Read Angel Falling Online

Authors: Audrey Carlan

Tags: #Falling#1

Angel Falling (25 page)

“Only you, Hank.” I pressed hard into his fingers, losing my breath in the process. “My body aches for your touch,” I admitted on a particularly hard thrust of those amazing fingers.

A deep guttural moan ripped through his chest right before he used both hands at the edge of each hip and shredded the fabric of my thong. Hank loved tearing my panties to pieces. He tossed the ripped fabric over his shoulder. Another hundred-dollar pair of panties gone with the wind.

I didn’t care. His need for me was exciting and those tattered remnants of his unconcealed lust would be tossed in the trash with pride. Another casualty to our fevered ache for one another. I laid there as his gaze roamed over every inch of me. His breath labored.

Strong hands spread my quivering thighs open wide. Those eyes were indescribable in the little bit of moonlight coming through the room. It didn’t hide the hunger, the raw intensity of his desire for my body, for me. It shook me to my core. Had I ever seen a man look at me like that? As if I was the most beautiful woman in the world?

His hands cupped my knees then trailed down the insides of each thigh. Shivers replaced need. I anticipated his touch like a brand. When his thumbs separated my folds, he tipped his face down and breathed against my sex.

Every pant was like he was breathing life back into my sour life. I’d always thought that life was good. Work was great, my home was magazine-worthy, and I had more money than I knew what to do with. Then I met this roguish, handsome cowboy who saved my life, and everything changed … for the better.

Before Hank, I had no idea how little I had. Now that I had the comfort of a man—this man—I knew that I was an empty shell of the woman I could be. Hank made anything feel possible: work, friends, family, a man to come home to. These are things I had right now and I didn’t know how I was going to hold onto them.

Hank broke me from my musing with a long wet lap of his tongue from my tight hole all the way up to my clit.

“Holy … oh God!” I screamed out.

My body twitched and stretched, spurring him on. He opened me like a flower and sucked the nectar until I was a screaming ball of pleasure. His tongue swirled through my opening, licking and sucking every last drop of my release. The contented sounds spilled from his throat in a deep hum that unraveled me.

“Fucking honey and vanilla. Christ, I’ll never get enough of you,” he whispered as he bit and licked his way up my body, dragging his tongue along the sensitive plane of my abdomen, dipping in and around my navel. He continued his path upward, taking a moment to graze his teeth along each delicate rib.

Shivers ran down my spine and goose bumps spanned the surface of overly heated flesh. He placed small nips and kisses against each breast until he reached my mouth. His tongue dipped in to feast and I made a huge meal of it. Sucking his tongue, tasting myself mixed with his unique flavor. The pleasure had me grinding my pelvis into his and wrapping my leg around him.

“Fuck me, Stud.” I sank my teeth into the crook of his neck. I wanted to mark him, make him mine.

“Not tonight, Angel. Tonight, I make love to you in our bed, in our home away from home.” His words reached the deepest recesses of my heart. The heart I thought had been broken to pieces by a cheating prick of a man. In reality, what I felt for Grant paled in comparison to what I felt for Hank. He made me feel alive, desired, needed.

Hank kicked his jeans off, settling his toned naked body in between my legs. I reached behind my back, undid my bra, and threw it to the side of the bed. He hiked up both of my legs and spread me wide. I resisted the urge to close my legs. The man had just licked me to oblivion; shyness was ludicrous at this point. There was just something about the way he looked at me in that moment when he lined up his cock with my moist opening. The gaze that searched mine was filled with reverence, with … love. Then he sank his thick length into me, inch by blessed inch. Slow as molasses. We both gasped, eyes burning fire into one another as he filled me with life.

“You still don’t know?” he whispered against my lips, eyes never leaving mine.

“I think I do,” I said nervously, not expecting to be here, with this man, at this time in my life. It was so surreal.

“You’re everything, Angel. Everything I ever wanted.” He punctuated his words by pulling almost all the way out then slamming back in, grinding his hips at the end.
Oh, God!

“Hank …” I moaned but couldn’t look away from this beautiful man. His control barely contained, body shaking with the effort to go slow, hold back, say what he needed to say. He was struggling and my eyes pooled with tears. I lifted my hands to cup both cheeks, his stubble scratched against my open palms. I wrapped both legs around his waist and clasped my ankles at the dip in his lower back. Pulling his head down, I kissed him.

I left everything in that kiss. All my fears, my nerves, my past, everything that would prevent me from truly letting myself love this man.

He pulled away, kissed the entire surface of my face, and then searched out my eyes again. “I love you, Angel.” Tears welled and slid down the side of my face. He kissed them away and then kissed me. We sat there holding one another, completely entwined, he still long and hard, nestled deep within me.

I choked back a sob and buried my head into his neck. His citrus mixed with musky Hank invaded my senses. I never wanted anything else. This was it. He was my other half. “Make love to me,” I whispered against his neck.

“I want nothing more,” he said as he pulled his hips back, and on a tight snap shoved his steel length into me, filling my body and my heart. Over and over and over again. It healed me. Fulfilled me. It made me whole. He made me feel like a whole person.

“I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Oh God, I love you.” The last part was whispered on a howl of ecstasy. I thought it was Hank saying those words as his hot seed coated my insides, burning me with his passion, chanting those words over and over. But, it was me. The words spilled from my mouth as my entire body tightened and exploded around his pulsating cock.

We both came to sometime later. He had reversed our positions. I was now limp-limbed across his big body. His hands roamed up and down my back, down to my ass and back up. Every so often he’d squeeze a handful of cheek and dip his pelvis up to massage me. He was insatiable, fully embedded deep within me almost every night since we met and still ready to go. I’d take a solid bet Hank could get it up piss-ass drunk. I’d have to investigate that theory.

“Hey, you dead?”

I giggled and rubbed my face into his broad chest, taking a moment to kiss around his nipple then lick and bite the tip gently. The rubbery texture of his nipple stirred the pot holding my desire. I could feel his dick hardening under me. Two orgasms down and my need for this man hadn’t abated. I wanted him again. Plain and simple, I was a goner. Gyrating my hips against his growing member, I leaned up and caught his gaze.

“Did you mean it?” I asked.

He nodded. “Darlin’, I’m downright crazy in love with ya,” he said and pinched his lips together. “You mean it?” He cocked his head to the side.

“Every word, Stud.” His smile was all I needed. I sat up and settled over his burgeoning erection. “Again?” I rounded my ass against his need.

“You drive me wild, Angel. I’ll never have enough of you.”

“Well, we can’t have that, now can we?” Without much ado, I sat up, centered his member at my slick opening, and impaled him. He bucked wildly under me.

“Fuck, Angel!” He gripped my hips and steadied me. I twisted and moved my hips in a small circle, relishing the feel of him buried so deep. “You’re perfect. Meant for me. Only me, Darlin’.” He punctuated his thought by lifting me up and planting me back down, his hips rocking up into me.

“Oh, God!”

I thought I had the upper hand straddling him, but he took every advantage. When I’d rise up, he’d pull me down and lift his hips in punishing, mouthwatering thrusts. Before long we were both screaming out to the heavens. I fell to his chest, wiped out. Sleep took me instantly.



She loves me. Last night, my Angel admitted she loved me. Her form laid across mine deep in sleep. Her skin was baby soft and smelled like warm, sugared toast. The woman was fully under my skin. I’d only ever told one other woman in my thirty-four years on this earth that I’d loved her ‘sides Ma and Jess. It was not a phrase I took lightly. The fact that I said it to a woman that on the outside was all kinds of wrong for me took the cake.

The differences between our upbringings, our jobs, our everyday likes, were as far and wide as the state of Texas itself. But none of that mattered. She made my heart thump, my mind dizzy with lust, and my body ache to be near her. Aspen was the bee’s knees. I’d love her until the day I died, and I would spend the rest of my days making sure she knew it.

Her body started to stretch and nuzzle, purring softly like a baby kitten into the crook of my neck. The movement warmed and solidified my need for her. She pushed the wayward strands of hair away from her face. Her endless blue eyes found mine, a smile spread across her face.

“Morning, Stud.” That gravelly tone went straight to my dick, deepening the morning excitement.

“Angel. Sleep well?” I pivoted my hips against hers with a little tilt. She moaned and kissed my chest, humming in the back of her throat. That sound did things to me. Made me want to throw her under me and pin her to the sheets right quick.

“I did,” she said, then a heavy knock banged against the door, startling us both.

“Rise and shine, breakfast will be ready in twenty!” Ma’s voice screeched through the door.

“Jesus H. Christ! Ma, go home!” I screamed back at her.

“Don’t you take the Lord’s name in vain, young man! ‘Sides, your brother and the kids are already here, you best get up! We’re not wasting our time with Aspen, and the boys want to ride the horses!” Her voice broke off. After that it was silent. She must have left to tend to the cookin’.

Aspen was laughing against my chest. “Is it always like this?”

“Sometimes. But I think more so because you’re here. They want to get to know the woman I’m in love with,” I told her unashamed. Her breath caught as I said the words so easily that we’d spoken last night. I’d wondered if she was going to pretend like nothin’ ever happened. If she was it wasn’t gonna happen. I planned to make her understand exactly where I wanted to be and that’s where she was. Period. “How about we shower real quick?” I waggled my eyebrows and thrust my fully erect cock up at her.

“Yes, lets. After …” with that she tilted her hips and sank down on my cock with a quickness I hadn’t expected.

“Shit, fuck, Angel!” I groaned and locked my hands at her waist. “You’ll damn near kill a man with moves like that!”

We finished our business, had a quick five-minute shower, where I proceeded to wash me off her with a big ol’ pout. She thought it funny that I liked her dirty. Really I just wanted any man within a three-foot radius to know she was spoken for. Men tended to sense these things, especially if I loaded her right full with my troopers. The thought made me smile. But she would have none of it, wanting to be squeaky clean for my family.

We made our way down and settled in the sun room. Ma had served the guys, my brother, Jess, and the rug rats with eggs, bacon, and her homemade biscuits. If she had gravy for those biscuits I would’ve kidnapped an angel and never gone back to New York. Lucky for Aspen she didn’t.

We ate and enjoyed the easy company of my family. I couldn’t be happier, and judging by the shy smile on my girl’s face, she was damned content. Life was good.

“So, tonight’s the Jensen barbecue. You’re all comin’, right?” Jess asked.

“What’s that now?” I asked.

“Oh, Punky, you have to come to our summer barbecue. Remember, we have it every year at this time. You just surprised us by bein’ home in time for it! Everyone’s goin’ to be there!” she was alight with excitement. I liked seeing Ma so happy.


“Of course. We’re here, let’s party!” she picked up her biscuit and took a huge bite. The dreaded foodgasms started again. She really loved Ma’s cookin’. I couldn’t blame her, though; there was none better in my opinion.

I leaned over and whispered in her ear. “You keep up those sounds and I’m going to be doing something real indecent to you here directly.” She grinned and took another huge bite on a groan. My eyebrow went sky high with the challenge. She tilted her head to assess me. I took that moment to slide my hand along her bare thigh and under her loose red shorts. My fingers crept along her seam and she gasped.

“Don’t test me, Angel.” I pressed my fingers against her damp panties. She moaned and shoved a bite of bacon in her mouth letting her hair fall in her face. I decided to have mercy on her and pulled away, letting my hand cup and tickle her kneecap instead. She breathed deep. I loved how affected she was by my touch. Excited me to no end.

“So it’s settled then. And of course, you guys must come too,” Ma directed her pointed gaze at Dean and Oliver.

“A real Southern shindig? Is it like a hoe-down? Please tell me it’s like a hoe-down! I have the perfect outfit,” Oliver exclaimed happily. The pipsqueak was a jumble of excitement today. Most of the table laughed enjoying his crazy. Dean shook his head as if he was exasperated.

The day went on and I was in pure heaven. Aspen and I took my brothers boys to ride the horses. She actually had experience riding. Said her parents made her learn as a kid, and damn if she didn’t look good up on a horse. Her red cowboy boots, tiny red shorts, and white ruffled top about made my knees buckle. Her pale legs looked impossibly long. She even took Hunter, one of the twins, up on her horse. He took a real liking to her. Holt preferred to be with the men, so I pulled his small body up onto the front of the horse with me and we took off around my land.

We stopped every so often to give the horses a drink of fresh water from the creek and let the boys explore.

The day couldn’t have been more perfect. We dropped off the boys and went to get ready for the gathering at Ma’s.

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