Read Betrayed by Trust Online

Authors: Frankie Robertson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Psychics, #FIC024000, #FIC027050, #FICTION / Romance / Suspense, #FICTION / Romance / Historical / General, #FIC027120, #FIC030000, #FICTION / Thrillers / Suspense, #FICTION / Romance / Paranormal, #FIC027110, #FICTION / Occult and Supernatural

Betrayed by Trust (5 page)

Conrad smiled and turned me gently. “There’s one.”

On the wall behind us hung a pointillist rendering of a jungle waterfall framed by exotic flowers. The water almost looked like it was in motion. I didn’t have to fake my enthusiasm; Conrad was truly talented. “Far out! You’re really good!”

He squeezed me. “You think so?”

I caught myself reaching for the painting even though we stood a good four feet away. I pulled my hand back. “It makes me feel like if I touched it, the water would be wet.”

He smiled as if that were the best compliment I could have given. “I painted that in Tahiti.”

I turned in his arms, arching my back to see his face. “I can see why you love it there.”

“I do.” He bent to kiss me briefly. “But right now I love being here.”

What a line
. But it was a good one, so I kissed him back.

His hands stroked my back and the tingle his caress incited grew, flaming from my lips with a cascade of heat over my shoulders, to my breasts and downward through my body, pooling between my legs. My body pressed closely to his of its own accord and my mind grew fuzzy with desire. The man knew how to kiss. He was a good six years my junior, but nothing about him felt young or inexperienced. Any reservations I’d had about taking advantage of an innocent vanished. Conrad bent over me, pulling me against him and I clung to his shoulders for balance. My nipples pressed hard and hungry against his chest. I was breathing fast by the time he pulled back to smile at me with slightly glazed eyes. I noted happily that he was breathing just as deeply as I was.

“I’m not being a very good host,” he murmured as he dropped little kisses from my jaw to my collarbone. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

I dropped my head to the side to give him better access. We’d already had two bottles with dinner and after, but Conrad didn’t seem drunk. I needed him to be reckless, forgetful. “Yes, please.” I half groaned the words, and even I wasn’t sure if I was talking about the kisses or the wine.

He pulled me with him into the kitchen. Again it was clear from the finishes and the appliances that no expense had been spared. Conrad handed me two balloon goblets, and pulled a Cabernet from the rack. He presented it to me with a flourish. “Will this do, Madame?”

I pretended to examine the label. It could have been Ripple for all I knew about wine. “Oui, monsieur. It will do.”

He pulled the cork with deft expertise, then towed me back into the living room to a sheepskin rug in front of a gas fireplace, which he turned on. Flames leapt up to dance around the ceramic logs. Conrad poured us each a healthy glass then tugged on my free hand to sit on the rug. Each act was smooth and confident, if perhaps a little clichéd. I wondered how many times he’d used this same routine to score with other women. It didn’t matter, as long as I left with what I came for.

We sat facing each other, close enough to touch, and sipped the full-bodied vintage. I licked my lips.

Conrad’s eyes were hot and intense over the edge of his goblet. He set his glass aside. “I’m not really interested in more wine. Are you?”


Conrad took my glass and set it next to his on the end table. “Good.” He kissed me again, wrapping a hand behind my neck and sending a shiver of anticipation down my spine. When he pulled back I realized he’d untied the straps of my halter top. He tugged them down tenderly, exposing my breasts, trailing his fingers over my puckering nipples. Then he leaned over, supporting my head as he gently lowered me so I was lying on the thick wool rug, kissing me all the while. When he finished the kiss, he sat back, taking in the view instead of rushing on to third base.

“You’re beautiful.”

“Am I?”

I felt my breasts swell as he traced a delicate figure eight around one nipple to the other and back with a single finger. “You know you are.”

I wanted more. Needed more. I thought of how he preferred experienced older women and decided to take the initiative. I kicked off my shoes and shimmied my dress down over my hips until all I had on were my lace panties. Then they followed the dress. I stretched my arms over my head. “Prove it, then. Take me.”

A small part of my brain was stunned that I was doing this, even after all the planning and coaching. Then Conrad barked a short laugh and leaned forward to brace his hands on either side of my head. He dipped his lips to mine for a deep kiss that made me forget everything. All I knew was that I needed to touch him, and wanted him touching me. I unbuttoned his shirt and savored the smooth hot skin of his back with my fingers.

“Clothes. Off. Now.” I said when we stopped to draw breath.

He didn’t argue. A few moments later we were skin to skin, pressed together chest to hip, legs tangled, lips locked. My body writhed of its own volition, trying to get closer. I felt his erection against my thigh and spread my legs.

“Not yet,” Conrad whispered against my breast before he drew my nipple into his mouth. Hot desire shot to my belly, and lower, as he tugged with his teeth. I grew wet with anticipation as his hand stroked slowly downward to cup my mound. Any other twenty-year-old male would have been in me by now with an invitation like that. He had to be the only guy his age who wanted to practice his foreplay instead of getting it on. Not that he needed the practice.

I was trying to think of how to move things along when he slid his finger into me.

He knew exactly what to do to make me lose my mind. I was supposed to be making Conrad lose his, but I couldn’t bring myself to stop him. And then I was convulsing, the world exploding as a fireball of pleasure filled my body.

The last of my awareness dissolved in a fuzzy, post-orgasmic cloud. Conrad’s mouth left my breast and he moved away. Then the sound of a foil wrapper being torn open brought me back to reality with a snap.

“We don’t need that.” I sat up and put my hand over the condom he held. “I’m on the Pill.”

He hesitated, then shook his head. “I’d rather.”

“Really? Most guys don’t like wearing raincoats.” I stroked his erection and it twitched enthusiastically.

I could see him wavering, but then he said, “No. I’d better wear it.”

I couldn’t argue further without raising suspicion, but there wasn’t a man alive who would turn down a blow-job. “Let me give you a kiss first, then.” I pulled the rubber from his unresisting fingers. Conrad lay back on the sheepskin, propped on his elbows, cock jutting at an angle toward the ceiling.

I leaned over to kiss him on the mouth. Even with the tingling vestiges of my orgasm sparking along my nerves, I felt that strange surge of hunger as our lips met. I liked the way he kissed me back with utter concentration, as if he wasn’t impatient for me to kiss something else. He thrust his tongue rhythmically between my teeth and I sucked at it, wanting to take another part of him into my body. I began kissing and nipping my way down his torso.

A part of my mind marveled, I was really here, really doing this. Why had I been nervous? Conrad was a nice guy, a considerate lover. For a second I wondered if his dad was really as bad as Foxworth had painted him. But then I remembered Mark. Mark and all the others who had died or gone missing because of what the Golden Path had done. I licked the tip of Conrad’s erection and took him into my mouth.

His groaned softly and he watched as my lips slid down and back up, moistening his shaft. I watched him out of the corner of my eye and he grinned back at me. “You’re very good at that.”

I chuckled and stopped just long enough to say, “Is there such a thing as a bad blow job?” Then I resumed my attentions.

Conrad laughed too. “No. But some are better than others. And this is better.”

I teased and stroked with my tongue while maintaining a slow, leisurely rhythm. At first he watched, then his eyes closed in concentration and he lay flat on his back.

“God, that feels so good.” His voice was husky and his hips twitched.

I liked being in control of his body, his pleasure. I grew hotter and wetter with every one of his moans.

His breath grew short and his body tense. I pulled away and swung my leg over his, pressing the blunt tip of his shaft into my opening. He slid in without resistance or objection.

The feel of him inside me was almost as good as an orgasm, but not quite. I had to move, had to have more of him. I rode him slowly for a few strokes, but then he pulled me down to his chest, holding my hips in place as he pumped into me with quick, fierce strokes. He swelled within me and my own need rose with his. I shifted my hips slightly to improve the angle and suddenly he came with three hard thrusts. His cock was rigid, spurting his seed into my greedy womb. Something like lightning flashed over me. I saw nothing but light, heard nothing but a sharp guttural cry, and distantly wondered if it was his or mine.

I wasn’t sure how long I floated there, sated and satisfied with my head pillowed on his shoulder, his softening cock still inside me. The world didn’t exist beyond the two of us. I saw nothing, heard nothing but his heart beating beneath my ear, until another sound intruded.

The scrape and click of a key turning in the front door lock.


an paced the five steps into his miniscule kitchen, snagged a beer from the fridge, then paced back into his equally small living room to continue
Saturday Night Live
. Mackson was an ass for bailing on Marianne at the last minute, but Dan understood too well why the idiot had backed out of the assignment. Letting Marianne walk out the door with Conrad was one of the hardest things Dan had ever done.

He wasn’t worried for her safety. Not really. Conrad had no history of abuse, and there was no reason anyone working for him would hurt her, either. If everything went as planned, she and Conrad would have a nice dinner, go back to his place, and get it on. Dan wondered what they were doing right now, then stopped himself. Thinking about how Conrad might be touching Marianne would just make him crazy. Whatever she was doing, she was fulfilling her mission—setting events in motion that would eventually free a Gaian. What she was doing required resolve and commitment. Mackson had failed her. Dan wouldn’t—even if he didn’t like what she had to do.

Dan grimaced and took a swig of his beer. He really had no reason to feel possessive. Knowing that didn’t make waiting any easier, however.

The phone rang, and Dan jumped to answer in case it was Marianne.

“Hey, Danny-boy! What’s shakin’?”

. Dan hadn’t heard from his Army buddy for over a month. They’d had each other’s backs through some pretty hairy shit during the war, and the occasional crazy adventure as civilians. Glad that Marianne wasn’t in trouble, Dan tamped down his illogical swirl of disappointment that it wasn’t her on the phone. “Nothing much. You?”

“You want to meet me in Vegas next weekend? I’ll have a break between jobs, and some R and R will be in order.” Ringo’s job as a repo-man could get a little wild at times.

“Can’t do it this time. I’m a little tied up. I’m getting married.”

You call that,
‘nothing much?’
And you didn’t tell me? When did this happen? Who’s the poor girl you suckered?”

Dan laughed silently at his friend’s reaction. “I didn’t tell you because I haven’t actually asked her yet, but I’m pretty sure she’ll say yes.”

“This is kind of sudden isn’t it? You haven’t mentioned getting serious about anyone. Hell, you haven’t talked about dating at all.”

“I only met her six weeks ago.”

“You don’t waste any time, do you?”

“You snooze, you lose,” Dan answered.

“So why can’t you go to Vegas? Is she a prissy little thing that won’t let you have any fun?”

Dan laughed at the idea of Marianne being prissy. “No, she’s not like that. But we’ll be busy this next month planning the wedding and stuff. Vegas will have to wait.”

“This month? You’re getting married in
a month
? What’s the rush? Oh, man, Danny, what did you do? Knock her up?”

“Will you be my best man?”

“Of course. I’ve got your back. Just tell me where and when. But … are you sure she’s the one? Marriage is a big deal.”

Even though his friend couldn’t see him, Dan nodded. “I’m sure.”

“Then you’ve told her … you know … about what happened over there?

Dan hesitated. “Not yet.”

“I suppose you don’t have to. It’s in the past, after all. But man, if she’s going to be your wife you ought to be able to tell her anything, don’t you think?”

“I’ll tell her. The time just hasn’t been right.” He’d only been on the fast track to the altar for three days, after all, and Marianne had been preparing for her mission. She didn’t need the distraction. “I’ll tell her,” he repeated.


oth Conrad and I jack-knifed upright, then shot to our feet. If ever it would have been nice to have had a warning from one of my “feelings” this would have been it.

” Conrad leapt across the room, his mad dash revealing well-honed reflexes and a beautifully tight ass that I couldn’t really appreciate because I was scrambling into my panties. The door was just opening when he reached it and slammed it shut again with the flat of his hand. “Damn it, Hatch! I told you to keep out tonight!”

There was a brief silence.

“Hatch failed to copy me on the memo.” The voice from the hallway was deep and cultured, sharing the same faint accent Conrad had.

“Father!” Conrad exclaimed, then whispered, “Bedroom!” and pointed sharply down the hallway.

I snatched up my dress. Some part of my mind was still working, and I yanked the condom out of the open wrapper as I fled. The first door I came to was a bathroom decorated with black and white tile with gold art nouveau accents. I wasted no time admiring the decor. I cleaned myself and flushed the condom. There’d be no evidence that Conrad had gone
au naturel
. Then I shimmied into my dress. I felt like a college kid again, caught necking in a parked car by campus police—only this was worse. The man in the next room was Lucius Altesse. The man who held Aldwyn prisoner. The man who had helped take Mark away from our family.

“I see you are entertaining.” I heard Altesse say. “Sorry to interrupt.”

He didn’t sound sorry. He didn’t sound particularly surprised, either. Since Conrad had probably opened the door stark naked, I had to give Daddy Dearest points for understatement.

“It would have been nice if you’d called first, sir.” Conrad’s voice was tight with irritation.

“I am not accustomed to seeking permission to visit my own property.” Altesse’s arch tone carried from the other room. I could imagine the arched brows that went with it. “I trust you used protection?”

Dan had briefed me about Conrad’s dad. As the
of Le Premier Industries, and a member of the Council of Five of the Golden Path, Lucius Altesse had at least a rudimentary knowledge of the occult, but how powerful a practitioner he was no one knew. I hadn’t needed to know. He wasn’t supposed to be here. He was supposed to be in Europe. Why hadn’t Kincaid let me and Dan know he’d boarded a flight for the
? For San Diego? Christ, his flight would have departed long before our date began. Was the Trust’s intel that inadequate?

“Yes, of course I did!” Conrad lied with convincing indignation and without hesitation. He didn’t want his father to know he’d let lust override caution. Or maybe that mind-blowing orgasm had obliterated the memory that our liaison had been without a rubber.

I figured Conrad had gotten dressed by now, and I wasn’t going to hide in the bathroom until Altesse went to bed. I smoothed my hair, then walked barefoot into the living room with as much dignity as I could muster. My toes curled into the thick black carpet as both Conrad, now fully clothed, and his dad turned to me, their argument set aside for the moment.

“Father, this is my friend, Mary Potter. Mary, my father, Lucius Altesse.”

Altesse held himself in that way that men accustomed to power often do, with an unconscious assumption that everyone will acknowledge his superiority. Beside him, a huge white wolf sat staring at me with piercing blue eyes, his mouth slightly parted so I could see his very sharp looking teeth.

Was he smiling at me? Or contemplating dinner? “Nice pet.” I didn’t have to fake the nervous quaver in my voice. “Does he bite?”

Altesse frowned slightly. “Not unless I tell him to, Miss Potter.”

Was that a threat?
I raised my gaze to meet Altesse’s. He looked like an older version of Conrad: tall and lean, the gray in his hair barely discernible among the blond. His dark blue three piece suit looked unrumpled despite what must have been a long trip. I pretended he hadn’t nearly caught me in the act of doing his son, and managed to respond politely. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

The older man’s brows rose almost imperceptibly and his gaze flicked for a split second to Aldwyn before returning to me. Maybe I should have acted more startled or afraid.

Altesse smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “The pleasure is all mine, I am sure.”

He was right about that.

“I’ll take you home.” Conrad picked up his jacket from the back of the couch.

“Oh no! You must not leave so soon, Miss Potter.” Conrad’s dad lifted a crystal decanter filled with amber liquid from the black lacquered sideboard and poured three glasses. “I would share a drink with you.”

Being around Altesse felt like sharing the room with a cobra. I looked to Conrad for help, but his gaze had snapped to his father, his brows lifted in surprise.

Altesse was already holding out a glass to me. Clearly he didn’t expect to be refused.

I said the only thing I could, “Thank you,” and took the glass. As our fingers touched I felt a brief tingle, and out of the corner of my eye I saw his other hand moving in a subtle pattern.

Conrad frowned. “Father—”

Altesse had worked some kind of spell on me. The sensation was nothing like what Kalisa had done. It was more superficial, like an army of tiny bugs crawling quickly over my body before disappearing, but it was clearly magic of some sort. Should I pretend I didn’t notice? Most people didn’t know magic was real after all. But if I didn’t react, he might suspect I was hiding something. Which I was, of course.

“What was that?” I stepped back, happy to put a bit more distance between us.

“That wasn’t necessary.” Conrad’s tone was truculent.

Whatever the spell was, Altesse relaxed, apparently satisfied with the outcome. He waved his hand in a light dismissive gesture. “Nothing to worry you, my dear. Static electricity, perhaps.” He lifted his glass for a sip. “Enjoy your port.”

Aldwyn padded over to me, moving with muscular grace. I held my free hand out to him as if he were a normal canid and he sniffed it. Then, also like a dog, he shoved his black nose into my crotch, snuffling noisily. For a Spirit, he felt impressively solid and physical. I stepped away, coming up against the back of the sofa. Aldwyn followed, thrusting his long muzzle between my legs again. I didn’t feel quite bold enough to shove the wolf away.

“Nice pet.”

“Aldwyn!” Altesse spoke to the Elemental as if it were a dog to be commanded. “Come here!”

The wolf jerked as if he’d been shocked, but he took an extra second to obey. When he pulled back to return to Altesse’s side he paused for a moment, looking up into my eyes. I had the distinct impression he was smirking, as if sharing a secret with me. No doubt he could smell that Conrad and I had sex, but I didn’t think that was what he was laughing about.

I started to take a sip of the port to sooth my nerves, then realized I shouldn’t. I was pregnant. There was no way I could know that, yet I was sure. Kalisa’s magic had worked. My hands and feet suddenly felt cold, and I shivered. The mission wasn’t hypothetical anymore. My life would forever be different because of what I’d done tonight. I gripped my glass with both hands to keep from touching my belly.

“Where did you two meet?” It was a normal question, asked in a smooth, urbane tone, but coming from Altesse it felt like the start of an interrogation.

“I’ll tell you all about it, Father. Later.” Conrad found my shawl and draped it around my shoulders, then relieved me of my glass. “Right now I have to take Mary home. Her brother is waiting up for her.”

Altesse didn’t object this time. There was a moment of confusion while Conrad and I looked for the sandals I’d kicked off earlier, then we said our goodbyes with courteous formality. Aldwyn watched it all, mouth open as if laughing.

Conrad stood as stiff as a Guard at Buckingham Palace as the elevator doors closed and the car started the long trip to the underground garage. After several floors some of the tension left his shoulders. He pulled me into his arms and rested his chin on the top of my head. “I’m sorry. That’s not how I wanted our first time to end.”

time. Did that meant he wanted a second? I hadn’t been able to keep my hands off him on the ride up in this same elevator, now I felt indifferent. It was more than the bucket of ice-water that having the senior Altesse walk in on us had been. More than having my hunger sated. Conrad had done what I’d needed him to do. He was a nice guy, but that was all he was to me now. It bothered me that my feelings had changed so fast.

I forced a laugh. “Me either. Does your dad do that often?”

“Catch me with my pants down, you mean?” Conrad’s arms tightened around me. “No, thank goodness. His itinerary is usually planned out weeks in advance. Makes it easier to avoid him.”

His bitter tone made me wonder if Conrad was a very different man than his father. Maybe this plan to conceive hadn’t been necessary. Maybe Conrad would have freed Aldwyn from his slavery. I wanted to say something to lighten his mood.

“I had fun while it lasted, though.”

“So did I.” He dropped a kiss on my forehead, then pushed me away just enough to be able to see my face. “You did say you were on the Pill, right?”

“I am. My body. My responsibility.”

Conrad relaxed, but shook his head. “I should have been more careful of you. I will be next time. Unfortunately, that won’t be for a few days. We’ll have to put off our trip to the Del until my father leaves. He won’t stay long, though. He never does. Then I’ll call you.”

Something in his voice told me his desire had cooled, too. Maybe it was the thought that he’d slipped up with the protection. I hoped that meant he wouldn’t call, wouldn’t wonder where Mary Potter had disappeared to. That tonight would become just another pleasant memory of a romantic interlude like many others he’d had.

I played along with the fiction. “The green flash will wait for us.” I chuckled softly. “That sounds like we’re meeting a comic book hero.”

He laughed too, though it sounded forced. The elevator stopped and opened onto the garage and he guided me out with a light touch on my back.

Conrad drove through fog glowing white and red with head and tail-lights, his right hand never leaving the gear-shift. He’d left the top down, and the foggy air washed over me like a cold shower.

The engine of his Mercedes purred to a stop as Conrad pulled into a parking space near Dan’s apartment. It was after one in the morning, but the light from a television flickered behind the drapes.

Dan was waiting up for me. I felt a little warmer knowing that.

Still the gentleman, Conrad came around to my side of the car and helped me to my feet. He pulled me into an embrace and dropped a kiss on my lips. There was more heat than I expected in it.

“I’ll call you,” he said again.

I smiled because I should, even though his promise alarmed me. “You’d better.”

He watched as I walked to the apartment and waited until I let myself in. I lifted my hand for a wave, then slipped inside, leaning against the door as the soft rumble of Conrad’s car receded into the distance, and Conrad himself receded into my past.

Dan stood and crossed the room to turn off the
, then looked at me as if he could read the events of the last few hours written in my face. The enormity of what I’d just done fell upon me again like a collapsing building. My life would never be the same. I was going to be a mother.

I let my hand cover my belly where the child would grow and sucked in a shaky breath. “It’s done.”

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