Read Alien Interludes Online

Authors: Tracy St John

Alien Interludes (7 page)

Nobeks almost never cried, and in a fight Bevau was every bit the ferocious, bloodthirsty beast of his breed. But he was a rarity in that he also equaly possessed the traits of the nurturing, sensitive Imdiko.

He gave himself over to that part of him, crying his fear at Jessica’s abduction and relief at her recovery.

Jessica wanted to hold him, to reassure him it was al right, but she too was swamped by emotion and the inability to move. It was up to Clajak and Egilka to stroke the clan protector’s hair and the broad expanse of his back, murmuring comfortingly as they also shed tears.

At last Bevau regained control, and he peppered Jessica’s face with kisses. She smiled her love to him. The Nobek smiled back, restored to himself once more. He puled free of her, and Egilka took his place.

The sharp planes of Egilka’s angular face were softened by the adoration and desire he alowed to shine forth. When he kissed her, Jessica reveled in the smooth texture of his lips and the luxuriant softness of his mustache and goatee. The Imdiko was almost always tender with her, but his touch this time set new standards for care. Every movement he made against her was like the whisper of butterfly wings.

After Bevau’s more rigorous lovemaking, the difference brought al her senses to new heightened levels.

Egilka handled her like a fragile piece of art, his mouth and fingers breathing over her skin. Soft, wet kisses brushed her lips, the sensitive holow of her throat, the pebbled peaks of her breasts, the line running from below her breastbone to her navel, and finaly the blatant nub of pleasure that crowned her sex. Then he traveled back up until he reached her lips again. As his tongue flicked delicately in her mouth, his fingers caressed her nether folds and clit, making her desire him al the more. When he finaly pressed his sexes against her openings, she was aching for him.

Egilka entered her so very slowly, in tiny increments that made Jessica feel every delightful inch of his rigid lengths. Tiny spasms of pleasure erupted in response to his gradual entrance, sending electric pulses to her fingertips and toes. He was never a man to rush her to fulfilment. Folowing her abduction, she had never been more glad to enjoy her clanmate slowly.

Bit by bit, Egilka filed her. He alternated kissing her with staring into her eyes, making the intimacy they shared that much more intense. Her sheaths parted for him without hesitation, welcoming him as they had for almost three years now. Jessica knew that to Egilka making love was like coming home, entering the place where he belonged, where he always found shelter. She rejoiced that she was his sanctuary.

And stil he crept inside until he was encased, making them two very different but companionable souls within the same body. For a time he was stil, alowing them both to absorb the sweetness and joy of the joining that neither had ever taken for granted. Jessica closed her eyes, the better to feel his mouth sipping delicate kisses from hers, his granite chest hard against her soft breasts, the heat of his abdomen mingling with hers, and the thick staves of his twin manhood staked within her, claiming her flesh as his own. Had someone bound them together for eternity like that, never to be parted, she would have been happy.

Egilka lifted his hips, dragging his cocks free of her until only the tips remained inside. Then he melded al his flesh to hers once more. Slipping back and forth, his pace was constant and steady, fast enough to keep her body humming with gentle arousal. He banked her inner fires, feeding them gradualy, letting the heat build a bit at a time. Al the while, his mouth tasted hers, keeping the sensual contact there, mingling their breath.

Jessica lost track of the time as Egilka took her in his methodical, quiet way. He pressed his flesh into hers, his hips moving in slow circles to delight every part of her sheaths with sweet pressure. She was melting again, her insides turning liquid with the thoroughness of her Imdiko’s lovemaking. She managed a low moan, her voice slowly making a return. Egilka moaned in response, his pace quickening.

He remained a hard muscled blanket over her body, covering her as his hips drummed a little harder, a little faster. Even if Jessica had been able to move, Egilka’s weight would have held her to the bed. It was delightful to be pinned beneath her lover as he grew more eager for their shared ignition.

Her fingers twitched, and Jessica tried to move her arms. Her hands slowly skated across Egilka’s ribs, and she dragged her limbs up to circle the muscled back of her Imdiko. He smiled down at her as she finaly regained enough strength to embrace him. Never missing a perfectly-timed thrust, he said, “Welcome back, my Matara.” She returned the smile. Jessica couldn’t do much more than trace the length of his spine, but it was a relief to be able to move at al.

She wanted to wrap her legs around his waist, to tilt her pelvis so that he hit that sweetest spot within her body as wel as pul him deeper inside. Her legs stil weren’t responding as wel, alowing her to only lift a little before faling back to the mattress. Seemingly intuiting her wish, Egilka seized the backs of her thighs, pushing her knees towards her shoulders. He was suddenly there, his cock rubbing the nest of nerves she liked best, and her womb seized with sudden sensation.

Tiny cries escaped her as her bely flexed and strained, the bilowing ecstasy suffusing her being. Convulsion after convulsion heaved through Jessica, and Egilka drove harder stil, taking her far from awareness of anything except physical elation. Jessica dug her fingernails into his back, and he stiffened suddenly. A groan tore from his lips and feeling the slow pulse of his manhood releasing into her brought another burst of thril through her loins.

Jessica sighed breathless laughter as her body came down from the high. Egilka returned the chuckle, kissing her once more before parting to alow Clajak his turn.

“It’s about time,” the Dramok growled. “I’m in pain from waiting.”

“The impatience of youth,” Egilka teased, not impressed at al with Clajak’s irritation. He sat next to Bevau on the cushions scattered on the floor.

Clajak dismissed his clanmate with a snort. Jessica thriled to see the blatant heat in his eyes as he crawled on top of her.

“Matara,” he sighed, anger fleeing his handsome face. “You have no idea how terrified I was for you.”

“I’m safe again,” she whispered. Her arms and hands were trembling, but she was able to stroke his silky, steel-colored hair. “Safe with my clan.”

“Always,” Clajak said. “We wil find a way to keep danger from you. I swear it.”

He lifted her stil weak body, seating her on his thighs as he rose to a kneeling position. Slick and heavy, his cocks pressed against her bely as he kissed her deeply. Jessica tangled her fingers in his long hair, snaring herself so that they might not be parted ever again.

Clajak rubbed up and down her back, his big hands warm on her skin. Then he cupped her buttocks, lifting her against his torso, letting his organs home in on their intended orifices. Drawn like magnets, their sexes found each other. He pierced her with a steady thrust; not abruptly as Bevau had and not slowly like Egilka. He took her with authority, as was his right as her Dramok.

Jessica’s head loled, her neck barely able to hold it up. Clajak cupped the back of her head with one hand and supported her buttocks with the other. He held her in place for his powerful thrusts, kissing her as he did so.

The clan’s leader ground his hips in circles each time he filed her, simultaneously bringing delightful friction to both her G-spot and engorged clitoris. Jessica offered him a throaty moan, which he answered with a growl.


The possessive tone in Clajak’s voice made her insides bubble with even more desire. Bevau owned her sexualy by virtue of his physicality, Egilka through gentleness. But Clajak held her in a thral with his personality, as demanding as her own. Outside the bedroom she didn’t bow to him, but when he held her like this she abdicated al control.

“Yours,” she whispered.

He drove into her harder, making his claim clear. Jessica’s eyes slid shut, sharpening the sensation of being filed to bursting. The bright stabs of pleasure to her clitoris, the stomach-clenching warmth of his larger cock moving in and out of her womanhood, and the deeper heady ecstasy of the second penis plumbing her anus sent spasms swirling up from her nether regions to suffuse her entire body. She shuddered, feeling the oncoming orgasm opening its voracious maw to swalow her whole.

Even her pleasure belonged to Clajak, and she held off the exaltation by the skin of her teeth. “Please, my Dramok. May I come?” His gasps told her he was closing in on sweet oblivion himself. His usual smooth-as-molasses voice a grinding rumble, he said, “Yes, my Matara. Come for me now.” Her body gathered itself, twisting tight inside before springing loose, sending consuming waves of bliss to galvanize her senses. The pleasure unwound in an explosive burst, then in smaler fits, and finaly slow spirals of gentler release.

Clajak shuddered and groaned, his muscles tensing to granite as he spiled into her. Jessica watched his beloved face suffuse with nirvana-like release, his expression that of a man who has realized the ultimate truth in life. It wasn’t a bad analogy; her Buddhist faith coaxed one to live only in the here and now with neither past nor future intruding. Intense climax gifted one that ability, forcing al thinking aside so only the sweet pulse of life remained.

Jessica forced her reluctant body forward so she could press her lips to Clajak’s. He held her close, sighing as his body came down. “My sweet. I feel whole again.”

“Me too,” she said. Her voice was gaining in strength, and she knew al her men could hear her. “But now we have to deal with this rebelion. It’s more serious than we thought. The men who kidnapped me were only puppets. Someone else—”

“Enough, my empress.” Clajak eyed her severely. “You wil rest today and alow us to handle this. I mean it, Jessica,” he growled when she opened her mouth to protest.

“Stop trying to solve al of Kalquor’s problems for a little while,” Egilka chided, gliding over to sit at her side. “We can handle it without you for a day or two.” Bevau moved to her other side, and Jessica knew what his frown meant. The Nobek could be the world’s biggest buly, and his expression told her he would be quick to punish her if she didn’t relent. The kind of punishment she wouldn’t like.

“Fine,” she huffed. “For now and only because I’m stil weak as a kitten. Don’t think I won’t be al over this tomorrow.” Their concern eased down enough for the men to laugh. “Of course you wil. You wouldn’t be our Jessica if it was otherwise,” Clajak chuckled. He hugged her close, and the other two enfolded them as wel.

Jessica’s face stretched with a smile. Blessed Buddha, she loved these men.

The Negotiation

Israla eyed the Earther male sitting across from her with grudging appreciation. The elected Plasian leader would have preferred to watch the nearly naked Earther youths playing footbal outside her office windows, but her position as Saucin demanded she attend duty now. Pleasure would have to wait.

Not that Colonel Tyler Carter was displeasing to the eye. For an older male, somewhere in his forties, he was a fine specimen with a body that even the muscle-bound Kalquorians would have approved of.

Older male. Israla restrained a snort of laughter at herself. She was old enough to be his mother. Maybe even his grandmother. But she preferred men in their twenties. They were so innocent, so raw, so eager for pleasure.

There was nothing innocent about Tyler. His features were rugged, almost craggy in fact. The light streaming in from Plasius’ two suns was bright, bringing every detail of his face in sharp relief. Israla was bemused to see that though it was stil early in the afternoon, Tyler’s chin was already darkening with beard growth. He was quite handsome, but certainly careworn. The man had seen his share of worry. He was heaping even more concern upon himself, and therefore, her.

“You present yourself as an official Earth representative, Colonel, but there is no Earth any longer.” Israla kept her voice even. She sat up straight on the plush navy blue lounger across from the matching wal seating he perched stiffly on. Usualy Israla draped herself across her lounger, as she was typicaly in a seductive state of mind. Particularly when it came to negotiations of any sort. Men loved to look at her long, slim body with its gentle curves and bronze skin, especialy since she covered very little of it up. Even the toughest envoys wavered when confronted with a nearly naked female. Securing deals beneficial to Plasius was only part of the reason Israla eschewed modesty however. In the opinions of most Plasians, clothes were a nuisance. They got in the way of life’s greatest pleasure.

“I realize Earth is gone as a legitimate entity, Saucin.” Tyler’s gravely voice somehow pleased her ears. The effect was like someone scratching an itch you couldn’t quite reach. He spoke slowly, as if considering every word. Israla had to restrain a shiver as he continued. “But someone has to represent what’s left of my people. As the ranking Earther officer on your planet, that job fals to me.” Israla frowned before remembering how bad that was to one’s youthful appearance. Yes, she knew she was vain and vanity was petty. But she’d had enough stress the last few years to age her more than mere time warranted. The war between Earth and Kalquor had brought hardship to Plasius, which the Earthers had blockaded because of its aliance with the Kalquorians.

Tyler had been in charge of that Earther blockade. He’d ordered battle drones capable of wasting entire cities into Plasius’ atmosphere. Fortunately, the stasis belt surrounding the planet kept the machines from their deadly duty, freezing them in place to leave them impotent orbiting satelites.

To give the colonel his due, the moment word had reached him that Earth and its government had been annihilated he’d ordered his troops to stand down. Then he’d destroyed the battle drones. He’d asked for and received permission to land his smal shuttle on Plasius, where he’d surrendered to Israla.

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