Read Cain's Darkness Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Cain's Darkness (10 page)

“Pussy ass motherfucker,” the guy currently bleeding out of his nose said and chuckled.

“Dude, shut the hell up and just back off,” one of his friends said.

Her eyes widened fractionally as she watched the man swing out at Cain, but her biker grabbed the fist, twisted the man’s arm back until he cried out in pain, and then Cain slammed his fist into the guy’s face until he fell on his ass.

“When a woman says back off, you do just that, motherfucker,” Cain said and spit on the ground beside the groaning man on the pavement. Cain turned and faced the four friends, but they were smarter than their buddy, held up their hands in surrender, and moved over to the guy on the ground. They hauled his ass up, and she heard the distinct sound of sirens in the background.

“We need to go. Someone called the cops.”

Cain faced her, walked over to her in three fast steps, and wrapped his arms around her in a fierce hug. “You’re okay, sweetheart?”

She nodded against his chest, but didn’t want to speak or have a long conversation about this here. They needed to get going or Cain would be tossed in jail if the ones that called the cops identified him. The other five men were already leaving. Once Cain had her on the back of his bike, straddled the machine, and grabbed her arms to wrap around his waist, they were off. She closed her eyes and tightened her hands together, knowing that Cain was not a man that solved his problems by trying to talk things out. He handled things with his fists and with violence. Although Violet wasn’t the type of person that liked to watch violence play out, she loved Cain, knew he was like this, and would never change, and she was okay with that. He did what he did to protect the ones he loved, and how could she be upset because of that?

Chapter Thirteen


They had been riding for the last half hour, but were still in River Run. Cain was just riding round, taking his time in getting to the clubhouse where they were all gathering for a big dinner. Violet was nervous, scared about what the other members would say once they saw that she and Cain were actually together. She was his old lady, and she knew that nothing short of death could change that. Violet wasn’t going to think about anything but what her future held, because worrying about her past wouldn’t have anything moving forward. Violet felt free, and rested her hands behind her, holding onto the leather seat of his bike. She may not be holding onto Cain any further, but this small bit of freedom made her feel like the world wasn’t as grim as it had been in the past. With her eyes closed she tilted her head back and breathed in deeply. Being like this felt as if she were flying, as if nothing tethered her to the world and she could just float away without any worries, and have her man by her side. God, she loved him, and he loved her, and she didn’t think anything could bring her down.

“I feel so safe with you, so free and right,” she said the words softly, not knowing if he heard her, or if she wanted him to, but she knew he did when he grabbed her hands. He held them in a tight grasp in his much bigger one.

“You should, because I’ll always protect you, always keep you by my side.”

She’d always have a tarnished past that had shaped a part of her, and although she never let the rape hold her down, or create the person she was today, it was her strength and knowing that inside she was stronger than all of that, that she could rise above it, that made her get through it. Would she always hold that inner scar of what Carl had done to her? Yes, but it wasn’t who she was. Cain didn’t help create the phoenix inside of her that had risen from the ashes of her destruction, but he was the man that had helped her, undeniably, to see that she could have what she wanted, could be who she wanted.

They were ten minutes from the clubhouse, and when Cain pulled the Harley to a stop at a set of lights, waiting for them to turn green, the sounds of Harleys filled her head. She looked over his shoulder and saw a row of motorcycles turning off of Main Street. She knew the MC that was riding right in front of them, had met The Grizzly MC and their old ladies over the years. Jagger and Sonya were leading the row of bikers, the president of the club nodding toward Cain. Brick, the Sergeant at Arms, and his woman Darra were next, and Violet could see the nasty looking scar on the man’s face. Diesel and Maggie were next, Stinger and Molly after them, Court and Lilly, and the final couple, Dallas and Hope, rode behind everyone else. But the last bike to lead the MC train was Drevin’s, the only Grizzly MC member that didn’t have an old lady. The crew headed toward Steel Corner, their hometown and stomping grounds, and Cain started driving again. The ride was peaceful, and had content filling her. This was perfection, and she knew that although her life had been scarred, and Cain’s life wasn’t anything perfect, together they were whole.


The energy at the clubhouse was strong, and the positive emotions running through everyone and surrounding Cain made him feel whole, at least for right now. He had his woman by his side, a belly full of food, and people he loved all around him. They had finished eating an hour ago, and the fact that his brothers in arms had embraced them as a couple, and took in Violet as Cain’s old lady, cemented the bond everyone had.

The clubhouse was a safe haven, a retreat and bunker, and had been Cain’s home when he wasn’t with Fallina. This was where he had forged a blood bond with his brothers, patched up his wounds, and shared stories of death, destruction, and also of hopes. He stared around the long banquet style table that had been erected in the center of the main floor at the clubhouse. Tatum, a one-time club pussy who was now strictly a kind of den mother to everyone, had prepared yet another family style meal. This was the first time since he had been out of prison that he had been with everyone at the club, and shared a home cooked dinner. He felt good, really fucking good, and for once there was a bigger sliver of light coming through his darkness.

Cain looked at Tatum, who was sitting over by Pierce and Rook. She smiled at him when she saw him staring at her. She was older, but so fucking sweet and kind to them all, looking after them and cleaning up their messes. He leaned back in his seat, and put his arm around Violet. She leaned into him right away, and he inhaled deeply, loving that just the scent of her could calm him like nothing else. He looked at his woman, loved that she was relaxed, calm, and right at home. This was her family, too, had been since she’d been a teenager. He looked at Lucien and Callie, the president of their club and his old lady. Kink sat beside Callie, the older club member perfectly at ease with his daughter being with the man that ran their club with an iron fist. Cookie, Kink’s old lady, sat beside the biker, her smile wide as she spoke with Adrianna, who was sitting across from them. Tuck, Rook, Ruin, and even Pierce were all in easygoing moods, enjoying this one moment where shit wasn’t hitting the fan.

Lucien, Kink, and Malice were the only members that were claimed, or more aptly the only men in the club that had claimed an old lady … until now. Cain had a woman of his own now, one that he loved so fucking much. He just wished Fallina could have been able to come tonight, but his daughter was always in his thoughts, and would always be under his and the club’s protection. Violet looked happy amongst the roughened bikers, and he was glad that his woman had found the comfortable ease with these rough and tough bikers.

There were club girls helping clean up, and he watched as Tuck stared at Jana, the woman that wasn’t fucking the single club members, but staying at the clubhouse until she got back on her feet. He wondered if Tuck would be the next to find his happiness, or if he’d go through life fucking his way through sweet-butts and living dangerously.

“I love you,” Violet said softly, right by his ear, and he glanced at her.

“And I love you, baby girl.”

She smiled, and he couldn’t help the way his cock jerked at the way she looked so fucking seductive. He was such a damn fiend for her that he couldn’t even control himself for two fucking hours.

The longer he stared at her, the more he wanted her. He couldn’t help it, couldn’t help the way he felt. “I need you, baby. I need you right fucking now,” he said low, so only she heard. “I need inside of you.” He heard her gasp, and he smiled, loving that she was just as affected as he was.

He’d be gentle, and touch her so she knew that this wasn’t just about sticking his dick in her and getting off. It would never be about that. He loved her, had loved her for a long time even if he’d never allowed himself to realize it, to accept it. Cain wanted her to be right there with him, to
what he was doing to her and know it was because he cared. He wanted her to know that she was his world. Cain thought about all he wanted to do to her. He wanted her breath to coast along his sweat soaked skin, wanted her nails to be deep in his flesh as she held on while he slowly pushed inside of her and knew he loved her irrevocably. His breathing started to increase as those images played through his mind. Everything else just faded in the background.

Violet still watched him, and he noticed the subtle changes in her that alerted him to the fact she was growing aroused. “Let’s get out of here,” he said, grabbed her hand, and hauled her out of the chair. “We’re out of here,” Cain said to the club, and heard the laughter of the other members as he hauled his woman out of there and back to a place he could be with her fully. This was his woman, and he was going to show her that in every conceivable way.


Cain hadn’t meant to be forceful with telling Violet he wanted her outside of the club. But seeing her sitting there, feeling her body heat, and scenting the arousal coming from her, had something primal snapping inside of him. To say he’d hauled ass to her place was an understatement.

As soon as they were at her place, he had her hand in his and took her down the hallway in steady, yet fast steps. He slammed the door shut behind them once in her room, and stared at the woman that was his. Cain was running on pure adrenaline, endorphins, and testosterone right now. He looked at her face, and her glorious fucking body, and his dick jerked. When she lowered her gaze to his groin area her eyes widened. He knew what she looked like beneath those clothes, wanted to tear the material from her damn body and feast on her, and knew he would need to control himself. She might be happy, pleasured, and feel safe in his arms, but that didn’t mean Cain wanted to rush her into the rough sex he liked. Hell, he didn’t think he could have that kind of sex with her, not because he didn’t want to, but because he was afraid.

“You look feral right now, Cain,” she said in a breathy voice. Her nipples were hard, stabbing through her shirt, and his mouth watered to taste them. Cain was manic for her, ready to throw her on the bed, push into her fast and hard, and bring them the pleasure until their fucking would cease and only they existed.

He stalked forward, saw the surprised, yet excited look in her eyes, and spun her around so her back met the wall. He panted against her neck, smelling the scent of everything that was all her filling his head. Cain lifted his head and stared into her eyes. There were no words he could say right now that would effectively tell her that she meant everything to him, and that he was done trying to hold himself back. It was useless doing that, because his mind and body knew what they wanted, and that was Violet.

“You make me so fucking hot, baby, make me want to act like some kind of beast when I’m around you.”

“I want that,” she breathed out, then moaned.

To emphasize his point he pressed his erection into her belly and she moaned louder. “I’m going to make you feel so fucking good, baby. I am only ever going to make you feel good, happy, and loved.” He meant that, meant the whole love comment, because this was his woman, a woman he shouldn’t want, but did with all of his cold, blackened, and outlaw heart. She started scissoring her thighs together, and the scent of her desire filled him. He closed his eyes, inhaled deeply, and let out a growl. He hoped he didn’t frighten her with the almost animalistic sound.

“You’re so damn hot for me. I can smell it, can see it, and know you want it bad. Don’t you, baby, don’t you want me to take care of you good?”

She licked her lips nice and slow, but he knew she wasn’t being a tease. In a way she was so innocent and all his.

“Yeah, I know you do, Violet. You don’t have to say anything because I can see it in your face and the way you reach for me when I’m near.” Cain took her mouth in a hard, almost painful kiss. It was good and rough, and the fact she surrendered to him, gave all of herself over without hesitation, had him knowing she was the one for him. This was going fast, was so passionate, and so fucking hot.
was so fucking hot, and all his. He made quick work of getting their clothes off, of touching her body, and running his hands over every square inch of her flesh. Her nipples were stiff and begged for his attention. Her tits were big and round, and his mouth watered for a taste. Yeah, he wanted her badly, and was about to take care of that right now. Cain was a patient man when the time called for it, but when it came to Violet all of that patience went right out of the fucking window.

His cock was hard as steel, and he reached down and gripped the length. He didn’t try to hide it. In fact, he went slowly so she could watch. Cain pictured her spread out naked on the bed, legs wide open as he thrust his dick in and out of her welcoming heat. His cock strained forward at the image. Fuck, he wanted that now, and was about to have it. Her legs were long, but not thin and boney. He liked that she had some meat on her, and she was shaped like a woman. Her pussy had a small, inverted triangle of trimmed black curls. He let his gaze go higher. Slightly rounded belly, gorgeous curved hips, and tits that could bring him to his knees were right in front of him. She was the picture of health and sexuality.

“Come here, baby girl.”

She swallowed, and moved closer. He was a dominant man by nature, had to be because of the life he led, but she was receptive, giving everything that was Violet Wings. When she stood right before him he placed his hands on her shoulders, caressing her flesh. A moment passed where they just stared at each other, but then she surprised the hell out of him by sinking to her knees. For a second all she did was stare at his cock, and that was almost as good as her touching it.

“I want every part of you, Cain.”

His heart thundered, his palms started to sweat, and he swallowed roughly. “Why don’t you take hold of my dick and suck on it, baby?” He took a chunk of her hair behind her head, not painfully, and led her closer to his cock. “Go on, baby,” he said in an almost strained voice. Keeping his voice low, coaxing, he held his breath when she leaned forward but kept eye contact with him. Her small, tempting pink tongue came out and swiped across the head of his dick. That was the beginning of the end, because all he could do was close his eyes and lose himself in the feel of the gentle suctioning of her mouth, the steady movement of her tongue, and the way she used her hand to stroke the length of his shaft she couldn’t reach with her mouth. Over and over she moved her mouth along his dick, bringing him closer to completion. Gritting his teeth to hold off the inevitable, Cain knew he needed to stop her or he’d come in her mouth, and that was not what he wanted. A harsh grunt left him when she hollowed out her cheeks.

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