Burned Rebel (Comanche Sons Motorcycle Club Book 3) (6 page)




Chapter Seven


The sun went down, and the rays of it, orange and red, cast shadows on the ocean. It was a beautiful sight, and one she loved with all her heart. They sat in silence, two peas in a pod, as they watched the brilliance of nature. It took her breath away. She was awed by the glory of this beautiful earth that they inherited.


Finally, she stood. “We should head home. It’s going to get dark very soon, and we didn’t even bring a flashlight.”


“Always the voice of reason,” he announced. “But you’re right. I am also getting a bit hungry.”


“We will cook something.”


“You know, I think there is one promise that I have yet to keep.” He drew her in his arms and kissed her. His lips were soft but demanding, and she damn near melted in his arms. Now that they were in this beautiful heaven, she felt relaxed, calm. Of course, the desire that skipped and burned though her veins made it difficult for her to keep a check on her hormones. The storm of need that was unleashed within her nerves held the force of a tsunami. His hands roamed over her back, and his breath was hot on her face. The scent of him, strong and spicy, invaded her nostrils and kindled a fire. As his tongue explored her mouth, she ran her hands over his arms. His muscles bulged under the tips of her fingers. His tongue brushed over her gums and tasted her.


When he lifted his head, she was breathless. His gaze locked with hers, and she could feel the need that burned bright in his eyes.


“Nice start,” she said.


He laughed and began to open the buttons on his shirt. She checked the beach to make sure they were indeed alone. Once she concluded that there wasn’t a person in sight, Riley took off her dress. Off came her bra and panties long before he’d finished peeling off his shirt. His eyes widened, as he stared at her naked body. She ran a hand from the smooth column of her throat down to her breasts. Her finger pressed on the nipple of a firm breast, and he groaned. Quickly, he fiddled with his shorts and took them off.  The twisting coils of desire that curled in his eyes made her horny. Putting her hands on the sand, she leaned back. His gaze fixed on her breasts while she feasted her eyes on the hard muscles that bulged and rippled. The waning light of the sun played on his skin and highlighted his abs. Her fingers itched to rub over his skin and feel his body shiver. She wanted to taste and savor, worship and devour. His cock, hard and long, jutted out. As she watched, he took it in his hand. The gesture made her gulp. The slow burning fire mushroomed into a volcano and exploded within her veins. He joined her on the soft sand. For a moment, she felt exposed, vulnerable, and then he put his hand on her stomach and the contact sent a lance of need straight up her gut.


His lips claimed hers once more as he lay down, half covering her with his body. Her mouth parted under his, and his tongue poked in to taste her once more. While generally she liked to fight for every inch of control, Riley felt as if her limbs were made of liquid lust. She couldn’t do anything but follow his signals, as he took pleasure in her body. Gently, he nibbled his way down her cheek to her neck. When his lips lingered on the pulse that beat at the base of her throat, she actually felt dizzy. His tongue flicked over her collar bone, and heady sensations spiraled inside her.


Her fingers dug into his side, but he appeared not to notice. Her body vibrated with need as he nibbled down to her breasts. Anticipation fanned the fire that already engulfed her. Her breasts heaved, as he slowly worked his way up to her nipple. His tongue swept over the sweet bud, and she felt the crazy desire that drenched every inch of her body. He teased and sucked, caressed and fondled, while she trembled under him.


“Enough,” she said. Riley speared her fingers through his hair and yanked back his head to claim a kiss. Quickly, she straddled him before he could stop her. It was her turn to slide down his torso while she searched for his blood-engorged organ. When she grasped it in her hand, he moaned. She licked the tip of it and felt him shudder. Naked, he lay down under her, a bouquet of taste and smell. His thick shaft throbbed, and in response to its urgent need, her pussy opened like a flower. Moisture leaked down and coated her thighs.


She wanted him deep inside her so that she could feel him move within her muscles. Her sheath craved his organ. Until he plunged into her depths, she wouldn’t feel complete. She flicked her tongue over his penis. The taste of him was enough to make her want more. Then, she let his penis go. Quickly, she slid up his body and positioned her pussy over his cock.


His hands settled on her hips, but she resisted the effort. Instead, she rubbed her pussy over his cock. His organ was dripped with her juices. When he moaned, she laughed. She tried to still the ocean of passion that bubbled in her veins. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her hips, but she still didn’t take him in. Instead, she brushed her nipples over his chest. The soft contact made her shiver. Her nipples hardened, and she sighed.


His hand slipped in between the juncture of her thighs, and he touched her pussy. The curls that guarded her velvety center were already wet. His finger slipped inside her, and the waves of pleasure that careened through her veins were intense. A willing victim of the desire that gripped her, she rocked her hips back and forth. She allowed him to fuck her with his hand while she nibbled on his chest and throat. The need for release was now a storm within her. As soon as he pulled his finger out, she sat on his organ and allowed his cock to move all the way in.


He groaned while she remained still over him. She lifted her head to look at the emotions that played over his face. Forevermore, she wanted to stay connected like this, to feel him inside her and to keep him there—but the river of passion and need wouldn’t let her remain still for long. Gently, she raised her hips, and his fingers locked on her butt. A low gasp escaped her lips, as she looked down and saw his organ slide outside from deep within her grip. The sensations, hot and powerful, held her in their talons. She was a prisoner of this torturous pleasure. His fingers caressed her butt, as she jerked up and down. She was a mass of shivering, quivering muscles. Riley no longer had any control over her thoughts, and red hot flames of heat licked her skin.


She couldn’t think, couldn’t make sense of the world. All her attention was focused on the man who controlled the pace of their lovemaking. His hands guided her as she moved over him. The ride was hard, brutal, and it damn near drove her insane. Reaching between their legs, she rubbed his hard balls, and a low grunt escaped his lips.  She could feel that he was close to the edge, and Riley picked up the tempo. Putting her hands on his, she lifted his arms above his head while she fucked him good.  The orgasm that ripped through her made her blood sizzle.


Even before she had recovered, he flipped her over while maintaining the contact. His hands ran up her legs and held her legs up so that her pussy lay open before him. The sand beneath her skin was soft and moist. Her hands clenched his shoulders and her body ached with a new need. It wasn’t over as yet. He pulled out his cock and then whipped it inside her at a fast speed. She moaned as waves upon waves of sensations rippled inside her. His pelvic bone ground into hers with each powerful thrust. Each stroke fired a stream of passion that lanced up her veins.


In and out, harder and harder, he picked up pace until she swayed on the edge of the cliff.  She desired the blessed release that would free her from this delicious agony. Higher and higher, he made her spiral until she was soaring in the wind. The second orgasm that rippled through her had the power of a hurricane. She screamed loudly, and moments later, he spilled his semen inside her.


For a long time, they both remained still, joined together in the most intimate way possible. It was glorious, special.


“I love you,” she said.


He bent forward to kiss her. “I love you more.”


“We’re crazy.”


“On that we agree.” He pulled out his cock. She took a few precious moments to admire his body. “What about a quick swim in the ocean?”


“I don’t have my swimsuit.”


He raised an eyebrow, and she blushed. “Skinny dipping in the ocean? Is there no end to the weird things I can do with you?”


“Come on.”


He tugged her hand and she stood. They were lucky that this particular beach was deserted. Riley dragged her feet as he walked towards the ocean. “The water will be cold.”


“Let’s see.”


When her toes touched the water, she squealed. “Too cold. Too cold.” Before she realized what he was up to, he carried her and ran into the waves. “No,” she yelled but he dropped her into the cold water. Sputtering, she stood. Riley shivered. “You moron.” She tried to grab him, but he ducked and dunked her in the water again. “I hate you.”


Shivering and quivering, she made her way out. Riley put her dress back on and picked up her undergarments. She raced for the cabin. “Hey, wait,” he yelled.


She didn’t listen. All she wanted was to get inside and get into a warm shower. Her skin was cold. Annoyed as she was, Riley had to admit that it was fun. After slipping on his shorts, Chance picked up his shirt and ran after her. Laughing, she remained a few steps ahead, but he picked up speed. Riley ran in a zigzag pattern.


She looked behind. He was still a few feet away. “You’re getting old.”


He picked up pace, but she burst through the cabin door. Riley laughed hard, but then a scream burst from her mouth as she hit hard against something. An arm whipped around her, and she felt the cold burn of a knife against her throat.


“Do not move an inch,” said a familiar voice.


Riley didn’t need to look up to know that her brother had found her. Chance came inside still chuckling and said, “You vixen.”


She saw his expression change. A low feral groan escaped his lips as he took a few steps forward. “Stop right there,” said Wesley.


Chance’s expression tightened, but he stopped moving. “Do not hurt her.”


“I am going to kill her.” Chance took a step forward, and she felt the tip of the knife pierce her skin. Riley whimpered. “One more step, and it will go right inside her throat.”


“You’ll not leave this place alive if she is hurt.”


Riley felt the blood trickle down from the tiny wound. The pain was searing hot. Her head swam. She’d been close to death before, but this seemed to be the end. He held her. There was no way she could escape. This time she wouldn’t be able to live to tell the tale. Dismay and disappointment coursed through her veins. She’d so much to look forward to. They had so many plans. Finally, her life was on the right track, and Wesley had to come and derail all her plans.


How could she be so unlucky?


“I am going to step outside with her,” said Wesley. “Move out of my way.”


Chance stepped away slowly. He was near enough to the door, but he gave them enough space to pass. She could see that he intended to grab Wesley as he tugged her through. Riley didn’t think his plan would work. The moment Wesley felt Chance’s hands on him, he would plunge the knife through her throat. She wouldn’t live. They were too far away from any sort of emergency medical help. Wesley had chosen his time and location well. He must have followed them from the city.


As Chance backed away, Wesley dragged her. She didn’t have a choice but to go along. If Chance attacked, she would die. If he didn’t try to distract Wesley, her brother would kill her the moment they were outside. She would die in either case.


Riley didn’t quite know what to do.


Her mind wasn’t working. Inch by inch, they shuffled towards the door. There wasn’t much time. She had moments, seconds perhaps. She’d come so far, and now she didn’t want to give up. Even if she was going to die, it wouldn’t happen without a fight. This was her final chance to win back control from the guy who forced her to be on the run for years. She’d spent her life being chased, and now he caught her, but she still had some choices.


Just for a second, her gaze met Chance’s, and then she looked away. She could smell fear on Wesley. He was scared, and in this frightened state, he could do anything. And yet, she didn’t have an option but to do her best to get out of this alive. Wesley kept his eyes trained on Chance as he walked past. When they reached the door, he expelled a breath. Obviously, he had been expecting Chance to try something.


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