Read Can't Stop Loving You Online

Authors: Lisa Harrison Jackson

Can't Stop Loving You (16 page)

Chapter 20

aycee stretched and yawned as she crossed over from sleep to consciousness. Ordinarily, she was bothered by the sunlight shining through her window, but not today. A satisfied smile spread across her face as she remembered her night with Kendrick.

She reached to the other side of the bed for his warm body and was surprised to find it empty. Her eyes popped open when her hand came in contact with the rumpled bedding where he had lain the night before.

Rolling onto her side, Kaycee looked toward the door to find him sitting in the chair across the room.

They exchanged warm smiles before she eased back down under the covers.

“What are you doing way over there?” she asked and beckoned for him to return to her. “Come back over here.”

“I was just watching you sleep,” he replied, lying down beside her. He pulled her against his chest.

He caressed her back. “I know you didn't think I'd left you.”

She shrugged. “I didn't know what to think.”

He stopped stroking to peer down at her. “Has that happened to you before?”

“It has,” she whispered with a nod.

“Tell me about it,” he replied, pulling her tighter in his arms as if to protect her from further pain. “I want to know everything about you.”

“Those are the kind of memories I prefer to forget,” she snorted.

“We should never regret our past,” he said. “Besides, now that we are going to start seeing each other, it's necessary that we clear up our pasts so we can move forward.”

She shrugged. “What would you like to know?”

“Has the situation with Paul soured your outlook on marriage and relationships?”

“I accepted our incompatibility long before we split. So I've had plenty of time to heal from the separation.” She looked up at him. “What about you? I know your wife passed a few years ago, but have you moved on from that yet?”

He hesitated before answering. What he and Amanda had shared was special, but he had asked for honesty so he had to give it in return.

“I must admit that I'm still affected by her passing, but I know I don't like being alone.”

“Kendrick, do I remind you of her?”

He hesitated, realizing that he had to choose the right words. “In some ways you do. You both have a fighting spirit. But you have a way about yourself that is unique. You are confident and you know how to have real fun. I admire your ability to say exactly what's on your mind without hurting a person's feelings. I also like how you don't let social mores hold you back from what you want. That's what I love most about you.”

His complete acceptance of who she was touched her heart deeper than he would ever know. Tears clouded her eyes as she squeezed him tightly.


The day was dedicated to their newfound love. Kendrick decided that they both should take a day off from work so that they could spend quality time together.

Kaycee took on the duty of planning their day. After they'd shared a hot shower where they engaged in heated lovemaking once more, Kaycee slipped into a pale-yellow sleeveless dress with a flirty flouncing hemline and a pair of sexy strappy sandals with a rosette on the toes and ties up at the ankles.

“Where are we going that we have to dress up?” Kendrick asked, stepping up to embrace her from behind.

“It's a surprise,” she told him and fought not to close her eyes and sink into his possession again. She quickly regained composure and turned around to inspect him.

“We need to go over to your house,” she announced, her eyes skimming over the previous evening's now-wrinkled shirt and pants.

“Where are we going again?” he asked as they exited her front door hand in hand to go to his place.

“It's a surprise.”

“I should know so I'll know what to wear.”

“Just pick out something dressy casual.”

Kendrick opened the door and allowed her to enter the quiet house before him.

Kaycee looked around expecting to see Tiki running up to greet them, but when it didn't happen she turned to Kendrick with questioning eyes.

“She finally went back home.”

“Your daughter picked her up?”

He nodded. Then pulled her close to him, wrapping her in his arms. “You know, we're going to have christen my place now.”

Kaycee laughed. “I haven't seen your place. Why don't you give me a tour?”

“Help yourself,” he replied “while I run up and get ready.”

“Okay.” She knew his taste at Café Jireh and was curious to see if it matched that in his home. She watched him bound up the stairs before taking her self-guided tour.

In his office, which held a large desk, a credenza, a loveseat and chairs and bookshelves, Kaycee spotted some framed photos. Curious about them, she stepped across to the shelves to investigate. There were pictures of a younger Kendrick with a little girl who, except for missing front teeth and shoulder-length ponytails, was his spitting image. Pictures of his daughter showed her in different stages of her life, including high-school graduation, her wedding and a family photo.

Next she came upon a picture of him dressed in his Steelers uniform with two other players, apparently after winning a conference game. There were pictures of Kendrick with local celebrities like Evander Holyfield and Monica Kaufman.

Traveling down the rows of photos, she came across an obviously older picture of Kendrick with a beautiful young woman that she guessed was Amanda. There were others of the two of them and then one of Amanda in her later years, looking just as beautiful as she had in her youth.

With a sigh, Kaycee stepped out of the room and went to the other parts of the home.

The dining room was simple, with a mahogany table with eight high-back, black-leather chairs and a matching buffet.

The kitchen was clean and although it had the same layout as hers, it displayed a difference in taste with darker cabinets and countertops and Mexican-tile floors. Like her, Kendrick appeared to do most of his living in the family room, which was warm and cozy with an inviting lived-in quality.

She turned on her heel and headed upstairs in search of the room that she was most curious about.

The second level differed from Kaycee's home in that there were only three bedrooms compared to her four. She headed straight for the double doors at the end of the hall; that was where her bedroom was also located. She toyed with the idea of just walking in, but decided against it and knocked instead.


She pressed her ear against the door and could make out the sound of water running and music playing.

Kaycee knocked a little harder. “Kendrick!”

“Yes!” he shouted back.

“Are you almost ready?” She couldn't wait to tell him that her surprise would be a day spent at Château Elan where they would dine in the Versailles restaurant, visit the winery and take pleasure in his and hers salon treatments at the spa. It was something that she had longed to do with Paul, but he had never had an interest.

“Come in!” he called back.

She turned the knob and stepped inside his bedroom.

“Hello?” she sang as she inched into the spotless, spacious room.

“I'm in the bathroom,” he called back.

Kaycee went directly to the bathroom where she found him wearing nothing more than a towel around his waist.

“I've been waiting for you,” he announced through smoldering eyes. At that moment, he released the towel from his hips, exposing his naked glory, ready and waiting.

Her eyes traveled down the full length of him, and she smiled appreciatively at his sheathed member swollen with desire. “You have, haven't you?”

He nodded and slowly walked toward her until they were a breath away from each other. He pulled her by the hips against his hardness. “We have to christen my house, remember.”

With a swift motion, Kendrick scooped her up in his arms, so that she was straddling him. He backed her up against the closed door for leverage. Smoothing his hand up her thigh, he lifted the skirt of her dress so that it encircled her waist, leaving her panties as the only barrier between them. With skillful hands, he maneuvered the delicate fabric to the side before entering her with a satiated groan.

Kaycee had never realized that making love in a standing position could be so satisfying. In fact, it enhanced her arousal, causing her to do and say things to Kendrick that she wouldn't have ordinarily. The rumbling feeling deep in her belly quickly grew into an outright roar and she screamed as she collapsed against him. Kendrick soon followed with his own release. Afterwards, they slid down the door to the bathroom floor, kissing each other all over.

Château Elan was the furthest thing from either of their minds.

Chapter 21


Kendrick thought he was dreaming and rolled over onto his back.

“Daddy, are you here?”

He stirred in his sleep at the sound of his daughter, Bianca's, familiar voice.

He groaned and looked over at the clock on his nightstand. It was almost seven o'clock in the evening.

A soft rap on his door made him sit up. When he did, he felt the familiar warm body that he had been almost literally glued to for the last twenty-four hours. Looking down, his eyes fell upon Kaycee sleeping peacefully on her stomach with her arms wrapped around a pillow.


“I'm coming, B,” he called back.

Kaycee stirred, her eyes fluttering open.

“Mmm,” she moaned. “Did you say something, baby?”

“No, go back to sleep.”

“Dad, are you okay?” Bianca asked.

“Yes, baby. Give me a minute and I'll be down,” Kendrick replied.

Kaycee's eyes opened and she quickly covered herself. “Who is that?”

“It's my daughter, Bianca,” he replied, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. The cool air hit his skin and he yearned for the warmth created by their bodies in the sheets.

“Oh, my goodness, Kendrick, what is she going to think?” Kaycee asked with alarm.

“Don't worry,” he replied, reaching for a pair of jeans and a T-shirt discarded on a nearby chair. “I'll handle it, but since you're here, you might as well get up and meet her.”

Kaycee's eyes popped open. “You've got to be kidding?”

“No, I'm not. Why shouldn't you two meet? You're going to have to one day.”

“Can it be another day?” Kaycee asked.

“Daddy, are you alone?” Bianca called out.

Both of their heads turned to look at the other in surprise. Kendrick had thought Bianca had gone downstairs. He should have remembered how stubborn and nosey his daughter could be. He believed these qualities made her a great attorney.

“Bianca, I thought I asked you to go downstairs!” he barked.

“I'm not a child!” she shouted back.

Kendrick sauntered over to the bedroom door and yanked it open just as Kaycee pulled the covers over her head.

“You're right, you are not a child which is why you shouldn't be standing at this door eavesdropping.”

“I'm not eavesdropping. I heard talking and I came back to the door because I thought you were talking to me.”

“Well, I wasn't,” he replied, slipping the T-shirt over his head. “I'll—no,
be down in a few minutes.”

Bianca's eyes traveled beyond his strong shoulder and narrowed in anger when they came back to rest on him. Kendrick knew she had an attitude, but he also knew she had better get over it. Since Amanda had died, his daughter had seemed bent on hindering any relationship he could have. It might have worked with some of the other women, but it wouldn't with Kaycee.

She shook her head with a pathetic look on her face and rolled her eyes. “I'll be downstairs.” She turned on her heel and traipsed down the stairs.

Kendrick waited for her to reach the landing below before closing the door again.

“I'm sorry about that, baby,” he apologized. “She acts like she can control this part of my life, but don't worry, I won't let her.”

“Kendrick, this is so embarrassing,” Kaycee said from under the blankets.

He lifted the covers. “Kaycee, it's out now. You and I are in love and everybody around us is just going to have to accept it.”

His strong words of conviction pierced her heart. He was right. They couldn't deny their love. With a kiss on his mouth, she got out of bed. Kendrick went downstairs to talk to Bianca while she showered and dressed. When she felt presentable enough, Kaycee exited the bedroom to join them.

Bianca's back was to her when she entered the family room. Kendrick saw her approaching and stood up to met her. As a show of support, he put his arm around her waist.

When she saw her father jump up from his seat, Bianca must have known it was showtime. Clearing her throat, she stood up and turned around. When she saw Kaycee enter the room her mouth fell open.

“Bianca, I want you to meet Kaycee Jordan. Kaycee, this is my daughter, Bianca Mills.”

Kaycee held out her hand. “Hi, Bianca. It's good to meet you finally. I've heard so much about you.”

Bianca returned a weak handshake. “I'm sorry I can't say the same. I guess my father's been keeping you under wraps.”

Kaycee gave Kendrick a curious glance, but said nothing.

“Bianca,” he said in a warning kind of way. Taking Kaycee's hand in his, Kendrick led her over to the sofa.

“So Bianca, how are Tim and Sebastian?” he asked, referring to his son-in-law and grandson as if this meeting was a small thing.

“Daddy, they are fine, but they are not the issue right now. I don't mean to be rude, Kaycee, but, Daddy, don't you think I deserve some kind of explanation?”

“Bianca, last I checked I was the parent,” he said sternly.

Kaycee tapped his hand before he could go on. “Kendrick, she's right. Like you said, you and I are in love and we owe it to the people who love us to let them know.”

Kendrick grumbled in protest, but conceded in honor of Kaycee's wishes.

“Bianca, like Kaycee said, we are seeing each other.”

“Since when?”

“Officially since last night but we've known each other for some time now.”

Bianca pursed her lips and rolled her eyes. “Kaycee, exactly how old are you anyway?”

“Age doesn't make a difference,” Kendrick quickly cut in.

“Is it a problem for me to know?” Bianca asked.

“No it's not,” Kaycee replied. “I'm twenty-nine, Bianca.”

She watched as the younger woman's lips twisted in disapproval. “Okay, now do you realize that I am twenty-five?”

Kaycee nodded indifferently. “I'm aware of your age.”

Bianca stood from her perch on the edge of the sofa and walked across the room. “You're also aware that my father is almost fifty?”

“I am.”

“Bianca Shalon, I will not have you interrogating Kaycee like she's on the witness stand!” Kendrick barked.

“Daddy, what is going on in your head?” Bianca shouted, pointing at Kaycee as if she were an ornament in the room. “She is young enough to be my sister. What are you going to do with a girl?”

“She's not a girl, she's a woman!” he corrected her.

“She is nineteen years younger than you!”

“So what!” Kendrick boomed. “If you would give her a chance you would see that she is very intelligent, she's kind, unselfish and we are compatible in so many ways.”

Kaycee could feel the heat stirring in her abdomen from his complimentary words. It was moments like this that made her know her feelings for him were so right.

“So what are you going to do if she wants to get married and have babies?” Bianca shot back.

Their eyes immediately connected because it was a topic that neither of them had bothered to discuss. Bianca could sense their trepidation and decided to play it in her favor.

“Are you ready to be changing diapers at fifty?” she queried. Then she turned to Kaycee. “What about when his bum knee really goes out and he can't move around as much? Would it cramp your style to have a cripple for a husband?”

“Bianca, I'm going to have to ask you to leave!” Kendrick broke in. He jumped up from his seat, stomped to the door and opened it. “I'm sorry, baby, but you will have to understand that this is the woman I love and I intend to be with her.”

Bianca looked from one to the other and sighed in defeat. With a lowered head, she gathered her purse and walked to the door. Before she crossed the threshold she turned back to Kendrick.

“I pray that you will open your eyes and see the mistake you're making.”

Kendrick quietly closed the door behind her and turned around to find a stunned Kaycee. He wanted to take away the whole incident with his stubborn daughter. Kaycee was a strong-willed person, but he believed that Bianca had her beat.

“Come here, baby,” he said, opening his arms for her.

Kaycee ran into them and pressed her face against his chest.

“That didn't go over so well,” she said with a sigh.

“Don't worry about Bianca,” he said as he intimately stroked the nape of her neck with his palm. “Her bark is far worse than her bite.”

“Kendrick, do you think we're making a mistake?” she asked looking up into his eyes, searching for the answer to calm her fears.

“No, I don't,” he answered and kissed her nose. “We belong together.”

Kaycee hugged him tightly, trying to get the assurance that she desperately wanted and needed. She loved Kendrick Thompson to the point that she knew it would hurt not to have him in her life.

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