Amorous (The Lincoln Series Book 1) (11 page)

“Come for me again, baby!” Warren demanded through gritted teeth.

His harsh tone heightened her excitement. Two more thrusts of his powerful fingers and she came once more. Her entire body burst into flames. The sensations rushing through her at lightning speed were nothing like she could have ever imagined. Her orgasm was so intense she barely recognized it for what it was. She tried to catch her breath as she felt him moving over her.

He ran his fingers gently across her face moving the hair from her eyes.

“You okay?”

She nodded and closed her eyes so she could concentrate on just the feel of his skin touching hers.

A moment of hesitation gripped her when she felt his cock poised at her entrance. She looked down between them and saw him. Desire warred with fear and she worried that he was too big for her.

A predatory smile crossed his lips when he saw her stare at his cock.

“Like what you see, baby?” He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I can’t wait to fuck your brains out.”

Her fear was forgotten at his crude words. Her arousal raged higher. She was desperate to feel his invasion and the anticipation was making her dizzy. She was getting lost in a world she had only ever imagined. She gasped when his cock pressed into her opening.

“Is it going to hurt?”

“Only for a second, baby.” Warren crooned in her ear. “I’ll take it slow. As slow as you need me to.”

He kissed the shell of her ear tenderly and whispered, “I want you so much.”

“Maybe faster would be better.” She moaned.

He smiled. “We’ll try slow first.” He eased the head of his cock into her and stopped. “How’s that?”

“More. I want more.”

He pushed in deeper and stopped again. “You’re so tight.” He nipped her ear. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

She shook her head. “More,” she whispered.

Desire had consumed her and feeling him inside her was ecstasy. All she wanted was to feel him filling her.

He thrust hard and filled her to the hilt. Her breath caught when she felt her body tighten on his cock. He looked down at her when she gasped in pleasure.

“Are you okay, baby?”

“Yes,” she hissed.

She was mindless. If there was an instant of pain she missed it. All she felt was him inside her, filling her, possessing her, owning her soul. Feeling him inside her made her feel sexy and powerful.

The gorgeous, delectable Dr. Jackson was making love to her. She felt her soul take flight. He was making love to her.

“Please love me,” she whispered.

He started to pump into her as sweat ran down his chest. He held her gaze and increased his thrusts.

She wrapped her legs around his hips and he pounded into her without mercy. She felt a gentle wave of ecstasy rush through her a moment before he exploded.

His body jerked and he screamed her name in a prayer to God. He held himself over her for a minute then fell to the bed beside her and pulled her into his arms. He held her tight and caressed her back as they both caught their breath.

Her mind replayed the moment of his completion and the euphoria she felt when he screamed her name. She touched her thigh to his and liquid spilled from her body.



“Did you…I mean…I’m not protected.”

“It’s okay.”

She sat up and scooted away from him. “But, I’m not on the pill. I didn’t think about that.”

He sat up and grabbed her hand. “Marie, it’s going to be okay.”

“Oh God, what am I going to do? What if I get pregnant?” Fear gripped her and she started to shake. A pregnancy would ruin everything for her. Her career would be over before it even got off the ground.

“Hey, come here.” He pulled her to him and kissed her softly. “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got it covered.” He winked. “I’m wearing a raincoat.”

She exhaled and let out a shaky laugh when she looked at the transparent sheath on his penis.

He laid back and pulled her with him. He combed his fingers through her hair when she laid her head on his shoulder.

“I’ll protect you, Marie. Always.”

She closed her eyes and listened to the beat of his heart. She felt her limbs get heavy and the rhythmic patterns his hand was tracing on her arm made her drowsy. She was in a strange bed, but a strong sense of home had consumed her. She sighed once more and drifted off to sleep.


“Hey, babe, I need to get a shower.”

Warren tilted his head to see her face when she didn’t respond.

“Marie, are you awake?”

When she didn’t respond he carefully slid out from under her and covered her with the throw.

She sighed and curled up on her side.

He laughed to himself. “I thought I was supposed to be the one to roll over and go to sleep.”

He kissed her softly and headed for the bathroom. He turned the shower on and reached down to roll off the clear condom he had put on. He had a feeling once they started he wouldn’t be in a state of mind to think about it. He tossed it in the garbage and something caught his eye.

He slowly bent down and grabbed it out of the waste basket. Turning it over his heart started to race. His eyes glued to the small tear in the end of the condom.

Chapter 11


Marie sat at a table in the restaurant section of Parillo’s. She had asked Janet to meet her for dinner there instead of in the bar. The change in scenery was just what she was looking for. Somehow going back to the bar seemed wrong, like she was trying to go backwards. And after this morning she only wanted to move forward. Her life was changing, had changed. Warren was a part of it now. A big part of it and she was flying higher than she ever had.

Marie and Warren had spent the whole day together and had made plans for dinner but the hospital called again, so she called Janet.

She laughed when Janet had practically screamed into the phone with excitement. Marie knew what was coming. Janet was going to gloat about being right and then grill her for hours for details.

“He’s going to hurt you, Marie. You know that don’t you?”

Marie looked up from the menu and watched Jake take the seat across from her.

“He’s only doing this to get to me. Warren has always been jealous of me and my money.”

“Is that so?”

He leaned forward and whispered, “He’s only fucking you to piss me off. But it’s not working. I don’t mind if you get a little more experience before you come crawling back to me. It makes my job easier.”

“Janet is right. You are a pig.”

Jake smiled. “You think he loves you, Marie? I’ve seen what he does to women. He’ll fuck you for a while and when you start to get too clingy he’ll cast you off just like all the others.”

Marie wanted to scream at him, tell him he was wrong. Warren wouldn’t do that to a woman and he certainly wouldn’t do that to her. She felt it in her heart.

“You’ve got it bad, baby. I can see it in your face. You’re headed for a big hurt. But don’t worry. I’ll be waiting when he’s done with you. I don’t generally make a habit of cleaning up after him, but since I had you first I’m willing to make an exception.”

“You never had me. What I…did with you was a mistake. One I never plan to repeat.”

“Warren is your mistake, honey. But, we all make mistakes so I won’t hold it against you. The pain he’ll inflict will be punishment enough for your lapse in judgment.”

Marie stood up to leave. “I’m not talking to you anymore.”

Jake grabbed her wrist then stood slowly. She tried to yank her arm free but his grip was too tight.

“Sit back down, Marie, I’m leaving. Someone’s waiting at the bar for me. I can play this game too.” He pulled her close and whispered, “And I never lose.”

Jake let go and Marie rubbed the ache in her wrist. She watched him walk away and disappear through the doors leading to the bar.

She sat down and tried to calm the rage building inside her. She wanted to scream at him, tell him Warren wouldn’t do that to her. Warren wouldn’t treat her like he had. Warren cared for her…didn’t he?

She grunted. Of course he did. The way Warren touched her, the way he spoke to her was real. He wasn’t acting. What they had was real, something Jake could never understand.

Jake was wrong. He had to be wrong because she would never survive the humiliation if he was right.

“Marie? What’s wrong, honey?”

Marie turned her gaze to Janet when she spoke. “Nothing. I’m okay.”

“You don’t look okay and you don’t sound okay. What the hell happened since I spoke to you twenty minutes ago?”


“What about Jake?”

“He was here. He dropped by to remind me he’d be waiting when Warren dumped me. The fucker. He’s wrong! Warren wouldn’t do that to me.”

“Of course he wouldn’t. Marie, you have to stop letting that asshole upset you. He does this to you because he gets a reaction out of you.”

“I know…He said I was making a mistake by being with Warren.”

“The only mistake you made was going out with Jake two years ago. Hell, I can’t even blame you for that, even though I told you not to. He’s a manipulator, Marie. He knows exactly what to say to get under your skin and get the reaction he wants.”

“He said Warren was sleeping with me to get to him, that Warren has always been jealous of his money.”

“That’s ridiculous. Warren has never liked Jake but it has nothing to do with his money. Jake is an asshole and always has been. Whatever else he told you were lies. I’d bet my life on it.”

A tear fell from Marie’s eye and she brushed it away with her fingertips. “I don’t want him to be right, Jan. I…”

“Jake’s not right, Marie. Warren is different with you. He’s always treated women with love and respect but with you it’s more. I don’t know how to explain it but he’s just acting different. It’s like you two are two halves of the same whole. He wanted to be with you so much I think it would kill him to lose you.”

“I hope you’re right because it would kill me to lose him. I tried so hard to hold my heart back but I couldn’t. I know it sounds insane but I think I love him already.”

“You’re not insane; I’m right; and Jake’s wrong. Now let’s order some dinner. I’m starving. Then we’re heading back to my place for the Margaritas. I’ll get you to dish all the dirty little details if it takes a whole bottle of tequila.”

Chapter 12


Monday morning came fast and Marie could hardly believe she was back at work. Today she was in early, it was barely seven AM. She was exhausted but she just couldn’t sleep.

Wonderful memories flooded her mind as she reminisced about the weekend. She had spent most of it splitting her time between Warren and Janet and she had gotten nothing constructive done. She hadn’t even picked up her suits at the dry cleaners so she was wearing an older outfit that was a little snugger than she liked. It wasn’t a suit but it was the next best thing.

She hoped Warren’s reaction to it would be exciting. The blouse didn’t want to stay buttoned so she had to improvise and the snug skirt showed off her figure nicely. For once in her life she felt sexy instead of self-conscious.

After their morning “exercise” on Saturday, Warren had showered and dressed, then taken her home to shower and change. Despite her feeble attempts to the contrary, he had taken her back to his house where he introduced her to the fine art of christening his home, one room at a time.

The only unpleasant part was when Jake had shown up at Parillo’s. He had preyed on the logical side of her brain and she had to admit she didn’t believe in love at first sight. Yet this relationship with Warren had developed literally overnight. Jake’s words had cut deep and she felt the doubt start to consume her, but after spending the evening sipping more Margaritas than she could count, Janet had convinced her that what she had with Warren was the real thing.

It felt so right. She could feel herself glowing whenever he was near her and a permanent smile had taken up residence on her face.

The office was dark when she unlocked the door. After turning on the lights, her computer, and the copy machine she went back to the staff room to get her usual dose of caffeine. When she headed down the hallway back to her desk she noticed the waiting room was dark.

She slowed her pace and approached the end of the hall. Her heart beat increased as she made her way to her desk. When she set her glass down a hand grabbed her from behind and spun her around. Her cardigan slid off her shoulders and pooled at her elbows.

“I thought you’d never get here, sexy.” Warren crooned in her ear and pressed her against the wall with his body. “I’ve been waiting for you since six.”

“Sorry I’m late, Dr. Jackson. It won’t happen again.”

He palmed her breasts and massaged her linen covered flesh. He smiled when the top button of her blouse popped open. “No bra today?”

“It wouldn’t fit. My top wouldn’t stay buttoned.”

“Works for me.” He kissed her hard and started working on the rest of the buttons.

Excitement raced through her body and her breathing became more rapid. She inhaled and let the scent of his cologne fill her lungs.

He began nibbling his way down her neck and dipped his tongue in the hollow of her throat. He grabbed the hem of her skirt and tried to pull it up. It stopped at her hips and he yanked hard. He froze when the seam gave way then looked at her and smiled.

“I’ll get you another one.”

He shifted and pressed his thigh between her legs.

The pressure on her clit was delicious. She began to ride his leg and her skirt ripped again.

He grabbed what was left and ripped it from her body.

“I missed you Saturday night,” he said.

Warren ran his open mouth along her jaw to her lips and kissed her with savage intensity. He thrust his tongue into her mouth and pulled her toward him to snake his arms around her. He tangled his hand in her hair and pulled her head to his shoulder. He licked the shell of her ear and whispered, “I won’t be on call again till next month. I think we should try again soon.”

“How soon?”

“How about right now?”

He pulled the collar of her shirt aside and kissed a path along her shoulder, the material caught on her breast just barely hiding her nipple.

“I think you should make it a habit to skip the bra. It’s just one more layer I have to take off anyway.”

Warren gently ran his finger along the edge of the linen and her nipple peaked out. He immediately bent his head and suckled her breast.

She gasped and wrapped her arms around his head. When he grabbed her ass and lifted her she wrapped her legs around his hips.

He stumbled backwards and sat on the end of her desk, never taking his mouth from her breast. He shifted again and her desk phone buzzed with a dial tone.

She suddenly remembered where they were.

“Warren. What if someone sees us? What if Dr. Carrington comes in?” She looked down. “Oh my God! My skirt…it’s ruined.”

“Shhh. I locked the door. We’ll hear him before he walks in.” He looked at the remains of her skirt on the floor. “On second thought maybe we better continue this in my office.”

He stood up and headed for his door still carrying her around his hips.

“My skirt—”

“I’ll get it later.” He stepped over the threshold and kicked the door shut.

“Should we be doing this here? I mean, it’s a business.”

Despite her words of protest her body and soul hungered for the forbidden adventure. She pushed his head back to her breast and wrapped her legs around him tighter increasing the pressure on her clit.

He spoke with his mouth full. “It’s the perfect place, baby. We’re in the southwest corner of the admin building. No one wants to come back here. They’re too afraid one of us shrinks will analyze them.” He flicked his tongue against her rock hard nipple. “Besides, I have so many fantasies about making love to you in my office I can’t wait to try them out.”

He dropped back onto the leather sofa and pulled her down on top of him to kiss her again.

She ran her fingers through his hair and rose up on her knees to straddle his legs and devour his mouth. She couldn’t seem to get enough of him. The heat of his body wrapped around her and the world began to melt away. His hands were everywhere and she moaned when he squeezed her ass.

He broke the kiss and held her face in his hands. “Pull your panties down, baby. I can’t wait any longer.”

She obeyed without hesitation. She loved how he dominated their intimacy. It made her feel powerful and sexy despite her submissive role. His strong desire for her filled her with a confidence she never felt before.

She rose up on her knees and pulled down her hose and panties. When she got them to her knees she tried to stand up to pull them off.

He grabbed her around the waist before she got to her feet.

“Warren, I have to get up. I’m stuck.”

“No way, baby. I’ve got a better idea.”

He picked her up and swung her around. He bent her over the arm of the sofa and playfully smacked her ass.

“Oh, God.”

“You like that, baby?” Warren smacked her ass again.

Marie moaned and felt wetness push from her body.

“Oh yeah, you like that. Now bend over, baby.”

She looked back and watched him roll on a condom with one hand and finger her with the other.

“Damn, you’re wet.” He leaned over close to her face and brought his fingers to his mouth. “I love the way you taste.”

He grabbed her hips and slammed his cock into her. He filled her in two strokes and immediately set up a furious pace. He reached around her hips and started massaging her clit.

“Fuck you’re tight!”

She heard and felt the slap of his balls against her wet flesh. The sound sent her desire soaring. She felt her orgasm building and knew it wouldn’t be long before she came.

“Come for me, Marie. I need you to come.” He increased his thrusts. “Squeeze my dick, baby, make me come.”

“Harder. I need it harder.”

He pinched her clit and she felt her muscles spasm. An instant later he screamed her name and shuddered.


Warren held her hips against his and rode out the aftershocks of their orgasms. He reluctantly pulled his cock from her body and collapsed backwards onto the couch, pulling her with him.

Her legs were still bound together at her knees as he cradled her in his arms. He kissed her gently on the lips realizing she had fallen asleep. He tucked her head under his chin then kissed the top of her head.

He hadn’t realized just how tired she was. He had noticed the drawn look on her face but ignored it and concentrated on the glow of happiness he had seen in her eyes, hoping with all his heart that he was the reason for it.

He whispered into her hair, “I think if I’m not careful, I could fall in love with you, Marie. What do you think about that?”

Her only response was to cuddle closer to his chest. He smiled and chuckled to himself. He had discovered this weekend she could sleep like the dead, especially after a good orgasm.

He slid out from under her and went to his private bathroom. When he returned with a warm washcloth he found her curled up looking cold. He knelt down in front of her and removed her pantyhose. He cleaned her gently and covered her with a throw, then kissed her cheek and whispered, “Sleep tight my angel.”

Warren went out to Marie’s desk to call AJ. He saw what was left of her skirt crumpled on the floor next to her wastebasket. He picked it up and saw it had split straight up the back seam. The button on the waistband was missing and the zipper was pulled apart.

He stepped back to look for the missing button and heard something snap under his foot. He laughed when he realized it was the missing button.

He put the broken pieces in his pocket and folded the material that was once a skirt and tucked it under his arm. He thought he might have Janet help him pick out a new one for her. But first he’d have to think of something to tell Janet. He certainly couldn’t say he ruined it by ripping it from Marie’s body in a lust-filled frenzy. Maybe her birthday was coming up, that would sound reasonable.

Warren sat at Marie’s desk to make the call and noticed she had only a few personal items on her desk. No pictures, just a paperweight with swirls of orange and white and a small figurine.

He picked it up and took a closer look at it. It was a pewter sculpture of a small girl holding a basket of flowers. There was a tiny butterfly on her shoulder and a dog lying at her feet. Her expression was complicated and it made him wonder what it meant to Marie.

He set it back down and thought about how much he wanted to learn about her. What she liked and didn’t like. Did she prefer roses or daisies? Was she a dog lover or did she prefer cats? Hopefully she preferred dogs. He was planning on getting a German Shepherd now that he’d bought his parent’s old house with the fenced-in backyard. And if he had to guess he would say that pewter dog was a Shepherd.

He wanted to know everything about her and the thought of making her a part of his life was exciting. He’d never felt this way about a woman before and he liked how it made him feel.

He sighed. If only AJ would lighten up about him and Marie things would be perfect. He could do without the extra complication. Warren would rather keep all his attention on Marie and not have to hide his feelings from AJ. He ran his hand through his hair and picked up the phone.

“Hey, AJ. It’s Warren. I just wanted to let you know I’m going to give Marie a ride home. She’s not feeling well.”

“What do you mean she is not feeling well? She cannot go home. I have a lot of work for her to do today. I—”

“Come on AJ, lighten up. She looks terrible. I think she really needs to go home.”

“I told you not to mess with her Warren. Do not piss me off.”
AJ growled.
“If she needs to go home, why am I not talking to her?”

“She’s sleeping in my office.”

“What the hell is she doing sleeping in your office? I am warning you, Warren. Don’t fuck with me.”

“AJ, she’s sick. You told me she knows how much she needs a reference from you, that’s probably why she dragged her ass in here today. Honestly, if I hadn’t gotten her to sleep—”

“You got her to go to sleep? What did you do, fuck her into exhaustion?”

Warren cleared his throat. “She said she didn’t get much sleep last night. She was dead on her feet.”

“I can be there in twenty minutes. Wait until I get there. I want to talk to her first. I need to know a few things before she leaves.”

“Send her a text. She won’t make it that long.”


Warren dropped the phone on the receiver. “Oops. How clumsy of me.”

“Warren. What’s going on?”

He spun around to see Marie standing in the doorway of his office. The throw was wrapped around her. Her hair tussled and eyes sleepy giving her a well fucked look. He had never seen a woman look more beautiful.

He was across the room in an instant. He grabbed her by her arms and pulled her into a warm embrace.

“Do you know how beautiful you look?” He buried his face in her hair and kissed her neck.

“Warren, answer my question. I know I’m tired but I can’t take the day off. Just take me home and let me get something else to wear. I have a lot of work to do.”

She opened her mouth to continue her protest but Warren swallowed her words with a kiss.

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