Read Because of You Online

Authors: Maria E. Monteiro

Because of You (32 page)

“You tried to tell me at the party, didn’t you?”

“Yes. I had realized it was a huge mistake. I shouldn’t have told you such a horrible lie. I just thought if you hated me you would want to be far away from me. I wish I never lied to you.” A tear slips out of my eyes. I’m actually happy he knows the truth.

“And I wish I would’ve listened to you that night. I’m an ass. I couldn’t see past my anger. I said some real cruel things to you that night. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. I’m just happy you know the truth now, and won’t be heading to school thinking I was unfaithful. All I wish for you is happiness at UT"

“I’m not going to UT.”

“What? But I heard you’re not going to North State.” I’m really confused now.

“You’re right. After what happened I just wanted to get away from you, so I guess your plan did work,” he laughs. “But I also realized that UT was never really my dream. It was my father’s dream. He had drilled it in my head for so long I began to believe it was my mine too.”

“So where are you gonna go?”

“Braden University. I actually really like the school.”

“Are your parents upset?”

“They were at first, but they know I’m doing this for myself. Besides they saw how much I was hurting from losing you. Trust me, my mother feels so guilty she’s agreeing to anything right now.”

“What about your brother? I thought you didn’t wanna go to the same school as him,” I say still stunned.

“It’s cool. Besides I’ll be the only freshman living in an awesome apartment.”

“You’re gonna live with him?”

“Yeah. So, you’ll have a place to stay when you visit me.” His takes deep breaths in and out waiting for my respond.

“You want me to visit you?” I utter, afraid this is all a dream and I might wake up any second. Please don’t let this be dream.

“Of course I do.” He lifts his hand and tucks a piece of hair behind my hair. “Jade, I’ve missed you so much. It’s been killing me not to be with you.”

“It has?” I swallow.

He grabs my hand sending an electrical spark through my body. I’ve missed his touch so much. “Don’t you see, I’ve fallen in love with the girl from across the street and I haven’t been the same since. It’s because of you I hope one day to be an amazing author. Because of you I’ve found real happiness again. You reminded me of who I really am.” His dimples appear making the butterflies in my stomach flutter all around my body. “I have two weeks until I have to leave, and all I wanna do is spend each day with you. I love you Jade.” He brings me closer to him and presses his lips against mine, awakening every part of me that has been dead for the last two months.

“I love you too,” I say with my tears of happiness running down my face.

He scoops me into his arms and spins me around as I seal my lips into his again.

Also by Maria E. Monteiro:

After suffering a great loss, Emma is ready to get her life back to normal. She is spending her summer, before her junior year, with her new boyfriend Court. They are both working at Fairland Park alongside her best friend Britney. Emma is spending all her time with Court and is really failing for him. But things change when she meets Nash. She begins to question her feelings for Court. Is Court the right choice? Or is Nash the right choice? Emma will fall in love this summer. But will it lead her to happiness or a broken heart? It will be a summer full of romance, music, and moments Emma will never forget

With her heart once again spilt in two, Emma will have to decide whether she wants her friendship with Court to become something more, or give Nash another chance. She will start her junior year with her mind and heart in conflict. However, Emma will finally choose and falling in love again will be easy. But staying together will be difficult when past mistakes are exposed. Will they be able to let go? Or will they hold on to the past destroying everything they have? Emma’s life will never be the same when everyone’s hidden secrets are revealed

About the Author

Maria E. Monteiro was born in Chile, but grew up in Sleepy Hollow, New York. She now lives with her husband and cat in the Catskills. When she is not writing, she is heading to a concert. Her passion for writing and music go hand and hand. Maria is currently working on Summer’s love story and other romances.

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