Built To Last (Saltwater Springs #1) (8 page)

Chapter 15
She’d Enjoy What She Could For As Long As She Was Able

he way Luke
gazed down at Scarlett, like he could devour her whole, had her heart beating like a drum in her chest. This was nothing new to the both of them—they’d been here many times before, even if it was long ago—but the moment felt weighted with possibility in a way it hadn’t when she was a teenager in love.

Luke swept his hands up her rib cage until he reached the undersides of her breasts. He paused for a moment, drew in a deep breath, and gently ran his thumbs over her nipples. Scarlett closed her eyes and exalted in the feeling of a man’s hands on her again—and not just any man…
hands. It had been so long.

Soon after, he removed her undergarments, taking his time and peppering kisses over every inch of her skin once it was revealed to him. As heat pooled between her legs, she squirmed underneath him, wanting nothing more than to be joined with him in the most intimate way possible.

With that in mind, she ran her hands over the muscles of his back until she reached the waistband of his boxer briefs. She gripped the elastic in her hands and began tugging them down. When she was unable to stretch her arms any further, she brought her foot up between Luke’s legs and pushed the material as far down as she could. He helped out, kicking them off entirely once they’d reached his ankles.

Scarlett moaned as Luke pressed his naked body against her, the hardness of his shaft on her mound inching her closer to pure abandon. Trailing her fingers down his back, she squeezed his muscled ass when she reached it, trying in vain to get Luke right where she wanted him.

He was too busy worshipping her breasts, sucking her nipples into his warm mouth and teasing them with his tongue, leaving her short of breath and gasping for air.

Luke drew back and ran his knuckles along her cheek, supporting himself on his elbows. He stared down at her for a moment, and she felt as if he could see deep into her soul and know all the thoughts she wasn’t able to voice. “I’m going to do whatever it takes to show you that we belong together.”

She couldn’t give his declaration much thought because Luke sank into her silky heat and held himself there, a look of pure rapture on his face. Scarlett basked in the feeling of their connection, almost as if a tiny piece of her heart had knit back together. He pulled back slowly and then pushed into her again before stopping abruptly.

“Shit, Lettie,” he said, dropping his forehead to hers, breathing heavily. “I’m so wrapped up in you I forgot to ask about protection. I’m clean…I’m guessing you are, but are you on the pill?”

All of Scarlett’s muscles tensed.
No, no, no.
She wouldn’t lose this moment with Luke because of reminders of the past. Scarlett fought to stay in the here and now and not let her thoughts go back in time.

“What’s wrong? You’re not on the pill, are you?” Concern filled his voice.

He started to pull out of her, but Scarlett stopped him by squeezing her legs around his waist.

“It’s fine. We don’t need to use protection.” Her voice cracked at the end of her sentence. Not a lie unfortunately.

Luke nuzzled his face into her neck. “Good. I want to stay right where I am.” He punctuated the last few words with perfectly timed thrusts.

The cocoon of intimacy that had threatened to vanish moments before returned as Luke slid in and out of her, setting her nerve endings ablaze. He gazed down at her the entire time, only breaking eye contact when he leaned in to kiss her.

He set a steady pace as their eyes locked. Scarlett couldn’t help but get wrapped up not only in the memories of what they once were to each other, but at the man Luke had become. She suspected that even if she had met him for the first time tonight, she would have fallen for him just the same.

“It’s still feels like perfection to be inside you, Lettie,” he said in a ragged whisper. Scarlett brushed back some of the hair on his forehead, and he leaned down and nibbled her bottom lip. “You and I were made for each other.”

She saw such hope in his eyes as he searched her face—for what, she couldn’t be sure. But he seemed to like what he saw based on the small smile that formed on his lips.

As he rolled his hips, the musky scent of their lovemaking drove Scarlett closer to orgasm. He continued to drive into her until she was arching her back underneath him, unable to take much more.

When she climaxed, Luke stifled her cries of pleasure by pressing his lips to hers, then followed with his own. He called out her name and shuddered before finally stilling. Resting some of his weight on her, he let his head drop into the crook of her neck, placing soft kisses along the base.

Scarlett’s eyelids grew heavy as she lay there encompassed by his warmth. Eventually, Luke rolled off of her and onto his back, taking her with him so that she was pressed against his side and wrapped in his arms. He ran a hand gently up and down her back while she listened to the beat of his heart gradually return to its regular cadence.

“I should get cleaned up,” she said in a low voice, not really wanting to break the post-orgasmic spell they were under, but knowing she needed to.

Luke didn’t say anything but allowed her to roll away from him and climb out of his bed.

As she made her way to his ensuite bathroom, she felt a moment’s hesitation. She wasn’t as young as she used to be and certainly didn’t possess the body of a teenager anymore. Now that the throes of passion had simmered down, would Luke like what he saw?

“You still have the best ass I’ve ever seen, Lettie,” Luke said as if he could read her mind. He tossed a pillow off the bed at her in a playful gesture.

She giggled, feeling better about her nakedness. After she’d cleaned up, she returned to bed where Luke positioned them as they were before she’d left.

Scarlett fought sleep for as long as she could, wanting to remember how safe and loved she felt in that moment. It was such a rarity in the past couple of years.

She didn’t know what this was—had no idea, actually—but she forced herself not to give it too much thought. There was always the morning after for regrets. Tonight, she’d enjoy what she could for as long as she was able.

Chapter 16
A Tsunami Of Guilt

carlett opened
her eyes to the sun trying to peek in past the heavy draperies drawn in front of Luke’s bedroom window. It took only seconds before she registered the ache in both her head and her heart. She wasn’t hungover per se, but her body was definitely making it known that it didn’t appreciate the abuse she’d put her liver through last night. Her heart was heavy because of what she and Luke had shared last night…and the knowledge that she couldn’t allow it to go any further.

Drawing in a deep breath, Scarlett took stock of her situation. Luke was wrapped around her from behind, one arm draped over her waist and slung across her stomach. She tried to inch herself from his grasp, but Luke’s arms tightened and he nuzzled into her neck from behind.

“Morning, sweetheart,” he murmured into her hair, pulling the strands away to uncover the base of her throat. He feathered tender kisses along the exposed skin, and she couldn’t stop the shiver in response.

How she’d love to spend the entire day in bed with him, basking in his loving attention. But that would only make it more painful when she left and subject her to more of what she couldn’t have.

“Morning,” she whispered back. Luke gave her a squeeze and nestled his body around hers even more.

“Mmm. I could stay here all day,” he said, echoing her thoughts. Luke rolled onto his back and shifted her so she lay on hers, then propped himself up on an elbow, gazing down at her with a satisfied smile.

Scarlett reached down to readjust the bed sheet to cover herself. Luke frowned. “I have something to do later, but I thought I’d make you breakfast first.” Her body stiffened, and he must have noticed because he looked down at her with a crease between his brows. “If you’re hungry?”

All Scarlett could think of was retreating, not yet ready to deal with the repercussions of her reckless actions. “Actually, Layla is getting back in town later this morning and we have plans.”

“Okay.” He smiled down at her, his blue eyes sparkling. A tsunami of guilt crashed over her at his easy acceptance of her lie. Yes, Layla
due back today and Scarlett
need to talk to her best friend—desperately—but Layla wasn’t yet aware that they had plans. “Maybe we can get together tonight.”

Unable to look at the contentment in Luke’s inky blue gaze any longer, Scarlett turned and sat up on the side of the bed. “Yeah, maybe.” She stood, wrapping the sheet around her, and hurriedly began to pick up her discarded clothes from the night before. Without another word, she took everything into the ensuite to get dressed, closing the door behind her.

With her back pressed against the door, Scarlett stared up at the ceiling while she attempted to gain some composure. Memories of Luke’s tender caresses and even sweeter words bombarded her mind, and she squeezed her eyes shut, willing them to stop. If they didn’t recede quickly, she’d end up back in bed with him, which would only lead to more of the same, which would lead…nowhere.

Better to call this what it was—what it
to be—and they could both move on with their lives. Because more than anything, Scarlett did care for Luke and wanted him to be happy…and she no longer had the ability to make him happy in the way he deserved.

Once she was dressed, she opened the ensuite door and moved back into the bedroom, quickly glancing in Luke’s direction. He lay on the bed with his hands propped behind his head, looking at her like he was trying to solve a puzzle. The muscles in his arms bunched, and his trim abdomen and hard pecs were on display. The patch of dark hair running from his navel to the edge of the sheet brought back memories of last night, and she fought to control the tingling sensation brimming below her waist.

“Do you mind taking me home?” she asked, her voice more breathless than she would have liked.

“Sure thing,” he said, springing out of bed with a wide grin on his face. He was naked and not at all concerned about it.

“Oh my God.” Scarlett whipped around so her back faced him and her cheeks heated, along with a couple of other parts of her body further south.

Luke’s laughter rang out from behind her. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before”—he wrapped her in his arms so his chest was to her back—“or felt, for that matter.” When he pressed his hips forward, Scarlett felt
what he was talking about.

It was another reminder of what she couldn’t have again. “Luke,” she snapped, trying to pry herself from his grip, “I really need to get going.” Scarlett turned to face him with her arms crossed over her chest, but she couldn’t bear to look at him, instead choosing to study the hardwood floor beneath her feet.

“Hey, I was only joking around.” He reached forward and tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. “Someone isn’t a morning person,” he said with a small chuckle.

“I’m sorry.” She sighed. “I’m tired and a little hungover, that’s all.”

He nodded. “Let me get dressed and I’ll run you home.”

She smiled, thankful once again that Luke was such an understanding person. While he made his way into his walk-in closet, Scarlett left the bedroom to wait for him at the front door. Anything to get out of the room that felt stifling with memories from Luke’s presence alone.

In her more sober and less lust-filled state, she took a minute to take in the grand scale of Luke’s home as she walked down the staircase. It was gorgeous…nothing at all like she would have expected a bachelor to live in. He’d obviously done well for himself, and that knowledge filled her with pride and a small sense of joy. Many people in Saltwater Springs had written Luke off as destined to follow the path of his father—a drunk, good-for-nothing man who wasn’t able to hold down a job. She’d always seen more in him though, and she was happy he’d been able to build a good life for himself.


Luke startled Scarlett from her thoughts. “Yes, let’s go.” She took one last sweeping look over the space before she turned to head to the door, sure she’d never see the place again.

hanks for the ride
,” Scarlett said as Luke’s truck rolled up her driveway. She readied herself to exit the vehicle.

Luke’s calloused palm clamped down above her knee. “Where’s the fire?”

She drew in a breath and turned her body to face Luke. She wasn’t really sure what to do or say. She’d never gone home with a man like she did last night, and things felt awkward because of it—even before you added in their history together. “No fire,” was all she could think of to say.

“Can I see you tonight?”

Scarlett hesitated and shifted in her seat. It didn’t go unnoticed. “What’s going on, Lettie?” he asked with a sigh. Luke dipped his head so he was eye level with her, giving her no choice but to look into his piercing blue eyes.

She opened her mouth to speak and then closed it.



Concern flashed across Luke’s strong features. “No, no. Don’t you dare retreat on me. I’m not gonna let you do that.”

“Do what?”

“Put up that wall between us again. I finally got the wrecking ball through, and I’m not about to let you mortar the bricks back in place.” He cupped her face tenderly with both hands.


“I want to see you tonight.” He leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. “We can talk about it then.”

Scarlett debated what to do. She knew him well enough to know that he wouldn’t let up easily. Maybe if they talked tonight she could get him to see why she needed to back away. She had so much going on in her life between trying to get her business off the ground and resettling in her old hometown, she couldn’t take any more stress on top of it. And being with Luke would cause her stress because she knew it would never last.

“Come by here later on tonight.”

He smiled, and she loved how his eyes sparkled when he did that. She didn’t see enough of his smile.

She couldn’t allow herself to think like that. Luke leaned forward and gave her another kiss, then let his hands drop from her face. “That’s my girl.”

His girl.
As much as she loved the sound of that, she knew she could never be his anything again. The thought drove a pain into her center, but she smiled through it.

Scarlett exited the truck, not allowing herself the luxury of glancing back at Luke. Instead, she pulled her phone out and texted a frantic message to Layla.

I need you! Meet me at Dream Cream at 1pm and I’ll fill you in over peanut butter ripple. Xoxo

Layla’s response was mercifully swift.

You know I can’t say no to Del’s ice cream. That stuff is like crack. See you then - hope you’re okay!

She wasn’t, but she would be once she and Luke were on the same page.

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