Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Rancher Buys a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (8 page)

When she’d parked in her garage and lowered the door, she gave a sigh of relief. She looked around to make sure no one was hiding behind a box or the other clutter. Once out of the car she sprinted to the back door and let herself in. She doubled-checked all the locks and didn’t remember until she went to the front door that she’d forgotten to have her lock changed.

Sinking into the soft cushions of her sofa, she covered her face with her hands. Her life had become a nightmare in a short period of time. Samantha would never believe her logical, always calm and prepared friend was falling apart.

* * * *

“Drake, there’s something going on here I don’t think you know about,” Brent said.

“Concerning Janice?”

“Yeah. She went to the police station after work then went back and parked across from her office. My guy followed her to a bar and grill. He stayed by the bar and then covered her as she walked alone to her car. It was after dark. He said she appeared anxious, dug in her purse, and pulled out a container that looked like pepper spray.”

“Did someone bother her?” Drake interrupted.

“No. She got in the car all right. Our guy had to stay a good distance from her, or she’d have seen him and panicked. He said she drove out of there like a maniac. He ran down the steps and saw her at the gate...”

“Was another car following behind her?” Drake interrupted and asked.

“No, but someone had written, ‘Die, Whore, Die,’ in big red letters on her windshield. She stopped at the gate to clean off the words, and my guy was able to get to his car and trail her home.”

“And he saw no one that appeared suspicious anywhere around?”

“Nothing obvious, but there was a good deal of traffic until they got on the outskirts of town. The guard at the house reported her turning on all the lights, and he’s pretty sure she was checking the front door locks.”

“Jack told her to get that one changed, but she probably hasn’t had time to do it.”

“Any idea who’s she afraid of?” Brent asked.

“None. She hasn’t indicated any problems.”

“Well, I have a bit of other bad news. Your car brakes were tampered with. I talked to the owner of the shop. He swears he was the only one to work on your car, and says all his staff has been with him several years, except one. I checked the new guy out. He transferred from another job in town to be closer to his home. Story appears to be solid, but we’re doing more researching on all of them.”

“And my house?”

“You knew the fire was caused by an unknown person. I know you thought you were the main target, and you didn’t want it to spill over to your lady. I think you’re wrong. She’s the target. Why the person or persons wants to hit at you, too, I’m not sure. How serious is this relationship?”

“This might be the one.”

“Ah, then my guess is someone else wants her for their own. And if he can’t have her, he’s going to make sure you both pay.”

“You can’t be right. I got the impression she’s been all work and no play for a long time.”

Brent didn’t comment except to add, “I suppose you want us to stay on this?”

“Right. I’ll try and clear out my business here in
quickly. Meanwhile don’t let her take a step alone. In fact, I think I’ll let her know about the guards. If I call her now, how soon can you be at her place?”

“I’m standing outside now with my man.”

“I’ll ring you back when it’s time to go to her door.” Drake clicked off and rang Janice.

“Hello?” Janice said.

Drake noted the caution in her voice. “How are things going, honey?”

“Drake, I’m relieved to hear your voice.”

“You don’t sound good. Is something wrong?”

“I’ve had a stressful Monday.”

“Want to tell me about it?”

“Not really. I’m trying to forget.”

“Janice, you know you can tell me anything. I’ll help you with any problem.” Drake glanced at the phone. Frustration seeped into every pore. He wanted and needed to be with her. Her tone told him she wasn’t all right. After what his brother had relayed, his concern for her safety had spiked.

“I appreciate the offer. Perhaps we can talk when you get back.”

“That might not be for several more days.”

“Believe me, you can’t help me from a distance.” Edgy irritation came across the phone lines.

“I’m closing out my business with the government. I can’t get out of the debriefing. I want to finish and not have to come back.”

“You’re quitting your job? Why?”

“Did you forget your ultimatum? Settle down, not be flying all over. I decided you were right.”

“Whoa, you’re serious?”

“Look we’ll talk about this later. I wanted you to know I hired guards to protect you. They’ve been outside your house and following you to work and all since you were taken home.”

“You what?”

“Let me finish. My brother, Brent, is right outside. This is his business, protecting important people. He’s going to introduce himself and assure you you’ll be protected until I can return and do it for you.”

“But it was your car and house that had problems.”

“Neither was an accident, and both times you were with me.”

“I wasn’t with you when the shelf fell.”

“True. I checked the bolts holding the edges tight to the wall. They’d been messed with. One or both of us are targets. Humor me and let my brother handle your safety.”

He waited, impatient to hear her accept his offer. She’d be protected whether she agreed on not, but he’d like to have her accept the help. They were more apt to be successful in protecting her if they didn’t have to hide from her and the bad guy, whoever he was.

“You think all this is necessary?”

“I do.”

“Okay, send your brother in. I’d like to meet him. I’m going to find out all your childhood secrets.”

Drake chuckled. “Not a chance. Brent is well trained to not talk. Good night, Janice.” He put down the phone and sat on the bed in his hotel room. He’d get out of here tomorrow. He’d call
to help with the deal on the land near his property. By tomorrow night, he’d be flying Janice to meet his parents and away from what was frightening her.

Chapter Six

Janice went to the door and peeked out when she heard the knock. A tall man with a definite resemblance to Drake held up his ID. She read his name before unlocking the door.

“Come in, Brent. I’m Janice.”

“Nice to meet you, Janice.” His slow smile was almost as seductive as his brother’s. He was about the same height, but broader, and his eyes were a light blue.

“What in the world did your mama feed you all to grow such big, handsome men?”

He grinned. “She made us eat lots of meat and all our vegetables.”

“Please sit.” Janice motioned to the large, leather lounge chair. “I’ll get us some iced tea.”

“If you don’t mind, I’ll join you in the kitchen.”

“Sure, if that’s what you want.”

Brent stepped around her when they entered the other room. He pulled her curtains shut. “Doesn’t help much. But keep them shut, and all your other curtains. No sense in making yourself an easy target.”

“A target?” Janice had opened the fridge to get the tea. She looked at him.

“Yes, a man with a high-powered rifle in the right position can blow someone’s brains out from quite a distance.”

Janice felt the blood leave her head. Brent jumped forward, grabbing her and the jug of tea.

“Sit, put your head between your legs.”

She collapsed into the nearest dining room chair and did as he said. Gradually, the darkness receded and her strength began to return.

“You certainly are blunt in your descriptions,” Janice said.

“Sorry. Mom always said I was too plainspoken.” He put her pitcher safely on the counter.

“She was right.”

“Look.” He knelt in front of her. “We know you’re frightened of someone. Your behavior today and the words on your car made it pretty obvious. And I suspect the message on your car wasn’t the first you’ve received from this person.”

“No, it wasn’t. I’ve been to the police. There are no clues to his identity.”

“You’re sure it’s a man?”


“All right. I’m going to wait and ask you more questions after Drake gets here. He called me after speaking with you and said no matter what, he’d be here by tomorrow afternoon.”

Relief washed over her. Brent looked to be competent and good at his job. Still she wanted Drake with her. She wanted him to wrap her in his arms. Maybe then she’d feel safe. Hopefully when this nightmare was finished, she’d be in good shape physically, and her heart wouldn’t be broken.

Brent had straightened and searched her cabinets. He found glasses and put ice in them. “Do you take sugar?” he asked, holding up her sugar bowl.

“No. Just a packet of the artificial sweetener on the counter, by the stove.”

The man moved around the kitchen with ease. “Is your brother as comfortable in the kitchen as you?” she asked.

“Mom made sure we’d never starve from not knowing how to cook.”

“She’s a woman I have to meet. I’m not sure my father ever knew where the kitchen was in our house.”

Brent shrugged. “Mom was a drill sergeant and taught us a lot of skills that have unexpectedly come in handy.” He sprawled his long frame in the chair opposite her. “I’m going to sleep on your couch in there.” He motioned his head toward the living room. “You’re tense, scared, and my guess is you’re not sleeping well. You can rest tonight. My man’s outside, and with me in here, he’d be a fool to come anywhere near you.”

“Thanks, but it’s really not necessary.”

“It is to Drake and me.”

“All right. I’m too tired to argue.” She stood and waited a second to be sure her legs were going to hold her. “See you in the morning. Help yourself to the coffee or any food you want in here.”

Janice closed her door, undressed and fell into bed. All this drama was very exhausting. She doubted she’d sleep even with Brent in the other room. She really didn’t know him.

When she heard the knock on her bedroom door, she jerked straight up in bed. Her heard pounded double-time.

“It’s me, Brent. I’m going to take coffee out to my guy. I thought you might have overslept.”

Brushing her hair out of her eyes, Janice looked at the clock. Eight!

“Thank you, I did. I’ll be leaving soon.”

She jumped out of bed and ran for the shower. Amazing, she had rested and felt much more herself. Evidently it didn’t matter whether the man was a stranger or Drake—she slept wonderfully. She’d tease Drake next time they met. She smiled at the thought. Her first real smile in several days.


* * * *

“I like her.”

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