Read Brutal Discoveries Online

Authors: Kasey Millstead

Brutal Discoveries (6 page)



On my bed, I had four different outfits laid out: One pair of faded Levi’s with a flowy pale blue top with shimmery silver thread.  Beside that was a pair of black skinny jeans with an indigo colored silk top with shoestring straps.  Next was a little black dress, strapless, tight, and short.  Finally, I had a billowy, halter-neck maxi dress in a plethora of muted colors.  I hadn’t asked Aden whether it was going to be a jeans or dress night, so I was standing there beside my bed, chewing on my fingernail, contemplating which outfit to wear, when I thought
screw it.
  I swiped open my phone, brought up his number, and hit go. 

“Scarlett,” he answered on the fourth ring.  His gravelly tone slid over my body and I reveled in it for a moment too long, because I heard the amusement in his voice when said, “Babe?” a second later.

“Um, yeah, sorry.  Uh, I was just wondering what I should wear tonight?  Is it a jeans and top kind of dinner, or little black dress with strappy heels?  Or, should I go with something a little more relaxed than the little black dress and strappy heels, and choose a maxi dress with sandals?”  I was rambling, I knew it, so I snapped my mouth shut.

“Sweetheart, I got no idea what a maxi dress is, and as badly as I’d love to see you in a little black dress with strappy heels, it pains me to say wear jeans tonight.  Saying that, I know you’ll look as sexy as fuck in whatever you wear.”

“Okay, jeans it is,” I whispered, my skin tingling from his compliment.

“See you at seven, Scarlett.”

I flipped my phone shut and stared back to the outfits spread out on my bed.  I decided to go with the Levi’s and the indigo top, and the strappy heels I had paired with my black dress.  I walked over to my closet and took out a black blazer before setting it down and making my way to the shower. 


It was two minutes until seven p.m. when I heard my doorbell ring.  I quickly spritzed on some perfume and rushed toward it.  Through the peep hole, I saw Aden.  My mouth watered and I opened the door.

“Hey,” I said with a smile, feeling slightly shy.  He wore heavy black boots with really faded jeans that were worn in the crotch and frayed around the hem and the pockets.  His shirt was a deep forest green, button-down that he had left untucked, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.  It fit him
right, skimming his stomach, but tight around the bulk of his arms. 

“You look… fucking stunning,” he said hoarsely, and my eyes found his face to see he was checking me out.  In fact, I would go as far as to say he was eye-fucking me, and it felt

“Did you want to come in for a drink before we go?” I offered.

“Baby, if I come inside now, we won’t make it to dinner.” 
he was good at verbal foreplay, and I bet he wasn’t even trying.

“Oh,” I breathed.

“Yeah,” he stated as his eyes dropped to my breasts.

“I’ll just get my purse, then,” I whispered.

I whirled around and rushed to my handbag on my kitchen counter.  I slid in my cell and house keys in my purse before I slid the long strap through my arm and around my neck so it rested diagonally across my body. 

“Ready,” I announced as I reached the door.

“Lock up, darlin’,” he ordered.  I closed the door, checked it was locked, and then Aden closed his large hand around my small one and we walked down the path toward the sleek black Camaro parked by the curb.  He used his free hand to open the door for me and then released me so I could slide in.  He rounded the hood and folded himself into the driver’s seat.

“Nice car,” I murmured as the vehicle purred to life and we took off down the road.  Music played lightly over the radio and I relaxed back into the comfortable leather seats, alternately watching the road and Aden as he expertly steered us through the evening traffic. 

“So, you’re a prison guard?  How long have you worked at South Glenn?”

“Six years,” he answered.  “Before that, I worked at another prison for three years.  I transferred here after a higher position was offered to me.”

“Do you enjoy it?”

“Wouldn’t do it if I didn’t, babe,” he replied.

A short time later, Aden parked by the curb outside a funky looking Mexican restaurant. 

“You like Mexican food?”

“Who doesn’t?” I grinned.

We exited the car and Aden beeped the locks before we walked hand in hand into the restaurant.  After being shown to our seats and ordering our drinks – pina colada for me, beer for Aden – we browsed the menu and gave the waitress our food order.

“Tell me about this program you’re volunteering for?” he asked before popping a tortilla chip loaded with guacamole into his mouth.

I told him about Veronica and her flyers, about my desire to give back since I had a great life, which then segued into me telling him about my parents and childhood. 

“What about you, your childhood?” I asked.

“Dad died when I was two, work accident.  He had life insurance policies and his employer paid mom a lump sum, but still she worked in our neighborhood, doing odd gardening jobs and some cleaning.  She still lives in the same house. My older sister lives next door with her husband and kids.”

“I’m sorry about your dad,” I whispered.

“Long time ago, baby,” he replied softly.

I smiled.  “I always wanted a sister or brother, but my parents just had me.”

“Danni’s older than me by a year, she’s married to Hank and they’ve got three kids, lives next door to mom.  Georgia’s younger than me, she was just two months old when dad died.  She’s in Texas with her boyfriend, Mitch.”

“Wow, your mom must’ve had her hands full.”

He nods and grins.  “She handled it.  She’s a good woman.”

We chatted throughout the appetizers and our main courses, and during that time, Aden consumed two beers before switching to water, but I was feeling loose, so I had just finished off the last of my fourth pina colada when the waitress cleared our table.

“I need the bathroom.  Be back,” I informed him as I stood and felt the effects of the alcohol hit my system.  I gripped the table for balance, took a deep breath, and flashed him what I hoped was a sexy smile.  Then I made my way to the restrooms.  The alcohol filtering through my system had given my cheeks a glow, and with a belly full of delicious food, I was enjoying the buzz.  I wasn’t drunk, but I’d had just the right amount to bring me to the crossroads of alcohol consumption.  I could either stop drinking now and continue to revel in the sweet bliss of the
, or I could order another drink which would tip me over into
, which would, in turn, mean I’d wake up in the morning with a killer hangover. 
No thanks

I made my way back to the table to find Aden had paid for our meal.

“You good?”

“Yep,” I answered truthfully with a grin.

“Ready to go?”


The ride home was a little quicker, given the traffic had eased somewhat.  When Aden pulled the Camaro to a purring stop by the curb out front of my townhouse, I debated asking him in.  Those four pina coladas gave me a boldness I rarely possessed, and having him so close to me for the past couple of hours, plus
exactly how those soft lips felt as they melded with mine, had bolstered my courage.

“Do you –” I started at the same time he spoke.

“I had a great… sorry, sweetheart, you go first,” he offered.

“I was just going to…” I swallowed the ball of nervousness that was sliding up my throat.  “Do you want to come in?”

“Fuck, it kills me to say, baby, but I got an early shift in the morning,” he told me.  The regret visible on his face had me instantly believing him.

“That’s okay,” I rushed out.  “I have to be at the bakery early anyhow,” I added softly.

“I’ll stop by after my shift for a coffee.  Maybe we can make out in your office,” he suggested with a wink and a ripple of his dark eyebrows.

“Sounds good to me,” I agreed.

He reached across to cup the back of my neck with his palm and bring me closer to him until our lips met in the middle.  I sighed into his mouth and his tongue took advantage, sweeping inside and then back out again so he could seductively suck my plump bottom lip.

“Mmm, Aden,” I moaned hoarsely.  The delicious torture he was inflicting on my mouth had my nipples straining against my bra and an appealing ache stirring between my thighs.  As he deepened the kiss, my hands went to his head, and I felt the rough stubble of his black hair scraping against my palms.

He pulled back and my eyes slowly opened to find his molten depths staring at me with a look of hunger.  I leaned in and brushed my lips over his.

“I’m looking forward to tomorrow,” I whispered breathlessly.

“Me, too, baby.”  His words were said like a promise.

“Tomorrow,” I said, still whispering, as my fingers traced the light smattering of facial hair on his jaw.

With one more quick, deep, wet kiss, he folded out of the car and came around to my side to walk me to my front door.  Once I was safely inside, I watched out of my blinds to see him walk down the pathway and climb back in his car, before pulling out onto the road and disappearing at the end of my street. 


It didn’t matter it was late.  I was bouncing from the high that was a
date with Aden West, and the buzz from the drinks at dinner were still working their way through my system.  So I called Ella. 

“Yeah?” she answered, her voice thick from sleep.

“Sorry I woke you,” I said, not sounding apologetic in the least.

“Scarlett?  What’s up?” she asked, instantly sounding more alert.

“I just came back from a date,” I gushed.  “With Aden… AKA Hashtag Hottie AKA Hashtag Asshole.” 

“Are you drunk?”

“No.  Buzzed.  Oh, my god, Els, it was such a great night.  He picked me up in his Camaro and went to this little Mexican place.  We ate, chatted, laughed… it was

“Uh, okay, I’m still really sleepy, so you’re going to have to back up a minute,” she bossed.  “The other day you were telling me how much of an ass he was.  Now you’re going on a date with him, in his Camaro, and eating Mexican food?”

“A sleek
Camaro,” I informed her giddily.

“Scar,” she growled, frustrated.

“Fine,” I huffed.  “It turns out, he’s a prison guard at South Glenn.  He called me into his office today and explained why he was asking me about Damon that night at Sherman’s.  It was completely innocent and I took it the wrong way.  Then, we kind of made out in his office and he asked me to dinner, which obviously, I agreed to.  Then we kind of made out again after he dropped me home.”

“You made out in his office?” she breathed.

“The man is good with his mouth,” I gushed dreamily. 

“He looks like he would be,” she agreed.  “I still can’t believe you went on a date with Hottie.  Go, girlfriend.”  We both started giggling like schoolgirls and then I heard Ella yawn.

“I’ll let you go, honey.  See you in the morning,” I said.

“Sweet dreams, Scar.”

“You too.”

I ended the call and changed into my pajamas.  Then I collapsed into bed and fell asleep with a smile on my face.



Sweet Treats was packed.  Sammi was working the register, Macy was cleaning off tables from customers who had left, and Ella and I were manning the display case and the coffee machine.  It seemed word had got around about my cupcakes, and they were selling like, well,

“You’ll need to speak with the owner about that,” I overheard Sammi saying, so I made my way to the register.

“Can I help you?” I asked the well-dressed, fifty-something woman politely.

“This is Scarlett, she’s the owner.”

I was wearing my uniform of black skinny jeans paired with a mint green shirt that was embroidered with my name and the Sweet Treats logo.  Over that, I still had on my full apron, pastel yellow and embroidered with the Sweet Treats logo as well, but didn’t have my name on it.  Macy, Ella, and Sammi all wore half aprons in either mint green, pastel yellow, or pale pink.  Their shirts were the same colors, but like mine, had their names on them.  Every day we paired a different colored apron and shirt together to go with the eggshell blue walls of the bakery, which in turn matched the thread on the embroidery.  I was a fan of pastels because I thought they gave my space a calming and soothing feel.  The entire color scheme, right down to the napkins, melded together perfectly.

“Hi, Scarlett, I’m Louisa.”  She eyed my uniform and a warm smile flushed over her face.  “I wanted to know if you made birthday cakes?  I’m trying to find a cake for my husband’s sixtieth birthday party, and after seeing your fabulous cupcake creations, I decided to ask.”

“That’s certainly a possibility,” I stated.  “We’re swamped at the moment, but if you’d like to leave your number, I can give you a call this afternoon sometime and get an idea of what exactly you’re after.”

“That sounds fantastic!” She smiled broadly, her chestnut lipstick outlining her straight, white teeth.

“Let me get my notepad.”  I rushed out to my office and grabbed the notepad and pen from my desk before returning to the front counter.  “Just jot down your number, Louisa, and I’ll be sure to call you by this evening.”

“Thanks so much, Scarlett.  It was lovely to meet you.  Your food here is divine.”

“My pleasure, Louisa.  I’m glad you enjoy it.”

After I finished chatting with Louisa, I stashed the notepad below the counter and made a mental note to call her.  Then I went right back to filling the orders that were piling up.  Business was freaking great!


“My feet are killing me,” Sammi groaned.

“Mine, too,” I agreed.

“I’m starving,” Ella mumbled as she bit into a pastry.

It was almost closing time, and the display case was entirely bare except for the pastry Ella was eating, and one lone pumpkin spice and walnut cookie.  We were all exhausted, but I was also proud of my little business.  I hadn’t had time to do any paperwork today so I knew I would be staying late to finish that up.  At least I could do that sitting on my butt in my comfortable office chair.

“I can finish up here, if you guys want to get home,” I offered.

“No way,” Sammi instantly rebuked.  “We’ll help you clean up and
we’ll go.”

“We’re not leaving you here to do all the shitty jobs alone, Scar,” Ella put in.

“I was just offering.” I held my hands up in a faux peace offering.  “No need to bite my head off,” I said through a laugh.

“Let’s get this started,” Sammi said as she went to the cleaning closet and pulled out a broom and mop.  With the three of us pitching in, it didn’t take but thirty minutes.  Then, the girls left and I closed the doors, locking them.

I was in the middle of signing off the register when I heard a light tapping on the glass doors.  I looked in that direction and my eyes found Aden.  I grinned and walked that way to let him in.

“Hey,” I said, still grinning.

“Hey, beautiful.  Sorry I’m late, we had a meeting.”

“That’s okay, come on in.  Coffee?”

“Give me a kiss, Scarlett,” he ordered, his voice gruff.

I closed the distance between us and touched my hand to his chest.  I went up on my toes and brushed my lips against his.  His arm wrapped around my waist and he tugged me into him, deepening the kiss and stealing my breath from me.  Still crushed to his body when he pulled his lips from mine, I buried my head in his neck and steadied my breathing.  Slowly, I pulled back and looked up at him.

“Coffee?” I whispered breathily.

“You’re all cleaned up for the day,” he mentioned as his eyes swept through the bakery before returning to me.

“It’s okay, it won’t make a mess.  Plus, there’s a pumpkin spice and walnut cookie if you want it?”

“Sounds great, baby,” he said softly.

I fixed his coffee and placed the cookie on a plate for him.  He brushed his lips to mine soft and sweet before taking a sip of his hot drink.

“You still got work to do?”

“Yeah, just a bit of office work.  It shouldn’t take too long, if you want to stick around?” I felt shy asking, yet I couldn’t stop the words from falling from my lips.

“You eaten?”

I shook my head.  “Not since breakfast.  We were so busy today I didn’t stop.”

His lips pursed together and he nodded once, abruptly.  “You go work, baby.  I’ll order us some food.  Chinese or pizza?”

“Pizza sounds amazing.”

“You got a preference?” he asked.  I watched in fascination as he took a bite of his cookie and closed his eyes, moaning in delight.  “Damn, you bake the best shit.”

“Thank you.” I felt my cheeks heat at his compliment. 

“Preference for pizza, babe?” he prompted.

“Um, right.  No anchovies or mushrooms,” I stated.

“Got it.  Give me a kiss and then go do your work.”

I kissed him and left him there to finish his snack while I practically glided to my office.


“Oh, my god, you’re good with your hands,” I moaned.

“Keep moaning like that, sweetheart, and I’ll find out just how good you think I am with my hands, and my mouth, and
parts of my body,” Aden replied suggestively.

“Mm, yeah, right there.  Don’t stop.”  I tilted my head to the side to let him gain further access to the knot in my shoulder that he was currently massaging out.  This was after I had finished paying all of my bills and making lists for stock orders.  I had also made a call to Louisa and confirmed I could fill her order for her husband’s birthday.  She decided to go with a whopping one hundred and fifty cupcakes, half of them chocolate, the other half vanilla, and all frosted in his favorite football team colors.  It was going to be a big job, but thankfully I had eight weeks’ notice.

“Scarlett,” he growled my name.  A warning.  It felt so good, I didn’t heed his admonition, and I whimpered when I felt the knot release.  “If you moan like this when all I’m doing is rubbing your shoulders, I can’t fucking
to see you fall apart when my cock’s deep inside of you.”

My breath hitched and a shiver ran through me as he whispered the sexy words into my ear. 
I couldn’t wait, either.

“Aden,” I whispered desperately.  He spun me around in my office chair, and right in my line of sight was the prominent bulge in the crotch of his jeans.  I eyed it hungrily before licking my lips.

“Scarlett,” he growled in warning once again.  His hands rested on my shoulders and then travelled slowly down my arms in a leisurely seduction.  When his fingers reached my hands, he threaded his digits through mine and helped me to stand. Pulling me into his arms and kissing me deep until all of the oxygen was sucked from my body, I had to pull away to draw in a precious lungful of air.  Even with my face pressed against the crook of his neck, I could still taste him on my lips, in my mouth.  He tasted like the pepperoni pizza he had delivered for dinner, mixed with the peppermint flavor of the mint he had chewed on moments before when he was massaging me.  My hands were around his neck, while one of his was buried in my hair and the other gripped my ass.  I melted against him like I couldn’t get close enough, and he held me tight like he didn’t want me to disappear.  It was electrifying.  Like nothing I have ever experienced before in my life, and all we had done was kissed. 

“You’re so sexy, Scarlett,” he murmured, as he ran his lips across my forehead while squeezing my butt.

“You’re not so bad yourself, Mr. West,” I replied softly as I ran my hand down his chest.  He was still wearing his work uniform, and he looked delicious.  The top two buttons of his shirt were open and I could see the promise of a light smattering of dark chest hair poking through.  Suddenly I had the urge to rip his shirt wide open, sending buttons flying, so I could tangle my fingers in the hair before tracing his nipples with my tongue.

“That look in your eyes, baby… I know exactly what you’re thinking.”  His voice was hoarse, and I pressed myself into him deeper, feeling the hard ridge of his erection resting against my stomach. “You make it damn hard for a man to control himself,” he muttered.

“Maybe I don’t want you to control yourself,” I whispered.

His eyes roamed over my face and he sunk his teeth into his full bottom lip, apparently waging an internal war with himself.  “You want to get adventurous with me, baby?” he crooned.

Oh, hell yeah I wanted to get adventurous with him.

“Uh-huh,” I murmured, looking up at him through my lashes.

“Turn around, sweetheart,” he ordered seductively. I turned, or more accurately,
since my knees felt weak
until my back was facing him.  His fingers skated along my ribcage until they settled on the small of my back.  I felt some movement and then my apron came loose.  He burned a trail up my spine until he reached my neck, where he lifted the strap over my head and discarded the apron on the floor near my desk.  He kissed my neck lightly before his tongue darted out to taste the flesh behind my ear.  I trembled beneath his expert touch as my breath began to come in short, sharp bursts.  He hadn’t even really touched me sexually yet – though the anticipation was there – and I was panting like a pup in heat. 

“Aden,” I breathed frantically.

“Settle, sweetheart,” he crooned, using that soft, sweet, provocative tone of his.  I took a deep breath and willed myself to calm down.  My skin was on fire, my nipples were hard pebbles straining against my bra, and wetness had gathered between my legs.  I wanted him to touch my breasts and massage my clit… hell, I wanted him to touch me
.  And I wanted to touch him back just as badly.  I was literally aching for him.  He pulled me back against him so I was plastered to his incredibly hard body from my shoulders to my backside, then his hands appeared in front of me, and I watched in carnal fascination as his thumbs extended away from his palms to brush over my nipples.  I gasped in delight and prayed he would repeat the action.  I didn’t have to wait long; his thumb swept back up and then down again, before travelling further south to the buttons on my jeans.  I hitched in another shaky breath as he deftly popped the buttons and dipped his fingers inside to rest on the lace edging of my satin panties.

He stroked the black lace back and forth, teasing me, before he slowly dipped his fingers deep under the bottle-green satin until he came in contact with my wet center.  I whimpered as he grazed my swollen clit.  My womb was on fire, and when he growled in my ear and sucked on my lobe, I thought I would spontaneously combust.

I spread my thighs apart to accommodate his hand as he glided one long digit inside of me. 

“Drenched,” he rumbled, his voice full of pride.

His thumb rolled over my clit as he finger-fucked me, while his other hand disappeared inside my shirt and under my bra to gently pinch and twist my nipple.  I leaned back into him further and wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him unfettered access to my body.  There was something incredibly erotic about essentially being fully clothed, yet having this delicious male specimen bringing me an unconscionable amount of pleasure.  I moved my hips against his hand, rubbing my ass against his hard cock, causing a torturous groan to pass through his lips.  The sound spurred me on and I gyrated faster, harder, his groans causing my own whimpers and moans to become more intense as my womb tightened and my body coiled.  It was coming and it was going to be

“Aden,” I panted.  “Aden.”  This time, his name falling from my lips was more desperate.

“Come for me, sweet girl,” he rasped as his teeth grazed my lobe and his thumb pressed more firmly on my clit.

My head fell back and my eyes squeezed shut when the first powerful ripple of release shuddered through my body.  My scalp tingled, my hands clenched Aden’s forearm, and my knees wobbled.

“Aden,” I gasped as a feeling of intense pleasure detonated through my entire body.  The movements of his fingers slowed as he gently continued until the final shudder of pleasure left my body.  His hands left my panties and my bra before he spun me around to face him, holding me steady with one hand securely wrapped around my waist.  Then, with his molten indigo eyes on mine, he lifted his glistening fingers to his lips and slid them inside, sucking my essence off him. 

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