Caging the Wolf (Snowdonia Wolves) (3 page)

Chapter Seven

Levi sat on the bench this time, sprawled as lazily as before, and his welcoming grin was a thing of beauty. “Sure is hard work having a conversation with you, Jess.”

He didn’t look put out, and I smiled back. I felt absurdly relaxed with him, as though I’d known him for ages, and it seemed natural to sit down on the bench at his side. He scooted closer, his arm brushing across my shoulders.

“So,” he rolled the word. “Boyfriend? Yes or no?”

“Persistent, much?”

“Where you’re concerned, babe, that’s my middle name.”

That was cute. I liked it. I decided to ask a few questions of my own. “How come I keep dreaming of you? And why do you keep asking about my, uh, status?”

He quirked his eyebrows. “I asked first.”

Maybe he was my subconscious trying to tell me to have the guts to talk to Jack, to flirt with him. I took a rapid breath, and smoothed my damp palms on my jeans. “There’s a guy I like.”

“Uh huh.” His fingers tapped a gentle pattern on the top of my arm. “And?”

“And I don’t know how to talk to him.”

“You’re doing just fine as you are.” His voice was silky, seductive and dangerous at the same time, and made the hairs on the back of my neck prickle.

“His name is Jack. And he’s never even noticed me.”

Levi went amazingly still. “Jack?”

“Okay, this is going to sound weird. I know you don’t exist, and so I can say anything to you, without getting embarrassed. I can use you for practice.” His eyes narrowed, but I pressed on. “I can pretend you’re Jack, and you can tell me how I do.”

There was a long pause, and then he rubbed his chin, as though thinking hard. “What’s he like? Jack. Why do you like him so much?” There he went, asking me a cluster of questions all at once again.

“He’s not as tall as you, and he’s fair, to your dark. He’s, uh, smart.”

Levi made a circling gesture with his fingers. “Smart dresser, or smart in the head?”

“Both.” Damn, this was difficult. “He’s popular. Attractive.”

After a moment, Levi’s fingers resumed their touch on my arm, stroking a gentle pattern, back and forth. “Ever kissed him?”

My cheeks heated. “No.”

“Dated him?”

My face burned, but I didn’t look away from his gaze. “No.”

He blinked, and his jaw softened, a tightness easing away. “Let’s start with a kiss.”

My heart stuttered and my mouth dropped open, before I realized and snapped it shut. “I don’t think, I mean, I’m not sure…”

“Don’t think,” he murmured, and leaned into me, impossibly close. His eyes sparkled. They were so bright, I wondered if I could see my reflection in them. “Shh. You’re thinking again.” He lifted his hand and brushed his thumb across my lower lip. I felt the shockwave down to my toes. “That’s better.”

There was that delicious forest and sea fragrance again, as he dropped his head and pressed the tiniest of kisses on the corner of my mouth. I just had time to draw a breath before he covered my lips with his own. Awareness flooded me, every nerve and cell in my body leaping to attention. He slanted his mouth, and the pressure increased on my lips. This wasn’t a kiss, it was a full body massage in disguise. I went limp, melting into his arms, wrapped tight around me. He kissed with precision, as dangerous and intoxicating as I’d imagined.

Then his tongue flicked against mine. I tasted green mint and something sweet, and I moaned, unable to hold the sound back. If I died now, I’d be happy.

All too soon, he withdrew. I was left gasping, my fingers clutching his T-shirt, and my brain in freefall. I didn’t remember moving my hands, but I hung on to him now with a death-grip. Speechless, I noted the satisfied smirk on his face.

I lifted shaking fingers to my lips. They felt bruised, but in a good way. I needed to say something, but all my words were jumbled in my head. If I tried to speak it would probably come out as a series of grunts, and so I stayed quiet.

Levi rubbed his stubbled cheek against mine and set a new fire raging in my nerve endings. When had stubble ever been so sexy? How would it feel if he went down on me? My panties dampened at the thought.

“How far is it to Snowdonia?”

His question could have been in Swahili for all the sense it made. I ran a cautious tongue over my lips and then cleared my throat. “Snowdonia? Umm, a hundred miles. I think.”

“Yeah.” He leaned back on the wooden bench, creating a space between us, and my hands fell to my lap. I wanted to pull him back, but I wasn’t sure I really had control of my body back yet. If I kissed him again, I wouldn’t be able to stop.

Levi chuckled, and gave my hair a playful tug. “You weren’t listening.”

He’d been talking? I blew out a breath and tried to concentrate. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“Can we go to Snowdonia? I’ve a friend who comes from there and I’d like to see it.”

Chapter Eight

A wave of sleepiness crashed over me, and I couldn’t hide my yawn. “Can’t you take us there? Like you took us to the Rimutakas?”

“Naw. I’ve never been to Snowdonia.” Lifting one hand, he cradled my cheek, and I rubbed against his palm. “You want to sleep, don’t you?”

I tried to deny it, but another yawn gave me away, and he smiled. “Come here, babe. Let me hold you.”

Other boyfriends had cuddled either when they wanted sex, or as a brief treat afterwards. Neither of them had wanted to just hold me, and so I grabbed the chance with Levi. Of course, since he only existed in my imagination, he
be perfect. Amazing to kiss, and fantastic to snuggle.

I burrowed into his warm embrace, and couldn’t help feeling sad. He was too good to be true. It’d be impossible to ever find a real guy like this.




The sound of the front door banging woke me, and I sat up in bed, trying to figure out where I was. My old bedroom? Yes, I was home.

“Jessie?” My dad’s voice rose up the stairs and I scrambled to my feet. I knew as soon as Charlie saw me, he’d bound up the stairs to greet me, only he didn’t. Dad stood in the entrance hall, one hand on the banister, peering up, with Mum next to him. As I trotted down the stairs, I looked for my dog.

“Come here, Jessie-Bell.” Dad swept me into a giant bear-hug. “We’ve missed you, little girl.”

I hugged him back. “Lovely to see you, Dad, but where’s Charlie?”

“He’s here.” Mum beamed at me.

I stared at my hound. Sitting on the mat by the front door, he cocked his ears and gave me his usual doggy grin, but didn’t leap forward, didn’t try to knock me over. His tail thumped, but in a subdued fashion, as though it was just too much effort. He was thinner than I remembered, his once-black muzzle now completely grey.

When I crouched, he licked my hands with all his usual enthusiasm, and slowly stood. Every movement looked stiff. I’d been gone a year, but my dog looked as though he’d aged ten.

“What’s up with him?” I tried to keep the panic from my voice.

Mum came to fondle his soft ears. “He’s getting old, love. Arthritis, bit of kidney trouble. He’s seventeen now.”

I thought back to all the phone calls, the skype sessions. “You never said he was ill. You didn’t tell me.”

“No sense in you rushing home.” Dad ruffled my hair. “It was your time to spread your wings. You’re back now, and he’s still here.”

I buried my face in Charlie’s ruff. Dad was right, but it nagged at me. What else had changed while I was away?




After dinner, I headed for the pub to catch up with my friends. Becca’s parents owned the Bluebell, at the end of the street, and she’d spent as much time there as I’d spent in Dad’s shop. As soon as I walked in, she ran to me and squealed in delight, abandoning the pint she’d been pulling. It felt good to sit down at our usual table with Becca, Clare and Neil.

I smiled at my friends. We’d been in a group on the first day of primary school, and had stuck together. Clare and Neil had been a couple since they were thirteen, and they were all like the siblings I’d never had.

“It’s great to have you home again, Jess.” Becca touched my arm. “Your face is so tanned. Are you like that all over?”

“It was the middle of summer in New Zealand. I wore shorts and T-shirts most of the time.” I was glad of my thick fleece jacket now though, the change in seasons was as difficult to adjust to as the jet lag.

“Uh oh. Don’t look right.” Clare leaned into me and murmured in a low voice. “We have company.”

“Well, the wanderer returns at last.” I glanced up from my drink to see Jack Harper, with his usual wingman, Toby. Jack’s blue eyes were dull compared to Levi’s, but his smile was as confident. And what was I doing thinking about Levi? He wasn’t real.

“Mind if we join you?” Jack tugged a chair to the table and sat, without waiting for an answer, claiming the space next to me.

Toby grabbed another chair, but hesitated when the only space left was next to Becca. She glared at him, but scraped her seat across the floor to make a little more room, before turning back to Neil. I was aware of the body language byplay from my best friend, but most of my attention was on Jack, the object of my lust for so long.

My hair was short now, I’d shed loads of weight while travelling, and I
I looked my best. Would he finally see me?

Maybe yes. “Looking good, Jess. Welcome home.” He took a swig of his bottled beer and grinned across the table at Toby, sitting stiff-backed next to Becca. “There’s been some changes while you’ve been away.” His voice was for me alone. “I can bring you up to speed later, if you like?”

This was unprecedented. I fought to keep the smile from my face, to play it cool. “Sure. What did you have in mind?”

“I’ve got tickets to the opening of a new club in town. Tomorrow night, you and me. What do you say?”

Chapter Nine

Jack didn’t stay long in the pub, and I was still suffering from jetlag, and longing for my bed. A few hours later, when I finally sank into sleep, it was no surprise to find myself with Levi again. A lazy grin lit up his face when he saw me, and he patted the space next to him on the bench. I didn’t have the energy to resist. It seemed entirely natural for his arm to drape around my shoulders, and for me to lean into him, my head nestling into the crook of his neck.

After a moment’s hesitation, I rested one hand on his cobble-like abs. His chest was equally hard and muscled, and it should have been impossible to find comfort lying on him. Apart from his T-shirt, he wasn’t soft anywhere. It felt right though, and when his fingers curled over my arm, pulling me closer, I let out a breath I hadn’t realised I was holding.

I felt comfortable with Levi. Safe.

“What did you do tonight? Anything fun?” A hint of minty breath washed over me when he spoke.

“Dinner with my folks, then the pub with my friends.” I smiled, remembering Becca’s awkwardness. If I didn’t know her better, I’d think she had a thing for Toby. “Jack was there. He’s asked me to a club tomorrow night.”

Levi’s arm tightened a fraction. “You going?”

“What do you think? And besides. I haven’t been clubbing for ages.”

“Uh huh. Did you go to Mighty Mike’s while you were in Wellington?”

I frowned. The name was familiar. “Don’t think so. What’s it like?”

“As long as you don’t go to sleep on me, I can take you there now. Wanna go?”

I forced my drooping eyelids open, and sat up a little. “Sure.”

The world changed. From a brightly lit shopping mall to a dark cave in the blink of an eye.
The noise.
Fast, furious and energized, rock guitars and a wailing singer filled my eardrums. Rainbow-coloured strobe lights flashed and darted, and strange fragrances assaulted me. Sweet, like cannabis, but more potent, the smell made the blood zing in my veins.

“Wanna dance?” Levi’s lips brushed my ear, and I nodded. We’d materialized on a handkerchief of a dance floor, already crowded with other rockers, but a space opened up, and we moved closer to the band. The lead singer tossed his mane of white-blond hair in time to his guitar riffs, and fascinated, I watched.

Levi took a position behind me, his arms around my waist, his chin on my shoulder. “Fuckin’ love this song.” His voice rumbled into my ear and we began to move to the rhythm.

I’d never danced quite like this before. Slow dancing with a guy was completely different. This was vigorous, sweaty and oh-my-god sexy. The bass beat echoed through my blood, the drum pounding a tattoo inside my head. I rubbed shamelessly against Levi’s hard body and felt his even harder erection bumping my ass.

I knew if I turned around, I could kiss him again. I’d been scorched by him last time; I’d be incinerated if we kissed again. It would be worth it.

The music slowed, the heady swirl gentling to an almost-ballad, and Levi held me close, hot breath on my neck and his teeth nibbling my earlobe. The rush of damp in my panties was unbidden. I’d never been so turned on. Was it something in the atmosphere? The cannabis-like smell? Or just the enticing combination of pumping rock music and the hottest guy I’d ever met?

Levi slid one hand beneath my shirt, his fingertips searing my stomach. If he hadn’t been holding me, I’d have fallen to the floor. “I want you, Jess.” His hand dipped beneath the waistband of my jeans, confident and utterly possessive. His words intoxicating. “If we weren’t surrounded by a crowd of people, I’d show you just how much.”

I wanted to play, to tease him back, and so I ground against his hard-on, enjoying his groan as it vibrated through me. “Is that right? What do you think I’d let you do?”

His voice was a growl in my ear. “I’d pop the button on your jeans.” His thumb flicked at the metal fastening. “Slide down the zip, one tooth at a time.” I bucked against his hand, my hips taking a mind of their own. In response, he slid his other hand to cup my suddenly aching breast. Both nipples firmed at the touch, both wanting attention.

I gasped, but then found my voice. “And then? How far would you go?”

“You wanna play with a wolf, baby? We play hard.”
? Was he in a gang? He continued, before I had time to process my thoughts. “Then, Jess, I’d slide my hand into your panties and finger you until you came apart in my arms.”

A cascade of erotic images flooded my mind. I’d no doubt he could do that. I knew I’d let him. Here, on a busy dance floor, in downtown Wellington…Hang on. This was just a dream.

I’d been so wrapped up in his words,
his touch
, I’d forgotten he didn’t exist outside my imagination. Disappointment lined my mouth with a bitter taste.

As though he recognised my confusion, Levi spun me to face him, and cupped my cheeks with both hands. The blue eyes seemed to glow in the dim lighting, and I stared, fascinated. “Before all that, I’d kiss you senseless.”

The kiss was hard, dominant, and confident. I hung onto him for dear life, unable to think of anything but his lips and tongue, the hands gently holding my face. The utter possession of his moves.

When he lifted his head, I whimpered, bereft at the loss of contact. “When you go dancing with your boy tomorrow, remember how you danced with me, how I made you melt.  You’re mine, Jess.”

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