Alien Sex Cove (Sex Slave Series #3) (4 page)

He pointed to her pussy then grabbed his flaccid penis, evidently informing his men of the use for her sex. He gingerly hopped over her leg and stood next to her engorged breast. He pointed at his pectorals and squeezed his nipples one at a time before
putting his hand on her breast.

With the flat of his palm, he caressed the top of her nipple then pressed down, dampening his hand with a bit of fluid from her breast. He showed the liquid to the crowd who stared open-mouthed at their chief.

Turning from the men, he faced Sidney and placed both his hands on either side of her large orb. As though plumping a pillow, he pushed her breasts on both sides then released, then pressed and released.

After doing this several times, he lowered his mouth to her breast and sucked. Still sensitive from the crab-creature’s venom, she moaned in pleasure, once again alarming the men.

With a loud pop, the chief removed his mouth from her nipple and waved his hands to calm his tribe, showing them he was unharmed. A murmur of discussion passed through the men then stopped when their chief resumed his suckling.

His eyes met Sidney’s
, and she could see the mischievousness in his face, which greatly concerned her. He stepped back from her breast, wiped his mouth, and stroked his seven and a half-inch erect cock.

Either her milk was some kind of male enhancement or these beings were the most naturally well-endowed men she’d ever seen. The size of the chief’s cock alone was so disproportionate to his body she could hardly believe her eyes.

The men watched as their leader stroked his erection then jumped over the woman’s leg with ease. The chief stood in front of Sidney’s sex and reached forward with his small hands to spread the lips of her pussy wide.

Sidney was reminded of her first encounter with the
gray aliens and the way she had been explored by the Professor. The encounter had turned out extremely pleasurable, though the grays never had sex with her.

The leader’s hands stroked her wet folds from her opening to her clit
, and Sidney moaned at the pleasure. More talking occurred among the crowd of men, but the chief held up his hand for silence. He flicked her clit back and forth, back and forth, making her writhe for him; the audience was enthralled at her responses.

His small hands continued to pleasure her nub as he invited the men to touch her. One by one, the little green men stepped forward to rub her most sensitive place
, and within a few minutes Sidney could feel her orgasm mounting.

The chief spoke to the tribe once more then leaned down to latch his mouth onto her clit. Sidney screamed as his warm mouth teased her and his tongue stroked the bundle of nerves.

Her reaction caused the crowd to step back in fear or surprise – she wasn’t sure which and was certainly beginning not to care. Inching their way forward, the men closed in to watch their leader enjoy his prize.

In her excitement, fluid began to leak from her nipples as she lay there experiencing the little green man’s mouth. Stopping for a moment, the chief
gestured to one of the men to move toward her breast.

Not wanting to be seen as a coward, the man straightened
and bolstered his confidence as though he was performing a dangerous job. He stood next to Sidney, leaned over and sucked on her nipple.

Surprise filled his eyes as he drank the liquid, the taste evidently better than he expected. The chief called for him to stop when he saw the man’s body respond to her milk.

As Sidney had suspected, the fluid from her breasts caused both the chief’s and the other man’s flaccid penises to become as hard as steel. The man looked down at himself in shock and began to stroke his cock, following the actions of his leader.

He groaned as he pleasured himself, his pace becoming more and more rapid. Smiling, the chief motioned for him to stand next to him in-between Sidney’s legs.

The man stumbled in his euphoric daze over her leg to stand next to his leader who had resumed caressing Sidney’s clit. She was aroused to the point of such need, the desire to be filled consumed her.

With one swift thrust, the chief sank his cock deep into her pussy
, and she cried out loudly. This time, the men knew she made sounds of pleasure and were amazed at the actions of their chief.

The leader’s
large cock pounded into Sidney as furiously as his muscles were able while he continued to fondle her clit. Within seconds of being filled with his cock, Sidney screamed her orgasm, and the tribe of men leaned in to watch what would happen to their leader.

He continued to pump into her pussy
, and just as a look of rapture took over his features, he climaxed, spurting his semen into Sidney. When he finished, he stepped away from her and waved the second man to take his place.

The men began to cheer, unsure of exactly what had just happened, but greatly proud of their brave chief. Excitement ran through the little green men as they watched the second man take his place.

Mimicking his leader, the man pushed his cock into Sidney’s sex and cried out at the incredibly tight feeling of her spasming sheath on his erection. His knees nearly buckled as he gasped at the amazing sensation of her pussy constricting and releasing his cock. Not having experienced this kind of pleasure, it wasn’t long before he was jetting his semen into her just as the chief had before him.

The endorphins coursing through the second man caused him to lose his footing as he nearly
fell on his ass when pulling his penis out of her. The chief ordered him to sit on her abdomen and stroke her pussy while the rest of the tribe formed two lines.

The first line was to drink her
male-enhancing milk; the second was to fuck her. Sidney lost count of how many times she was brought to orgasm by the tribe as the men would take turns suckling on her then shoving their cocks into her pussy.

After hours of sex, the chief directed his tribe of men to surround Sidney’s body and gather in closely. Lying prostrate, with his head between her breasts, his hands latched onto her nipples as he fell asleep.

Although not all of the men were able to reach Sidney, all slept in a large pile, resembling a bunch sleeping puppies. After a restful nap, the chief had other ideas as to how he and his men could please themselves.

Gesturing to his men and calling out orders, food and water was given to Sidney as well as
to the men. By this time, the group was quite at ease with “their” woman and began inspecting different parts of her body.

Some played with her toes, but were scared away when
she shrieked because her feet were ticklish. Others were fascinated with her short blond hair and constantly ran their fingers through its softness. One even went so far as to put it in his mouth, but quickly found it was better to touch rather than taste.

The chief instructed his men to bring water to cleanse her body
. Small hands caressed every part of her and she giggled, the sight reminding her of a car wash.

When the men had finished their work, the chief made his way to stand next to her breast. He bent and suckled her milk once again causing his cock to quickly become erect.

Instead of putting himself between her legs, he walked toward Sidney’s mouth. The tribe gawked in shock at his boldness as their chief’s erection bobbed in front of her lips.

“No!” Sidney said firmly as she
turned her head away from the chief, which angered him greatly. She made a show of pulling on the restraints over her arms and legs, trying to communicate her desire to be released, but the chief was not interested.

Still refusing to cooperate, she began to grow concerned as the tribe’s leader smirked at her then walked away. He returned with a spear and Sidney was sure he was going to thrust it into her eye or harm her with it, but he merely leaned toward her.

With the spear only inches from her eyes, she finally grasped the reason the leader was acting so smug. The sharp point of the spear was made from the stinger of the crab-creatures with which she had just had sex.

Angry that the men were still planning on using her to slake their desires for what would amount to several more hours, she clamped her mouth closed and glared at the leader.

The chief mumbled something unintelligible to her before making another announcement to his tribe. He then turned around and thrust the tip of the spear directly onto her pelvis.

Within seconds, the effects of the venom-coated tip of the spear spread throughout her body and Sidney was again flushed, her body oversensitive with desire. She moaned as her pussy became slick with need and her nipples jutted out to their full two inches.

The chief straddled her neck and reached behind him to grab onto both of her nipples. He squeezed the fleshy extensions and when Sidney gasped, he drove his cock into her mouth. The tribe cheered as she took in their leader’s length, thinking he had coaxed her into taking his manhood with his wiles.

A line formed to the side of the chief as the men drank from her nipples then waited their turn for her to suck on their cocks. When the chief finally reached his climax,
he stood up and the second man took his place. The chief returned to her breast, drawing in more fluid to make his penis erect within seconds.

He positioned himself between her legs and drove his cock into her pussy, fucking her while his men climaxed into her mouth
. As though going from station to station, the men would pleasure themselves at her mouth, suck on her nipples, orgasm into her pussy then fall into a sleepy pile.

Her jaw was becoming sore and s
he was beginning to feel exhausted when she heard screams sound from the already sated men. Suddenly the entire tribe, nearly drunk on endorphins, left their spears and darts as well as Sidney lying on the sand and ran for their lives.

Thunder boomed from the sky, but Sidney was still confused as to why the men ran away.
Though there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, she felt droplets of rain fall onto her outstretched body. She suspected the liquid was not actually rain when the wet splotches on her skin began to warm.

Raising her head to try to see from where the fluid was coming, she only saw the outline of rocks. Seeing no immediate danger, Sidney rested her head against the sand as sleep overcame her.

Chapter 4

Sidney slept for hours and awoke to the sound of falling sand, or at least, that was what she thought she’d heard. She raised her head to search for the return of the crabs or the little green men but saw nothing of interest.

Sidney wanted to get the hell off the planet, but she didn’t want to go back to the grays. She wanted to take Kai with her – for protection if nothing else – and be free to live her life. Obviously, the grays had contracted her out with additional species on this planet or they would have already taken her back to their ship.

She realized that something had changed in the environment, but she was unsure as to what it was. Confused, she stared at her surroundings until she finally gave up and rested her eyes once more.

Her slumber was disturbed once again by the sound of moving sand, only this time she knew exactly from where the sound came. Between her legs she could see a cold, slimy gelatinous creature crawl over her foot and onto her leg, and she screamed.

Very slowly, a giant slug nearly five feet in length was making its way
over her body. The enormous gastropod secreted a thin layer of mucus as it crawled up her body. It was such a dark blue, it almost appeared black. Its optical tentacles surveyed the surrounding area as it rhythmically contracted its muscles to move between her spread-eagle legs.

After nearly a half an hour, the
slug had finally placed a portion of its head on her abdomen just below her navel. Sidney felt a cold, slippery protrusion slowly swipe back and forth across her buttocks, and she squirmed, trying to push her ass deeper into the sand.

The fleshy object continued to push and prod around her
sex until it finally settled on her opening. Sidney jumped as the cold extension lightly touched the lips of her labia then removed itself from her. It seemed to taste her as it mapped her pussy and opening.

The creature’s slime-covered tongue eased up onto her clit, flicking it slowly as it memorized the sensitive bundle of nerves.
A small tube encircled the nub and fitted itself tightly, molding around her clit.

The creature suddenly shivered, expelling thousands of drops of fluid onto her body, and Sidney realized that this had been the rain she’d felt earlier. Instead of drying, the small puddles of liquid made her skin
feel tingly and warm; it could be quite an aphrodisiac if used in concentrated doses.

Contracting and releasing, the tube squeezed her clit, the exquisite sensation eliciting a moan from her. Unexpectedly, Sidney felt something flick against her nub
, and she cried out in pleasure. Whatever this being was doing to her felt amazing!

Sidney raised her head in
an attempt to see what the slug was doing to her pussy, but the creature appeared to be immobile – all of its movement was taking place underneath it, unseen by anyone.

A slow
warmth centered on her nub that quickly began to tingle and her pleasure increased exponentially. The pressure and release on her clit continued, along with the occasional tap/flick of the creature’s tongue. The rhythmic repetition of the tube’s squeeze-relax-flick, squeeze-relax-flick was so intense, her orgasm built quickly.

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