Capturing Kylie [Slick Rock 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (2 page)

After gathering some fresh clothes, Kylie showered and then dressed in her comfortable jeans and a T-shirt. Once done she headed toward the large modern kitchen. The scents of cooking food assailed her nostrils. It had been hours since she’d last eaten and her stomach growled. What she saw when she entered the kitchen surprised her. Eva was sitting at the counter, leisurely sipping a glass of wine, while Pierson set the table and Quin and Gray bustled around, putting the last touches on the meal.

“Kylie, you’re looking refreshed.” Pierson winked at her. “Would you like a glass of wine?”


“I hope you like meatloaf,” Gray said as he began to carry the food to the table.

“I love meatloaf.” Kylie sniffed appreciatively before bringing the bowl of mashed potatoes from the counter to the table.

“Sit your ass down,” Quin said in a low but firm voice.

“Woof,” Kylie responded without thinking and then cringed inside as her natural sassiness and defense mechanism kicked in.

Quin stared at her for a moment and then tilted his head back and burst out laughing. “You’ll do.”

Kylie shrugged off his comment, though she couldn’t help but wonder what he meant. She would do…for
? She had no clue, but at least he didn’t seem to have taken offense to her response.

“You look tired, Kylie.” Gray’s eyes wandered over her face.

“Traveling is always wearing on a person,” she answered nonchalantly. She wasn’t about to tell Eva or her men that it had been more than two weeks since she’d slept through the night. They had a wedding to worry about. They didn’t need her unloading her problems on them right now. There was no way she was going to spoil their time by spilling her guts. She’d never been one to lean on anyone.

They all talked as they ate and Quin explained that his cousins, Xavier, Lachlan, and William Badon were arriving sometime tomorrow from Dallas, Texas. “They finally had enough of answering to rich assholes with no manners and resigned from the security company where they worked as bodyguards. They grew up on a ranch and have decided that they want one of their own now.”

Kylie just nodded, not sure if she was supposed to say anything when Quin looked at her. She wasn’t sure she liked the gleam in his eye and wondered if he was up to something, but she didn’t know him very well, so maybe she was imagining things.

“Have you told Kylie about the other families who live in Slick Rock, baby?” Quin asked Eva.

“No. We haven’t had much time to talk yet.”

“What other families?” Kylie asked.

Quin looked at Gray and then Pierson, and then three sets of male eyes gazed at her.

Gray cleared his throat. “There are a few polyandrous relationships in this town. Most of the people involved in ménages are our friends. We are one of eight polyandrous relationships that we know of.”

“Okay, what has that got to do with me?”

“We just wanted you to be aware that not all relationships in this town are conventional,” Pierson said.

“Does the thought of a woman being loved by more than one man bother you?” Quin looked like he was holding his breath, frozen in time and ready to pounce once she opened her mouth.

Kylie glared at him and let fly. “I can’t believe you would ask me that.” Before she knew what she was doing, she pushed back from the table and rose to her feet. “If I had a problem with what you were doing, do you think I would be here, ready to be a bridesmaid in your wedding? I don’t give a fuck how you live your lives. As far as I am concerned, live and let live as long as everyone is happy and no one gets hurt. I can see how much you all love Eva and she loves you. That’s all that matters to me.”

Kylie stormed from the kitchen and glanced around. Whoa. Had she actually just gone off on Quin like that? She needed to get some real sleep soon, because she was losing it. Knowing Eva would come after her and not wanting to face her friend after making such a fool of herself, Kylie headed outside to walk off her aggravation, hoping to buy herself some time to pull it together. Before her tear-filled eyes could adjust to the darkness outside, she was already making her way down the front steps and heading toward the road. She didn’t see the hulking figure in front of her until it was too late. Her breath left her lungs in an “oomph” as her chest connected with a rock-hard torso. Her lungs ached and burned when she couldn’t take another breath. If she had been able to breathe, she would have let loose with a scream loud enough to wake the dead. Fear skittered up her spine and adrenaline spiked in her blood. Her vision grew dark from lack of oxygen, and if it hadn’t been for firm hands grabbing her upper arms, she would have fallen back onto her ass. No matter how hard she tried to inhale, no air expanded her lungs. Tears streamed down her face and dripped off her jaw.

Large, warm hands caressed her back and a deep voice spoke calmly to her. “Just relax, sugar. You’ll get air in a minute. Don’t fight it. You’ll be fine. I’m sorry I ran into you and hurt you. I wasn’t looking where I was going. Shh, don’t tense, I’ve got you.”

Her tense muscles relaxed when she realized it wasn’t who she had immediately thought it was. If Kylie hadn’t been fighting for breath she might have shivered at the sound of that deep, masculine voice washing over her. As it was, her nipples were already hardening and she mentally cursed her body’s reaction to a stranger. Another set of hands landed on her shoulders and began kneading the tight muscles. Finally, Kylie was able to fill her lungs with life-giving oxygen, and she began breathing normally again.

Sidestepping the men surrounding her, she backed up until she could see them. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness and she was able to make out three hulking brutes watching her intently.

“Who are you?” she asked. “What are you doing here?”

The tallest and bulkiest of them stepped forward. “I’m Xavier Badon and these are my brothers, Lachlan and William. And you are?”

“Kylie Mailing.” Kylie headed toward the front door, making sure she skirted the three men so she wouldn’t touch them. Just as she reached for the door, it was flung open.

“Kylie, are you all right? What was that all…” Eva paused just after she flicked the porch light on and saw the men behind Kylie. “Xavier, Lachlan, Will, it’s good to see you. I thought you weren’t arriving until tomorrow.”

“Hey, sweetie.” Lachlan stepped around Kylie as she moved inside the entrance and swept Eva up into his arms, hugged her tight, and planted a kiss on her lips.

“Get your hands off my woman right now!” Quin roared, causing Kylie to jump. She edged further away from the angry-looking dominant man.

When hands once more gripped her shoulders, Kylie looked behind her to find herself staring into deep blue eyes. “Don’t worry, baby. Quin’s not angry. He’s just playing along with Lachlan.” Xavier dug his fingers into her tight muscles.

Kylie shrugged, hoping he’d take the hint and release her, but instead his hands clasped her tighter for a moment before dropping down to his sides. As he moved to stand beside her, her breathing escalated when she felt the heat coming from his body. Being surreptitious, she looked up from beneath lowered eyelashes to see him no more than half a finger length from her. If she shifted even slightly, his arm would brush against hers.

“You are such a tease and a flirt, Lachlan Badon.” Eva slapped him on the shoulder as he lowered her to her feet.

“I can’t help it when I’m in the presence of a pretty lady.”

Kylie watched as the men slapped each other on the backs and then kissed Eva lingeringly on the lips until Pierson stepped in and pulled his fiancée into his side, giving his cousins a mock scowl.

She walked toward Kylie, took her hand, and then introduced her. “This is my best friend, Kylie Mailing.” Eva tightened her grip when Kylie tried to pull away and then Eva turned toward the kitchen. “Come on into the kitchen and I’ll get you something to drink. Have you had dinner?”

“Yeah, thanks, honey, but we stopped off at the diner before arriving here,” Xavier said.

Kylie once again tried to escape Eva’s clutches, but her friend looked at her through narrowed eyes and continued pulling her along behind her. Although she knew that Eva and her men had visited Dallas a few months ago and had time with the Badon cousins, she didn’t feel comfortable in a room full of such big, brawny, handsome men. She wanted to excuse herself saying that they all needed time to catch up with each other, but she didn’t think that Eva would let her get away with that, so she stayed quiet.

“At least let me get you men something to drink,” Eva said as they entered the kitchen.

Xavier grinned. “I can’t say no to that.”

Kylie helped Eva prepare the drinks and felt eyes on her as she worked. The hair on her nape prickled and when she looked over her shoulder, all three of the Badon cousins were eying her body.

Eva sidled up to her and said for her ears alone, “What’s going on, Kylie?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Don’t give me that bullshit,” Eva whispered through clenched teeth. “I wasn’t born yesterday. I saw the way you stormed out of the house. Now, start spilling your guts.”

Kylie glanced quickly over her shoulder once more and was relieved to see that the men were engaged in conversation and were no longer looking at her.

She leaned back against the countertop. “I’m just tired.” She tried once more to dissemble, but the determined glare Eva gave her let her know she wasn’t about to wriggle off the hook. “Okay. Okay. Don’t get your panties in a twist.”

“Start talking, girlfriend! I know damn well there is something going on with you. You look like you haven’t slept in months. You’ve lost so much weight you look almost gaunt, and I’ve been trying to get you to move here for the last six months, but you always had an excuse as to why you wanted to stay in Sheridan. Fess up, Kylie.”

Kylie rubbed a hand over her aching forehead and sighed. “My life is in danger.” She quickly placed her hand over her friend’s mouth before she could screech and draw attention to them. Eva’s face paled and then she gave her a slight nod to let her know she had her shock under control. She slowly removed her hand and stepped back again.

“Why? How?” Eva whispered urgently.

Kylie became aware of the silence in the room and tried not to blanch when she half turned to see what the men were doing. Six pairs of eyes were pinned to her and Eva.

“Eva, are you okay, darling?” Gray’s eyes moved from Kylie to Eva and back again.

“I’m fine.”

“What’s going on?” Quin asked.

“Uh.” Kylie stalled as her mind raced from one lie to another until she snagged on the only thing that would account for Eva’s shock. “One of our friends is sick.” She made sure not to look at anyone as she lied. Eva had always told her she couldn’t lie worth a damn and now was probably no exception. She felt really bad for lying about something like that, but she didn’t want anyone knowing her business.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Pierson’s voice drew her gaze for a moment and then she turned her back on the men and faced Eva and mouthed,
“I’ll tell you later.”

“Who is sick?” Quin questioned.

Eva said, “Sarah” at the same time Kylie said, “Louise.”

Kylie felt her face heat, and she knew from experience that, considering her pale complexion, her cheeks were likely as red as her hair.

“Hmm,” Quin murmured.

“I’m really tired after traveling so long today,” Kylie said as she moved quickly toward the door. “I think I’ll go to bed. Good night.”

Kylie rushed down the hall and into her bedroom. Once the door was closed behind her, she leaned against the wood and groaned. Quin was probably grilling Eva right now about her lie. There was no way those men out there were going to let her get away without explaining. Not unless she refused point-blank to talk.
Yes! That’s what I’ll do. I’ll tell them to mind their own damn business.

Chapter Two


Fifteen minutes later, her bedroom door opened and Eva entered. Kylie was sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard with a book in her hand, trying to appear relaxed. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t read more than five words before her mind began to wander. She just hoped she appeared as calm as she tried to portray.

“Kylie?” Eva sat down on the edge of the bed and waited for her to explain.

“I’m sorry I lost it before. I’ll apologize to your men tomorrow.”

Eva waved her hand in the air. “Don’t worry about it. They can see how stressed you are.” After a pause she asked, “Why is your life in danger?”

Kylie clutched her hands together and gripped her fingers so hard they began to ache. “I witnessed a crime.”

“What sort of crime?”

“Rape and assault.”

“Shit. No wonder you look so tired. You aren’t sleeping, are you?”

“No.” Kylie sighed and pushed the tips of her fingers into her closed eyelids, trying to relieve the ache behind them, again. Not that it did any good.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Kylie shook her head but then changed to nodding. She took a deep breath and began talking. “Two weeks ago, I was working late into the night at the desk in my bedroom. I couldn’t sleep so decided I may as well do something constructive and transcribe some medical notes.

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