the oddest feeling. I just couldn’t shake it. There weren’t many people out, so I was surprised to see someone driving behind me. My heart

dropped to my stomach and I became instantly nauseous when I recognized the face in my rear view mirror.

I momentarily panicked as my heart raced. I tried to calm myself by reminding myself that I was going home to Dad’s and it would al be okay. I

sped up and debated about trying to lose him. In the end, I knew it wouldn’t do any good. Quarry Springs was so smal al he had to do was drive

around a bit and he would eventual y see Kai’s damn blue car out front and know exactly where to find me.

I regretted not tel ing Dad last night about breaking it off with Beau. I hadn’t brought the subject up, and dad tended to stay away from the subject

of boys. Beau knew my dad was a cop so I can’t imagine he would start anything. I pul ed up in front of the house and grabbed the bags and got out.

I hoped to get to the house before he could talk to me.

Of course I wasn’t fast enough.

“Sylvia,” I heard him cal out to me before he even shut his pickup off. I pretended I didn’t hear him and he cal ed it out louder as he ran to catch up

to me. I stopped and turned to him.

“What are you doing here?” I hissed at him quietly. I didn’t want to alert Dad if there was a chance I could just get him to leave.

“I needed to see you, but your goons are always around.” His heavy lidded eyes were pleading with me.

“Beau, I have nothing to say to you.” I turned to go towards the house but he grabbed my arm. I froze. “Let go before I scream,” I said between

clenched teeth. He immediately released me but he didn’t step back.

“Please Sylvia just hear me out. I’m sorry. I was just jealous. Please, I need you in my life. I miss you. Sylvia, I...”

“Hey, kid, you need any help?” Dad was standing in the doorway. I breathed a sigh of relief. “Who’s your friend?” He was eyeing Beau


“Dad, this is Beau, Beau Dalton. Beau, this is my dad, Deputy O’Mara.” I wanted to remind Beau that my dad was in law enforcement.

Beau walked up the steps and held out his hand. “Hel o, Deputy O’Mara. It’s nice to final y meet you.”

Dad shook his hand and looked over at me. I didn’t know what to say.

“Thanks for letting Sylvia invite me to dinner today. I’ve been looking forward to it al week.”

My eyes flew open. What the hel was that? Did he not realize any invitation I made was rescinded when I’d told him I had nothing to say to him?

“Sylvia?” My dad looked at me questioningly. “You didn’t tel me we were having a guest.”

“I didn’t...” Beau cut me off before I could finish.

“I wasn’t sure I would be able to make it. The last time Sylvia and I talked about it, I wasn’t sure.” Beau smiled triumphantly at me. I had two

choices. I could play along with this and hope it was over quickly, or I could make a scene and get Dad worried about me. I had enough people in

my life worried and watching my every move. I didn’t need Dad doing it, too. I chose the former, praying that it was indeed the lesser of the two evils.

At least I would be here with Dad.

Dad was stil looking at me. I gave him a weak grin and a shrug. “I guess I’m setting one more plate.”

We headed into the house. Dad went to his chair to watch the game and Beau fol owed him. I brought the groceries into the kitchen and put them

away. I stood next to the sink and looked out at the back yard. My nerves were on edge. What the hel was he doing? I could hear him in the living

room, chatting with Dad about the game.

I hid in the kitchen. At least I could blame my absence in the living room on needing to cook. I real y wanted to cal Quinn. The only thing that

stopped me was the thought that he would probably insist on coming here right away. I didn’t want to ruin his Thanksgiving. That would also leave

me even more explaining to do with Dad when he showed up and the unquestionable showdown that was sure to take place between him and

Beau if he did. I just fumed to myself and wil ed time to speed up.

Eventual y the food was ready. I set the table and cal ed them in to eat. Dad sat at the head of the table and I sat on his right side with Beau on his

left. There was an awkward silence around us as we started to eat. I’m sure Dad could sense the tension between Beau and me. I didn’t have

anything to say, so I kept my mouth shut. Beau and Dad talked more about the game they had been watching.

“Sylvia, Curtis was asking about you. He wanted me to ask you to come out with us again sometime soon.” Beau was smiling at me pleasantly.

I didn’t know what to say to that. “I’m heading into a busy time now with classes.” I answered to my food.

“Oh, I’m sure you can find time. You know what they say about al work and no play.” He continued on like everything was sunny between us, and I

hadn’t been avoiding him for three weeks. “Sylvia, is this the same cranberry dish you made for me one night?” He was referring to my cran-apple


I nodded.

“Deputy O’Mara, your daughter is an amazing cook. I’m sure you miss her cooking. She keeps me wel -fed.” Beau looked over at me and


I didn’t understand how he could be acting like this. I wanted to scream at him to just leave. Instead, I quietly pushed the food around on my plate. I

had long since lost any appetite I’d had.

“Sylvia, is something wrong with your food?” Dad asked as he scooped up another helping of potatoes.

“No, I think I just taste-tested too much while I was making it.”

“Sylvia, when should we go Christmas shopping? I found that place you were looking for that has the gift you wanted to get Kerri.” What the hel

was that? I never even mentioned a gift for her.

I looked up to see him grinning playful y at me. My eyes narrowed and I whispered, “I changed my mind about it. Kai and I are looking at

something else.”

“Sylvia, what are you getting for her?” Dad was stil watching me. I figured he knew that Beau was the reason for my rude behavior but he didn’t

say anything.

“Kai suggested jewelry.” I left it at that and stood up to get the pie.

Dad asked Beau a few questions about himself. Beau gave him a very edited version of his life. I brought the pie to the table and cut them each a

slice with a generous amount of whipped cream. They talked a little about how boring stakeouts could be. I just tuned them out and watched the

clock. It was only a little after five. I wondered how long Beau was going to stay.

When we were done eating, Beau offered to help me with the dishes. I didn’t want to be in the same room with him, so I shooed him out with my

dad. I took my time putting everything away and cleaning up in the kitchen. By the time I was done it was close to seven. I final y couldn’t put it off any

longer and joined the guys in the living room. There was nowhere else to sit so I sat next to Beau on the couch.

I stil didn’t initiate conversation with him. I answered his questions but stayed quiet. I could tel Dad was clued into something being wrong.

“Syl, didn’t you say you wanted to cal Kai and Kerri before it gets too late?” I smiled at him in relief.

“Yes, I should. Beau, this could take awhile and I’m sure you would like to be getting on the road soon. So I wil say goodnight now.” I looked at

him, daring him to chal enge me on this in front of Dad.

Beau eyed me for a few moments before saying, “You’re right. I should be getting back. When are you returning to Minneapolis?” It figures he

would ask that in front of Dad. There was no way I could get out of answering it.

“Sometime Sunday.” Quinn was picking Kai and Sloane up from the airport at three and then getting Kerri and Reed at eight. I hoped to be back

in time to see him before he went to get them.

“Wel then I wil see you when you get back.” He stood up then. “Goodbye, Deputy O’Mara. It was nice to final y meet you. Thank you for sharing

your Thanksgiving and your daughter with me.”

Dad gave him a measured look. “Goodbye, Beau. Drive back safely.”

I led Beau to the door. I was not going to walk him to his truck. I stopped at the door and held it open. He leaned in and quietly whispered, “See,

Sylvia, we can make this work. I liked spending the day with you. Thank you for dinner. When you get back to Minneapolis and get rid of your

watchdogs, cal me.” Then he leaned in to kiss me. I turned my head at the last minute and his lips contacted my cheek instead of my lips. He pul ed

back and glared at me. I met his icy stare with one of my own. “I’m sure once you have some time to think things through you wil come around.

Good night, beautiful.”

He left then, and I shut the door behind him a little harder than I’d meant to. I leaned against it and looked over to see Dad leaned back in his

recliner watching me.

“Everything okay there, Syl?” His voice was laced with concern.

“Yes, it’s just fine.”

“Anything you want to talk about?”
Yes, but not with you.

“No, I think I’m just going to go cal the girls and go to bed.” I walked over to him and gave him a hug and kissed the top of his head.

“Sylvia, you know I’m here if you change your mind.” I smiled at him. He was trying.

I nodded. “There’s nothing to talk about. I love you. Good night.”

He looked my face over careful y. “I love you, too, kid.”

With that, I headed upstairs to cal Kai and Kerri.


Dad came in early after a long sleepless night. “Sylvia?”

“It’s okay, Dad I’m up.” I sat up pul ing the covers back. He hung back by the door.

“Hey, kid, there are reports of a severe storm moving in this afternoon. It’s supposed to last through the weekend. First freezing rain, then snow. I

hate to cut your visit short, but it might be best if you head back early. I talked to Shel y and Brad, and the boys are going to head back this morning,

too.” I could see the sadness in his eyes. He had been looking forward to having me home as much as I had been looking forward to being home.

I huffed, “Sure Dad. I guess I’l just get my stuff together and take a quick shower.”

“I’l see you downstairs then.”

Dad left my room and I reached over for my phone. Beau had me concerned with the way he’d acted the day before. I didn’t want to be home

alone when I got back. I cal ed Jason. I didn’t tel him about Beau. I just asked when he was leaving. He said he didn’t know yet, Colby was stil

asleep. I told him to cal me when he knew.

I gathered my stuff up and took my shower. I had everything ready to go, so I went down to make us some breakfast. I started to get stuff out, but

Dad stopped me when he came into the kitchen.

“You don’t have to make me anything. I ate earlier. You should just get going before the roads get bad.” Typical Dad always worried about driving


“Oh, okay. I’m going to make something for the road and then I wil get going. Jason didn’t know what time he and Colby were leaving yet. I had

hoped to fol ow them, but I guess I can just go.” I was a little annoyed. Not at Dad, just the whole situation.

“I’l go take your stuff out to the car.”

I decided to let Quinn know I was on my way back.

There’s a storm coming in and dad wants me to go back early. Leaving soon. Will you be there when I get back? - S

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