Read Aphrodite's Passion Online

Authors: Julie Kenner

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

Aphrodite's Passion (29 page)

On top of that little problem, he also felt a twinge of guilt. The belt meant the world to Tracy, and his job was to take it away. Essentially, to hurt her. His mission called for it, and so he had to do it. But that didn’t mean he had to like it.

And there was still work to do. He’d thought they’d made some sort of connection. The way she looked at him, the kiss at the mall—all those things had suggested to him that there was something between them. A bond, as Zephron would call it. But when he’d asked for the belt, she’d turned him down flat. She’d
given it to him—he’d seen the decision in her eyes—but then she’d said no. Which meant he hadn’t yet done what he needed to do. He still had to get closer. Which meant it was time to ramp up his seduction efforts.

Tracy took another sip of champagne and leaned closer to him, almost conspiratorially. “So, what kind of adventure? Are you going to take me on some sort of superhero journey?”

“The thought had occurred to me.” But, no. He didn’t want to perform for Tracy, like he had for other women; didn’t want to do tricks. He just wanted her. Her skin against his. Her lips touching his. Their bodies, mingling until he wasn’t sure where he ended and she began.

Standing up, he took her hand. He needed to get her in private. And soon. “Come on.”

Her eyes widened, but she followed him outside to the valet stand. “Where are we going?” she asked.

“Someplace I think you’ll like.” He gave the bellman his valet ticket, then ushered Tracy into his Ferrari as soon as it pulled up into the circular drive.

Fortunately, he’d kept his room at the Malibu hotel. Since he hadn’t known how long the mission would last— and he
still in California—it had seemed silly to cancel it. And though he was now staying at the ritzier and more conveniently located Century Park East hotel, he’d harbored hopes of finishing his mission and returning to enjoy a vacation there.

His Ferrari zipped through traffic and took the curves to Malibu like a dream. Through the entire drive, Tracy just sat there, a grin on her face, as she tried to guess their destination.

“The ocean!” she said as they came over a curve, the deep blue waters of the Pacific coming into view. From the look on her face, he knew he’d made the right decision. “You brought me to the ocean!”

“You said you liked it.”

“And you remembered.” She reached over, resting her hand on his as he worked the gear shift. “Thank you.”

A knot rose in his throat and he told himself that he was doing this for the mission, not for her. But somehow, he didn’t quite believe it. Something was building in him—a desire, a happiness, something he couldn’t explain.

He pulled up in front of the Malibu hotel and turned the car over to the valet, then led her through the lobby and into the elevator. He hit the button to make the doors close, then he pulled her into his arms.

“Dammit, Tracy. You’re driving me crazy.” It was a desire he’d never felt so strongly. He wasn’t sure what reaction he’d been expecting, but the sound of her delighted laughter wasn’t it.

“Really?” she asked, He couldn’t manage a response. Especially when she stepped up next to him, so close she could tell for herself just how crazy she was making him. Her hand slipped down between their bodies, stroking him until Hale thought he’d have to strangle any person who dared join them on the elevator.

“Well, well,” she said. “Maybe you are a little crazy.”

“I’ll show you crazy.” In one bold movement, he pressed her back against the paneled wall. She moaned, low in her throat. He moved closer, longing to feel her skin against his. He closed his mouth over hers, the sweetness making him dizzy. “Tracy.” He whispered her name, rejoicing when she snuggled closer. The elevator door dinged and opened again.

“What floor are you on?”

His mind went blank. He’d forgotten to hit that button.

Laughing, she pushed him away with the palm of her hands. “We need to get you some oxygen so you can think better.”

Normal thought returned as their distance increased. “Fifteen,” he said. Then more firmly, “Yeah. Room fifteen-ten.”

“So press the button, mister.”

He did, stretching his arm around her to reach the control panel. But instead of standing back upright again, he shifted closer and, with the tip of his finger, slipped her hair behind her ear. “Maybe I should just hit the stop button.”

“Why?” Her question came out on a single breath, tickling the skin on his neck.

“Elevators can be so very erotic, don’t you think?”

Her back was against the paneling, her head tilted up. “I... I guess I never thought about it.”

Her lips, soft and perfect, were only inches from his, and Hale bent over, wanting to taste perfection.

“Well, you don’t need to think,” he murmured. “Just let me show you.”

Her lips parted in sweet compliance with his silent demand. The palm of his hand caught her waist, pulling her close. Though he was several inches taller, they fit together perfectly.

She squirmed against him, the physical manifestation of her need delighting him, and he cupped her rear, reveling in her excitement even as he silently cursed the fact that they were fully dressed and in a public place.

“Yes,” she whispered, her eyes closed.

“Yes, what?”

“Very erotic.” She opened her eyes, passion burning in her green irises. “But please, can’t we get to your room now?”

He seconded that desire and, fortunately for both of them, the elevator slid to a stop; the doors opened to reveal an empty hallway. Good, since considering how intertwined their bodies were, they’d be giving quite a show to any innocent bystanders.

They stumbled out, and it was all he could do to keep his fingers off the buttons of her sundress.

“Where?” Tracy gasped. The word was more demand than question.

Her eyes met his, and they both started laughing.

“We’re pathetic,” Tracy said after she caught her breath. “It’s like we’re in high school or something. Just two completely horny little kids.”

“I’d say that about sums it up.” Except it was so much more than just lust—at least on Hale’s part. He wanted to cherish this woman by making love to her. Oh, he wanted to satisfy himself in the process—that was a given—but when the night was over, he wanted Tracy to realize just how special she was.

“You’d think we could make it to the door before attacking each other,” she was saying. There was laughter behind her words, but also a trace of nervousness. Suddenly, he understood. She
feel like a girl on a first date. Awkward and unsure. Afraid the guy didn’t really like her.

Well, that was one misconception Hale intended to dispense with. And pronto. As they reached his door, he fished in the back pocket of his jeans for his card key. The light came on red. He tried again. Still red.

“Let me try.” Her luck wasn’t any better.

“Here,” he said, taking the card. “Third time’s a charm.” Only it wasn’t. The light was still red. Just as red as his passion for Tracy, and if he didn’t get inside that hotel room, they’d both end up arrested for public indecency.

Time for some serious action.

“Should we go back and tell the front desk?” Tracy asked.

“Let me try one more time.” Telekinetic skills were standard for Protectors, but manipulating objects he couldn’t see was difficult. His only chance was that he’d done this sort of thing before. Slipping the card back in the slot, he let his mind picture the locking mechanism on the inside of the door. With intense concentration, he twisted it, hoping Tracy had no clue as to what he was doing.

“It’s still red,” she said. “Oh! Wait. It just turned green.”

He’d done it. And he pushed the door open before the lock had a chance to fall back into place. “We’re in.”

Barely had she entered the room when he caught her around the waist, pulling her close as the door shut behind them.

“All alone in your room.” Her tone was innocent, but she snuggled closer as she spoke, her hips writhing against his in a motion that was anything but demure. “What have you got in store for me now?”

“I guess you’ll just have to wait and see,” he said. “But I can promise that you’ll enjoy it.”

Chapter Twenty-one

Enjoy it? That was the understatement of the year. The mere feel of his body against hers practically sent her into erotic convulsions. Enjoy it? Oh, yeah. She’d definitely enjoy this.

His lips grazed her neck, and Tracy moaned, wanting to concentrate on the feeling, to absorb every little touch and shiver so that she could later recall every moment. But it was impossible; they were moving too fast, were acting too wild, and all she could do was lose herself to the sensation.

“Oh, Hale.” She barely recognized the dreamy voice that escaped her lips.

With a gentle hand, he steered her to the French doors on the far side of the room. Opening them, he led her onto the balcony, and she breathed in the fresh sea breeze. The late afternoon sun reflected off the blue water, the foam from the waves dancing in the sun’s golden rays. From the fifteenth floor, she had an amazing view, and to her, the ocean seemed to stretch on forever.

Hale couldn’t have brought her anyplace more special even if he’d had years to plan.

He’d done this for her, and the realization warmed her. A man who could make her laugh, could fix her car, and could manage the most romantic afternoon imaginable— who would have thought she’d ever be on a date with such a guy? She didn’t know what would happen tomorrow, but right now, she intended to enjoy the moment.

His arms closed around her waist, and she leaned back against him.

“Tell me what you want,” he whispered.

That was easy. “You. I want you. Please.”

“Say pretty please.”

Even though her eyes were closed, she could hear the grin in his voice.

“Pretty please.” Her voice sounded hoarse. It didn’t matter, though. The words worked just as fast as
worked to pull a rabbit out of a hat.

She gasped as he pressed her up against the rail, his lips ravaging hers, and his hands slipped up under her dress. She had no idea how he’d managed to get her skirt up, but he had, and now his fingers danced along the elastic of her panties.

“You’re sure?”

“Mmm-hmm.” She couldn’t manage real words, so she hoped he understood her little groan. He had to, because surely she would die if he did anything as foolish as stop now.

One quick twist of the material, and her panties were history. She wished she’d changed into some of the decadent, lacy pieces still in her shopping bag, but the simple fact was, it didn’t matter. Hale certainly didn’t care.

For a moment, darkness fell over her, and then she realized he was pulling the dress over her head even as he urged her back from the rail and out of view of the bathers below. The cool air tickled her skin, and she boldly pulled him closer, wanting his warmth, his heat.

Only one foot was on the floor, the other was wrapped around the back of his legs, and she held on tight, wishing they could be closer, one person. She wanted to know him, to know everything about him, but she didn’t know how to tell him. And so she simply moaned, hoping he understood.

Bless him, he seemed to understand perfectly. His hands grazed her bare arm, slipping her bra strap down until he’d loosened the cups and revealed the slopes of her breasts. She’d always thought of them as too small, but Hale simply gazed down, then into her eyes.

“Beautiful,” he murmured. Dipping down to taste and tease her with his tongue, he laved the swell of her breast.

She tried not to tremble under the intensity of his touch, and only when the bra fell away did she realize that his hands had slipped to her back and unfastened the clasp. She was naked, pressed against the door frame by a fully clothed man at least twice her size. But she didn’t feel overwhelmed or embarrassed. Instead, she felt beautiful. Beautiful and special and a dozen other emotions she’d never experienced before.

“Please,” she whispered.

“Please what?” His voice teased her ear, sending shivers racing down her spine. “Tell me what you want.”

“You. Everything. You.”

Her head tilted back as he covered her neck with kisses, his tongue dipping lower and lower in its sensuous assault. And when she was certain that every bone in her body had melted, he picked her up and carried her to the bed, placing her gently in the middle.

“No fair. I’m naked and you’re not.”

“Not for long,” he promised.

She watched, mesmerized, as he peeled off his shirt, then kicked off his shoes. He stripped off his jeans next, revealing rock-hard thighs and evidence of his arousal that was just as solid. When his underwear dropped to the floor, she gasped. She wanted this, true, but somehow knowing he wanted it too—seeing just how much he desired her— made everything more real. More special.

She held out her arms, and before she could even blink, he was there, his burning skin pressed against hers.

“Touch me,” he said, guiding her hands to his velvety smooth maleness. She did, reveling in the response of it too her touch, and in the soft noises from the back of his throat.

With Hale, she felt more cherished than she’d ever felt, yet at the same time she felt bolder, in control. Empowered. It was wholly a new experience. She longed for it to last forever.

Wow. They hadn’t even reached the main course, and already she was hoping for seconds.

With a low growl, he flipped them both over so that she was straddling him, the sensitive insides of her thighs pressed against his tight, firm waist. His hands were all over her. Stroking, teasing. She arched back as his fingers caressed her breasts, her own hand stroking his taut thigh.

The passion on his face was raw, and a swell of foolish pride rose inside her knowing that she was the cause of such deep emotion. Bending over, she kissed him, bold and possessive, her tongue seeking entrance to his mouth. She wanted to know everything, to explore everything with him, and the sounds he made told her that he’d take her wherever she wanted to go.

“Now,” he whispered, the one simple word arousing her even more.

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