Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1) (18 page)

“That’s fine by me but why exactly do you need me to take her inside for you, can’t your men handle her?” Damon questions.

“Normally I would, but these two behind me haven’t dealt with an alpha before and I’d rather not lose any of my men today.” The man explains.

His explanation would have seemed legit to anyone who was normal but being what we were we could sense the lie on his tongue.

He knew something, either that, or he was testing us.

“It’s going to cost you more if I have to take her in there myself.” Damon grunts out.

The man nods. “That’s fine by me.”

He motions us forward and we follow him and his two men through the gate and down the short path towards the building.

“He knows what I am, doesn’t he?”
Damon questions inside my head.

“I don’t know but I’m going to warn the others.”
I sigh before focusing my mind on Dillon and Magnus.
“We might not get out of here. The plan will still be the same but you two need to keep on your guards in case they figure out that I came with a pack.”

“Alright, Parker, just be careful.”
Dillon replies.

As we reach the doorway into the building both Damon and I stop for a moment both of us sensing the fear and agony of others inside that we had never felt so strongly before.

The man glances back at us. “Is everything alright, Damon?”

Damon nods as he places one foot in front of the other as he tugs me to follow. “Everything is fine. She just wants to be difficult.”

“They never like coming through that door.” The man grunts. “I figure they can sense the others we hold captive in here.”

“Do you really think they are that much more advanced?” Damon questions, playing his part well enough.

The man shakes his head. “Honestly, I’ve seen some amazing things that these creatures can do so it wouldn’t surprise me.”

Stopping for a moment the man turns to face both Damon and I.

He motions towards my neck. “Most wolves, especially the alphas carry a small vial that contains the spirit of a wild wolf inside. She is missing hers which means one thing, either she lost it or she created a new wolf like herself to be forced into her pack.”

“But how can she have a pack when she’s only a lone female? I never found any other wolves with her.” Damon inquires.

It was a bit unnerving how much these people knew about our kind.

“That is the real question.” The man grins. “If she did have a pack you would be dead right now.”

After that bit of information I had the feeling he already knew what Damon was, or at least he had a suspicion.

Turning back around the man ends the conversation by motioning us forward once more.

He leads us down a long dark hallway until we reach two doors which open to reveal a large elevator.

We reluctantly get on between the two guards who pull out two guns and aim them directly on me.

“This isn’t good for us.”
I mutter in Damon’s mind.

He nods ever so slightly.

Minutes later the elevator stops and we follow the leader into a brighter hallway.

He leads us past large glass windows with what appeared to be fake forests inside of them.

Damon studies them all closely. “What are these?”

“These are where we keep the wolves we plan on using to make a whole new species of wolves that we can use for ourselves.” The man answers.

“Each window we pass has a pack gathered in them.” He motions towards one of the windows where a group of wolves gather around a dead carcass.

This wasn’t how life was supposed to be for us, but it did surprise me that they weren’t kept in chains like I had imagined.

24-Trouble Ahead






t the end of the long hallway we come to a door where the man in charge pauses for a moment. “The beast that’s on the other side in here can’t hurt you but keep your guard out for his second. He can be a sly wolf.”

Damon nods and we enter into a large room with grass covering the floor along with a sparse cluster of trees.

The man turns to the left and I gasp in horror at what I’m forced to see.

Gage is chained against the wall.

Wounds covered his body and blood ran freely down the wall behind him.

The man turns towards me with a curious look. “It seems your girl there knows this young alpha.”

He then turns towards Damon. “I will be just outside while you free her. I’d rather have fewer people inside that she can kill.”

Damon nods and we watch as the three men exit the room slamming the door behind them.

We hear the distinct click of a lock and I curse under my breath.

“Either they want you dead or they know what you are.” I state out loud.

There was no reason to hide now.

Damon nods. “They probably do.”

“Well, this just sucks.” I sigh as he begins to unlock the chains binding my wrists.

As Damon begins tossing the chains to the ground something runs past us in a blur of motion.

Damon curses as he lifts his now wounded hand. “What the hell was that?”

“That was the second. You might want to fight him off, you traitorous Hunter.” The leader’s voice calls out over some sort of intercom.

“Well, that answers that. And as for Gage’s second hurry and unchain me so I can deal with him.” I order.

Damon quickly hurries to free me as his hand continues to bleed.

Once I’m free I take his hand into mine and allow my wolf through just enough so she could lick his wound so it could heal.

It heals quickly and I fall to the ground changing quickly into my wolf form.

Rowan rushes towards us and clamps his jaw down on the back of my neck as I place myself between him and Damon.

I snarl and fight him until I gather enough strength to pin him down to the round.

As his eyes soften they also show a hint of surprise as he takes me in.

Stepping back I let him go and transform back into my human form.

He does the same before jumping up to his feet to pull me into a tight embrace. “I never thought I’d see you again, Parker.”

“Me either, Rowan, I’m so glad I found you.” I reply softly as I nuzzle my face into his neck.

As Damon’s presence draws closer to us Rowan lets out a low growl. “Who is he?”

“He’s part of my pack, Rowan.” I answer as I pull back and move towards Damon.

Rowan points towards Damon with confusion. “But he’s a Hunter, Parker.”

I nod. “I know but he’s on our side.” I sigh roughly as I pinch the bridge of my nose. “I have a lot to explain, so much has happened since you were taken away.”

“I’ve got a lot to explain to you too, Parker.” Rowan sighs as he bows his head. “But first I need to tell you what they’ve done to Gage.”

Glancing over towards Gage I raise my brow in question, he stares straight head absently as he pants out hard as if he had run for miles without stopping.

“What’s wrong with him?” I ask.

Rowan sighs roughly. “They’ve been pumping him full of drugs. Sometimes he acts funny and other times I’m stuck running for my life because he doesn’t remember me. Honestly, I don’t know what they have given him but he hasn’t been the same since he lost you.”

Suddenly, a loud click sounds out through the room and Rowan curses. “He’s going to be free any second now and I doubt he will know what he’s doing today.”

All eyes turn towards Gage as the chains fall away and he falls to the ground on his hands and knees.

He snarls as his head rises to look directly at us.

The next sound we hear draws our attention towards a section of the wall that reveals a large window with a smug looking leader on the other side.

Rowan and Damon both curse behind me.

“He isn’t the same Gage you knew, Parker. We need to run from him until he passes out.” Rowan grunts as he tries to hold me back.

I wasn’t afraid though and I wasn’t going to run.

If Gage didn’t know who I was right now then what was the sense in going on?

He was the reason I was in here and he was the only reason I had done half of the things I had accomplished in the last few weeks.

If I couldn’t save him then I wouldn’t save myself.

In the blink of an eye Gage rises to his feet and charges at me.

Rowan and Damon run away leaving me behind.

Gage slams into me tossing me like a rag doll to the ground.

“You smell just like him.” He growls.

I knew who he was talking about, and there really wasn’t much I could do to deny that I smelled just like London.

His scent covered me head to toe thanks to our mating.

“I’m not him, Gage.” I whisper as I touch his cheek tenderly.

His eyes soften for a moment before becoming hard and cruel. “You’ve been with him and you should die with him. You disgust me.”

His hands quickly wrap around my neck as he begins cutting off my air.

I smile sadly. “I still love you, Gage, I always did.”

He pauses a moment. “But you still mated with him.”

“He tricked me, Gage. You know I chose you, I wanted no one else but you.” I whisper.

He snarls as he stares deep into my eyes. “I will kill him, but first I’m going to take back what’s rightfully mine.”

With a few quick moves he strips us both and before I know it I’m gasping with pleasure.

This was exactly what I had wanted all along.

I wanted to be with Gage, and only him.

I gasp again as his sharp teeth cut into the skin of my shoulder as he breaks the bond between London and I.

All traces of London fade away to be replaced by Gage.

“I’ve been dreaming of this day.” Gage sighs happily as we continue to get lost in each other.

His tongue tangles with mine as I pour as much passion and love into the kiss.

As we both reach our peak Gage mutters the words that would forever bind our hearts together softly into my ear.

My heart soars as he takes us over that edge and we are left panting as we hold onto each other as if we never wanted to let go.

I certainly didn’t want to ever let him go.

“I love you, Gage.” I smile.

“I love you too, Parker.” He grins.

As his lips meet mine again someone clears their throat from above us.

Gage pulls back to look at whoever it was from over his shoulder.

“I’m sorry for interrupting you, Parker, but we’ve got big problems.” Damon motions to the cloud of smoke coming at us from over his shoulder.

“What is that?” I question with fear.

“That is bad, very, very, bad.” Gage grunts as he pushes off of me before handing my clothes to me.

“But what is it?” I ask again while quickly slipping my clothes back on.

“That stuff will either kill us or make us fall asleep where they can do whatever they want with us.” Rowan answers me this time.

“How do we escape it?” Damon grunts.

“You don’t, Hunter.” Gage spits out.

“He’s part of our pack now, Gage.” I growl as I move myself in front of Damon.

“Fine, but this is no time to be standing around. We need to break out of this room and now.” Gage growls.

All of our eyes turn towards the glass wall where there was a small group of people in lab coats watching us closely.

“Is that really glass?” I ask.

“It is.” Gage nods.

“Can four grown wolves break through it if we hit it all at the same time?” I inquire next.

“Maybe, but it will probably help that Gage already cracked the glass from the last time he tried to get through.” Rowan replies.

“We have nothing to lose.” Damon mutters as he glances over to the cloud descending upon us.

“On the count of three, we rush the glass in wolf form and we kill them all.”
Gage whispers into each of our heads.

Damon glances quickly to me in question. “Why can I hear him now?”

“That’s because he is your alpha, your leader and mine. You take orders from him from now on.” I reply quickly.

He nods even though his eyes gave away that he still didn’t fully understand.

“One…” Gage begins.

“Two…” He whispers.

“Three…” He yells and all at once we run full speed towards the wall as we all change into our wolf forms.

Our bodies smash through the glass easily and as I jump to get back to my feet the screams of the men in the lab coats fill the air.

Grabbing the nearest one to me I quickly pull them to the ground before Rowan crushes their throat between his sharp teeth for me.

Once all of the screams cut off we change into human form and rush towards the door.

To our misfortune it’s locked.

Gage curses as he tries and fails to break the handle so we could get out, but we were stuck.

We were trapped in a cage with no way out.

Moving over towards me quickly Gage grabs me in a tight hug. “I’m so sorry, Babe. I’m so sorry.”

I close my eyes and listen to his heart beat as the cloud of smoke engulfs us and we drop to the floor.

My hand stays tightly in Gage’s hand until I’m pulled under into a darkness that I couldn’t escape.

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