Bit by the Bug (Matthews Sisters 1) (17 page)

Kat raked her nails down his chest. Vincent bucked his hips, groaning softly in approval. Alternating between licks, nibbles and bites, she covered his flat stomach while pulling the silk boxers off. She was surprised to find he was well groomed, as if he’d prepared for this by shaving earlier. Try as she might, she couldn’t remember if he was shaved clean earlier in the collection room. She’d been too impatient after a month and a half of erotic dreams to notice those things at the time.

Vincent thrust towards her face, gasping for breath as she lightly blew along his shaft. His lips parted and his eyes pierced her with their intensity. It was a breathtakingly handsome look.

All the blood in her body seemed to pool between her thighs, stinging her sex with the need for direct stimulation. Kat wiggled slightly, wishing the friction of lace against her clit was stronger. She couldn’t resist a little selfishness as she reached between her legs to rub against her slit. She ached for him, was wet and so very ready for him, but didn’t seek to rush things. Thoughts of her deceit tried to surface in her mind, but she pushed
them away, refusing to think about anything but Vincent and this enchantingly erotic moment.

His erection stood tall from his narrow hips, but she took her time, torturing him with teasing pleasures as she watched his reaction to each nip of her teeth. Kat mapped out his thighs, his hips, even going so far as to lick around his navel. In all her tormenting, she didn’t touch his cock, except when she occasionally bumped it. One of his hands still gripped the curtains as the other took hold of her hair. Every nerve focused on him until she was unaware of anything but the man before her. He petted her, stroked her, gently urged her towards his ready shaft.

Kat was on fire, her entire length shivering with need and still she denied her own body, savouring the anticipation. Her bra felt tight, but she didn’t mind it as she brushed her arm purposefully against her nipples to give the tiniest bit of pleasure to the aching tips. Soft noises left her throat, telling him how much she wanted to be with him and he answered in kind with primitive moaning and grunting.

The soft glow from outside caressed them, but they were high enough so that no one should be able to spy on what they were doing. She parted her lips as he again urged her to take his cock into her mouth by thrusting his hips towards her face. Her tongue darted out, lightly licking at the tip, twirling around the ridge, before she sucked him into her mouth. His groans became louder. She pulled back, teasing him as she nibbled up and down the sides before latching onto him once more. Gently, she sucked his penis deep into her mouth, puckering her lips around the smooth shaft.

There was something about the first intimate taste, an excitement and anticipation which welled inside her, making her desperate for more. With each pull of her lips, he tensed and flexed magnificently, and she knew he was under her control. His arousal was thick and long
and she took it deeper into her mouth, bringing her hands to help pleasure the length she couldn’t comfortably suck between her teeth. She liked the smell of him, the feel, as she took her time teasing him into complete submission. Cupping his balls, she pulled lightly, rolling them in her palm. Then, finding the tender bit of flesh buried beneath the soft globes, she rubbed him there as well. With the other hand, she grabbed the base of his shaft, working in rhythm with her mouth.

She watched his reaction, learning his body’s responses. With each stroke, her grip tightened, and when she scraped her teeth lightly along his shaft, she was rewarded with hard jerks of his body.

Vincent gripped her hair, pulling her locks. Kat groaned at the idea of him coming inside her and sucked harder. She liked the primal sounds he made in the back of his throat. He pulled at the curtains, staying upright even as he swayed his hips back and forth in a building rhythm.

Suddenly, he groaned, jerking her roughly back by the hair. Just as her lips slipped off the end, he came. Hot moisture hit her shoulder seconds before a loud popping noise sounded over the room. He had pulled the curtain too hard and it fell around them, covering her head. Surprised as it encased her, she fought to be free of it.

‘Oh, sorry,’ she heard Vincent’s muffled, out of breath words. ‘Katarina, I’m sorry. Are you all right?’

He managed to help her out and she laughed, using his silk boxers to wipe off the evidence of his release from her shoulder. Vincent leaned over, pulling her up. She laughed weakly as he brushed his mouth against hers. He walked her in the direction of the bed, his steps unsure in the aftermath of his release.

He might have met his climax, but her body was still tight with arousal. Vincent urged her to lie down on her stomach. The soft mattress pressed against her breasts. His hands ran along her spine in a small massage,
stopping briefly to unhook her bra. Next, he rubbed his way down, pulling off her thong panties.

Vincent touched everywhere, running his strong fingers over her feet, her calves, her hips. Soon, his mouth joined in the exploration, kissing a fiery trail over her flesh. Kat gasped, squirming as she became almost desperate for release. The tension had built to a fevered pitch and she was sure if she didn’t come soon she’d die from need. She grabbed handfuls of the soft comforter as she wildly thrust her hips against the mattress.

Biting the comforter, she groaned. As she wiggled for more, her nipples rubbed against the bed. Kat spread her thighs wide in mindless invitation. ‘Vincent, please, please.’

Answering her plea, he thrust a finger in her from behind. It slid within her moist sex and she rocked back against his hand. Soon more fingers joined the first and he exerted pressure against the sweet spot inside her pussy. Kat arched her head back in surprise at the expert way he fucked her with his hand, shaking and wiggling violently inside her.

‘Oh, oh, oh,’ she panted, shaking as a hard climax racked over her. Her fists tightened and she pulled so hard the fitted sheet snapped off the bed.

Vincent removed his fingers from within her and slowly crawled so he lay alongside her body. She was too weak to do more than moan as she turned her face towards him.

‘You are so beautiful,’ he whispered, brushing kisses along her cheek and shoulder. Fingers skated up and down along her spine and she shivered. Goosebumps formed on her arms as he reached the back of her neck.

‘This is so embarrassing, but I have to ask,’ Kat lowered her lashes so she wasn’t looking at him. ‘Where did you learn to do that?’


‘You know,’ she giggled, ‘that.’

‘Oh.’ he laughed, skating his fingers in a haphazard pattern down to her ass. The light caress tickled. ‘


‘In college.’

‘You took a class in mutual masturbation?’

‘No, I roomed with a future gynaecologist. He had books and I read.’ Vincent chuckled.

‘And did you practise your newfound skills a lot in college?’ Kat felt the tiniest twinge of jealousy, though she knew it was completely unfounded. Everyone had a past, or at least in her opinion they should have. If you didn’t have a past, how could you understand and appreciate what you have in the future?

Vincent’s brow lifted slightly. ‘You’re asking about my past?’

‘Why? Is it sordid? Dark? Very naughty?’

‘I wouldn’t say all that.’ He cleared his throat. ‘I dated a few times in college, nothing major. I was younger than a lot of the students so it was hard. Then, afterwards, there were a few scientists. Nothing really to talk about. How about you?’

‘Uh.’ Kat hid her face in the mattress. How in the world did she admit her experience compared to that? The man was practically a saint. Then, still feeling the after effects of his very un-saintly-like behaviour, she laughed. ‘I dated, ah, men.’

He pulled his hand away. ‘Men?’

‘Several men.’

‘Several men,’ he repeated. Was there censure in his tone?

She peeked up at him. His expression wasn’t judging at all. Maybe she was just being sensitive. ‘Well, there were several guys in high school, but nothing lasted past a few months and nothing really happened. Then, I dated a photographer I assisted after graduation. And for the last four years, I’ve been kind of dating this guy, Jack. We ended it –’

‘You’re coming out of a four-year relationship?’ he asked in surprise.

‘It’s not like that. We were together for lack of anything better. The break up was mutual and we parted as friends, no mess, no strings.’

‘What caused the break up?’

‘I saw something I wanted more.’

‘Something?’ He kissed her shoulder.

‘Someone,’ she corrected herself.

‘Someone?’ He nipped at the tender flesh at the curve of her neck.

‘You,’ she admitted, not knowing what made her say it. Being with him felt wonderful and she wanted to share everything with him. But, as any prudent woman of the world knew, sharing too much too soon was the surest way to scare a man away.

‘Me,’ he said. ‘You broke up with him when you met me?’

‘It was time to end it. The relationship hadn’t been going anywhere since it started.’ Kat bit her lip. That probably wasn’t the best thing to say. It sounded like she was already making long-term plans, which was ridiculous considering they’d only been dating less than a day. Oh, and the little fact she was being compensated to go out with him.

Just like a prostitute.

Kat closed her eyes as she thought it. Of all she’d done in her life, this was the only thing she was ashamed of. But it wasn’t too late. She could turn things around with his parents. All she would have to do is tell them the deal was off. ‘I have a confession.’

And she could say goodbye to Faux Pas.

No Faux Pas?! Was she serious? Was this man really worth giving up her dreams for? Kat took a deep breath, confused. She felt guilty about what brought them to this moment, but the moment itself didn’t feel wrong. Why couldn’t she have both? She knew what the high
road was. She knew she should tell his parents to shove it if she wanted to have a real chance at dating Vincent. But, if she did then wouldn’t she just end up resenting him? Would the attraction to him disappear if the power he had over her dreams was gone? It’s not like they were in love.

We’re not in love, she told herself. No reason to make any rash decisions. Maybe he won’t care how we got to this point.


Kat took a deep breath. Crap! Had she said that out loud? ‘Ah, yeah, I have a small confession and I hope you won’t hate me for it.’

He pulled back.

‘I lied about Megan being allergic to pasta. I was jealous and I panicked and tonight she ate that omelette because I asked Zoe to make it and her to eat it and –’

Vincent chuckled. ‘Is that it? That’s your big confession?’

‘Well –’ she shrugged, embarrassed. ‘– part of it.’

‘What’s the other part?’ he asked, kissing her shoulder in such a way that made her gasp for breath. He kept the contact light, as he drew his tongue over her flesh.

His hand was restless along her body and as she heated anew to him, it became hard to concentrate. Why couldn’t she just shut up and have sex with him? Soon she’d be telling him everything. She really needed to think and he was making it very difficult.

‘Megan’s not engaged,’ she whispered, barely able to hear her own words as she said them.

‘Why did you lie?’ His breath whispered against her flesh and she rolled onto her back to give him better access. He took it, moving the torturous kiss down her collarbone to her breast.

‘I was jealous of you going out with my sister when I wanted you to ask me out.’

Vincent opened his mouth to speak and she quietened
him by surging forwards to press her lips against his. She didn’t want to talk now. Talking was dangerous. When she was with him, she was either trying to impress him or trying to confess her secrets. Her thoughts were too uncertain right now and she couldn’t trust herself. Her soul told her to confess, but her mind held her quiet.

Rolling her tongue into his mouth, she moaned, letting him hear her passion for him as she drank in his sweet taste. Ravishing him with her tongue, she said into his mouth, ‘Condom.’

Vincent pulled back and she saw the sexy hint of his naked body in the dim light coming from the window as he crossed the room. Disappearing out the bedroom door, he was only gone a few seconds. Kat ran her hands over her body, tweaking her nipples and massaging her clit to keep her body stimulated. Slipping a finger inside her sex, she tried to stroke herself the same way Vincent had. It wasn’t the same.

‘Damn,’ he groaned, and she could tell by his tone he was watching her touch herself. ‘That has to be the sexiest damned thing . . .’

Vincent hurried through the room and jumped on the bed. He landed next to her, automatically reaching to grab her breasts. She smiled as he sucked a taut nipple between his teeth, biting it lightly. Kat drew her leg over his and thrust her hips against him. Her pussy was wet as she sought to relieve some of the tension by rubbing against him. The thrill of Vincent was in her blood, causing her heart to race in excitement.

Vincent groaned, rolling over onto his back as he lifted her on top of him, so her legs were forced astride his. She squirmed against him in longing, liking the feel of his semi-erect cock. Desire wove its way into her, until heat seemed to radiate over her nipples and clit, racking her body in continual waves of passion. He was partially aroused and she stroked his penis to help him along the rest of the way.

Vincent pulled her face down, before trailing his lips over her neck, causing her to shiver as he nibbled on her earlobe. His hands were on her body, massaging and stroking, grabbing and squeezing. Animalistic noises escaped the back of his throat. Urgently, she tried to touch him everywhere at once. Her pussy ached to be filled, to have his stiff cock thrusting into her once more. Lifting up, she took the condom and tore the wrapper. She ran her hands down his flat stomach, pumped her fist over his penis several times only to grab the turgid shaft firmly to work the rubber on.

‘Vincent,’ she whispered. He shifted his hips until his cock wedged along her soaked sex, hot and so very stiff. Eagerly, she adjusted her body over his, slipping his erection along her slick folds, finding aim so she could take him deep. ‘Vincent. Mmm, Vincent.’

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