[Atlantean's Quest 03] Redemption (9 page)

If I know nothing, then tell me how this betrayal occurred.

She jerked her face from his touch, unable to bear his tenderness. Her gaze pinned him. I have told the professor what the stones he found are used for. He now knows it’s a transport, thanks to my betrayal.

Coridan watched her. There was no judgment, no accusation, only understanding.
You made a mistake.
He shrugged.
It happens to us all.

Did you not hear me?

I heard every word.


And what, seer?

She groaned in frustration. Are you not listening? I have betrayed our people. If you hadn’t removed one of the stones, the professor and his men would already be on Zaron.

Coridan laughed, but it held little humor. You call that a betrayal? I attacked the only man who ever cared for me, Ares. The man who took me under his protection and showed me what being a warrior really meant, although from my actions you wouldn’t think I’d learned a thing.

I was jealous of Ares’ accomplishments, his power—his mate. And because of my stupidity he almost died. I came this close. He squeezed his fingers together for emphasis. To letting him drown. Do you have any idea what that feels like? I feel the pain everyday. The shame burns in my heart, tainting my soul, until nothing is left but blackness.

Coridan began to pace. Forgive my impertinence, but you have no idea what betrayal is. He threw his arms up in the air, his hands fisted tight as if cursing the heavens. I live with my mistakes, and will continue to do so for the rest of my life…alone. He swung around to face her. A slip of the tongue does not equal betrayal.

Are you quite finished feeling sorry for yourself?

His eyes widened at her words. Feeling sorry for myself… Coridan approached the bed, his eyes sparking blue fire. How dare you? I should untie you so I can turn you over my knee and spank that luscious bottom of yours.

You wouldn’t dare.
Ariel knew better than to goad him, but she couldn’t stop herself. The thought of his hands upon her ass titillated her.

Oh, wouldn’t I? I suggest you don’t tempt me further, seer. You might be surprised at just what I’d do given the opportunity.

That sounds like a threat.
Ariel’s temper flared, sparked easily by Coridan’s domineering presence. His nearness was all the fuel needed to set her body aflame. Their combined pheromones drove her on, making her feel reckless.

I don’t need to threaten you, seer. He ran his finger down her side. Ariel shuddered. You know I speak the truth.

I know nothing of the sort.

Coridan smiled, a very knowing, very masculine smile that told her she’d just crossed that invisible line.
Coridan, think before you do anything rash.

His smile widened. Rash? You will find, seer, that since the incident that got me exiled from your tribe, I rarely do anything one would call rash. Coridan dropped to his knees at the foot of the bed and spread her legs wider, ignoring the tug of the vines as he insinuated himself between her thighs. His broad shoulders separated her, opening her pussy lips like a flower for him to view, scent, or pluck depending on his whim.

Ariel gasped, as ripples of excitement spread over her skin, puckering her nipples, engorging her clit. And he hadn’t even touched her—yet.

I will teach you not to tease a warrior, seer, especially a warrior intent on claiming you as mate.

Ariel opened her mouth to protest, but closed it as Coridan’s gaze seared her.

He lowered his head and inhaled. Your nectar calls to me, begging me to sip from it. Can you hear it, Ariel?

Her answer came out throaty, breathless. Ariel’s lungs labored. Her nipples quivered as need lanced through her. She wanted this man, wanted his touch, and wanted his thick cock buried deep within her cunt.

He flicked his tongue, spearing her clit. Ariel cried out, her voice quickly drowned out by the storm’s intensity.

You like that?

Her gaze locked with his.
You know I do.

He smiled.
I just wanted to hear you say so.
Coridan dipped his head, flattening his tongue over her nether lips. Ariel’s hips bucked and her eyes rolled back in her head, as she fought for control over the insatiable need, scoring her body.

We cannot join
. She grit out between clenched teeth.

Coridan raised his head. I told you I would not sheath myself in your channel. But… He flicked his tongue.

Ariel gasped.

I’m curious…are your powers solely tied to your cunt and the energy bind process?
His long fingers began to circle her anus, spreading the moisture seeping from her pussy around the entrance.

Yes, both.
She nodded.
What are you suggesting, warrior?
Ariel knew, but couldn’t bring herself to say the words. Her body tightened in anticipation. Her clit throbbed.

I could untie you and pleasure you in other ways…

Their gazes remained locked as they each considered Coridan’s offer. He continued playing in her juices, spreading them over her sensitive flesh. Once his finger was thoroughly lubricated, he circled the tight back muscle, slowly working his way inside.

Ariel mewed as her body began to convulse. She came hard as a second finger joined the first. She was vaguely aware of being untied and turned onto her stomach. Her limbs were then retied, spreading her legs further apart. Her awareness didn’t snap back until she felt Coridan’s weight upon her, pressing her into the soft furs.

What are you doing, warrior?

You know what I’m doing. Do not tell me you do not want this also. Your body weeps for mine.
As if to prove a point, he reached between their bodies and ran a finger through her wetness.

Ariel opened her mouth to deny him, but a moan came out instead. He spoke the truth. She did want him, any way she could get him, and since they couldn’t join or energy bind like a mated couple, this would have to do. Fear and anticipation raced over her.

“I thought so,” he all but growled in her ear. Coridan stroked his cock, his hand brushing the back of her thighs.
We need more fluid.

Ariel glanced over her shoulder. She could see thick pearl liquid bead up on the tip of his plum-sized head. Coridan scraped the liquid from his cock and began to massage it into her skin, around her anus, just inside her entry. Ariel shivered and then lifted her bottom slightly to allow him better access. His gaze caught hers once more.

Do you welcome me into your body, seer?


Are you ready for me?

Ariel knew she was, but wasn’t about to admit as much. She’d imagined what joining with a warrior would be like for most of her life. This may not be exactly as she’d imagined, but she looked forward to the experience. She didn’t want to think about this being the only opportunity she’d ever get to join with Coridan, but knew it must be so, the laws were clear.

That thought depressed her, more than she cared to admit. Ariel’s gaze dropped to Coridan’s sensual mouth a second before she nodded her approval and laid her head on the bed.

 * * * * *

echoed in Coridan’s mind as he rubbed the head of his cock around her back orifice, attempting to get her sphincter muscle to relax. Ariel moaned as he pressed the tip inside, squeezing past the tight ring that squeezed, trying to keep him out. He’d never felt anything so tight and utterly delicious in his life. His body heated, along with her own.

Energy arced between them, dancing in the air, almost as if a mating ceremony were taking place. He shuddered at the intensity, accepting the Goddess’s gift, knowing that without the energy bind the joining remained incomplete.

This wasn’t how he’d planned to claim her, but it was a start. He pushed deeper, burying another couple of inches into her virgin body. He groaned, as Ariel’s anus cradled him.

Muscles shook, his skin heated as he fought the urge to thrust. Ariel would be the death of him.
Are you all right, seer?

. She gasped.

Coridan flexed gently, loosening the muscle that held him. His cock slid in further. He was now halfway.
Relax, seer. Breathe.
He encouraged, knowing he held his breath.

Do not tell me what to do, warrior. She commanded. Shut up and fuck me.

Ariel shifted, her hips grinding into the bed. Her rounded bottom tickled his abdomen and her well-developed thighs caressed his balls.
Forgive me, seer.
Coridan surged forward burying himself to the hilt inside her hot body. She shrieked.

For a few moments neither moved. Stars floated in front of Coridan’s eyes at the exquisite torture of her untried body. His thrusts started out slow. He didn’t want to damage her on her first time of joining. Ariel’s fingers dug into the furs and her body’s rhythm reached out to match his own.

Seer, do not. Coridan gripped her hips. I fear I shall loose myself if you do.

Ariel ground her mound into the bed. I can’t help it. The Atlantean heat is upon me. I need you to fuck me, Coridan…now!

Coridan groaned as his resistance snapped like string before his eyes. He knew she was forbidden by Atlantean law, but it wouldn’t stop him from taking, claiming.

His grip on her hips tightened as he pulled back several inches and then thrust forward. Ariel screamed, her cries driving him as the storm raged on outside. Goddess bless, he was fucking her. The thought had him digging in, spearing her deep, staking his claim on her ripe virgin ass like the one he’d eventually make on her cunt.

His body shook as Coridan fucked her hard, plundered her body, demanding she accept his cock—accept him.

* * * * *

Ariel moaned as her body stretched to accommodate his massive size. She felt full, overflowing. Heat infused her. She closed her eyes as energy surrounded them, sparking like lightning in the air. This wasn’t possible. There’d been no ceremony, no raising of energy, yet that is exactly what appeared to be happening. They hadn’t performed the energy bind or joined as woman and warrior. Coridan drove into her, demanding, dominating—scattering Ariel’s thoughts to the wind.

She bit down on her lip as he rolled his hips. Coridan reached around her until his questing fingers found her engorged clit. He squeezed and pulled, while angling her hips for deeper penetration.

She gave a keening cry like a panther whose mate had just pinned her to the ground with its barbed cock. She wanted to scratch and bite him, resist his frenzied mating, but she couldn’t. This was more than pleasure, more than mutual attraction. This was joining in its most primitive form.

Ariel came at the same time Coridan pumped his hot semen into her body. His cock pulsed, filling her to the brim with his fluids. Moments later, he collapsed onto her back. The weight of his body felt good. It felt right.

Ariel nuzzled deeper into the furs. Her ass stung a little, but the pain was easily overpowered by the overwhelming sensation of pleasure coursing through her body. Coridan slipped from her anus, removing his weight from her back. Instantly she felt empty, alone. He lay on the bed beside her, stroking her damp hair away from her face.

Forgive me, seer. He shook. I know by law that shouldn’t have occurred.

Ariel laughed. I’m fine, warrior.

He seemed to relax a bit. I meant not to crush you.

You didn’t
. Ariel smiled.

Good, I want my mate to be happy.

Ariel froze and her smile faded. She couldn’t seem to speak. He’d felt it, too. Goddess bless, had he just called her his mate? His earlier claim slammed back into her consciousness. She couldn’t take a mate. She’d told him that.


I am no man’s mate, especially a warrior. ‘Tis forbidden.

He tensed.

Ariel turned to face him. I’ve told you I can take no mate.

Coridan’s face hardened. I know, yet you allowed me into your body willingly.

So? Heat infused Ariel’s face. We did not perform an energy bind or proper joining. My pussy is still untouched.

His muscles tensed. I am the only warrior who has ever been allowed to enter or touch you—anywhere. He paused, as if grappling with his temper. I am the first—and last.

Ariel swallowed past the lump forming in her throat.
I cannot mate.

You just did. I shall not argue the semantics. He bellowed in her head. Does my seed not fill your body?

Yes, but—

I may not follow all our laws, but I recognize when I join with a true-mate.

No! I have not offered to perform the energy bind or a proper joining and you know it. You have seen no gold come from my body. That should be all the proof you need.

Coridan stood. He quickly untied her and flipped her onto her back before returning the vines to the stakes at the ends of the bed.
I am your true-mate, despite the lack of gold in your breath. You know it and now I know it, ‘tis beyond refute. The sooner you accept the fact, the better off we’ll be.

And what of my power? Our people?

I told you, I have no people. As for your power, I notice no other change in you. Without the energy bind, you remain the same. Coridan padded across the floor and picked up his wet loincloth. He slipped the material on, leaving a puddle behind. Once dressed, he turned back to Ariel. You have a choice to make, seer, accept me as I am or leave this place and never return.

Ariel watched in disbelief as he walked to the window, leaving footprints behind on the wooden floor, and then disappeared without looking back. She pulled against the ties as angry tears fell from her eyes. She was not his mate. Could not be.

She was no man’s mate. Goddess blessing be damned. Ariel exhaled and gold filled the air.

Chapter Seven

The rain stopped several hours later. Raoul and Santo returned to the hut to retrieve her. Apparently, the professor wasn’t finished. They’d made it to the door when Raoul shouted something in his native language. Ariel and Santo swung around in time to see Raoul pointing to the floor, his eyes the size of saucers.

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