Biker's Captive: Outlaw Motorcycle Club Capture Fantasy (Steel Horsemen MC Book 1) (2 page)

"I’m not sure if I should be thanking you or trying to kill you right now." she spoke quietly and felt her nipples tingle and tighten as his gaze swept over her body, barely covered by the satin slip.

"Trying to kill me will end in one result." His cold tone left no misunderstanding as to what that result would be. “But I can think of endless ways you could show your gratitude.”

The gruffness to his voice made her look up and she inhaled sharply at the dark hunger in his eyes. It took him three long strides to be at her side and before she could back away his hand snapped out and his fingers encircled her wrist. He squeezed tight enough to make her wince and sneered when she did so.

She gave a whimper as he pulled her against his broad chest. One arm encircled her waist and the other released her wrist to weave into her hair.

"Please..." She gasped.

Axle pulled her hair roughly and forced her to look into his eyes.  “Babe, I am going to make everything very simple," he murmured and brushed his lips over hers, flicking out his tongue to give her lower lip, a quick sensual lick. She cried out softly and parted her lips for more but he drew back with a chuckle. "You are mine and you will do as I say, without question, without thought."

Her breath left her lungs in a long gust and she felt her whole body flush with fear and, to her shame, arousal. "Will you hurt me?"

"A little," he said his lips quirking at the way her body trembled. "But only when you piss me off and don’t do as you’re told. That isn't going to happen though, is it?"

"No." Another sharp tug at her hair made her gasp.

“No, what?”

She frowned for a second till she understood and responded quickly before he could pull her hair again.  “No, sir.”

"Good girl," he said and let his approval show in his expression.



She looked up at him with her huge brown eyes. A man could drown in eyes like those, so wide, so full of fear yet so hopeful and trusting. No one had ever looked at him the way she did.

"What are you going to do with me?" She breathed.

He let his lips curl into a lustful grin. "I am going to fuck you," he whispered into her ear and felt her shiver when he flicked out his tongue to lap at her earlobe. "As hard as I want whenever I want."

He brushed his lips over the corner of her mouth, loving the way her lips quivered, loving the tease - that she could be teased. "You have no idea how much I want you, have wanted you,” he murmured, nipping at her earlobe just hard enough to make her whimper. “I’ve been watching you, waiting for my chance to claim you as mine.”

“How – How long have you been watching?” she asked, her voice cracking.

“I saw your eighteenth birthday party and the new bike your daddy gave you.” He felt her stiffen and grinned. “Even without the turf war, I would have come for you.”

He shoved her roughly back against the wall, sandwiching her between the hard wood and his hot body. He kicked her legs apart and bent his own to position his trapped cock against her pussy, groaning, he could feel how hot she was, how wet, even through his jeans. She might not admit it, but she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Licking his lips, he began to move, rubbing the painfully hard bulge in his pants against her quickly heating mound. Up and down, up and down, easing the pressure in his balls and making her mew. Axle watched as her eyes clouded over, watched her lips part to take in more air as he rubbed.

"I want to explore every sordid fantasy." He wound her arms around his shoulders then reached down to grip her upper thighs, holding her in place as he rubbed harder, tilting his hips to get the best angle to stroke her clit. He watched, wide eyed, as her face flushed with desire, and her lips turned upwards as her body responded despite her objections.

He dipped his mouth so it was by her ear again, still rubbing his trapped cock against her shielded cunt. Her gasping breaths and soft cries of pleasure were like music to his ears. Axle had always enjoyed pleasuring the women in his bed.

"I want to plunge my thick cock deep inside your cunt, your ass, your mouth." He felt her arch and knew that she was close to climax, he rubbed faster, groaning as his balls tightened almost painfully. "I want to strap you to the wall, trapped and helpless as I fuck you, taking my pleasure over and over until you beg me to let you feel your sweet release as well."

"Axle – Sir!" she cried out and arched against him, thrusting her hips vigorously in an effort to find her climax. "Please – stop – I can’t – I won’t…"

"No," he breathed into her ear and licked slowly up her throat, feeling her pulse spike. "Let it come, let go and just feel." He words moaned out of his lips as he cock flexed with the sweetest agony, and he rubbed faster, long, smooth strokes of their covered parts, aching to join.

Axle watched through lust clouded eyes as Marnie's eyes flew wide only to clamp shut when her head hit the wall. Her mouth fell open and she was making the sexiest noises he had ever heard. Long, high pitched cries on the brink of ultimate pleasure and anguish. She trembled and shuddered and her fingers dug into his shoulders. He watched as the first wave of orgasmic bliss swept through her body, and just kept on stroking, rutting and grinning wickedly when she arched and cried out again.

Axle didn’t know who she’d been fucking, but he knew one things for sure, that asshole wasn’t doin’ his motherfucking job.

All at once Axle felt his own legs go weak. His thighs trembled and he groaned and dropped his head to her shoulder as he rutted and pulled her roughly against him, his own climax flowing through him in long, burning waves.

Still pinning her to the wall he sucked in long gasps of air and listened to the blood pumping in his ears.  Fuck!  He’d come in his pants like a fucking teenager.

After another moment he picked up his new toy and carried her to the bed. After laying her down he covered her with the sheet and stared at her relaxed form, swallowing hard. Part of him wanted to lay down beside her, let his still shaking body curl up to her warmth and sleep until they were ready to go again.

With an angry growl he turned away and marched from the bedroom. He needed a fucking drink.


Her heart was beating so hard she was sure it echoed around the bedroom. The bed was soft and comfortable, but Marnie couldn't rest. Her mind was working a mile a minute, thoughts visions, sensations making her tremble and blush. How could she have done that? How could she have allowed him to...?

She felt her body heat and her pussy flooded at the thought of what had just transpired. She could still feel him against her, even though he’d left the room. That hard bulge in his pants rubbing so intimately against her.

"I can't do this," she hissed and just like that she knew that she had to escape right now. 

Her lower body clenched and tingled remembering the climax he’d given her. She remembered gripping him so tightly that she never wanted to let go, wishing he would rip away the shielding clothes and possess her completely, ram that throbbing cock deep and fuck her into oblivion.

Marnie rolled out of the bed, grabbed his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. Rifling through his draws she found a small knife, small but sharp.  It would have to do.  She ran for the door and flung it open but was thrown aside as the door was shoved inwards.

Marnie screamed her shock when she saw Axle's large frame filling the doorway. She backed away from him, feeling a ripple of fear at his closed, stony expression.

"Going somewhere?" His voice was dangerously quiet.

"I – Well I..." She cringed and backed up another step as he stepped closer. "I was just going to wash up a bit." She made a flat breathless laugh. "You know, splash my face, br – brush my teeth?"

"Ah-ha," he murmured and took another step forward. "So, you wouldn't be running away at all?"

She gave another breathless laugh, cringing at how shrill it sounded to her ears. "No! Of – Of course not. What? Me run away? Never."

"Well good," he replied. "Because if you were, I would have to punish you." He took another step and as he did pulled off his vest and let it drop to the ground. "Ooh the things I would have to do to you."

A shiver of excitement burned down her spine and pooled in her lower belly. Damn! She had to get away. Away from from this. Oh god, away from him!

"Stop," Marnie rasped and pulled her knife gripping it in both hands and keeping it between them.

His lips curled into a slow, all too predatory grin that made her toes curl and her own lips tingle.

"Are you going to kill me, Marnie?" He took another step, his expression giving away nothing.

"I have to go, and you are going to let me."

His eyes narrowed. "I was hoping you would say that."

"W – What?"

Viper fast, he advanced, knocking the knife out of her hand. With a gasp she tried to run but he grabbed her arm and yanked her against him, pulling her roughly till her back was flush against his hard front. His arm snaked around her waist and pulled her harder against him and she gasped at the feel of his trapped erection, pressing against her bottom.

"Ooh..." His voice was low and sensual in her ear. "The things I'll have to do..."

P – Please," she stuttered. "I can't do this..." She struggled and whimpered at the way his arm tightened. "Damn it, Axle.  Why can’t you simply put me to work?  I’ll clean, I’ll cook.  If you want to fuck me, do it but don’t make me…"  Her words died in a breathless sob.

She felt his arm relax slightly but before she could take a relieved breath, his arm tightened again. "Don’t make you
?  Don’t make you enjoy this? Don’t make you cum?" he snapped and shoved her hard against the high bed-post.

“Why should you care whether I enjoy this? You’re just going to throw me to Carl when you’re done anyway.”

Gripping her wrists in one fist he pulled her arms over her head and held her firmly in place as he showed her the knife he’d taken from her. He tsked, shaking his head and giving her a stern look.

Taking his time, letting her get a good view of the blade in his hand, he cut first the left then the right strap holding up her satin slip. It slid down her trembling body like water over polished rocks and pooled at her feet.

Axle dropped the knife and leaned closer so his mouth was breathing hot against her ear. “That fucking piece of shit will never lay a hand on you.”

His first touch made her gasp. One hand caressed down her arm to cup her breast, arousing every nerve to sharp attention. A soft mewing escaped her lips as his fingers tightened on her bare breast and her nipple puckered and pressed against his rough palm.

"So responsive," He purred. "You've been a very bad girl, Marnie." He tugged sharply at her hair.

"Yes, sir," she gasped and arched.

yes, sir
." His tongue licked slowly up her throat as his voice rumbled. "I like the way that sounds on those sweet lips."

His voice was intoxicating and his touch made her tremble. There should have been shame, anger, repugnance! But another part of her arched again and purred. What good were those emotions when her captor had her held and completely in his power. She was helpless and completely at this man's mercy. And damn but that thought sent another wave of heat through her whole body.

Against her will a soft moan escaped her lips and it was answered by a deep chuckle from Axle. He leaned closer, pressing his larger body against hers, his lips ticking the shell of her ear.

"My sweet slave," he murmured, gently pulling her hair to the side to bare her throat to his lips. "The desire I can feel heating your flesh is real. I offer you – me – My life tiptoes on the edge of death’s scythe.  So much blood and hate.  Your club see monsters when they see us coming but what they don’t see is that we are fighting for our very survival…"  His words stopped and he fisted his hands against the sensitive flesh at her waist.  “You… Marnie.  The moment I saw you I knew you had to be mine.”

She gasped at his words.  He wasn’t making sense but something in the tone, in his panting breath against her shoulder made it clear that he was revealing more then he meant too.  Even as her mind tried to understand she knew she’d lost.  She was submitting to him.  And submitting because she wanted too.



She was exquisite. Pure perfection. The way she trembled under his fingers, sighed at his touch. He couldn't remember ever wanting anyone the way he wanted her or having anyone who responded to him the way she did. He’d fucked his fair share of hangers on but he couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this fucking hard.

His mouth brushed over her throat, tongue flicking over her pulse, feeling it jump and his arousal spiked with it.

"Mine," he growled against her shoulder. "My sweet, sweet little slut."

"Yes, sir," she gasped.

Axle stood back to admire his new toy and felt his cock flex painfully against the front of his pants. He refrained from adding pressure to his straining crotch. After already cumming in his pants once, he be fucking damned he was going to embarrass himself again.

Marnie's arms were held high above her head and her small firm tits were screaming for his mouth and tongue. But he had the feeling she’d enjoy that. He grinned. A lot. And there was still punishment to be dealt for trying to escape. As if he wasn’t up shit creek as it was, if she escaped, he was pretty sure Carl would be given instructions to remove Axle’s balls.

She needed to fucking learn. He closed in again and she gasped when he placed a soft kiss on her bare shoulder. His hand slid down her back till he cupped her soft ass cheek and squeezed just hard enough to make her cry out, and he knew full well that it was not all pain that made her cry. He was well skilled in both pain and pleasure and knew how to give his slave both.

"I’m going punish you for your disobedience."

She shivered and pressed more firmly against his hand. "Ye... Yes, sir. I am very sorry, I I swear that it won't happen again."

"No – it won't," he said sternly. "Now I am going to release your hands and you will walk to the desk, bend over it, and grip the sides with your hands. You will not let go until I say."

"Sir, Please..."

"You will not question me!" He bellowed and watched her shiver again, this time in fear.

"Yes, sir, I’ll do as I’m told."

Satisfied he release her hands and watched with interest as she rubbed her wrists for a moment before flicking fearful eyes at him and moving towards the desk. She bent over the hard wood and gripped the sides and waited.

Axle groaned as another wave of hot lust rocketed through his large body and drew even more blood to his engorged cock. He had thought her held was erotic, this was way past that. Bent over, Marnie presented her luscious round ass to his hungry eyes. And through her soaking panties he could make out her sweet pink pussy lips.

He had to take several deep breaths before he was sure he wouldn’t simply rip open his pants, pull down her panties and fuck her. When was the last time he’d been this fucking horny? Not since he was fourteen and found his father's secret collection of magazines. He remembered wrapping his fingers around his cock for the first time, the forbidden thrill, the burning rush of pleasure as he stroked himself watching those filthy sluts present their cunts for the camera.

Marnie was no magazine slut but she was still here for his pleasure and he planned to enjoy her very much. His hand rested on her upturned ass, and gently caressed her soft, creamy flesh for a moment. Her mewing and gently shifts told him how much she enjoyed his touch.

His lip curled and something dark and dangerous coiled in his stomach. His palm twitched. Pulling back his hand he delivered a sharp slap to one creamy cheek. The smack stung his hand and Marnie cried out, but didn’t attempt to escape. He smacked her again and she whimpered, again and again and again. It wasn’t until the tenth smack of his large hand against her tender ass that he noticed that though she whimpered, Marnie was raising her ass to his hand with every strike.

It was too much. He had to feel her cunt now.


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