Anti-Stepbrother (21 page)

“No.” He shifted forward, and I braced myself, expecting him to push me away. He didn’t. His hands grasped the backs of my legs and lifted me so I was more fully on his lap.

I could feel him between my legs, and my breasts almost pressed against his chest. I waited. I wanted to see what else he’d say

“But not because I don’t want you to know,” he added. “Because it’s not my secret to tell. It’s Colton’s.”

I nodded, my stomach doing somersaults now. “That makes sense. I can respect that.”

And there we were. His hands cupped my ass, and the pain in his gaze became something darker, something I felt too, something that began to turn off all rational thought.

“What are we doing here?” he questioned, his voice like a caress in itself.

I leaned forward, my gaze lingering on his lips. “I didn’t really think it through.”

“And now?”

“Still not thinking it through.”

“You’re okay with that?”

In that moment, the truth exploded in me. I wanted him. I wanted this—but it was more. I

I didn’t answer.

I closed the distance between us.



My lips found Caden’s, and they were everything.

I melted into him, my hands moving over his chest and arms. I felt like I was drowning as we kissed. He answered. His mouth opened under mine, taking over, and a tremor went through me. I sank further down on him, almost grinding, and he pulled me more tightly against him, tighter than I could’ve gotten us. Then before I knew what was happening, he stood.

I gasped, wrapping my arms around his neck. I started to pull away, but he murmured, “No,” and kept on kissing me. It was dizzying. My body was burning up, my need for him building.

By the time he dropped me onto his bed, I could do nothing but clasp his shoulders. I dragged him down with me. I couldn’t get enough of him. I couldn’t get enough of this.


His hand came to my arm, and I paused, my mouth still on his. He pulled his head back to look at me. His eyes darkened again, and I saw the primal lust on his face. I felt it in me. It spread all over, like a drug. I was intoxicated, and adrenaline pumped through me, making me need more and more.

I slid a hand up under his shirt, savoring the feel of him. His muscles rolled and shifted under my touch, and I dipped down, lingering at his jeans. My thumb rested over the button. If I flicked that open, this was going to go farther than I’d anticipated.

I pulled away and looked up, holding his gaze.

We were both breathing heavy.

He waited, letting me make the decision.

I wanted to. My legs wound more tightly around his back, and I shifted against him. He closed his eyes at the contact. When they reopened they were dilated, like he was drugged right along with me.

My heart pounded in my chest. The ache was almost combustible. I’d never felt this before. I’d lost my virginity to the 4-H guy, but that’d been painful and awkward. I hadn’t enjoyed sex with him, and then the only other time had been with Kevin. That’d been a little more pleasurable, but it was nothing compared to this. Just the kissing with Caden was already more than what I’d felt having sex before.

My hands let go of his jeans, and fear slammed into me.

I wasn’t ready for this.

This could break me. I didn’t know if I could come back.

Caden responded to me immediately. The only thing I’d done was move my hand away, but his touch changed. It had been demanding and hot before, but he switched it to soft and comforting.

Shifting to lie beside me, he rested his forehead to my shoulder and let go of a deep breath. “Holy shit, woman.”

I let out an awkward and relieved laugh, hitching up on the last note. “You said it.”

His hand smoothed over my stomach, and he slipped it under my shirt, rubbing in comforting circles there.

I closed my eyes, letting out a silent sigh. My entire body was relaxing, feeling exhausted like it had run a marathon just now.

“You okay?”

I opened my eyes to find him watching me. I nodded. “I’m okay.”

Then the side of his mouth lifted. “Good, and just so you know, any time you want to do that again, I’m down.”

I felt the corner of my mouth twitching, mirroring his. “Down?”

A stark promise suddenly appeared in his eyes, and his hand dipped low, pausing just beneath my jeans. “You know what I mean. I’ll be hard and ready to go in all the right spots.”

Oh hell. I needed to breathe. The room got a whole lot hotter, and I sat up, actually fanning myself. “Stop talking. You’re making me come just listening to you.”

He bent down, kissing my shoulder before sitting up with me.

I closed my eyes. The quick peck of his lips on my skin sent a thrill through me, reenergizing my already boiling blood. He shifted to sit on the edge of the bed, bending forward so his elbows rested on his knees, his back to me. I looked at him and knew my emotions were shining through. If he’d glanced back at me, he would’ve seen everything I felt.

We could get physical. We already had with cuddling and holding hands. As long as I was okay with it, Caden would be too. But if he saw my feelings, I could lose him then. I was sure of it. He dated girls who you were more than me. Who was I to compete against them?

“You okay?” he asked.

I couldn’t lose him.

He looked back, and I slammed my eyes shut. When I opened them again, everything was gone. I’d tucked it all away, and I smirked back at him. “Other than wondering what the female term for a quick tug is, I’m golden.”

Lust moved back into his eyes, and he glanced down at my jeans. “I could help take care of that.”

I shifted on the bed. “You’re the reason it’s there.” Alarms were going off. This was the entire reason I’d pulled away. Caden was okay with it. I wasn’t.

I coughed, clearing my throat, and scooted to sit next to him. The side of my leg pressed into his, and I felt him watching me. I patted his hand. “I’m good. Really.”



He opened his hand underneath mine. “We’re still friends?”

My heart twisted, and I slid my fingers alongside his. “Still friends.”

“Good.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Because I really need a drink now. Come on. We’re going out.”

“Where are we going?” I followed him out the room on unsteady legs.

He grabbed his wallet and keys, tossing the latter in the air and catching them. “Diego’s.” He winked at me before heading out.

I couldn’t move, not at first. Good God. That wink had gone right between my legs, and I had to catch my breath. This guy had way too much power over my body.

Well…not just my body.



mis compadres

Diego welcomed us with open arms as we walked into his bar. He beamed, wearing jeans and a leather vest with nothing underneath. Right before he would’ve caught Caden in a hug, he moved and wrapped his arms around me instead.

He winked at Caden. “You used the front door this time too. I’m touched.” He tightened his hold on me. “And you brought my new best friend. We are close friends now.”

Caden frowned, but I saw his lip twitch. He was trying not to grin. “Just don’t get too close.”

“Oh?” Diego pulled back and made an exaggerated point of looking from me to Caden and back again. “It’s not like that now?” His eyebrow went up, along with his sly grin.

I flushed. “It’s not.” But it was. Thirty minutes ago, in fact.

Diego stepped away. His hand curved around my back. “Come on.” He motioned for Caden to go away. “You get a table. I’m taking my new best friend to the bar. We’re going to get shots.”

“She’s underage.”

“Then the shots are not for her.” He winked at me.

Caden rolled his eyes and glanced at me. “I’ll grab a table outside.”

I nodded. I needed the night breeze to cool off.

Diego patted one of the stools. “Hop up.” He went around the side of the bar, waving off one of the bartenders. “I got this one.”

He pulled out some bottles and placed them on the bar. “Okay. This.” He lifted the tequila bottle. “I am pouring for Caden. It looks like he needs some further encouragement, if you know what I mean.”

He winked at me, starting to mix. I didn’t know what he meant, and I was afraid to ask. Diego seemed in a mischievous mood. I feared what would come next.

“So.” He cleared his throat, finishing one of the drinks. “Tell me,
, what is the latest development between you and my long-time friend outside?”


He paused, his gaze intent. “You don’t know, or you don’t wish to tell me?”

“Both.” I smiled.

His eyebrows dipped together. “You are a good girl. You’re the only girl he’s brought here. That means something. Don’t tell me it doesn’t.”

“It means…” I had to stall. “That Caden and I are friends.”

He huffed at that, rolling his eyes sharply before beginning to mix a second drink. “That’s bullshit. Don’t insult me. I can tell when something’s up, and a blind man could’ve seen the chemistry between you two.”

My eyes widened. “Oh.”

“So tell me, what’s going on?”

I felt cornered by Diego’s hawk-like gaze. He hadn’t missed a thing, but I really didn’t know what was going on. I opened my mouth, having no idea what was about to come out, when someone bumped into me from the side.

“Bartender! Can we get a bunnch of shos?” a girl slurred. “Me an my friends?” She hiccupped, then noticed me.

Her arm felt hot and as she turned, I could see that her eyes were glazed over. Her lips were swollen, and I recognized her as the girl Caden had talked with in my dorm. I stiffened, looking for the guy she’d been with, but didn’t see him. Instead there was a table of girls behind her, all of whom looked just like her. They were pretty, hair and makeup done perfectly. Judging from the shrieking, they were just as drunk too.

“Hey.” She stuck her bottom lip out, staring right at me. “I know you.”

Diego saw my reaction and turned on the charm as a distraction. His smile became smoother. Suddenly a thick accent came out. “
Quieres tiros, mi chinga

She stared at him, repeating what he’d said. Then she smiled. “Shots. Can we get some?”

“Of course!”

She relaxed at his warm tone.

“How many?”

“Oh. Um…” She glanced back to her table, her finger lifting to count her friends. “Two, three, five shots. We need five of them.”

“Any kind?”

“Sex on the beach. Or blow job.”

I glanced through the back glass door, but I couldn’t see Caden. If I couldn’t see him, she couldn’t either.

As if sensing my discomfort, Diego placed three glasses in front of me. Two were already poured. “For your table,” he told me. He quickly poured something out of a pitcher into the third glass. “For me,” he explained. He tapped the second glass. “For you.” And he winked before moving farther down the bar and lining up five shot glasses. The girl was forced to move with him.

After picking up the three glasses, I nodded my thanks. He gave me a second wink before filling the last of the shot glasses. “Ta da! There you are,” he announced to the spellbound girl.

I slipped past the table of her friends. Once outside, I saw half the veranda was empty and instantly relaxed. I only hoped those girls wouldn’t come out.

“You okay?” Caden eyed me.

I slid his drink to him, putting Diego’s in front of the empty chair. “You have friends inside.”

“I do?”

“That girl from my dorm, the one you were talking to while I changed for flamingo night.”

He frowned. “Who?”

He didn’t remember. I pressed my lips together to keep from smiling. “I don’t know. There was a guy too.”

“Oh, yeah.” Understanding dawned. “Jeremy something. He’s friends with Marcus, not me.”

“You were talking to them.”

He shrugged, glancing at the door. “They said hello. I needed to pass the time. Figured polite conversation wouldn’t hurt. Diego’s not coming?”

“He had to fill some drinks first.”

“Wait.” He stilled, his eyes darting to mine. “They aren’t coming out here, are they?”

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