Read Bad Rep Online

Authors: A. Meredith Walters

Bad Rep (8 page)


Normally, I loved Eli's sexual candor.  But now, with another boy on my mind, it just made me feel uncomfortable.  I barked out a fake sounding laugh and wiggled out from underneath his hand.  “That's okay, baby.  You needed to sleep.”  Eli looked at me strangely but didn't comment on the way I kept trying to dodge his touch.  We both knew it was unusual for me to stop him once he got started.  But I just wasn't in the mood and he'd have to deal with it.


“Yeah, thanks for letting me stay the night.  I enjoyed sleeping next to you.” His heavy lidded eyes smoldered at me and I had to blink in surprise.  Eli was anything but a romantic.  So his sweet sentiment threw me. 


Eli leaned over and kissed me softly on the lips.  “You're beautiful first thing in the morning.  I think I could get used to that,” he whispered as he attempted to deepen the kiss.  This is what I had wanted him to say since we had started hooking up.  But now it just left me feeling cold.


But then I got angry.  Angry at myself for letting stupid Jordan Levitt interfere with whatever Eli and I had.  He and his two-timing ass were definitely not worth it.  So I forced myself to give into Eli's mouth as his tongue swept against mine, his teeth nibbling on my lower lip.  He groaned in the back of his throat and pulled me against him as we sank into the couch.


“Sorry to interrupt but Maysie, we've got to head into Barton's and get our schedules,” Riley said, suddenly appearing in the living room.  I pulled away from Eli abruptly but he continued to tease the underside of my breast with his fingers, not feeling in the least bit self- conscious about the fact that my roommate was standing less than five feet away.


He looked up and gave Riley a lazy smile, his fingers squeezing my nipple as I squirmed.  “Why don't you join us over here, Riley.  It would be hot to have us all together, ya know.  What do you say?”  Normally I would have laughed at Eli's efforts to make Riley uncomfortable.  He loved to say outlandish crap just to piss her off.  He knew she didn't like him so he used that against her...a lot. 


But this time, his words just bugged me.  I shoved his hand away from me and pulled my shirt down.  “Shut up, Eli.  That's messed up,” I told him sharply.  Eli looked at me and for once I didn't see the stoned, could give a shit demeanor he typically wore.  In fact, he looked almost hurt by my tone.  Well, that was just ridiculous, considering he had never expressed an interest in how I felt about anything before.


“In your dreams loser.  Now, get the hell out of our apartment so we can get ready,” Riley retorted, turning on her heel and heading into the kitchen.


Eli got to his feet and I followed him to the front door.  I held it open for him as he walked out into the hallway.  He turned around and took my face into his hands.  He cradled me as he gave me the sweetest, most gentle kiss he had ever given me.  What the heck was going on?


“I'd like to see you tonight.  Are you free?” he asked me.  I chewed on my lip, unsure as to what had suddenly changed between us.  This was not the Eli I was accustomed to. 


“Uh, I'm not sure.  I'll have to see if I'm on the schedule at Barton's for the night,” I told him.


Eli ran his fingers up into my hair and pulled me toward him again, giving me another kiss.  This one more hungry than the last.  “I'd like to take you out.  Just the two of us.  I don't think we've done that yet.”  I shook my head.  Dates hadn't been high on his priority list.  Getting both of us naked had always been number one in both of our minds.  So Eli asking me out had me flustered.  And for the first time, I was feeling a little guilty about my interactions with Jordan the night before.


“I'll call you,” Eli said softly, kissing my forehead before making his way down the hallway.  I closed the door to the apartment softly and leaned my back against it.  I closed my eyes and ran my hand over my face.  Eli had left me feeling very confused.


“Lover boy gone?” Riley asked, poking her head around the door to the living room.  I nodded as I headed to my room.  “I want to leave in fifteen minutes.  I've got to head to the library today to start my independent study proposals.  Will you be ready?” Riley asked. 


“Yeah, just let me jump into the shower.  I'll come with you to the library. I have a mountain of work before class on Monday,” I said, grabbing a pair of jeans and a tank top before disappearing into the bathroom.


I took the quickest shower in history and pulled my still dripping hair into a bun at the back of my head.  I didn't bother with makeup, so I was ready in seven minutes flat.  “Impressive,” Riley remarked as we headed out. 


We chatted about nothing in particular as we headed to Barton's.  Riley parked around back and we made our way in through the employee entrance in the kitchen.  The day staff was on.  We hadn't met any of these people, so I had no idea who anyone was.


We stopped at Moore's office and I wasn't surprised to see him sitting at his desk, click clacking on his computer.  I could tell he was the type to take his job as general manager very seriously.  He looked up when we arrived and gave us a smile.  “Good morning Maysie, Riley.  Nice to see you.  The schedule is tacked up on the board by the expediting station.  Maysie, I put you on for this evening.  Riley, you have the lunch shift tomorrow.  I tried to work around the schedules you guys gave me but if there are any conflicts, let me know and I'll sort it out.”


We both said our thanks and went to find the schedule.  Once we found it, we looked for our names and started writing down our shifts.  I was working three nights through the upcoming week, which didn't conflict with my classes or my shifts at Bibi's.  It seemed Riley and I had opposite schedules and I was bummed we wouldn't be working together.


I couldn't help but look for Jordan's name and my stomach dropped when I saw that we pretty much had the same schedule.  Just great.  Clearly avoidance wouldn't work.  “Looks like I'm being thrown in the deep end this evening.  Let's get back to the apartment so we can grab our stuff and head to the library.  I've got to be here at 4:00,” I said, trying not to show how freaked out I was at the prospect of working with Jordan tonight.


Riley tucked her handwritten schedule into her pocket and we headed back through the kitchen, calling out our goodbyes to Moore as we walked by.


We spent most of the morning in the campus library.  It was dead since most students were away for the summer.  I was able to finish the rest of my statistics homework and got a good head start on my biology research paper on natural selection.  We went to a deli around the block to get lunch and I sent a text to Eli, letting him know I had to work. 


I didn't hear back from him, which wasn't surprising.  I guess whatever had been up with his behavior that morning was fleeting.  We finally headed back to the apartment around 3:15.  That gave me enough time to eat something and get changed for my shift.  I went ahead and laid out clothes for tomorrow. I had to open Bibi's in the morning and knew that I would be wrecked from having to help close tonight.


Riley was heading to a movie that night with some of her friends, so she let me borrow her car.  My little VW Bug was in the shop with a dodgy alternator.  I'd have to use some cash to pay for that now that my parents had closed their wallets.  I tried not to panic over how fast I was accruing debt. 


I pulled into Barton's and hurried inside.  I clocked in and went to Moore's office to let him know I was there.  It looked as though he hadn't moved.  He was still sitting behind his desk, pecking away at his keyboard.  Did this guy ever go home?  He gave me a shift checklist and instructed me to go through it.  I was to use this as my guide until I got into the swing of things.


Pocco and Fed were manning the industrial dishwasher.  Fed tried to squirt me with the hose as I walked by, making a suggestive comment about my nipples through the wet shirt.  I chose to ignore them and headed out to the dining room.


Damien was working again and I was happy to see Jaz as well.  She squealed and ran up to me.  “Yay!  I'm so happy you're working tonight!” she said in that perky way of hers.  She was sitting at the bar.  I was relieved to see Jordan hadn't come on yet and it was only Lyla. 


“Hey Maysie.  You ready for tonight?  It'll be absolutely crazy,” Lyla said, handing me the soda I asked for.  “You're lucky to be on the schedule.  Servers kill to be on Saturdays,” Damien said, sitting on the stool beside me. 


Barton's usually had a band on Saturdays so I hoped to make good tips.  “Yeah, Devil's Stone is playing at 8:00.  But Generation Rejects has the stage at 11:00!”  Jaz enthused.  My heart plummeted.  Jordan would not only be working the bar tonight but his band would be playing. 


“Oh, yeah?” I asked weakly, drinking the rest of my soda so I could get started with my shift checklist. 


“They haven't played here in almost six weeks. So I'm sure the place will be packed!  Wait until you hear Jordan sing!  He's unbelievable!” Jaz gushed. 


“I thought he played the drums,” I said, intrigued despite myself.


“Oh, he does.  But he does some of the singing too.  What I wouldn't give to have that guy's moves.  He's usually knee deep in pussy by the end of the night,” Damien commented crudely.  Jaz leaned over and smacked his arm.  I frowned. 


“But he has a girlfriend,” I pointed out.  God, this guy was a complete player!  I was so thankful I had wised up before being sucked into his rock god pants.


“Don't listen to Damien.  Jordan isn't like that.  Sure he's a flirt and everything, but he has never cheated on Olivia.  He likes to give off the bad boy vibe and lord knows he plays the part.  Unfortunately, he has remained faithful,” Jaz sighed, clearly disappointed by that fact.


I wanted to shout,
faithful my ass
!  Lyla was counting the bottles of tequila behind the bar and she looked up at Jaz's statement.  “Well, he always has been before...but things change,” she gave me a look and I flushed, staring down into my empty glass.


Jaz huffed.  “No, he's whipped.  He's had more than enough opportunity to hook up.  Especially since Olivia's out of town.  But there's nothing that would make that boy stray.  I mean, who can compare to Olivia Peer?  She's gorgeous!” Jaz said.  I swallowed around the lump in my throat.  I was officially over this conversation. 


I handed my glass to Lyla who looked at me a little too perceptively.  I gave her my best I-don't-care-about-anything grin and headed over to what would be my section for the night.  The rest of Barton's evening staff clocked in over the next forty-five minutes.  Aside from Jaz, Damien and me, a girl named Ginny, who I recognized from my biology class this summer and an older guy named Leo also clocked in. 


Then, around a quarter to five, Jordan came in through the kitchen doors.  I almost dropped the bottles of ketchup I was holding.  He looked amazing.  Of course he looked amazing!  I bet there wasn't a day in his life he didn't look like sex on a stick.   His dark hair was freshly buzzed and I could see the gleam of his eyebrow piercing.  I hated that I noticed he had replaced the ring with a silver barbell.  His polo shirt was snug over his muscles and his cargo pants hung low on his hips. 


Lyla gave him a quick hug and he called out a greeting to Jaz and Damien, whose sections were closest to the bar.  I tried really hard not to watch him as he scanned the rest of the dining room.  But I felt the moment his eyes found me.  It was like my entire body thrummed with it. 


“Hey, Maysie,” he called out.  I grudgingly looked up and our eyes met.  And just like that first time I saw him, the air hummed with electricity.  The chemistry between us was palpable.  I jerked my eyes away from him and lifted a hand in greeting, not trusting my voice at that moment.


I felt him watch me for a few seconds longer and then turn away.  I snuck another look in his direction but he was talking to Lyla and pulling the rack of glasses off the counter to put them away.  I busied myself with finishing up my prep work.


By the time I was done, it was 5:15 and I had my first table.  And then another one and another one until all five of my tables were full.  I ran around like crazy.  But at least tonight I got to keep the tips.  And so far they were fat.  By 7:30, I had $60.  I was glowing, I was so happy.


I had just scooped up a 20 dollar tip left by some older business guys who I had flirted shamelessly with while they checked out my chest.  I practically skipped to the back to have a quick smoke before my next table was sat.


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