Read Angel in Chains Online

Authors: Cynthia Eden

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal, #General

Angel in Chains (11 page)

He was the only angel that Jade had ever met. And the witch was standing too close to him. The witch also needed to stop that touching bit.
“I told you why I turned you over to those men before.”
Being in the dark sucked. Jade wished she knew more about what had happened between Az and Heather.
Hello, jealousy.
She recognized the feeling for exactly what it was.
“Poor Azrael. You think your job is to save the world.” Heather’s lips twisted as she turned her focus on Jade. “When you’re really just here to destroy it. Bit by slow bit.”
Bull. Az had done nothing but help since—
“Isn’t that what the legend says about you?” Heather taunted. “You and your brother Sammael—the two who fell from grace so they could wreck the world.”
Az lifted his brows. “That’s not
the way the story goes.”
“Close enough,” she murmured.
Eyes narrowed, Jade began to stalk toward the witch.
“The legend says that one day, a brother will be slain by another. When that day arrives, hell will come to claim the earth.”
Wasn’t that just a lovely tale to share? “Most legends are no more than lies,” Jade said, shrugging. “Good to scare kids and fun to entertain bored bitches—I mean, witches. Witches who don’t have enough power to see what will really be coming in the days ahead.”
“I already know his future.” Now Heather was talking to her, not Az, and her cheeks flushed red. “I saw it when he fell. I took his blood, and I saw what could be.”
Jade noted the phrasing. “There’s a big difference between what will be and what
be.” She
yank that clawlike hand off Az. Or she
be a lady for a few more minutes.
The witch inclined her head. “Angels are harder to read, they take a whole lot of power, but humans, ah, humans I get right every time.” And her hand fell away from Az.
Good move, but . . . “I’m not bleeding for you.” They were wasting time with this talk. She’d come to the voodoo shop for one reason—weapons. Tanner had promised Jade that he could give her what she needed.
No way am I going into an ambush without power.
But Tanner wasn’t speaking, and Az—well, at least he’d managed to look away from the mirror.
“Sooner or later, you will bleed.” Heather seemed absolutely confident. The red had begun to fade from her cheeks so the woman must have been getting her control back.
The crazy witch could be as confident as she wanted to be. But Jade was getting out of there. The incense in the place was driving her crazy and making her temples pound.
“Give us the weapons,” Jade said, “and then we’ll get out of here.”
“You don’t need to leave.” Tanner frowned at her. “This place is safe. You can stay here until our meeting at dawn.”
Jade didn’t want to stay there, but Az was nodding. What? Since when was he game-on for trusting these two?
“There’s a room you can use upstairs,” Heather said with an airy wave of her hand. “Get some rest, and we’ll make sure that you stay safe.”
She’d make sure, huh? “Why doesn’t that reassure me?” Jade muttered.
“Because you expect everyone to betray you.” Heather’s instant answer. “Most of the time, you’re right. This time, you’re wrong.”
Doubtful. “You already betrayed Az.”
“To save others.”
So she said. Because he was the
evil angel.
“This is personal.” The witch’s voice had softened. “Brandt took away something very precious to me.” Her hands fisted. “Now I want to take everything away from him.”
Join the club.
“I’m not here to trade sob stories with you, lady.”
Heather stiffened.
“I want weapons.” That had been the deal. Az might be able to kill with a touch—
still scary—
but she didn’t have that super skill, and regular bullets just weren’t going to cut it for her.
“Of course.” Heather strolled toward a heavy, wooden cabinet. She swung open the doors.
Dozens of weapons gleamed back at Jade. Knives. Guns. Bullets. Even what looked like an old broadsword.
“Will you feel better if you’re armed with silver?” Heather’s voice held only mild curiosity.
“Yeah, I will.” Lots better.
“But we’d feel even better,” Az said, finally speaking, “if we have more of these.” Then Az pulled out a bullet from his pocket. Because of its color, she recognized it instantly. It was the same bullet that Jade had dug out of his back.
She hadn’t even realized he’d retrieved it from the nightstand back at the cabin. Tricky angel.
The witch glanced at the bullet, and Jade saw the slight widening of her eyes. Such a faint movement, and Heather recovered quickly.
The witch reached for the bullet. She lifted it toward the light. Tested its weight. “This isn’t like any bullet I’ve seen before.” She brought it close to her nose and inhaled. “Brimstone.”
Now Jade was the one to stare in surprise. “As in hell and brimstone?”
A nod. Heather’s fingers curled around the bullet. “Let me keep it. I’ll see what I can find and—”
In an instant, Az had the bullet back in his own hand. Sometimes, Jade loved that super speed of his.
“Or not,” Heather finished softly. She smiled. “I’d imagine a bullet like that would be very handy. It could probably take down just about anything.”
Even an angel?
If the bullet had hit Az in the heart, would it have killed him?
Enough of this. Jade pushed by the witch and reached for the silver bullets that were calling to her. She loaded them into her gun. Then decided to grab an extra weapon, just in case.
A girl could never be too careful.
“Now go rest,” Tanner said. “Take the room at the top of the stairs. We’ll set up the meeting.”
Her gaze met Az’s.
Hell, no, she didn’t have it to give. But Jade nodded and followed Az from the room.
Someone would be dying come dawn. That someone just wouldn’t be her.
z shoved the old wooden door closed, then twisted the lock. The thing was so flimsy that he doubted it would keep anyone out. But then, if anyone came in, he’d be ready for them.
“We can’t trust those two.” Jade paced back and forth near the lone window in the room. “After what she did to you—no way can we trust them.”
He’d barely managed to chain back his rage as he talked to the witch. “We can use them.” That was the plan. No trust. He didn’t trust anyone.
“They’re using us. That witch will get a big payout when she turns us over to Brandt.” She rubbed her arms. “But I guess when you’re stuck between hell and a hard place, you don’t really get to choose your allies, do you?”
She dropped her hands. Stared at him. “You can take Brandt out.” Not a question. “I’ve seen what you can do with my own eyes. I know how strong you are.”
He stalked toward her. Slowly. She didn’t back away, not even when he lifted his hand and cupped her cheek. “I can kill him as easily as I can kiss you.”
Her breath whispered out. “An angel assassin. Az, you’re the last thing I expected to find in that dirty alley.”
And she was the last thing he’d ever expected.
Her fingers rose and curled around his hand. “Kiss me.”
His heart beat faster.
“This is the end right?” Her words tumbled out. “In a few hours, we have our big standoff. We use our secret weapon—you—and take out the bad guy.”
That was the plan. It wasn’t about trusting the cop and the witch. It was about using
in order to get an up-close audience with the panther shifter he’d be sending to hell.
“I’m protected,” Jade told him. “There’s no risk of pregnancy or—or, um—” She broke off, flushing a bit.
Az lifted a brow. “I have no diseases or illnesses. Angels can’t get them.”
Her breath sighed out. “Good to . . . know.” Yes, it was.
“Kiss me,” Jade told him again. “I don’t want to spend the next few hours worrying and being afraid of what will come with dawn.”
He wanted her mouth. More, he wanted
Jade brought her body closer to his. “I’m your temptation, right?”
He hadn’t meant—
“Then let me tempt you.” She was. “After dawn, after we face what’s coming, we’ll go our separate ways.”
“But let’s be together now.” She stood on her toes and her lips brushed over the line of his jaw. “I need this. I need to be with you.”
She knew the power he held, but Jade wasn’t afraid. He didn’t think she’d ever been afraid of him. Not his touch. Not the fire he controlled.
Should she fear the lust he felt for her? Because it could rage out of control.
Az caught her hands. “I’m not like other men.”
Her gaze held his. “Good.”
She didn’t understand. “I’m not . . . safe.”
She stared back at him. The desire he saw in her stare made his cock harden even more.
He tried to warn her. “If I lose control, it could be dangerous for you.”
But she just laughed. “You’re an angel, you can’t—”
Jade didn’t understand, and the lust rising in him would soon push him too far. “I’m
She kissed him. On her toes, so she could better reach him, but Az still lowered his head and her mouth pressed against his. Sweet, soft lips. Stroking tongue.
Her hand snaked down between their bodies. Found the snap of his jeans. Unhooked it. The hiss of his zipper filled his ears even as her fingers slipped inside and curled around his cock.
She licked his lips and her stroking fist pumped his aroused flesh.
“Tonight,” Jade’s whisper was against his lips, “it’s just us. Give me this much.”
Right then, he would’ve given her anything.
He took over the kiss. Thrust his tongue into her mouth. Tasted her. Savored, and loved the light flavor of her.
This time, he wouldn’t stop. He’d take the pleasures humans felt. He’d take her.
One night.
Didn’t he deserve that much?
Her hand lifted from his straining flesh, and he immediately missed her touch. Az hooked his hands under her hips and picked her up. Jade gasped against his mouth. He liked that little sound. He spun around, and pressed her against the nearest wall.
Her legs wrapped around his hips. His cock strained toward her.
Though the lust pounded at him, Az knew that he had to make the sex good for her. She’d need the pleasure, too.
His head rose and Az’s eyes locked on hers. She stared right at him, not seeming to see the monster that had to gaze so hungrily back at her.
Why couldn’t she see him? Why wasn’t she running?
I won’t let her run.
He kissed her neck. Scored her flesh with his teeth. Sucked the skin. Licked her.
“Az . . .” His name was a whisper of need that spilled from her lips. Her nails dug into his arms. “You don’t have to go easy with me.”
Good. Because he didn’t want easy or gentle. He needed hot and hard and wild.
His hands pushed between her legs. He wanted the clothes gone. Wanted flesh to flesh.
Her nails sank deeper into his flesh, marking him, as she arched her hips against him. “I don’t want to wait . . . not the first time.”
He yanked off her shirt. Threw it and her bra. Az kept her pinned with his body and stared down at her flesh. Pretty little pink nipples. Full breasts that would fill his hands. Perfect.
He lifted her higher, holding her easily, and took her nipple into his mouth.
She moaned. He licked her. Sucked her. His cock shoved up from his open jeans, hungry, eager.
For her.
Holding her tight, he whirled away from the wall. Five steps, and he had her on the narrow bed. Two seconds, and he had her completely naked. She waited for him on the bed, arms on either side of her head, eyes on him.
He’d never taken a woman before. Angels didn’t need—
I need her.
“What if I hurt you?” He didn’t want Jade to feel pain. Only pleasure. It was so important that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.
And Az wanted her more than he wanted his next breath. She had to feel the same.
“Don’t worry, I’ve already left scratches on you.” She smiled at him, and her dimple flashed. “You won’t break me.”
She still didn’t understand how dangerous he could be.
But he couldn’t warn her any longer. The need to take was too strong.
Az ditched his clothes and climbed onto the bed. She touched him, sliding her hands over his flesh even as she rose up to lick his nipple. The wet touch of her tongue sent desire knifing through him.
His cock strained toward her. Her thumb stroked the heavy tip of his arousal, and then she brought her thumb up to her mouth and tasted—
Az put his fingers between her spread legs. She was wet, warm. Ready for him.
He couldn’t wait any longer for her. It felt as if he’d waited too long already.
He caged her under his body. Pushed his hips between her legs. The head of his cock brushed against her slick sex. His eyes held hers as he began to thrust.
Tight. So tight and hot—
Sweat beaded his brow. He couldn’t look away from her gaze. He knew she would see too much in his stare, but he couldn’t look away.
He wanted to pound into her and race toward the promised release, but she seemed so small beneath him. Fragile. Human.
Her nails scratched down the base of his back. Her hips slammed up to meet his.
Az’s control broke. He thrust into her as deep as he could go. She gripped him, her delicate, inner muscles straining around his cock, and the pleasure lashed through him.
His hands slapped onto the mattress beside her. He lifted up his hips. Withdrew. Drove deep.
Again and again and again.
She shuddered beneath him as her breath panted out. Her legs curled around his hips and her neck arched as Jade choked out his name.
Thrust. Thrust.
He couldn’t get deep enough.
Her body was perfect. Her sex a fist-tight glove. The back of his spine tingled. His thrusts became harder. Deeper. He kissed her. Drove his tongue into her mouth even as he took her body.
He kissed her, became even wilder for her. His lips tore from hers and he pressed his mouth to her throat.
Then she screamed, and he knew that high cry was only from pleasure. Her climax rippled around him as her sex contracted. And he drove deeper into her. Az never wanted to let her go.
Thrust. Th—
His release ripped through him and seemed to consume him as the blasts of pleasure shook his body. And in that moment, he held on to Jade tighter than he’d ever held on to anyone or anything in his very long life.
Sex. Lust.
The world seemed to splinter as he focused only on her.
Now he understood . . . now . . .
Need more. Must have her.
How was he supposed to resist?
Tanner walked slowly through the halls of the empty magic shop. Customers, even curious tourists, rarely came inside this place. Maybe they could feel its darkness, and it kept them away.
When he entered the weapons room, he found Heather staring into her mirror. That dark mirror always made him nervous.
“The trade’s set,” she said. “We meet the panthers in the swamp at dawn.”
He’d finally get his justice. He’d claw the flesh from Brandt’s body, make the bastard beg, and then send him to hell.
Tanner inhaled. The thick scent of incense was gone. Incense—and magic. “Did you really think that was wise?”
Heather looked up slowly. Her face seemed paler. “I don’t know what you mean.” Her voice was perfectly expressionless. She did that when she lied. Let all the emotion drain away until nothing was left.
He tapped his nose. “Shifter senses, remember? When we came in, I noticed you’d added something extra to your usual incense mix.”
Her lips curled in a faint smile. “It was just a light spell. Harmless, really.”
Did he look stupid? “What did it do?”
She shrugged. Her hands were on the mirror, as if she were trying to shove images back inside of it. “The spell I cast simply lowers inhibitions. It makes us more likely to take the things that we want.”
His eyes rose toward the ceiling. He had no doubt what Azrael wanted. “Brandt will smell him on her.” He looked back at Heather.
“Yes.” Her smile held an icy edge. “And it will make him furious.”
Furious was probably way too mild of a word. “Brandt killed her last lover.” When he’d first started digging into Jade’s life, he’d learned details that made even him shudder. She hadn’t been given an easy time of it, no thanks to Brandt Dupre.
Heather lifted her hands from the mirror. “But we’re counting on him not being able to kill Az, right? That is our master plan.”
. “Did you scry? What did the mirror tell you?”
Her smile faded. “Someone will find death at dawn.”
“Brandt.” About damn time. Satisfaction had his body tensing.
“His heart stops.”
Tanner suspected his grin was savage. Working with Heather had been a risky business, but he’d known the witch held just as much of a grudge as he did.
Brandt had a way of leaving hell in his wake. He’d nearly broken Heather. Promised her eternity, a love that wouldn’t die . . .
But then he’d met Jade, and he’d tried to destroy the witch he didn’t want any longer.
Heather rubbed her right shoulder. Tanner knew her fingers pressed against the edge of scars that began at her shoulder and ended at her heart. Scars made by a shifter’s claws.
“Brandt can be a jealous bastard,” she said quietly. “That jealousy will make him weak. He’ll be so enraged that he won’t stop to think. He’ll just attack.”
Blind rage could be a weakness. For a shifter, it could also be a deadly power. Rage gave the beast within strength.
He sure hoped this gamble paid off. Because if it didn’t, there’d be no escape for any of them.

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