Read Against The Odds Online

Authors: Senna Fisher

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #contemporary

Against The Odds (26 page)

Do you think he still loves me?”

“Oh Jackie, yes! Do you think
any man would put up
with all that abuse without a reason? Most men run off and find
another woman to heal them. Not Jono, he says, ‘what does she want
from me?’ He wants to be there for you but you have tried to keep
him out. Talk to him, please. He needs your love right

I suppose you are right. I have been awful to him. He wanted
to go out the other night and I basically tore him to shreds. It
was mean and horrible. Okay, you are right. I will make it up to
him, starting today.”

more thing. Stop that nonsense that it is
baby. That really hurts him.
Anyway, the last time I checked, it was both the man and the woman
who made a baby. Have things changed since then

She laughed, “okay, point taken. Will not say my
, will not scream, and will not launch

Yes and you will?”

“I will
be a loving wife, will talk about fears. Will talk, talk, talk,
will cook good dinner tonight and wear sexy negligee,

Okay, I get the picture. Come give me a hug.”

Just t
hen Zane and John walked into The Craft
Centre. They saw her hugging him and heard him whispering something
that made her laugh.

“You see, I told you. It must be his child, since she
Jono can’t have any.
I told you,” Zane said with glee, his face flush with

just smiled. All he saw were to friends having a hug. In his mind
that was perfectly normal.

Come, let’s go and say hello. Oops they have seen

Zane, darling, John, hello. Come and join us. Please,

Zane was too thrilled at the
opportunity but John
really preferred that they were alone, especially because they had
both been working and had not seen each other much the last

“Hello, you two. Lovely to see you. Gosh, Jackie, you look
fabulous. Pregnancy agrees with you. How
is dear

He is in good health.”

Clayton, how are you and that beauty of yours?”

Hi Zane. We are fine. Thanks. And you, everything

Yes, yes, just working too hard. We don’t seem to have enough
time to party anymore. We need a good party.”

“Yes, that is a brilliant idea. Oh Clay, let’s have a
party. I
a good
party. What do you say? Just between friends?”

Zane thought,
what does ‘just between friends’ mean to these

answered it for him.

“Yes, I like that idea. Rebecca has been
about it too and I think that is what exactly what both you women
need. A good party. Jono and I will arrange it. Deal?”

Yes, thank you Clay. Zane, are you game?”

What did she mean? No woman, I am not your kind of

“Yes, I think that would be nice,
” said John,
because he could see that Zane was entertaining lewd thoughts.
“I have a wonderful caterer, so
call me if you need anything.”

Zane was furious.
What was wrong with John? Did he want to have
these people phone him, ‘if they need anything’?

I will do that. Now, I have to run. Jackie, remember about tonight,

Okay, I promise I will be the best.”

got up and hugged her as he left.

Zane was totally enthralled.
The best? How did
this man do it? Have these women feeding his debauched lust?
John, however, saw nothing
untoward about the conversation and promptly told Zane when they

~ ~ ~


Jonathan was wearily getting through the day when the phone
rang. He looked at the number and it was his wife. Should he just
ignore it? He did not need a fight during the day, the nights were
bad enough.
What’s the use? I
will get into trouble for not answering the phone,
so I might as well get it over with.

He said

Hello darling, having a good day?”

What is this now?

It is fine, so far, and you?”

Fine J. I just want to tell you that I am sorry for being
such an awful fiend to you the last few months. I’m sorry, sorry,

said nothing, waiting for her to viciously stab him in the

, I phoned to ask what special meal you need
for dinner tonight.”

ackie, really,
that is not necessary. Just be civil to me, okay. I don’t need
anything else.”

“Oh Jono, I will make it up to you. Tonight, you will see a
reformed woman and you will be pleasantly

Okay. Will see you later.”

doubted very much that the night would be any better, so he went
back to work.

When he got home, she was sitting quietly in front of the
television. She looked so beautiful that he went to her and
Bugger it if she swears me. I want to kiss my beautiful
She stood up and
kissed him back and held onto him.

Jono, darling, hello.”

Hello J. Had a good day?”

“Yes, I met Clayton for lunch and he very harshly told me
how awful I have been
to you and hearing him say it so
fiercely, I felt really ashamed. I’m so sorry, Jono. I really am. I
have made us a nice dinner and then, for desert, I am on the menu.
Then if you don’t mind, we can talk.”

“Is this for real? What are you up to J? Any nasty
shocks waiting for me?”


No, my darling, only lovely ones later, I hope.”

She held his hand and led him to eat. He knew that things
must be changing, because he had not heard that laugh in quite a
hope so
, he thought, as
she chatted
about work.

“At any rate, things are going well
with Rebecca and Clayton. They seemed to have settled in. Isn’t
that nice?”

“Yes, considering what they went through, I am very
pleased. I don’t think I have ever seen him so relaxed, so
charming. He even smiles
at the women in the office.
Lorraine, his secretary, still thinks he must have a

were laughing together and by the time they were ready for bed,
they were like old friends again. Lying in bed, having talked for
so long, Jonathan smiled.

must remember to thank Clayton. He has been a
great friend through all this.”

~ ~ ~

Rebecca and Clayton had settled into a neat way of life and
they had not spoken again about that fateful night. Clayton had
moved into Rebecca’s house, because she would not leave her garden.
Clayton, after much separation anxiety, parted with his apartment
and the long, painful memories that had kept him there. The months
were warm and beautiful for them and Clayton developed a strong
bond with George. He discovered the joy of the love of a father
figure and enjoyed every minute of it, even when he and

They went to
Mayville to visit, but Clayton would not stay more than one
night. He liked to have Rebecca in their own bed, where they talked
and teased each other. Clayton was amazed at how much he craved a
family life and Rebecca
’s parents gave him that. He spoke
occasionally to his own parents, but made no effort to meet with
them, or to introduce Rebecca to them. George became his friend and
mentor and they discussed many things, from world politics to their
beloved women. This relationship was also important to Rebecca,
because she spent more time with her mother and they became close,
in the absence of her father’s dominating personality. At home, she
enjoyed Clayton’s protection and love and curled up next to him
every night, con
tent and

For both
of them, their lives were so perfect that they convinced themselves
that the curse did not exist. They were happy to continue this way,
things unchanging.

But, it
was not to be.



Chapter 27

and Jonathan prepared a beautiful party. They used John’s caterer
and Rebecca’s house looked magical and romantic when the guests
arrived. Candles and lamps burnt gently in the garden, casually
entwined with her flowers and plants. They invited many friends and
amongst them, Zane and John, who were the first to

Zane had not been able to contain his curiosity at what the
‘love den’ looked like and had dragged John as soon as he could. He
was slightly taken aback when he got to the house. It had an air of
peace and quiet about it, a magical romance that was not consistent
with Clayton’s raw, animal lust.
, he thought,
all of us live under false pretences. We all try
to give the world a different impression about who we really
. He glided around
the house, unashamedly inspecting everything. Despite his
meticulous inspection, he could find nothing to support this
fundamental belief that they lived a raucous, debauched life. He
watched them, Double J clearly wonderfully in love, touching each
other and smiling and the other couple as well. This was
interesting. Clayton was talking to the sexy Candice. He was
smiling and laughing at something she was saying.
had it that he went out with
her for at least two weeks, which had been a long time for

Rebecca was talking to hunk Brad, but she was watching
Clayton. She looked like she could kill him. Clayton looked up at
her and he smiled at her.
Wow, the guy is good.
They were having a fight across the room with
their eyes, while he was entertaining his sexy

Clayton, who is that?

An old friend, Candice. She works with Jackie


No, you are my lover, remember?

Well, if she touches you one more time, I will kill the both
of you.

Jealous? Princess? What did you think I felt when you hugged
Brad so tightly?

Yes, arrogant swine. Brad is hurting. He wasn’t trying to get
into my pants. That woman is trying to seduce you. I am very

Serves to right, you should know me better. Relax,

Piss off! I will make you pay for that!

I hope so!

Clayton was laughing and Rebecca was furious.
That arrogant man.
He thinks everything is funny.
Then she remembered her mother’s advice.
Well, I can find
things funny too. Seduce you with my mind.

had his back to her now. He loved making her angry, the way her
eyes flashed at him. Tonight would be good when all these people


Not now, we’ll discuss it later, can’t you see....

Like that?
as her mind slowly stripped off
his shirt.

Rebecca, behave, please.

No! Not a chance,
as her hands caressed his chest.

tried to continue talking and he turned his back on her, but
Rebecca had taken control of his mind, her hands caressing him,
slowly moving down and when she touched his belt, he excused
himself from Candice and went to her.


What’s the matter, darling, can’t keep your pants

threw her head back and laughed.

Rebecca, you are out of control. How did you do

“It is a
family secret. Now, no more touching sexy woman who seem so
intimate with you?”

“Okay, but...
Zane, hello.
Good of you to come.”

Thank you for inviting us. It is a great party. I love this
house. Everything is so perfect.”

Yes, we love it too. Would you like a drink,

was relieved for the intervention, because he knew that Rebecca
possessed his mind now. If she was really angry, she would drive
him crazy, right there. It felt absolutely wonderful.

please. Vodka with orange juice would be great.”

vodka coming up,” and he strode off for the drink.

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