Another Cheating Wife Bundle!: Sexy 3-Story Erotic Collection (5 page)

He’d just let some big, black stranger come into his house and finger his wife - until she
, grinding her hips like a whore.

And the worst thing? David liked it.

He hadn’t rushed Brandon out of the house because he was disgusted, or angry, or ashamed. He’d forced him out of the house, because David had a raging hard-on in his pants, and he needed to do something about it.

David unbuckled his belt. He tore off his pants. He practically ripped off his shirt – buttons pinging around the room. And then he strode down the corridor, swung open the door to the bedroom, and pounced on the bed like an animal.

Cassie was still unconscious – her face as serene as an angel’s. But her thighs were spread open, and her bare pussy was glistening and wet from where Brandon had fingered her.

David clambered onto the bed, and slipped between her legs. He grabbed the base of his throbbing cock and aimed it for her pussy – knowing that he’d slip inside her like a hot knife through butter. And then he thrust.

As his cock sunk inside Cassie’s tightness, a vision of Brandon’s fingers crammed inside his wife’s pussy flashed inside David’s head. He was struck simultaneously by jealousy and arousal – anger and need. He fucked her,
. He thrust deeply inside his wife’s body, almost oblivious to the risk of waking her up.

But she didn’t wake up – not even as David’s thrusts rocked her back and forth on the bed, and made her beautiful breasts jiggle. She didn’t wake up when he grabbed one of her bouncing tits, and squeezed it in his hand. He remembered the contrast between Brandon’s dark skin and hers, and the image made his cock swell.

God, David thought to himself. What would it look like to see Brandon
his wife? If it was
big, dark body between her thighs? How would it look to see Brandon’s thick, brown cock buried balls-deep inside of David’s beautiful wife?

David groaned, as the mental image tipped him over the edge. His last thought was imagining Brandon cumming inside of Cassie; unloading his big, black balls inside his precious wife. And that mental image made him explode – burying his cock as deeply inside his wife as he could, and flooding her with cum.

And it was only then, as his balls drained, that a level head returned to David. Post climax, he came crashing back to reality, and realized everything he’d done that night.

Still buried inside Cassie, his cock softening with each passing second, he looked down and saw her hair all messed up, and her pale breasts pink and red with finger marks and bruises.

“Oh, shit,” he muttered, pulling out of her. Cum dribbled onto the sheets, flowing down between her buttocks.

Cassie was still unconscious, but she was a dishevelled mess. She
freshly fucked; and even David knew that if she woke up like this the following morning, she’d know
had happened.

So desperately, he tried to clean her up.

Flustered and naked, he brushed her hair straight, and then grabbed for the box of Kleenex on the dresser.


Snarling, David yanked open the dresser drawers looking for another box. He found one, still in its cellophane, and as he wrenched it out of the draw he dislodged something wedged up behind it.

An orange prescription pill bottle – the type you get from a pharmacy – rolled into view. It looked familiar - they had a few of them in the cabinet above the sink back in the bathroom.

So why was this one hidden in the drawer?

For a second, David forget his desperate search for tissues and stared at the pill bottle. Then, with trembling fingers, he picked it up, out of the drawer, and read the label.

Zolpidem, 10mg

David worked for a company that had a pharmaceutical wing, so he knew what these pills were – a generic form of Ambien, at the maximum dose. Enough to knock somebody out for a few hours; which explained why Cassie had just been lying there, oblivious to whatever happened to her.

He knew that drugs that initiated sleep were known as “hypnotics” which perhaps explained why Cassie was taking them while she listened to those hypnosis tapes… But it didn’t explain
she was taking them – but it
suddenly explain why he’d been able to subject his beautiful wife to all the things he had over the last couple of weeks. She was drugging herself…

David shook his head.

This was a puzzle for another time. He had other priorities.

Throwing the bottle back in the drawer, David grabbed a clump of tissues and span back to where Cassie was lying on the bed. He spread her pale, beautiful thighs; her pink, freshly-fucked pussy opening as he did so, and a fresh dribble of pearlescent white cum pouring down the cheeks of her ass.

David wiped it away. As he did so, he had a sudden flash in his imagination of what it might be like if it wasn’t
cum he was cleaning from his wife’s cunt. If it had been Brandon’s… If he’d just watched the big, black man fuck his wife, instead of him.

And he was ashamed at how his recently-drained cock still throbbed just at the thought.


Chapter Nine


The next morning, David barely touched his coffee.

He sat on the stool in their kitchen waiting, breathlessly, for Cassie to come padding out of the kitchen.

Would she realize what he’d done? He’d tried his best to clean her up; to leave her so she wouldn’t know what he’d subjected her to. But was it enough?

And then he heard the whistling, and realized that it must have been.

Out of the bedroom padded Cassie, in her robe.

“Morning, Sweetheart,” she beamed. Then she reached down and rubbed just above her crotch through her robe. “Man, I think my time of the month must be coming. I’m kind of achy down there.”

David’s eyes widened. No shit, he thought to himself.

But as Cassie sat down and drank his coffee and ate the whole wheat pancakes he made for her, it suddenly occurred to him: She had no idea.

He’d invited a complete stranger into their house the previous night; and he’d fingered David’s wife to orgasm. And
David had fucked her, like a piece of meat, emptying his balls into her; and she’d had no idea.

It was clearly something to do with those pills she’d taken – and
she was taking them, David still didn’t know. But at the moment, it meant that he’d gotten away with it. And while his nerves and his dignity were in tatters, that at least meant he still had his marriage.


*              *              *


And he still had his job!

That was something David considered as he rolled his Camry into the parking lot the following Monday, and reluctantly gazed up at the five storey office block where he worked.

Truth be told, despite delivering on his arrangement with Brandon, David was incredibly nervous about seeing the IT director that morning. He didn’t think he’d be able to look him in the eye. Not so much because he’d just let him finger his own, unconscious wife – but because of the dark and sordid thoughts he’d had afterward.

But as it happened, David needn’t have worried. Brandon wasn’t in that day. “Working from home” was the official response on his email.

But Brandon had left David something – a manila folder on the seat of his chair in David’s cubicle.

Glancing over his shoulder, to make sure nobody was looking, David peered inside.


Hey Buddy,

A deal’s a deal. Here are the login details for our IT monitoring software. Use them responsibly!


P.S. When I’m back in the office, we’ll talk about our arrangement a little further.


David went white.

Their ‘arrangement’?

Wasn’t it over? David had delivered on his part of the bargain; and it had torn him up inside to do so. What more could Brandon want for him?

But since he had no answers to that question, David instead logged into the URL Brandon had provided, and started snooping around.

It was amazing.

From his modest little cubicle, David suddenly had access to everything and anything within the company. He could flick between live screens of users, or churn through page after page of web records, to see who had visited which site on their company computers.

At first David was overwhelmed, and didn’t know what to make of all this new information. Then he remembered the things Brandon had showed him; especially how Phil, from Investor Relations, liked to do stock deals during office hours.

Phil was a handsome, successful guy – wearing Brooks Brother’s suits, and driving a brand new BMW. Obviously his dabbling in the stock market had been successful.

Reassured by that knowledge, David felt bold enough to lot into his eTrade account, one he hadn’t even touched since before he was married. He had a few hundred dollars-worth of stocks invested there – stuff that hadn’t made him a penny since he’d sunk the money into it. Uncertainly, he pulled five hundred dollars from a poorly-performing portfolio and bought shares in the penny stock that Phil had invested in that morning with the money instead.

And then, hands trembling, he tried to focus enough to get back to work.


*              *              *


“Hi, Honey,” Cassie greeted David when he got home that night with a chaste kiss on the cheek and a freshly microwaved meal. “How was your day?”

David can’t even remember what he told her; but that didn’t matter. He was pretty sure she wasn’t listening, anyway. Cassie just cheerfully whisked her way through the house, tidying up a little, watching her show and then hopping into the shower to get ready for bed.

David pretended to follow his own evening routine – but tonight he was paying special attention to what Cassie was doing. Specifically, he wanted to know about those pills he’d found.

While Cassie was in the shower, David tiptoed into the bedroom and opened up her dresser drawer. There, hidden in the back, was her bottle of pills.

Carefully listening to the sound of the running water in the bathroom – to make sure Cassie didn’t catch him in the act – David opened up the bottle and poured the pills into his hand.

He counted them out – there were sixteen in total. Then, pouring them back into the bottle, he jammed it back into the drawer and crept back into the living room.

Just a few moments later, Cassie emerged from the bathroom smelling delicious. Her body still glistening with water and body lotion, she kissed David on the cheek and told him: “I’m off to listen to my tapes.”

David watched her go. “Sure you are,” he thought to himself.


*              *              *


Like all the previous evenings, David waited precisely one hour before making his move. And while he’d sat still on the couch for almost all of that time, his mind had been racing as he waited.

If he was right, he’d tiptoe into the bedroom and find his gorgeous wife unconscious on the bed again. But this time, he might discover
she was so unconscious.

And that, in itself, was awakening dark and dirty thoughts in David’s mind. The kind that made his cock swell to attention.

At nine o’clock exactly, David got up and carefully removed his clothes. His cock was already standing to full attention; knowing what awaited in the room next door.

Opening the bedroom door, David peered at his beautiful wife, sleeping on the bed. She looked like a serene angel; so peaceful and still.

David crept to the dresser and opened the drawer. He fumbled in the back for the pill bottle. Then, opening it, he poured the pills into his hand and carefully counted each one.


Two were missing.

So that confirmed it. Cassie had been
herself every night. Why, David couldn’t say. But it did explain how he’d been able to get away with what he had – and made him feel confident to keep on doing it.

Which is precisely what he did next.

Putting the pills back in the dresser, David turned to Cassie’s sleeping body and stood over her; peering down at his defenceless, beautiful wife.

He was mad at her.

She’d spent the last two months making their marriage a sexless drudge, and he didn’t know why. It was almost like she was
avoiding sex with him; and these pills gave her the opportunity to give her husband the sexual cold-shoulder without having to explain her reasoning.

Well, David thought to himself. The joke’s on you. And then he pulled back the covers and bared his wife’s beautiful body.

She was truly gorgeous – her pale body was curvy and inviting. And David decided to take her up on that.

Getting onto his knees, he lifted his unconscious wife’s legs and draped them over his shoulders. This presented her pussy to him, sealed tightly shut like a little clam. But all David needed to do was lean forward, and extend his tongue, and…

With one lick from bottom to top, Cassie’s pussy opened like a blossoming flower; and David’s tastebuds were suddenly flooded with a tangy, erotic taste. His cock swelled.

Sliding his hands down her gorgeous thighs, David cupped one of Cassie’s ripe buttocks in each palm and lifted her hips to his mouth; drinking from her like she was a cup.

David remembered how Brandon had made his wife cum, by fucking her with his fingers. Now knowing that she was utterly unconscious, David decided he needed to do the same; to prove himself.

And so he feasted on Cassie’s pussy; sucking her clit between his lips, and swirling his tongue around it, until it grew hard and throbbing. And as her pussy began to gush, he took two fingers – fingers he couldn’t help notice were so pale and thin compared to Brandon’s – and slid them inside of her.

Unconsciously, his sleeping wife began to grind her hips. Lying there, like a serene doll, her breath deepened.

David worked diligently; familiar with her body and what she liked. With the two fingers buried in her wetness, he began to make ‘come hither’ gestures; curling his fingers so his fingertips stimulated her g-spot. And as he did so, he licked and sucked her clit like a man possessed.

And then the wave came; and the sleeping Cassie cried out gently as her hips began to undulate. David kept licking, and kept curling his fingers inside her, until the sleeping Cassie arched her back and a cannonade of wetness gushed into David’s face.

“Aahhhh!” And then she flopped back onto the bed and continued sleeping. She’d come.

Triumphantly, David lifted his face from between her thighs. His lips and tongue were dripping with her arousal, and the scent made his cock painfully hard.

Scooching up the bed, David slipped between her thighs; and then his rock-hard cock sunk inside Cassie’s dripping pussy effortlessly. He groaned. It felt

But he wanted more. Even as he fucked his sleeping wife, his whole body demanded

He threw his mind back to a few nights ago, when he’d watched Brandon fuck Cassie with his fingers.

“Did you like that?” He hissed, knowing he’d get no reply. “Did you like having some dirty stranger finger-fuck you like that?” David sunk as deeply into his wife as he could; eyes half-closed at the incredible, velvet grip of her wet and inviting cunt. “Maybe I should let him fuck you next.” David reached up and squeezed one of his wife’s tits. “Maybe I should let him blow his load inside of you, you beautiful little whore.”

And just that mental image – of watching Brandon’s hefty frame between his wife’s thighs, and of seeing the big black man fill her with his cum – tipped David over the edge. He groaned. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. His balls contracted and his cock swelled to painful proportions before firing off jet after jet of boiling cum into his wife’s wet and willing pussy.

“Oh, God,” David gasped, panting, as he hung over his sleeping wife’s body; still buried to the hilt inside of her. “Oh, God, what did I say that for?”

And then Cassie’s husband pulled his softening cock from her tight embrace, and slumped onto the end of the bed.

He looked at his sleeping wife – so sweet and serene from the waist upwards, but looking freshly-fucked and used from her crotch down.

Cassie’s thighs were spread, and were red with finger marks. Her pussy was a dewy, glistening flower open for the world to see. And David’s cum was dribbling out of her, down the crack of her beautiful ass.

David stared at the river of cum, and madness gripped him.

He imagined, once again, that it was Brandon’s cum he was looking at. That it had been the black man who’d just blown his load inside David’s unsuspecting, unconscious wife, instead of him. And then he had an uncontrollable urge to

And so, unable to stop himself, David spread Cassie’s legs again, and once against dove his head between her thighs. And this time, as his tongue delved between the folds of her freshly-fucked pussy, it was the salty, pungent scent of his own cum that filled his nostrils.

David feasted. He slurped at Cassie’s pussy, and felt strings of his own cum sucked into his mouth. Then he licked up the rest; cleaning each inch of her. He devoured her, and then sucked and licked her clit until the beautiful wife bucked her hips for a second time and gushed more moisture into his mouth.

Finally, once they were both sated, David pulled his head from between her legs and rearranged her in bed; covering his sleeping wife with the comforter.

Then he collapsed into bed and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


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