Cadence Reflection (Wheels & Hogs Book 2) (5 page)

Doc looks confused, “What the hell are you talking about, Des?” I get up and go to the office to grab all the folders off my desk, returning to the sofa with my hands full.

Placing them on the table, I tell Doc, “Take a minute and look at what I have so far. This isn’t just an idea, Doc. I have a lot of time invested in this.” 

Doc grabs a file and starts to look through it. Shocked at what he finds, he grabs another, and then another, looking through each and every one. When he’s finally finished, he looks at me, eyes full of tears that he is desperately trying to hold back, “Oh my God, Des. What the fuck have you been up to, and why?”

I take a moment before I reply, “Doc, I know what it feels like to lose your world. When my parents were killed, it changed the entire direction of my life. I have always admired, and even envied at times, your relationship with Fern. You two define what is to be a couple, a team that’s in a relationship and still madly in love. Shit, everyone can see it and have experienced your love in one way or another. When your clinic was up and running, the way you two worked together for the better of the less fortunate was simply humbling. Since Fern started her fight with cancer, not once have you asked me for special privileges because of her sickness. You show up for your scheduled hours and do the work with no complaints. I can’t image the pressure you feel all day, every day, but I want to help in any way that I can. In the next day or so, I will be bringing this to the crew at Wheels and Hogs. You know, better known as our fucked up extended family?” We both bark out a short laugh, “I need help, and with the shop’s help, including the kids, we will be able to get this going a lot quicker than me trying to do this alone.” 

This time when Doc looks at me, he’s not even trying to hold back the tears, “Desmond, I have no words that could even come close to expressing how much this means to me. No one has ever done anything like this for me in my entire life. To know that you care that much about my Fern fills my heart with hope. What are your plans, and do you want me to tell Fern about this? Knowing my wife, as we both do, she’ll be overcome with your show of love and support.” 

I shake my head, “First let me talk to the crew, and then you can bring Fern in if she’s up to it. Everyone would love to see her.”

We continue our conversation, looking over all that had been accomplished already, taking a few hours to do so. Doc gets up and heads to the door. He turns and grabs me, pulling me in for a man hug, telling me, “Thank you isn’t enough, but that’s all I have.”

“Don’t thank me, dude. Let’s see what we can come up with,” This gets a small laugh out of Doc, “You okay to drive, Doc?” 

He nods his head as he moves through the front door, “I’ve got to get back to Fern. I’m feeling hopeful all of a sudden and I need to hug and tell her how much I love her. I’ll see you at the shop, Des.”

My thoughts go to all the changes I see in the near future. Between this endeavor to help Doc and Fern, there is my concern about Cadence’s current path in life, or lack thereof.  Something is bothering him and I have no idea what it could be. He has this constant look of worry and confusion, which with this kid never leads to anywhere good.

On top of all of that, I’m worried about the obvious crush Willow has for Wolf, who seems to be blind to the entire situation. I know a little bit about Wolf and from what I know, this combination just spells disaster. Sooner or later, Willow will make her feelings known for Wolf and that will become an issue in the shop. Not to mention all the other employees with their issues, secrets, and just their lives in general.

After Doc leaves, I put all of the files back in the office. In a few more weeks, I’ll get this Charity Ride ready to bring to the table. It’s time to get everyone on board.

Chapter 6
~ Trinity ~

look at my reflection in the mirror, smiling. All my hard work paid off.  My hair is curled at the ends, shining down my back. The light make up I applied makes my eyes stand out, and the gloss on my lips makes them look fuller. The dress I’m wearing is borrowed from one of my co-workers. It’s a deep purple wrap dress. It accents my figure while leaving something to the imagination. The V-neck shows a bit of cleavage and the hem is a couple of inches above the knee.  I have on a pair of silver pumps that match my jewelry.

Tonight is going to be special, I can feel it. Cadence asked me to go to dinner and then out for a drive.  I know what that means. I’m both anxious and nervous, but I can’t deny that Cadence is everything I would want in a man.  Attractive, funny, quick witted, and always up for anything.  We have done some really fun stuff over the last couple of weeks like paint balling, bumper cars, the movies, and not to mention, dancing and karaoke.

The more time we spend together, the deeper my feelings grow.  We have these amazing and intense make out sessions that have led to some interesting moments for me, since this is all so new to me.  My body starts to heat up just thinking about some of things we’ve done together, like the night we were at his apartment and the making out turned into a groping session.  His huge hands covered and played with my breasts, which drove me wild. Then there was the time he unzipped his jeans, pulled out his pierced cock and showed me how he likes to be touched.  That night I was enthralled with that part of his body; how hard but smooth it was, and how it felt different in my hand from before. He showed me how to move my hand up and down hard, but not too hard, and then I remember feeling him get thicker as he released. I was fascinated as I watched it spurt out onto his stomach and my hand.

I push my hair out of my face, feeling a little light-headed and a bit wet between my legs. I’m amazed at finding and learning what my body likes with Cadence. He’s slowly showing me what it feels like to be touched the right way, kissed the right way, and handled in the right way. I understand now what you’re supposed to feel when you are with someone you choose and want to be with. I’m also starting to understand my own sexuality, even going as far as masturbating a couple of times and remembering how Cadence did it.  It doesn’t feel the same, but it allows me to figure out what I like and don’t like. 

He has never pushed me since that episode about a month ago on the side of the bar. He’s being patient with me, letting me find my own pace and going with the flow.  When we had gotten close, he told me that it was my choice.  I was still scared to death about taking that last step, but I was also really worked up. When he put his hand down my pants for the first time, I lost it.  Never having a man touch me like that, I had no idea what to expect and I came instantly, so when his fingers put pressure on my clit, I began to thrash around, not being able to control what my body was feeling. This happened a few more times after that in which he never said anything, but always looked at me strangely until finally one night, he asked, “What is the matter, baby?”

“I don’t know. It feels so... ticklish at first, but then it’s so intense. I can’t stop myself.”

“Trinity, have you ever had someone touch you like this?  Are you a virgin?” 

I immediately got upset but I sucked it up and only said, “I have been touched before, but never like you touch me. You make me want to enjoy it,” After that, I didn’t fight the feelings as his fingers not only played with my clit, but he began to slowly put one, then two fingers inside of me and the feeling was amazing.  He knew exactly what to do and a pressure built inside of me until I fell apart under his hands. I was becoming a huge fan of orgasms. 

Knowing my time is limited, I grab my purse and head out of the trailer, thankful my dad is again at the bar. Walking to the entrance of the trailer park and making my way a few streets down, I wait for my cab.  I didn’t want Cadence to see where I lived so I’m meeting him in town at the restaurant he picked.  I’m so excited because this is actually my very first date. 

Arriving before Cadence, I wait outside the restaurant, sitting on one of the benches watching as people go by.  As I look at the crowds, a voice to my left makes me look in that direction, “Wow. Look at little miss innocent all dressed up and all alone...”

Raising my eyes, I see Brandy and her mean girl clique. Deciding to ignore them, I look away, but this doesn’t deter Brandy from pressing on, “I hope you’re enjoying your time with Cadence because in no time at all, he’ll get bored and I’ll be on his cock and in his bed. It’s real comfortable place to fuck, that’s for sure. You do get what I’m saying, don’t you little girl?  To be clear, I have fucked, and sucked in every position you can think of with Cadence, and I will again. He loves pussy and he loves women, so don’t think you’re something special and he’s going to be your knight in shining armor.” 

A loud growl comes from behind me and before I can turn around, Cadence is in front of me, facing off with Brandy and her friends, “You truly are a jealous bitch! You keep your filth away from Trinity and don’t you ever talk to her like that again, do you hear me? You will never be back in my bed, I can promise you that, so all of you get the hell away from us − I said get the fuck away NOW!” 

By the end of Cadence’s rant, I’m shaking and tears are building up in my eyes as I struggle to hold them back. Feeling Cadence sit next to me, he pulls me into his side, “Baby, are you okay?  Please don’t listen to that spiteful bitch.” He drops his head to my forehead, “You knew I had a past but I promised you I wouldn’t sleep with anyone else if we were making a go of this, and I meant it, okay? Please don’t let the past get in the way of what we are trying to have right now.”

Trying to get myself together I realize that Cadence is right, so I grab his hand and smile, “I’m starving, so let’s go eat.” 

Cadence helps me to my feet, whistling as he takes in my outfit, “Damn, girl. You are one beautiful woman.”

We go off laughing together as we head into the restaurant.


This evening has been the best night of my life. We sat in a fancy restaurant talking, laughing and just being together. The food was amazing and Cadence ordered a bottle of wine to go with our food, which was excellent.  We shared stories of our lives, nothing deep or meaningful, as we both have secrets we aren’t ready to share, but we did talk about things like what we liked to do and what we would love to do.  Our conversation ran smoothly and effortlessly, as did the wine. I was feeling so good that when dinner ended and he suggested we go back to his place, I said yes.  Maybe tonight would be the night.

When we arrive at his apartment, it being above Wheels & Hogs where he works, I feel the change between us immediately.  I try to remain calm because I know now that I can trust Cadence.  He approaches me slowly, reaching for me and walking me to the couch. He lightly kisses my forehead and looks into my eyes as he asks, “Baby, are you okay?  You know I won’t do anything you don’t want to do.” 

Shaking my head, the alcohol gives me the liquid courage I need because I lean forward and start to kiss him. He responds immediately, kissing me back just as passionately while moving his hands to the front of my wrap dress to squeeze my breasts as I push into his hands.  Moaning into his mouth, I start to run my hands down his chest, feeling all the muscles that lead to the six pack narrowing to his V. 

Neither one of us feel the need to take our time as Cadence pushes the top of my dress off my shoulders, laying me back onto the couch and lowering his head to lick at my nipples through my pretty black and purple bra.  He pulls the bra down, pulling my breast up and over the bra cup and he begins to suck, bite, and lick until I begin whimpering loudly, but he doesn’t stop. He’s obviously figured out what a turn on it is for me when he does this to my breasts.  He continues to squeeze them while sucking as much as he can into his mouth while simultaneously licking my nipple. At this point, I’m screaming with need.

Knowing exactly what to do to me, he reaches lower and moves his hand under my dress, pushing past my panties to run his fingers over my clit. He starts to rub it in circles, then to my complete shock, he grabs it between his fingers and pinches it until my hips start to pump up into his hand. He stops and inserts two fingers into my wetness and begins to pump into me. I feel my walls grasping his fingers each time he goes to pull them out. I’m starting to lose it when he puts pressure on a spot that has me feeling like I’m peeing on myself, which I’m not, but it’s the most amazing feeling. I’m shamelessly pumping my pussy against his fingers, begging him to keep doing what he’s doing when I feel something running down my ass cheeks. 

“What was that, Cadence? That was... it was −

“It was an orgasm, baby. It’s the most intense orgasm a woman can have.” He then lifts his fingers from my body and slowly brings them to his mouth. He proceeds to clean my orgasm from his fingers and hand, never taking his eyes from me while he does this, “You taste so fucking sweet, Trinity,” As I start to blush, he reaches for my face, “Never be embarrassed, sweetheart. You have nothing to worry about.  This is all normal, and I’m truly enjoying this as you make me so fucking hard baby.”

Feeling shy and unsure, but still going with the liquid courage running through my body, I reach for the button of his jeans. Undoing the button, I unzip his zipper, all the while, running the back of my hand along his hard length. Reaching inside of his briefs, I take a firm grip of his cock, pumping my hand once down his pierced shaft, watching his eyes roll back as he relaxes, moving off me and onto his side.

“Shit, Trinity. I could blow in your hand right now, baby. Pump harder,” but instead I remove my hand and stand up. I watch as his look of confusion changes as I begin undressing myself in front of him. Once I’m completely naked, he looks at me as if I’m the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

Jumping up from the couch, he lifts me over his shoulder, taking me to the bedroom and none too gently, throws me on it. I watch as he begins removing his clothes, this time standing before me with the body of a Greek God. He reaches over to his dresser to pull out a condom and once he takes it out of its packaging, I watch him as he slowly slides it over his pierced cock and I begin to feel scared and excited. He must see it because he makes sure that it’s on securely and maneuvers me on the bed so he’s between my legs, on his knees looking down at me. Neither one of us say a word as he grabs his cock in his hand and begins moving up and down his shaft, smiling at me as I watch him. It is the sexiest thing that I have ever seen in my life, and I know there is no going back after this, and I’m okay with that.

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