Read Bad Moon Rising (Blackthorn Wolves) Online

Authors: Vivi Anna

Tags: #contemporary fantasy, #supernatural romance, #paranormal romance series, #contemporary romance, #romantic urban fantasy, #series romance

Bad Moon Rising (Blackthorn Wolves) (3 page)

He thrust into her, burying himself deep, then
squeezing his eyes shut, he came in a long violent shudder. 

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Tommy
lifted his head and pierced her with his sharp gaze.  His eyes slowly returned
to normal, then he gathered her in his arms and kissed her.

“You taste just as I remember.”

Anisa wrapped her arms around him, cuddling close to
his warmth, to his strength.  “I’ve missed you.”

He didn’t respond. She knew he was struggling to
return the sentiment.  He’d never been one for kind words.

“You couldn’t have been missing me that much.  I saw
the other werewolf prowling your shop today.”  Taking a step back, he slid out
of her and tucked himself back into his jeans.

Anisa sat up on the table, not bothering with the
remnants of her dress. “He was there in an official manner.  I didn’t call
him.  He was just as much as a surprise to me as he was to you.”

He smirked. “What did you do?”

“The Sheriff thinks I killed a man.”

He eyed her intently.  “Did you?”

Not answering, she slid off the table, shedding the
rest of her torn dress.  She unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. She
stood before him completely naked except for her silver amulet, and unashamed
in her nudity.

“Does it matter?” Putting her hands on her hips, she
cocked an eyebrow. A wind blew through the room and rustled her hair around her
face.  Power surged through her and over Tommy, the magic that bound them
evident in his face and on her body.

“You want me to clean up your mess. That’s why you
summoned me.”

“This man hurt me Tommy. He deserved what he got.”

He sighed. When he took a step toward her and took
her outstretched hand, she knew he’d give in to her.  He always did.

“What do you want me to do?”

Anisa leaned into him and brushed her lips against
his.  “Convince the sheriff to leave well enough alone.”

Chapter Six


ommy rose at dawn to run in the woods near Anisa’s
house.  He had to get away from her to clear his mind. Being with her, her
scent in the air and on his skin muddled his brains and gave him a permanent

He lifted his wolf nose and caught the scent of a
rabbit nearby.  His stomach rumbled thinking of the stringy meat.  He turned
and bounded into the bushes, where he smelled the animal.  It squealed once,
before he tore out its throat.  When he bit down, a spray of hot blood filled
his mouth, satisfying his hunger. For now.

After devouring the rabbit, he sprinted back to the
spot behind Anisa’s house where he left his clothes.  Laying on his stomach,
preparing for the pain, he forced the change.  It was agony, as it always was,
and when he finished, he had to lie a little while longer on his side so he
could get his wits together.  It always took a few minutes to subdue the inner
animal back inside.  Especially on days when he didn’t want to.

Once fully human again, he dressed and was going to
head back into the house, when a smell in the air gave him pause.  He lifted
his nose and took in a deep breath.  There was someone at the front door, a
male someone.  The sheriff.

Tommy went around to the front to see Anisa on the
porch, in a robe, her hand clutched at her chest, talking to him.  He could
smell her apprehension.  She wasn’t afraid of him, just wary.

“Is there a problem here?” he asked as he neared the

The sheriff turned to regard him.  “Ah, now that
makes sense.”

“What does?”

“Why Ms. Crowley here, stinks like werewolf, when
she didn’t yesterday.”

Tommy stepped up onto the porch, brushed past the
sheriff to stand beside Anisa.  “Anisa, is there a problem here?”

She looked at the sheriff.  “I don’t know, is there,

He shrugged. “Just wanted to ask some more questions
about Stan Hart.”

Tommy’s hackles went up.  “Get inside.” He pushed
her back, but she remained hovering in the doorway.

“What? Why?”

The sheriff took a step back, in a ready stance.

“Because this isn’t about murder, this is about
claiming a wolf pack.”

She tried to push past him, but he blocked her.
“What do you mean?”

“Stan Hart was the alpha of the wolf pack here.  Now
that he’s dead, the good sheriff here is looking to replace him.” Tommy looked
at the sheriff to see if he was going to deny it.  “I should’ve known.”

“What do I have to do with this then?”

The sheriff raised a brow.  “Just seeing if I had to
worry about you, about any competition.”  He eyed Tommy. “And lo and behold.”

“Hey, I’m not here for that.”  He gestured to
Anisa.  “She just called me in for some support.”

She chewed on her lower lip, and wouldn’t look him
in the eye.



“You didn’t know Stan was the alpha did you?  You
didn’t know he was a werewolf right?”

The sheriff sniffed.  “Of course she did.  Just like
she knew the second I walked into her shop.”

Tommy whirled on her.  “Please tell me you didn’t

“Well...” she licked her lips.  “Werewolves have a
certain aura.  Most are red. Stan’s was red. So is the sheriff’s. Yours is a
little darker.” She grabbed onto his arm. “But Stan was a bad man.  He was an
asshole.  Everyone hated him, even his own pack.  He threatened to hurt me one
night, Tommy, he said he’d kill me if I told anyone.  I don’t like to be

He shook his head.  He couldn’t believe this.  “You
called me so I could take over this pack?”

“You’ve always told me you wanted to have your own
pack one day.  You’ve been Blackthorn’s general for years now.  It’s time to
move on and move up.”  She wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling her tight body
against his.  “You can move here and we can be together.”

The sheriff crossed his arms over his barrel chest.
“You have no say in wolf business. You’re just a witch.”

It was obvious Anisa didn’t like that.  Her eyes
flashed with power.  “Better watch you say, I can make you lick your own balls
with one word.”

His eyebrow came up at that, and his lips twitched. 
Tommy had to suppress an urge to laugh.

“I think I’d like that,” the sheriff said.

Anisa laughed, tucking a long tendril of hair behind
her ear.  “Look, why don’t we take this inside and talk about our options.”

The sheriff looked from her to Tommy then back
again. He shrugged.  “Okay. I’m game.”

Ten minutes later, the three of them were sipping
tea, a special blend Anisa had concocted, and sizing each other up from across
the table.  There was an intense energy in the air. It swept over Tommy like a
tsunami.  His hackles were up, but so was his arousal.

He shouldn’t have been surprised though.  There was
always a sexual vibe around Anisa. She was a sensual woman, ruled by her
desires.  And she was playing it up for John, the sheriff.  He too seemed
aroused.  There was the definite scent of lust in the room.

“So, how do you figure we should solve this
problem?” John asked Tommy.

“Look, I really don’t want the pack. I have no
interest in leading,” he said, “I came because Anisa called me, well summoned
me is more like.”

Anisa ran a finger over the rim of her teacup. “I
was afraid. I needed someone I could trust.  Besides I’ve missed you.”

“You haven’t been afraid a day in your life.”

“I was afraid when Stan threatened me.  He was a
nasty piece of work.”

John nodded. “I did hear rumors about his

“Yeah, he was a sicko.  Little kids I hear.
Garrick’s wanted to get rid of him for years.”

“Then you’re welcome.”  Anisa looked at John. “Does
this mean you won’t pursue me for his murder?”

John finished his tea and set the cup on the table.
“Investigations take a long time, could be months before it’s solved.  Maybe it
never gets solved.”

“Thank you.”  Her eyes narrowed. “Do I owe you
something for that?”

He glanced at Tommy, gauging him, then back to her. 
“I want you for payment.”

Tommy bristled at that.  All the hairs on the back
of his neck and arms rose to attention.  A growl deep in this gut started to
form.  “She’s not a piece of merchandise.”

John put his hand up to show he meant no offense. “I
don’t mean any disrespect.  It’s obvious the two of you have some sort of
relationship and I didn’t want to step on that without asking.”

Anisa put her hand on Tommy’s shoulder to calm him. 
“Tommy doesn’t own me.  I can make my own decisions.”

“Yes, I’m realizing that,” John said.  “I apologize
if I offended you.”

“You didn’t,” she said.

Tommy could see and smell the attraction between
them.  He wasn’t quite sure how he felt about it.  It wasn’t uncommon in wolf
packs to share mates.  He’d seen it happen a few times.  It happened more often
outside the pack though, with non-wolf partners.

It was true he had no claim on Anisa.  They had a
relationship years ago, that ended badly.  He’d always had feelings for her,
those didn’t disappear, but they weren’t together anymore.  And he had planned
to leave soon anyway.  He had no doubts that she’d pick up with this man when
he left.  It was an inevitable pairing.

“You can have me,” she said to John.

The sheriff smiled.

“But I want our first time to be with Tommy.”

He whirled around to look at her. “What?” She
squeezed his shoulder.  “I want to fuck you both. Right now.”

Tommy’s cock twitched to life the moment she said
fuck.  He’d always loved it when she used vulgar words.  It turned him on, and
the temperature in the room jumped up ten degrees. And he wasn’t the only one
feeling it.

John’s eyes had darkened.  He licked his lips as he
studied her, then Tommy.  “I’m up for anything.”

She leaned down to lick Tommy’s ear. “Are you game?”

He closed his eyes, as a rush of heat enveloped
him.  The strain in his jeans was becoming uncomfortable.  He couldn’t deny the
desire that bubbled up to the surface.  She was the sexiest woman he’d ever
known, and watching her with another man, getting fucked by him, would
definitely be something to behold.

“Yeah, I’m game.”

“Good.”  She took a step back, and untied her robe. 
It pooled at her feet, leaving her gloriously naked. “But I am in control.  You
will both do what I ask, what I want.”

Tommy nodded, realized he couldn’t deny her even if
he wanted to.  He glanced down at the tea cups on the table, his and John’s. 
Then he looked back up at her.  She grinned that sexy evil smile of hers. And
he realized he never had control to begin with.  Anisa was and always had been
calling the shots. She had ensnared them both in her tangled web of desire.

Chapter Seven


nisa led the two men to her bedroom.  She was aware
of their stares as they watched her ass sway back and forth as she walked.  She
knew they wouldn’t deny her anything she wanted.

Desire hot and heavy surged over her.  Like a bolt
of lightning striking her right between the thighs, she wanted them so hard. 
No other thought occupied her mind, except them.  Her two wolves.  Touching
them, tasting them, siphoning off their energy.  She could think of nothing

She lay on the bed on her side, settled in so she
could watch them both.  “Take off your clothes.”

John slid off his leather jacket, then pulled his
t-shirt up over his head.  He was powerfully built underneath.  Big bulging
chest muscles, six pack abs, and a line of dark hair bisecting it all the way
down to his navel.  She thought to run her tongue along that path.

Tommy was leaner but just as powerfully built. His
ripped muscles flinched and quivered as he tore off his shirt and shucked off
his jeans.  He didn’t wear briefs, he loved to go commando, so his big cock
sprang forth without hindrance.

She reached for Tommy, pulling him down to her. 
Instead of covering her with his body, he nestled in alongside her, pressing
his body to hers, and wrapped his arms around her waist.  He kissed her, his
tongue probing deep inside her mouth.  When he pulled back, she ran her tongue
over her lips, sampling his flavor.

“Now John, behind me,” she commanded.

Naked, his equally sizable cock bouncing, the
sheriff nestled in behind, spooning her thoroughly. They pressed into her,
sandwiching her in between them.  Tommy nestled his face into her neck and up
to her ear, whispering naughty words.  She closed her eyes against the rising sensations
stirring in her body.  An ache deep and intense pulsed at her center.  Her
nipples were erect and tingling, begging to be licked and sucked.  A groan
formed on her lips.  She needed them both right now.

Anisa writhed her body against theirs. She couldn’t
help pushing her ass into John, and streaking her hands over Tommy’s hard
smooth chest.  Both of them together were too much of a temptation.  She wanted
to hurry, but also to draw it out, to suck as much pleasure as she could from

“Tell us what you want,” Tommy said.

His cock pressed against her belly.  It was hard
like iron, and hot to the touch.  She wanted it inside her.  To fill her to
breaking point.  Behind her, she could feel John’s cock twitching in between
the cheeks of her ass.  He was obviously just waiting for her commands as
well.  He pressed his lips to the back of her shoulder, and trailed his tongue
over her skin.

Desperation clawed at Anisa.  Something inside her
bubbled to the surface, ravenous with lust.  Hungry for both these men.  It was
time to submit to it.  The spell was ripe for the quickening.

Reaching behind her, she slid her hands over John’s
thighs and nuzzled her fingers against his cock.  “I want to fuck you both. 

John groaned, as Anisa continued to rub her fingers
up and down his growing erection.

Tommy cupped her face with his hands and stared into
her eyes.  He was beautiful, her first wolf.  The most beautiful man she had
ever seen.  And she wanted him.  She wished it could be for always, but she
knew that it wouldn’t be.  Not for them.

“I want to play,” she purred.

When her hands roamed down to his cock, he didn’t
stop her.  He was rock hard and scorching hot when she touched him.  Gripping
him tightly in her palm, she tugged him closer.  Damn the foreplay, she wanted
his cock in her now.  Already her pussy was on fire and sopping wet.  A
delicious contradiction.  The insides of her thighs were slick from her lust.

As she stroked him, nestling the velvety tip of his
cock against the soft folds of her sex, he pressed his lips to hers.  The kiss
was electric, sending jolts down her body, firing her nerve endings, waking up
every part of her body inside and out.  Moving his hands, he buried them into
her hair, pulling her even closer to him.

As they kissed, John’s fingers explored her.  He
squeezed and molded her breasts, flicking his thumbs over her tightened peaks. 
One hand continued to tweak her nipples, pulling and pinching, while the other
moved down her torso.  Sweeping his hand down her outer thigh, John grabbed her
leg and raised it up so he could nestle his leg in between her thighs.  As he
did that, his knee brushed up against her pussy.  She moaned into Tommy’s mouth
as quick bursts of ecstasy burst through her.

Pulling on Tommy, Anisa settled his cock into her
inner folds.  She moaned as he slid back and forth along her silky slit to her
opening.  With slow careful strokes, he inched into her.

John put his hand behind Anisa’s knee and raised her
leg, pulling back on it to spread her wide giving Tommy easier access.  The
moon bless his consideration.

The new position allowed Tommy to slide in, nice and
tight into her.  Moaning as he filled her up, Anisa raked her nails over
Tommy’s back hanging on as he stretched her.  He felt like heaven pulsating inside
her.  She bucked her pelvis to encourage him to thrust hard and deep.  With
these two men, she hungered for it to be fast and rough.  Then and only then
would the spell she was conjuring have its power.

While nibbling on Tommy’s neck, she pushed on his
chest to roll him onto his back.  She wanted the control.  She didn’t trust
them to give her what she needed.  They both seemed to think she was fragile. 
Even now. After all that they’d known she could do.

Hands on his shoulders, Anisa pressed him into the
mattress and spread her legs wide to straddle his pelvis.  Without pause, she
drove down on him, completely impaling herself to the hilt of his cock. Balls
deep baby.

A loud groan expelled from his parted lips as she
moved over him, sliding up and down with long languid strokes.  He was so hard
and unyielding in her pussy as she pumped her hips.  He fit inside her
perfectly as if they were two pieces of the same puzzle.  Except, it wasn’t
enough.  She wanted, needed more.

Glancing over her shoulder, she saw John kneeling on
the bed behind her, enrapt with her sliding up and down on Tommy’s stiff cock. 
She could tell that he was a bit uncertain of his actions.  Not sure if he
should dive right in and help himself.

She needed his cock too if she was going to satisfy
this nagging, voracious ache between her legs. She needed his sexual energy to
ignite the sex magic in the room.

“Get over here.  There’s always room for two.”  She
slid her hands over the cheeks of her ass and spread them apart. An invitation
of sorts.

She let out a joyful gasp when John finally snuggled
against her back, sliding his cock between her spread ass cheeks.  He reached
between her thighs and slid his fingers into her sex, nudging his knuckle
against her engorged clit.

Leaning slightly forward, Anisa braced her hands on
Tommy’s chest.  She watched his face as she rode him hard and fast, pushing
against his cock and John’s fingers simultaneously.

His jaw clenched in determination, he reached up and
cupped her breast.  Pulling on her nipples, he smiled when she cried out.  Oh,
he was an arrogant one.  Thinking that he was in control of her pleasure.  She
would have to teach him a lesson.  She was the one in control here.  Always.

Gripping his wrists, she pulled his hands away from
her breasts and leaning forward, pushed them back over his head.  “I say what
goes.  I’m in control.”  She nipped his chin with her teeth, and then dragged
her mouth down his neck to suckle on his flesh.

A growl low and rumbling sounded from his throat. 
She watched as his eyes shifted in desire and his lips parted on a groan.  That
was better, she thought.  Now, she needed to get the other animal in line.

“There’s lubricant in the bedside table.  Grab it. 
It will help you fuck my ass.”

She turned her attention back on Tommy as she the
bed moved behind her with John’s departure.  Trailing her tongue over his
throat, she continued to move her pussy up and down on his cock. A tight ball
of heat swirled deep in her belly.  She was vibrating violently from the jolts
of pure bliss zapping through her.  It would not be long before she climaxed. 
But she needed that hard push.  Nothing but rigid thrusting in her ass would
send her over the edge and give her the explosion she needed.

Seconds later, a cool liquid dribbled between her
cheeks.  John rubbed lube into her crease, massaging her inner folds with firm
strokes.  Watching Tommy’s face, she wondered if John’s hand near his cock was
turning him on.  If John’s fingers feeling where they joined sent delicious
shivers up and down his spine.  Because it did to her.

On a groan, Anisa pushed back when a finger slid
easily into her ass.  With each thrust on Tommy’s cock, John matched it with
his finger in her anus.  Already, her vaginal and anal muscles tightened,
readying for the big climax.  But she wasn’t quite ready for it.  She wanted to
feel both men in her at once.  Feel their cocks nearly touching, as they drove
into her mercilessly.

As if sensing her feral needs, John slid another
finger into her tight hole.  At first, his movements were slow and easy, but
with her pants of encouragement, he picked up his pace, pumping them out
vigorously.  She was ready, damn it.  She wanted to scream for him to hurry. 
To plunge his cock into her now.  She had no more patience for going slow.

Pushing back on his fingers, Anisa snarled, “Now! 
Fuck me now!”

John withdrew his fingers, and replaced them with
his cock.  Collapsing on Tommy’s chest, Anisa gritted her teeth as John worked
his thick pulsating erection into her tight asshole.  He went slowly, and she
was glad for it.  She wanted him, but realized that her body needed to adjust
to the intrusion.  She tried to relax her muscles, opening up for him.  Little
licks of pain radiating up her body forcing her to take in a deep breath.

Tommy moved his hands down to her ass.  He kneaded
her cheeks and spread them further apart to aid John.  Then he found her mouth,
and kissed the discomfort away.  Nibbling and sucking on her lips and tongue,
inhaling her quick pants.

After a few moments of sharp pain as the head of
John's cock pushed into her, she then could only feel excruciating pleasure as
he slid all the way in.  An intense mind-blowing rapture surged over her.  This
was the energy she needed.  The magic demanded it from all of them. The two men
held still, waiting for her commands.  She wanted the control and they were
giving it to her.

Taking in a deep breath, Anisa let go of Tommy’s
arms and sat up, forcing herself further down the length of Tommy’s cock.  As
she moved, she could feel both dicks throbbing within her velvety walls.  Her
arousal was like an animal, rabid and hungry.  It was as if nothing could douse
her lust.

“So good. So fucking good.”  She shuffled her ass,
pushing down on both of them.  Both men groaned in unison.  “More. Harder. 
Fuck me till I scream.”

Tommy slid his hands down to grip her hips.  Digging
into her flesh, he ground his pelvis against her sex, pumping into her.  At the
same time, John placed his hands above Tommy’s and buried his cock deep.

“Oh, fuuuuuuuuck!”

Pangs of savage pleasure ripped through her body
like a knife.  Her breath heaved from her lungs and she thought she’d die from
the surges of scorching hot ripples radiating inside her pussy.  Could someone
die from being fucked too hard?  She hoped to find out.

Whimpering mindlessly, Anisa could do nothing but
hold on for the ride she’d demanded of her wolves.  As Tommy plunged into her,
John retreated.  They worked in unison to give her the best, wildest, hottest
fucking of her life.  Captured and tortured by both their cocks, she couldn’t
even reach down between her legs and rub her clit to aid the mind-shattering
orgasm that was building.  Gasping for breath, she dug into Tommy’s chest with
her nails and let him decide her fate.

As if sensing her desperation, Tommy moved one of
his hands around her thigh to slide his fingers into her cleft.  The moment he
touched her clit, Anisa jerked as a white-hot explosion detonated in her cunt. 
Simultaneously, they buried their cocks into her as an orgasm blasted into her.

Crying out, Anisa shut her eyes against the sensory
assault on her body.  Waves, whips, jolts and hot flows of agonizing pleasure
surged over and through her all at once.  She couldn’t distinguish one from
another, or where the sensations were coming from or ending.

All thoughts left her.  The only thing she could do
was ride the wave and let it the power of it wash over her, through her, into
her every pore.  Clamping her eyes shut, she collapsed onto Tommy in total
exhaustion.  The spell had been completed.  It would do what she wanted it do
to.  Bind the three of them together.  Whenever she called, they would both
come.  No matter what.  No matter when. They belonged to her now. Forever.

“And let it be done,” she murmured against Tommy’s

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