Call of the Dark (Dark Paranormal Steamy Monster Encounter) (6 page)

     She landed with a squat and dropped her flashlight. Scrambling for it, she found it and looked around the cavern she dropped into.  In the far distance, she could see a faint light.  She went towards it and rounded the corner.  Faint phosphorescent mosses in light pastel colors of green, pink and orange decorated the walls of the next large cavernous room.  She heard the steady drip of water from the overhanging stalactites as she passed by them.  Passing into another room again, it became much darker as the glowing mosses dissipated.  Dark winged figures appeared from the overhanging rocks jutting out from the walls and ceiling and started their climb down to meet her.  She was not afraid.  Dozens of hands touched her and garbled voices mumbled as she passed by them, going forward to the next room.  When she entered it, she noticed the glowing mosses in the room were arranged into strange swirling shapes and patterns.  At the center of the room, stood the largest member of the colony.  His wingspan encircled his enormous body, and at her arrival, unfurled with a force that snapped the wind through her hair.  He was tall, dark as slate, and hard with muscles that ripped through every inch of his flesh that bulged out of his body.  Grey eyes matched her gaze and pierced her to her core.  He sensed her coming, as the murmurs of her presence reached his earshot and the scent of her wafting through the chambers enticed his arousal.  She was his focus.  He was the alpha and he was waiting for her.  She walked up to him, intrinsically drawn to him.  She was enthralled by him, from the initial bite that first inflamed her blood, followed by their saliva that accelerated her lust and concluding with the liquid expanses that shot through her, consumed her and cemented her bond to them.  He was what her melded blood called her for, what her body demanded of her.  As the physical awareness of him reached her body, a carnal heat flared up and shot through her blood as she reacted to how close she was to him.  She heard him give a low rumble of sexual desire as he watched her approach him. Standing in front of him, she slowly took off her clothing as his eyes held her naked form in rapt attention.  She looked down to see his immense rigid penis.  It was long, and had a much wider rounded enlargement at the base, narrowing slightly nearer to the tip.  It glistened with a wet coating of erogenous fluid and thudded to a steady beat of its own in anticipation.  She spread herself wide and eased onto him. A deep growl of pleasure arose from him as she sank down to bury him to the hilt.  At the root of his shaft, she felt the enlarged part at the base securing her sex to his, holding her fast, as it thrummed her clit, sparking electric thrills up her spine.  She reached up and touched his chest.  It was smooth, like Florentine leather.  The tie that bound them pulsed strongly against her delicate inner folds, sending shivers of exhilaration shooting to her boundaries.  Strong burly arms supported her by the back and shoulders while she leaned back into the wings that folded back over them, encircling the entangled pair from the crowd that gathered around them.  The wings were soft, with a texture like microsuede against her bare skin as she reclined against them to grasp the extended forearm of each one.  The first tidal rush of his seminal fluid erupted inside her, causing her eager responsive body to lurch into its first round of orgasmic peaks.  She felt the cock thicken and engorge at the haft, ripple and bulge down her intimate tunnel as it swelled and expanded to her center and burst with a potent erotic pressure.  With each heavy volley that flowed and poured into her, she used every ounce of energy to contort and constrict herself against the thick rod.  The male groaned, feeling the inner grip on his shaft increase as she milked each gushing round out of him with feverish intensity.   She heard his masculine breathing turn ragged as the beat emanating from his pulsating member increased in strength and momentum.  Her body rocked backwards from the force of pressure as each trapped eruption stormed through her and pushed her against his outstretched wings.  Climax built onto climax as her needy chasm was again pushed apart, filled and drowned in his liquid heat.  A deep resonant growl escaped him as he finished and came with a savage force, ramming a stroke that propelled one last volume of his molten seed into her.  The base that anchored her to him and massaged her clit pressed once more into the soft yielding cleft with a final crowning stroke.  She flew apart one last time, collapsed and slumped against his wings.  While she relaxed against him, he grabbed her tightly in his arms, and stretched his wings out.  She felt the rush of upward motion and the feeling of being lifted by him in the air as he flew upwards to a rocky ledge where he laid her outstretched exhausted body to rest.  There he sat with her, watching his new mate as she slept. 

҉  ҉  ҉

     She lay there, slumbering for days.  She had no need of food; her body was in a dormant state, preparing itself.  The alpha male left her ledge occasionally and returned to see if she had awakened.  When she finally roused herself, she was in a dozy, dreamlike state.  The rock ledge was hard and unforgiving on her tired body.  She would need to rest more.  Slowly, instinctively, she started weaving.  Her body changing, she extracted the silk forming under her nails and began the building.  The others helped.  Soon, her chrysalis would be complete, harden around her and her metamorphosis would begin.  She would become one of them.  And as she rested within, she dreamed of her future, and was content.



If you enjoyed this book, below is a link to my other book with a free preview!!  Thank you for reading!!

All Hail the Tentacle!


“Welcome disciples,” began the leader behind the pulpit, “To this blessed day, when two pure virgins will be offered as a token to our Great God, of who we are not worthy to be in His Presence.”

     “Did he say virgins?” Cindy turned and asked to Tessa. They both started to laugh.

     “SILENCE!  I now begin the incantation to summon forth our God.  Tremble before His great power as He makes himself known,” spoketh the Dumbledork.

     The leader started mumbling louder and waving his hands.  A low rumble emanated from the inky black chasm between the stone slabs.

     “They think we’re virgins,” parroted Tessa as they continued their giggle-fest.

     “We’re not virgins,” Cindy simply alerted to the leader, “So you can let us go now.”

     The leader turned sharply to Cordelia.  “Is this true?  You are presenting to our most Holy One a tainted offering?”

     Cordelia looked flustered.  “They said no men,” she whispered meekly as she looked back to both of the confined girls nervously.

     “That means shit.  We just meant that we dropped the sausage off the menu.  Doesn’t mean we never tried it.  Right Cindy?”

     “Yes.  I called my Special Time:  The Prom,” Cindy said with a snicker.

     “Hear that Great and Wonderful God?  THEY’RE LYING.  NOT VIRGINS.  Love the penis.  Luurrve it.  Just sometimes, not what it’s attached to,” yelled Tessa as she leaned her body in the direction of the hole.

     Cindy also made her modest contribution.  “Hope you like some very sloppy seconds!” she chidingly remarked to the abyss in the floor.

     The leader looked angrily at Cordelia.  “If this is true, you will be punished.  Our great and All-Knowing God will show us the truth.”

     Cordelia hung her head down in shameful fear.

     The leader continued with the chanting.  He lifted his head again to speak.  “To our All Powerful God of the Darkness, we offer you these concubines!  May you find them most pleasing to satiate your lust for earthly desires!”

     “What the hell?”  blurted out Cindy.

     “What do you think they want with us?” asked Tessa.

     “It sounded like this God wants to mate with us,” Cindy replied, with more calm in her voice than she herself predicted.

     As Cindy was talking, a long thick tentacle slithered out of the darkness towards her.

     “Hey asshole, I’m not really into Inter-Species romance.  The dinner was great, but not being human is a big deal breaker for me.”  Cindy chuckled to herself at the cleverness of her statement.  And then again realized, Boy, she was still really on those drugs.  Big Time.

     “Our God is not an animal.  It exists on a higher plane of Being.  What you see below you is a portal to a realm that dominates ours. It is a Supreme Entity that surpasses humanity in every way.”

     “Except when it needs a cheap Intergalactic gang bang,” Tessa argued, “Tell your Slut Monster to go home.”

     A second tentacle, obviously not listening to Tessa’s hurtful rejection, advanced further towards Tessa’s exposed groin.  Her opposition was soundly noted by the others in the room, despite her knowledge of its Supreme Being status, which would have been equivalent to at least owning a 401K and a garage full of Rolls Royces at the huge mansion it resided in, had it existed in the present world.

     Cindy watched with muted horror as the tentacle entered into Tessa and the other thick puckered tentacle slithered up the side of the rock she was attached to.  Tessa cried out and her body seized up as the arm twisted further inside her intimate crevice.

     Cindy nervously looked at the leader behind the pulpit.  “I’m not into Trans-Dimensional sex either.”

     “I AM!”  she heard Tessa shout from across the room.

     Cindy glanced over and was shocked to see a look of ecstasy wash over Tessa’s face.  Tessa was hard at work, pressing her body into the forceful undulations of the tentacle corkscrewing inside her.  Her hips thrusted up and her pert breasts with their hardened nipples poked into the warm air as Tessa grunted and sighed her way to an otherworldly denouement.

     Cindy jerked as she felt the tentacle touch her nether regions and enter her.  It wound its way into her and grasped the inside walls with its suckers and gripped her tight from within.  She felt the painful sting of its venom course through her blood as the massive throbbing arm filled her and stretched her in ways a good lesbian fisting could never accomplish.  The nervous tension in her body fell away as the poison changed from a stinging sensation into a light numbing that flipped on her internal libido switch.  Excruciating lust pulsed through her body as the tentacle weaved and rolled in her aching pussy, creating a thin layer of sweat on her skin that coated the cool rock slab beneath her. 

To read the rest of
All Hail the Tentacle!
, get it now from Amazon, free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers!!

Other books by Cassia Dureza:

Reckless Ride

Neighborly Advice

Broken in By Bikers

Perfect Wife Perfect Life




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