Read Buddy Holly: Biography Online

Authors: Ellis Amburn

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Buddy Holly: Biography (80 page)

richest musician in history:

“a big fan of Buddy’s”: Quoted in Tobler, “PM 9/31/80,” p. 2.

On September 7, 1976, the: Tobler,
This Day in Rock,
p. 256.

Petty was the guest: Schumacher,
p. 208.

“just great: Quoted in Tobler, “PM 9/31/80,” p. 2.

“would entertain LW: BG, “LW,” RM 45, 11/86, p. 16.

Crickets would appear with him: Giuliano,
p. 312; BG, “JA—Part Two,” RM 24, 9/82, p. 12.

“I went and seen: Author interview with LH.

“I don’t hold no grudge:

[McCartney’s father-in-law: Tobler,
This Day in Rock,
p. 39; PN,
p. 362; Brown and Gaines,
Love You Make,
p. 299.

Michael Jackson acquired the: Coleman,
Man Who Made,
p. 306.

Brian Epstein’s mishandling:

“The Beatles were angry:

John Tobler’s
The Buddy Holly Story:
BG, “John Tobler’s Book,” RM 16, 9/80, p. 2.

Chapter 17

voice-over by Paul McCartney: NP quoted. in Brooks and Malcolm, “NP,” RM 37, 7/85, p. 9. The interview was conducted on 9/3/83.

“very good.”:

except Maria Elena:

all wanted more money: G&B, RB, p. 164.

“We had favorite-nation: “NP,” RM 37, p. 9.

went to Florida to see Maria Elena: G&B, RB, p. 164.

a Texas businessman:
magazine, 12/8/91.

were named after Buddy: EH and LOH quoted in Skinner, “Meeting With Mr. and Mrs. Holley on 6/12/69,” RM 43, 7/86, p. 4.

a share of the royalties: G&B, RB, p. 164.

title was
The Day the Music Died:
BG, “Movie,” RM 2, 3/77, p. 1.

buying chicken farms next to: NS quoted in BG and Bonner, “NS (Part 1),” p. 3; JA quoted in BG, “JA—Part Two,” p. 11.

screenwriter Tom Drake: G&B, RB, p. 165.

Not Fade Away: Ibid;
author interview with NS.

resistance from Buddy’s wife and family: G&B, RB, p. 165.

The language was too racy:

Maria Elena didn’t care:

Steve Davies playing Buddy:

Gary Busey as Jerry: G&B, RB, p. 165.

Philip Marlowe:
Martin and Porter,
Video Movie Guide 1989,
p. 128.

The Nest: Ibid.,
p. 898.

Jerry himself took a small: G&B, RB, p. 165.

Bob Montgomery also got:

rushes and panicked:

writing off a million dollars: Dewitt, “Little Known Facts,”
Blue Suede News
16, p. 14; G&B, RB, p. 165.

warning of legal action: G&B, RB, pp. 165–66.

skyscrapers in the background: “Holly Film Was Not Realistic,” MCGG, 2/1/89, p. E-8.

who chose to shoot: G&B, RB, p. 166.

Far more damaging was: JG on IPBN TV film

would sue the producers: “Lawrence Holley Sr. Dies,” LAJ, 7/10/85.

Billy Stull stated: Author interview with Billy Stull; G&B, RB, p. 166.

Petty was offered $5,000: Author interview with Billy Stull.

“I felt like a nonentity: 9/21/78, cited in G&B, RB, p. 169.

Smith knew how to play:
p. 167.

Stroud lacked professional:

credited as the drummer: LP,
Buddy Holly Story,
Epic 35412.

“Special thanks”:

Gailard Sartain: Fred Travelena quoted in WJ, “Fred Travelena,” RM 6, 3/78, p. 7.

Hard Country:
Martin and Porter,
p. 314.

Maria Elena was still under: MEH quoted in BG, “Maria Elena,” RM 4, 9/77, p. 9.

from 240 pounds to 180:
USA Today
cited in BG, “News Briefs,” RM 44, 9/86, p. 2.

dyed and cut to resemble: Fred Travelena quoted in WJ, “Fred Travelena,” p. 7.

Busey, at thirty-three: Mann,
A–Z of Buddy Holly,
p. 25.

“It wouldn’t be any good: Quoted in “Maria Elena,” RM 4, 9/77, p. 9.

“if Buddy isn’t singing: “Movie,” RM 5, 12/7, p. 1.

he’d require off-camera assistance: G&B, RB, p. 168.

“Gary Busey was a good: Author interview with SC.

committed suicide: Mann,
A–Z of Buddy Holly,
p. 25.

Dallas, where the movie: BG, “Movie Premiere in Dallas,” RM 8, 9/78, p. 2.

from Tennessee, and Trini Lopez:
pp. 1–2.

Actor-director Ron Howard: BG, “BH Lives!” RM 7, 6/78, p. 1.

“hot and sticky,”:
p. 1.

“started seeing Buddy on”: “Movie Premiere in Dallas,” p. 2.

Contradicting his statement: BG, “Movie,” RM 5, 12/77, p. 1.

that “I loved the movie: Quoted in “Movie Premiere in Dallas,” p. 2.

Busey had visited Buddy’s: Author interview with Don Larson.

Svenson later became Larson’s:

Busey asked Larson for:

first reunion since January: BG, “Movie Premiere in Dallas,” p. 2.

“That movie just really: “Holly Film Was Not Realistic,” MCGG, 2/1/89, p. 8.

“I’ve got to be: “JA—Part Two,” p. 13.

Allison had imparted to Busey: G&B, RB, p. 169.

Crickets posed with Gary: BG, “Movie Premiere in Dallas,” p. 2.

captured the moment:

bandleader was Busey’s brother:

the whole movie, period,”: Quoted in BG, “Joe Mauldin,” RM 15, 9/80, p. 8.

“J.I. and Buddy didn’t:

was glad that someone:

“For some reason,” … turning.”:

“a— — —”: “JA—Part Two,” p. 12.


The insult had actually: JP, “Holly Film Was,” p. E-8.

“was all bullshit: Author interview with JA.

Buddy’s birthplace: JG quoted in BG, “Bits & Pieces,” RM 7, 6/78, p. 6; BG, “Movie Premiere in,” pp. 2–3.

“worthwhile,” she told: BG, “Movie Premiere in,” p. 3.

“It was Buddy and:

hardly a park or “recreation area,”: BG, “Buddy Holly Lives!” p. 1.

Busey made a brief:

“soundtrack album died:
A–Z of Buddy Holly,
p. 25.

“nineteen years after his:
This Day in Rock,
p. 90.

visited with Buddy’s parents: BG, “Movie Premiere in,” p. 2.

gold records to:
pp. 1–3.

platinum record from England: BG, “Bits & Pieces,” RM 8, 9/78, p. 3.

never expected him to become: Quoted in “Mrs. Holley,” RM 2, 3/77, p. 3.

an emotional L. O. Holley stood: Quoted in “Ed Cohen & Steve Rash,” RM 8, 9/78, p. 8.

mother was “proud”: Quoted in BG, “Mrs. Holley 7/1/78,” RM 11, p. 8.

“real pleased”: LH quoted in

realistic use of profanity:

“Cunning tactics by one: Holden,
Behind the Oscar,
p. 322.

Rona Barrett: EH quoted in BG, “Mrs. Holley 7/1/78,” p. 8.

“That’s just about:

Joe Renzetti took home:
p. 566.

“was hardly the true”: PM in RBHS.

“she’s not talking: PBS-TV

sued for $300,000: “Lawrence Holley Sr. Dies,” LAJ, 7/10/85.

they’d previously told Griggs: BG, “Mrs. Holley 7/1/78,” p. 8.

now charged that the: “Lawrence Holley Sr. Dies.”

innacurately portrayed:
G&B, RB, p. 169.

settled out of court:

“The movie does not: “BH Story,” cited in G&B, RB, p. 170.

“true-to-life movie”: G&B, RB, p. 168.

cocaine overdose of its star: “The Other Shoe Drops,”
The People Column, Miami Herald,
5/10/95, p. 2A.

felony cocaine-possession:

checked himself into California’s:

imprisoned for three years:

$15,000 to $25,000: Denisoff,
p. 297.

convoy of two Silver:
p. 295.

Buddy Dean:
p. 82.

Jones, a flamboyant barmaid:
p. 85.

Barbara Rood:
p. 143.

Barbara left him:
p. 168.

Jessi Colter:
p. 169.

“wound up in the: “Outlaw Breed,” 8/26/74, p. 84.

son, Waylon Albright: Denisoff,
p. 290.

drug habit would last: Quoted in VHS, PC105, Hallway Productions, 1990; Riese,
Nashville Babylon,
pp. 58–59.

“$1,500 a day”: Riese,
Nashville Babylon,
p. 59.

“$70,000 [in] lawyer fees:
video; Riese,
Nashville Babylon,
p. 58; Roland,
Billboard Book of No. 1 Country Hits,
p. 203.

trashed four rooms in: Riese,
Nashville Babylon,
p. 59.

soared to sixteen million: Denisoff,
p. 299.

“In times I was down:
p. 293.

who signed autographs for: BG, “Lubbock for 1979!” RM 13, 12/79, p. 4.

Tommy Allsup played “True Love Ways”:
p. 2.

Niki Sullivan’s mother broke down:
p. 4.

bar called Heads Up: CT, 6/24/88, Tempo 2.

sculptor Grant Speed was: “BH,” City of Lubbock booklet, BH Memorial Foundation, 1979, p. 4.

still proudly wore Buddy’s Omega: LH quoted in BG, “LH,” RM 14, 3/80, p. 9.

Waylon watched the statue: BG, “Buddy in Bronze!” RM 17, 12/80, p. 3.

gathering of 150:

Nigel Smith and Adrian:
pp. 1, 4.

En France,
p. 6.

he loved Buddy:
p. 4.

“real fine,”: Quoted in
p. 3.

needed a gimmick: In “Surf Ballroom: Valens’ Last Stage,”
Des Moines Register,
7/26/87, Darrel Hein, the Surf’s owner, said that the Surf only sold out once a year, for the annual BH tribute.

KZEV donated a bronze: BG, RM 10, 3/79, p. 1.

still clamored in vain: Lazell et al,
Rock Movers & Shakers,
p. 234.

MCA dragged its feet: McGee, “BH,” in DeCurtis et al.,
Rolling Stone Album Guide,
p. 324.

finally releasing
The Complete Buddy Holly:
G&B, RB, pp. 191–92.

having “one of the: DeCurtis et al,
Rolling Stone Album Guide,
p. 324.

“I only wish Buddy Holly: Gene Sculatti, “Calendar,” 5/31/81,
Los Angeles Times
cited in BG, RM 20, 9/81, p. 6.

“Trivial Pursuits” contained no less: BG, “Trivial Pursuit,” RM 32, Fall/84, p. 13.

Robert Parker’s
A Catskill Eagle:
BG, “News Briefs,” RM 38, 9/85, p. 4.

as a space alien: Denton,
Buddy Holly Is Alive and Well on Ganymede.

P. F. Kluge’s novel: BG, RM 32, Fall/84, p. 12.

“the promoters of the Winter Dance Party: P. 161.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show:
BG, “New Singles (Review),” RM 18, p.7.

“Buddy Holly Handicap,”: BG, RM 35, 9/85.

starred Debra Winger before:

couple of newlyweds reported: Cofer, “BH Fans Get Standing Room Only,” LAJ, 6/17/93, p. 85.

“Buddy—The Singing Piston”:
Hot Rod
magazine, 6/80, p. 122, cited in BG, RM 17, 12/80, p. 16.

In Yemen, fans mobbed: BG, RM 20, 9/81, p. 12.

Hi Pockets Duncan died: BG,
“Who’s Who” of West Texas Rock-‘n’-Roll Music,

Snuff Garrett, who’d become:

Decca’s Dick Jacobs: BG, “Spotlight on Dick Jacobs,” p. 15; BG, RM 25, p. 11.

Bob Thiele was still “alive: letter to author from Bill Munroe, 12/3/93.

Norma Jean Berry: BG,
, RM 31, p. 11.

“Bill” Pickering: BG, “Bill Pickering,” RM 35, 3/85, p. 12.

Don Guess: Caviness, “Charlie Phillips,” RM 28, Fall/83, p. 7; BG,
“Who’s Who” of West Texas Rock ’n’ Roll Music.

Country Club bar in Reseda: BG, “Week in Los Angeles,” RM 31, Summer/84, p. 10.

substituted a new routine:

“still looking good,”:

recovered from his drug addiction: TW, p. 184.

“the language of the:
p. 185.

Fred Milano, one of: Reynolds, “Belmonts in Rhode Island,” R50 31, 8/91, p. 7.

“not to be interviewed: Author interview with BG.

GAC’s Irving Feld:

“has long since retired:
A–Z of Buddy Holly,
p. 51.

Jerry Dwyer declined: BG, “Spotlight,” p. 14.

“harassment”: JT, “Investigator Offers Theory,” p. E6.

“It must have been tough: Author interview with JP.

“bummed around the country: CB quoted in BG “CB, p. 80.

so intoxicated he could:

prison guard:
p. 9.

founding the “Dove Nest:

Carl appeared on Bakker’s:

inserting religious phrases:

“The devil knew that:
p. 8.

Sonny Curtis was flying high: BG, “SC Keeps Rollin’ Along,” RM 20, 9/81, p. 10.

Jimmy Bowen:
p. 14; Nite,
Rock On,
p. 60.

almost dropped Reba: McEntire with Carter,
p. 145.

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