Read An Unattractive Vampire Online

Authors: Jim McDoniel

An Unattractive Vampire (34 page)

. Including that one.

List of Patrons

This book was made possible in part by the following grand patrons who preordered the book on Thank you.

Adam Gomolin

Alex Rosen

Barbara Melbourne

Barbara Pasmore

Bethany Martin

Catherine McDoniel

Chris Vanspeybroeck

Dan Donahue Dann Tincher

David Thies

David Rheinstrom

Ele Matelan

George G. McDoniel

George M. McDoniel

Gabrielle Vanspeybroeck

Jeffrey Johnston

Joel Kolander

Kate McDoniel

Kylie Picco

Lawrence McDoniel

Lindsey M. Dorsey

Margaret McDoniel

Tammy Schaefer

Meghan McDoniel

Melissa Kittok

Randy Linn

Lyn Burke

Cheryl Donahue

Richard Simpson

Sandra Seeley

Thaddeus Woodman

Vernon Stackhouse


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