Read Addicted to Witch Online

Authors: Billy London

Addicted to Witch (7 page)

“You’re so quiet, love,” he teased, hooking his arms under her knees and lifting her from the counter, still impaled on his cock. “Do I need to get CCTV in here?”

“Give me something to talk about,” she challenged, curling her hands about his neck to kiss him.

“Accepted,” he laughed softly.

Lowering her carefully to lie on the floor, without breaking their connection, he managed to kick his jeans from his ankles. Slowly, he slipped from her. She spread her thighs invitingly while he knelt before her, wriggling against the slowly warming wood at her back. He seemed mesmerised by the sight of their joining, his hands pressing her knees to the floor, the head of his cock nestled between her swollen labia. No one had ever made her feel this way, like a completely sexual being that he couldn’t help but to serve.

“Don’t you think you deserve it?” he asked, a frown marring his forehead.

“Oh, I do now,” she breathed, catching him by the shoulders and pulling him on top of her. His stomach pressed firmly to her own, he brushed the length of his body on hers, triggering another bout of sensation in the mint on her clit. Her nails dug into his muscles, urging him to move. His obedience was all her pleasure, as his hips punched against her own, his cock sliding smoothly within the depths of her pussy. Holding her knees firmly apart, he kept her wide open, plunging in rapidly.

“Uh, harder,” she begged.

“Show me,” Auden growled. “Show me you want it.”

Fair enough
, she thought with a siren’s smirk. Taking him completely by surprise, she turned him to his back and straddled him like he was her favourite pony. She clenched his waist with her thighs, and his eyes flared open.

“Carry on,” he taunted. Helena squeezed him with her inner muscles. His groan was loud, adding to her triumph. With her fingers braced on the inked muscles of his stomach, she rode him slowly, feeling her power in this position. It wasn’t long before lust drove her to move harder, her own need demanded she take more. The wood burned and stung her knees. She didn’t care. Auden’s hands tightened on her waist where she’d feel the imprint of them days after. She didn’t give a monkey’s. The only thing that mattered was he was rising to meet her, driving his cock even deeper.

He brushed his thumb over her clit, sending an echo of the cool mint tingling through her body and slammed into a wave of pure pleasure. The vibration of his groan hailed his orgasm, warm come spilling into her, sending aftershocks of delight to dance over her skin. Her body still squeezed over him, milking at him even as he softened inside her. She rose and fell with his heavy breathing. A large hand slid along her spine, making her shiver, then urged her to lie on top of him. “But I’m not done,” she protested.

“Give me a minute,” he promised. “Not so shy anymore, are you?”

“Hardly. You’re still inside me.”

Laughing, he managed to get to his feet, still holding her and placed her back on the counter. He leaned down to place a kiss on each one of her tender knees. “We can give a bed a go. Give the bruises a rest.”

“That’d be nice,” she admitted. Wow, she really had just slept in his bed, hadn’t she? For performances like that, she’d be more than happy to be conventional.



Chapter Nine


Auden brought up the food on two trays, trying not to knock over the bottle of non-alcoholic wine. Helena had wrapped herself completely within the sheets, curled up into a ball like a hibernating hedgehog and made an angry little grunt every time he had tried to cuddle up to her. He didn’t think too much about what this opportunity could mean, and instead revelled in the luck of meeting her. How he’d be able to thank Terry for getting him the gig, he’d never know. Oh yeah. The song he should be writing.

Setting the trays on the floor, he sat on the side of the bed and leaned over to bury his face in Helena’s neck. She still smelled delicious.

“Hells, don’t you want to eat?”

Her head lifted slightly. “Food?”


“I’ve only been asleep a minute.”

“You’ve been asleep an hour.”

She sat up, tucking the sheets around her. “I don’t sleep.”

“You do, and you’re a duvet hog. You should share.”

A smile lifted her face. “What are we eating?”

“Almost burnt roast dinner. Good thing you are a duvet hog or we’d be having omelettes.”

Her hand cupped his cheek as her mouth pressed to his other. “We can go downstairs if you like. Eat like normal people?”

He gave a shrug. “Bit late for that really.”

“Is that wine?” she asked as he bent over to hand over her tray.

“Non-alcoholic. Now I know I don’t need it to make you let go. I just need to touch you here.” His hand slipped beneath the sheets to a spot just above her pelvic bone. The tray nearly flew ten feet in the air as she gave a yelp. She righted it, much to his amusement. “Don’t worry, just eat. We can reassess that later.”

They tucked into the food before Helena asked, “Other than the depression thing, why are you hiding out here?”

He blinked. “What makes you think I’m hiding?”

“This doesn’t really suit you.” She indicated the house with her fork. “It’s like, I don’t know…an animal in captivity.”

He glanced down at his plate. “It’s like that when you’re in recovery. No additional stimulants permitted.”

“Did you get a second opinion?” she asked, a frown between her brows. “Sorry, I know my dad’s seeing you, but you just don’t display addictive symptoms to me.”

“Your dad’s very good at his job,” he replied, feeling on edge. Carefully he forked up some potato and offered it to her. She ate and he could see her brain ticking away.

“It can happen and—”

“Hells,” he said softly, pressing a kiss to her bare shoulder, “let’s not.”

“All right fine,” she huffed. “I’ll pretend to be a royal of a principality.”

He grinned. “Better. Wine?”

The lone word refused to sway her to a different subject. “Would it be so bad? Just to get a second opinion?”

“Yes,” he answered.

“But wouldn’t you—”

“Helena,” he interrupted again. “Talk to me about your triumph over adversity.”

She blinked in sheer and obvious panic. “What? Why?”

“There we go.”

“So you trust my body but not my brain?”

“You have a phenomenal body,” he admitted, momentarily distracted by how that body felt against his. “And it’s not about whether you’re a good doctor or not.”

“If only you knew,” she murmured. “Can I have a drink, please?”

He poured her a glass of the wine and handed it over. “You want to save me?”

She gave a helpless shrug. “One good turn deserves another.”

They caught each other’s eye and laughed. He leaned over to kiss her, and in that kiss, he felt the tiniest speck of light in his heart that the world wasn’t as dark or as cruel or as hateful as he believed. As much as he wanted to be careful, to not expect anything or even dare hope, that light began to grow.

He sensed it when they finished their meal and Helena tugged on her clothes, asking to see where he created music. It started to get out of control when she asked to hear him sing, and with his insistence, she sang along with him, in perfect harmony. They ignored the ringing phone when Helena proclaimed that
After Laughter
by Wendy Rene was her favourite song in the world. He had to kiss her for that.

Damaged by thinking he had earned this way of life, he hadn’t ever considered himself worthy of love. But this woman, with those glassy dark eyes, cropped hair that showed off her beautiful shoulders, her laugh, her sharpness… She slowly gave him the belief that maybe he had done enough penance to last several life times.

“Back upstairs?” he asked, when they emerged from the music room. Helena’s arms stole around his neck.

“I don’t know, I didn’t get any dessert,” she teased, giving a giggle when he kissed her.

“Wish granted,” he murmured, lowering her to the stairs, his hand warm and firm on her stomach. There was something utterly addictive in touching her skin, it felt like brushed velvet beneath his fingers.

“That’s good,” she sighed, “I like getting wishes.” He lifted the jumper from her torso and gave pause to admire her, briefly wishing he lived in a time of the Renaissance artists who would have fallen to their knees in gratitude for a muse such as her. They would have been allowed to look, feast their eyes, but never, ever allowed to touch. Only him. His hand slid inside her jeans and he hardened instantly at his discovery. Scalp tingling at the tug she gave on his hair when his fingers slid inside her, he curved them with insistence. His mouth touched her neck, the swell of her breasts and back to her lips. She tasted like ecstasy, he thought, his mouth trailing to her earlobe, biting down as she began to tighten around his soaked fingers.

“Auden,” she gave a gasping cry.

Satisfaction pulsed through his sex at the need in her voice. He wanted her to give herself completely to him, like she had only a few hours ago.

“Auden, stop.” She pushed at his shoulders, her eyes round with surprise, looking just beyond his shoulder as her orgasm took her. With Helena still shaking beneath him, his fingers caught in the grip of her body, he turned his head. His heart froze. Romely stood there, her mouth parted in horror.

“What are you doing?” Romely whispered.

Helena struggled from underneath him and righted her clothing. “What’s going on?”

Auden opened his mouth to speak, and found his throat closed up.
Goddamn you, Romely!

She turned to Helena. “Do you know he’s in a relationship? With me? We have been for years.”

Helena looked at Auden, her eyes narrowed. “Is that true?”

He wanted to scream. Not a sound emerged from him.

Romely spoke again. “We’re trying to work things out. At least I thought we were. Do you like stealing other women’s men?”

“Wait a minute.” Helena got to her feet. “I didn’t know. I’m not psychic. I didn’t see or hear anything from Auden that you even exist.”

“But I do,” Romely said. “He can’t get away from that simple fact. I do exist. He and I are meant to be together.”

“I’d dump him if I were you,” Helena said harshly. “He obviously didn’t think about you once.” She turned back to Auden, her palm connecting painfully with his cheek, the sound echoing in the hallway. “You don’t seem like a coward. But I know better than anyone how appearances can be deceptive.” She started up the stairs. “I’ll just get my things and leave.”

Romely inclined her head. “I think that’s best. I can give you a lift to the station, if you like.”

Helena’s mouth parted in surprise before she said, “I’ll be all right. Thanks.”

As Helena hit the top step, Romely spoke. “Well, that was really inconsiderate of you.”

“Fuck you, Romely.” Auden blinked the water from his eyes, caused by Helena’s slap. She had a right to be angry; he wished he could correct her. He wanted to change her mind so badly. This was such bullshit.

Romely snorted. “If you had, it’d be a different story now, wouldn’t it?”

Furiously, he got to his feet, fully intending to strangle the life from her.

“Ah ah!” she held up a hand—preventing Auden from moving any closer. “You still don’t understand, do you? Even after all this time. You are mine. Just as I’m yours.”

“I don’t want you!” he shouted.

“I don’t believe you. We can do this dance for eternity, or you can start thinking smart. No more girls like that.” Romely gave a sneer. “She seems scared of her own shadow. Why would you waste your time?”

“You wouldn’t understand.” He sat back down on the step in defeat. “You’re a sith.” Her mouth tightened in disapproval. “We can carry this on as much as you like. I’ll still hate you.”

Her eyes danced with joy. “You know where that comes from, don’t you? It’s only the other side of love.”

He sent her a look he prayed conveyed how fucking stupid he found her. “It comes from the fact you have stolen everything good in my life because I don’t see you as anything more than a spot I could bleach out. You’re strong, but you can’t change our rules. You can’t make me love you.”

“I’m leaving you alone to get there by yourself.” She sighed. “You will. Just, focus.”

“Lift the curse.”

“No, Auden. It’s for your own good.”

“What do you know about what’s good for me?” he asked, perplexed. “That’s the problem, Romely, you don’t know me. You just have this fanciful idea about me that isn’t true.”

“It is! You just won’t admit what you are. I know you deep down. I saw it all those years ago. I saved you from a life of waste.”

“And keeping me a prisoner in my own home isn’t waste of life?”

Romely’s temper flared. “If you weren’t fucking strange women, you’d be meditating on how to make yourself a better man, the man that deserves me!”

“Oh Jesus Christ, no!” he bellowed.

Romely watched him, wide-eyed. He hadn’t displayed that much emotion to her in years. She gave a small shrug. “Then we’re back to the beginning.”

Helena hurtled down the stairs. “I’ll post the clothes back to you,” she said, barely looking at him.

No, don’t leave, please!

“Helena,” he started, before Romely locked his jaw with a single look. Helena murmured an apology to Romely.

“How will you get back to the house?” he ventured.

Still not looking at him, she indicated the door. “I’ve called a cab. It’s waiting outside.” Her gaze lifted, connecting with his own. “Oh… Go to hell.”

There was his salvation, walking away from him. Romely closed the door behind her and turned back to him. “How shall we work through this?” she asked with an expectant smile. “I mean I’m upset, but I forgive you.”

The lights inside the house dimmed, the clouds darkened the sky. Every single piece of furniture in the vicinity rose from the ground and launched toward Romely. With a scream, she held up her hands as the furniture exploded into dust. Covered in powdered wood and grit, she heaved at him, “You did this to yourself!”

“Get out.” Not waiting for further argument, he trudged upstairs to his bedroom and closed the door. His hand tightened on the handle and he slammed the door into the frame again and again and again until the wood splintered and the handle came away from the door altogether. He threw the handle to the carpet and lay down.

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