Read All the Things We Never Knew Online

Authors: Sheila Hamilton

All the Things We Never Knew (40 page)

The leading mental health services agency of the Department of Health and Human Services includes the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) and the Emergency Mental Health and Stress Services Branch within CMHS. Through these divisions, SAMHSA provides assistance with assessing mental health needs and training disaster workers in mental health. SAMHSA also assists in arranging training for mental health outreach workers, assesses the content of applications for federal crisis counseling grant funds, and addresses worker stress issues and needs through a variety of mechanisms.



According to a 2004 report . . . 90 percent of the people who die by suicide

Nock MK, Borges G, Bromet EJ, Cha CB, Kessler RC, Lee S. Suicide and Suicidal Behavior.
Epidemiologic Reviews
. 2008; 30(1):133-154. doi:10.1093/epirev/mxn002.

Dr. Bruce Perry,
M.D., Ph.D., is an American psychiatrist, currently the senior fellow at the Child Trauma Academy in Houston, Texas.

Cavanagh JT, Carson AJ, Sharpe M, et al. Psychological autopsy studies of suicide: a systematic review.
Psychological Medicine.
2003; 33:395–405.

See also:

Neurosequential model of therapeutics

Bruce D. Perry and Erin P. Hambrick. “Going Beyond the Medical Model.”
Reclaiming Children and Youth
17, no. 3 (Fall 2008) (
), pp. 38–43. Accessed via the Child Trauma Academy.

Caplis, Catherine F. “Feasibility and Perceived Efficacy of the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics.” Antioch University, Psy.D. dissertation, 2014, pp. 2–6.

Collaborative problem-solving method developed by Dr. Ross Greene

Greene, R. W. “Collaborative Problem Solving.” In R. Murrihy, A. Kidman, and T. Ollendick, eds.,
A Clinician's Handbook of Assessing and Treating Conduct Problems in Youth.
New York: Springer Publishing, 2010, pp. 193–220.

The Flawless Foundation

“The Flawless Foundation takes a stand for children living with brain-based, behavioral challenges by promoting educated awareness about neurodevelopment, providing evidence-based, holistic treatment programs and by advancing environmental prevention focused research.”
. Accessed March 17, 2015.

Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
was a Swiss-American psychiatrist, a pioneer in near-death studies, and the author of the groundbreaking book
On Death and Dying
. See
. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. “Bio.” A&E Television Networks, 2015. Accessed March 28, 2015.


Nearly one in five American adults (18.5 percent), or 43.8 million adults, had a mental illness in 2013

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Results from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
. Mental Health Findings, NSDUH Series H-49, HHS Publication No. (SMA) 14-4887. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014.

The profound reluctance to be a mental health patient

Thornicroft, Graham, et al. “Stigma: Ignorance, Prejudice or Discrimination?”
British Journal of Psychiatry
(March 2007): pp. 115–190.

“Stigma ‘Key Deterrent' in Accessing Mental Health Care.”
Science Daily
, February 25, 2015.
. Original study by Sarah Clement et al. “What Is the Impact of Mental Health–Related Stigma on Help-Seeking? A Systematic Review of Quantitative and Qualitative Studies.”
Psychological Medicine

Wahl, Otto F. “Mental Health Consumers' Experience of Stigma.”
Schizophrenia Bulletin
25 (1999): 467–478.


The National Institute of Mental Health reports that “unlike most disabling physical diseases . . .”

National Institute of Mental Health. “Mental Illness Exacts Heavy Toll, Beginning in Youth.” Press release, June 6, 2005.
. Accessed March 2015.

Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA)

“About EASA.” Early Assessment and Support Alliance.
. Accessed March 17, 2015.

McGorry, Patrick D., and Henry J. Jackson.
The Recognition and Management of Early Psychosis: A Preventive Approach.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 3–7.

The current system of mental health care . . . is broken

Tamara Sale, director, EASA Center for Excellence at Portland State University Regional Research Institute. Quoted in Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, “Oregon's Approach to Early Intervention and Prevention of Psychosis.” Case study, Early Detection and Intervention for the Prevention of Psychosis Program, March 2013.

All other quotes by Sale and/or the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation come from the case study cited above.

Tamara Sale interview with Sheila Hamilton, KINK radio


One in five Americans

Mayo Clinic. “Mental Illness—Risk Factors.”
. Accessed March 13, 2015.

Mental Health America. “Mental Illness and the Family: Recognizing Warning Signs and How to Cope.”
. Accessed March 19, 2015.


57 percent of people with bipolar disorder

National Alliance on Mental Illness, “Opening the Door on Hypersexuality.” Excerpt from the spring 2009 issue of
. Accessed April 2, 2015.

Schneider, Jennifer P. “Rebuilding the Marriage During Recovery from Compulsive Sexual Behavior.”
Family Relations
(National Council on Family Relations) 38, no. 3 (July 1989): pp. 288–294.

Dr. Barbara Geller
, M.D., is professor emerita of psychiatry at Washington University in St. Louis.

43 percent of children

Balanced Mind Parent Network. “Hypersexuality in Children with Bipolar Disorder.” November 29, 2001, updated January 6, 2010.
. Accessed March 17, 2015.

Geller, Barbara, et al. “Phenomenology of Prepubertal and Early Adolescent Bipolar Disorder: Examples of Elated Mood, Grandiose Behaviors, Decreased Need for Sleep, Racing Thoughts and Hypersexuality.” Abstract.
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology
12, no. 1 (2002): pp. 3–9.

Fristad, M. A., E. B. Weller, and R. A. Weller. “The Mania Rating Scale: Can It Be Used in Children? A Preliminary Report.”
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
31 (1992): pp. 252–257.

Jamison reported that women with bipolar disorder

NAMI. “Opening the Door on Hypersexuality.”


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