Read Bella Baby Online

Authors: Renee Lindemann

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Interracial, #Romance

Bella Baby (28 page)

“Now what was the purpose of that,” Bella asked, her hands on her hips.

“You need to know the effect you have on men. Men were not approaching you left and right before me because they were intimidated by your beauty and confidence. Plus they probably thought that you were taken for sure. I am glad they didn’t have the balls to approach you and left you for me to snatch up,” Chaz explained taking a slice of toast off the plate. Bella listened to his words but admired his naked frame. Even in a non-arousal state he was impressive.

“My husband is fucking sexy,” Bella exclaimed, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I am spitting logic and you are looking at my dick.” Chaz laughed kissing his wife.

“I can’t look at your dick? I thought yesterday ensured I could look at it whenever and wherever I want?”

“You can look at it as much as you want with your eyes, mouth, or pussy,” he grinned widely. Bella released her hold on him and grabbed some food. Chaz pulled her waist moving his pelvis against her backside. Instantly he sprang to life.

“See this is what you do to men.” Chaz whispered against her ear.

Bella looked behind her to see Chaz was newly aroused. She shook her head giggling as she ate her breakfast. Chaz made a plate of potatoes, eggs, and fruit. He was careful to make sure his erection remained visible to her while she ate. Bella scarfed her food down and took his plate away pushing him onto the bed. She snatched at the band holding her hair in the ponytail free, shaking her hair wildly. The tank top went easily over her had before she removed her panties. Without a kiss or touches to her breasts, Bella slid down Chaz’s erection. Placing both her hands on his chest she rode him moving slow. Chaz grabbed her hips and move throwing her off course.

“Chaz baby,” Bella groaned.

“Yes Bella fuck your husband.”

Their simultaneous orgasms left them exhausted. Chaz pulled the thin sheet over their bodies and they slept late into the afternoon.

The possibilities on where they were headed next were endless. They could conceivably become parents or Chaz could be shipped to one of the various sandboxes for some Special Ops action. It didn’t matter because they would face it all together as a team. Chaz would finally understand what it meant to have a real family. Bella could finally understand how devastated her father had been to lose her mother. It would be so easy to give up if she were to be permanently separated from Chaz. It was love she had never known before. It was a love worth fighting for and she would keep him fighting so he would always return to her waiting arms. Bella wanted plenty of adventures with Chaz and she would get those adventures…




Bonus Material

Kennedy & Horatio Tie the Knot

Horatio watched Kennedy sleeping and thought about their proclamations of love the previous night. He had convinced Kennedy to move in with him but at some point during their lovemaking they agreed to marry. Horatio was willing to admit he was feeling the wedding bug after watching Chaz and Bella take the plunge. Now in the light of day he wasn’t so sure he was quite ready for that level of commitment. Sure having Kennedy live with him was a huge step but marriage meant he would have to permanently give up other women. After sleeping with Kennedy for the first time, he slept with Miranda, someone he slept with off and on before Kennedy. He was trying to prove he wasn’t whipped so fast. The sex had been uninspiring and he had preferred Kennedy’s body. Horatio decided to just sleep with Kennedy until he was ready to move on but then he fell in love and asked her to move in. Chaz had succumbed to Bella so quickly and while they appeared to have a great relationship, that wasn’t guaranteed for Horatio. What if they didn’t work out? Then it would be awkward to remain friends with Chaz and Bella without seeing Kennedy, as she and Bella were practically sisters. The thought of seeing Kennedy with some lame dude angered Horatio. He loved her of that he was sure. Horatio wasn’t sure if it was enough to begin a marriage. Perhaps they were just feeling it after watching Bella and Chaz stumble along.

“Good morning baby,” Kennedy said sleepily.

“You mean good afternoon,” he said placing kisses on her cheek.

“Wow what time is it?” Kennedy asked looking for her cell phone. Horatio did not have a clue really but he knew it was later and replied, “Afternoon o’clock.”

Kennedy laughed as he wrapped her up in his arms. Horatio was sure to allow her to feel his erection. Kennedy removed his arms and padded off to the bathroom.

“I had something for you, come back,” Horatio yelled to her retreating back. Kennedy continued her course walking naked to the bathroom. Horatio decided to stay in bed and hope for the best. Underneath the shirt on the nightstand he heard his phone beep with a text message.

Miranda: I understand this silence to mean you are seeing someone else?

Miranda: I understand that silence to mean I am correct.

Miranda: I am hurt that I wasn’t given so much as a goodbye or goodbye fuck.

Miranda: What’s her name?

Miranda: You should send all the ladies you were fucking one mass text saying you are no longer offering dick services.

Miranda: I hope she worth it.
Attached Picture of a naked Miranda legs spread eagle.

“Damn,” Horatio exclaimed loudly, then covered his mouth.

Miranda: I can see you opened the pic so you are getting my messages. What gives?

Horatio: In Las Vegas, Chaz just got married.

Miranda: Who the hell married Chaz? He is worse than you!!
Smiley face

Horatio: He is madly in love with his wife. No offense taken!

Miranda: What about you? Are you madly in love or just mad?

Horatio didn’t answer this question not sure if he was completely ready to cut off this part of his life. He stared at the phone as six more text messages popped up, not all from Miranda. Kennedy walked out of the bathroom pulling the sheet back and slipped onto Horatio’s omnipresent erection.

“Fuck Kennedy,” he moaned. Kennedy placed her hands on his shoulders and began to move. Horatio instinctively took a nipple into his mouth, Kennedy cried out. Horatio covered her mouth with his and they moved together. His phone began to beep in rapid succession. Horatio tried to grab the phone and silence it but Kennedy beat him to it.

“It’s not their turn,” she joked. The images hitting the phone were of Horatio in various sexual positions with a pretty woman.  Horatio grabbed the phone trying to power it down. “I only need it to be your turn.”

He tried to move but Kennedy slid off much to his dismay. “I guess with images like those you do not need the real thing.”

Kennedy grabbed her bag and returned to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Horatio powered the phone down too late. He walked to the bathroom and easily opened the door. Kennedy was in the shower and he could see the tears.

“Those messages just came through,” he said.

“They got you hard this morning, go fuck your phone.”

“I wasn’t aroused by that. Having my woman in the bed had me aroused,” Horatio replied trying to get into the shower. Kennedy held the curtain shut and when he was inside she tried to get out. Horatio halted her progress and tried kissing her.

“Stop Horatio. I am sick of you and your fucking double standards,” she informed, pushing his face away.

“What double standards Kennedy? I just wanted to wake up and fuck my woman.”

“Oh please. If I had received dick pictures you would have had the dick identified and shot. So please do not try to placate me.”

Horatio laughed, “You damn right. I didn’t ask for those pictures though.”

Kennedy could feel the tears she knew what this was about. “I know we got caught up in the moment Horatio, you do not need to be an ass. I am not expecting us to run to the nearest chapel and let fake Elvis marry us.”

Kennedy stepped out of the shower and Horatio exited with her. He grabbed Kennedy’s hips and pulled her back slipping inside her with ease. She tried to protest and break their connection however once he began to move she succumbed to his fast thrusts. Kennedy used the sink to brace against the pounding as her legs began to shake.

“Fuck Horatio,” she moaned.

“I am fucking you. I wanted to get up and fuck my woman. Now I am fucking my woman,” he said through clenched teeth.

“Oh God Horatio,” Kennedy cried out as her orgasm crippled her legs. Horatio re-gripped his hold and kept pumping. Kennedy was scrambling to hold onto the sink as the sensations ripped through her lower half.  Horatio abruptly pulled out and lifted Kennedy to the sink and reentered her immediately.

“Yes baby this is my pussy,” he moaned. He tried to kiss Kennedy but she moved her face away from his mouth. Wrapping her arms around she buried her face in his neck. Horatio wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her to the bed, leaving the shower running. On the bed he fucked Kennedy in every conceivable position but she refused his kisses.

“Fuck Kennedy, I’m coming,” he shrieked loudly. Kennedy loved the look of pleasure on his face and her body climaxed once more. Horatio collapsed on top of her body and Kennedy pushed him off. On unsteady legs she returned to her shower.

“You can’t still be mad at me after that. C’mon Kennedy that was like a million orgasms. I think I got a fucking Charlie Horse,” he mused. Kennedy did not appreciate his attempt at humor as she took a quick shower. Horatio had not quite recovered and she was able to dress while he watched.

“Where are you going baby?” Horatio managed to sit on the side of the bed.

“Somewhere with no cell phone reception,” she replied. Horatio smiled and he liked her being jealous but not pissed off. Kennedy was out of the door before he could stand, there was no way he could run after her. Horatio ran bathwater in the tub and retrieved his phone. There were tons of messages from Miranda, Lisa, and Carmen.

Miranda: I guess you must be in love. Do not want to admit it quite yet?

Pic of her sucking Horatio off

Pic of her riding Horatio

Miranda: Remember the good times!
Smiley face

Miranda: Okay this isn’t funny anymore Horatio. Fucking answer me!!!!

Lisa: I have given you plenty of time to come to your senses. I work this weekend come fuck me.

Pic of her breasts

Lisa: Remember how much you enjoyed fucking those?
Smiley face.

Lisa: Quit playing Horatio. I am really horny, husband is out of town. I need you.

Video naked Lisa begging

Lisa: For real? Oops did the “girlfriend” see that? Tee hee!

Lisa: Okay I guess I gotta call my back up. Laters!

Miranda: My feelings are really hurt. You must be with new pussy right now?!!!

Miranda: Tell new pussy to let you loose for a few hours!

Carmen: Saw you out with a big titty chick last week. I thought you were an ass man?

Pic of her ass in a thong

Carmen: What’s up Horatio? You a one woman man now? Joking!

Horatio sat in the hot water thinking about his life, unlike his best friends he didn’t have an extremely tumultuous childhood. His father was a sporadic parent and his mother was always looking for his father’s replacement. It made Horatio want to take chances he couldn’t afford. Entrance into the army saved him from going to jail, after joyriding in a stolen car with friends. Horatio met Chaz when they were nineteen and they instantly became brothers with their reckless behavior thwarted to women and guns. He and Chaz indulged in fucking anything that would have them in the beginning. Later they fined tuned their tastes and when they were recruited for the Special Ops team they both were forced to grow up quickly. Their skills were so precise the army beat them into submission with many, grueling trainings. They emerged grown men with lethal skills and pockets full of money courtesy of the army. Horatio and Chaz volunteered for some of the most dangerous missions. Eventually the army let them put together a team and they haven’t looked back, much.

Horatio could see the text messages were not going to stop and he knew Kennedy wasn’t coming back anytime soon. After everything she had been through he felt like an ass. Part of him really wanted to marry Kennedy and the other part wasn’t ready.  The ringing of his phone was not what he expected. Miranda was calling him and he laughed, persistent woman.

“Hello,” Horatio answered.

“Wow what the fuck Horatio? That’s how it’s laying now?”  Miranda questioned quickly.

“What are you talking about girl?”

“Do not act dumb with me. I have been texting your ass for weeks and you just blow me off. What’s her name?”

“What difference does that make?”

“Because I need to know what to call the woman that took you from me besides bitch!”

Horatio laughed, “It’s not bitch.”

“So there is another woman. Damn dude just be honest.”
“If you figured it out Sherlock, why are you asking me?”

“Because I needed to hear it from your sexy ass lips. Damn Horatio, I am kind of hurt.”

“You think my lips are sexy, these soup coolers.”

Miranda had to laugh at his elementary school jab. “I do think they are sexy and the rest of you too.”

“So what’s up with you?”

“Do not play Horatio,” she replied. “I am trying to figure out why you dumped me.”

“Who said I did that? I don’t remember that.”

“I haven’t fucked you in months. So I know you’re getting it from somewhere.”

“I handle myself,” he laughed. “I am so good to me.”

“Whatever punk! I can tell from your voice, your ass is in love.”

“How the hell can you tell that shit from my voice?”

“Not once have you referenced any of the pics I sent you. You haven’t asked me any nasty shit.”

“Those were good times,” he admitted.

“Were? As in will not happen again?”

“Who knows what is in store? I do not have any psychic powers.”

Miranda giggled but hurt laced her voice. “No you just dumped me.”

“Man, I have got to choose my words carefully.”

“It’s too late Horatio. I can tell you love her and that’s okay. I guess part of you is human.”

“Wow only part of me. Last I checked I was all human and all man,” he said looking at his body in the water.

“Is that water I hear? Were is the little lady?”

“Yes I am taking a bath. You know what they say about cleanliness.”

“Is new pussy with you right now? I know how bold you can be sometimes.”

“I am alone in the tub right now,” Horatio sighed. He wished Kennedy was in the tub.

“Oh, so you pissed her off or did the text messages piss her off? Now you are soaking alone?” Miranda secretly enjoyed this idea. Pissing off his new girlfriend would be a small measure of payback for his lack of interest recently. Although Horatio never gave her any indication that they were more than friends who fucked, for a little while he was seeing her on a regular basis. Then he tapered the attention to nothing.

“I am soaking alone because I needed to relax after Chaz’s Vegas wedding.”

“Now who in the hell married Chaz? One of those strippers at the club, that one he was trying to break?”

“Trinity?” Horatio laughed. “Hell naw! Trinity is black history, has been for a while. He has a real woman, a professional writer.”

“What? How the hell did Chaz land anything professional? She must be young and naïve. After Trinity, I am sure he wanted something a little tamer.”

“Exactly! She is not naïve, much. He loves her and the girl has mad skills. She put it on him.”  Horatio remembered the engagement party and Bella’s talents. Those talents now belong to Kennedy who used them on him last night. Instantly he began to harden remembering how well she took every inch of him last night.

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