Read Chasing Happiness Online

Authors: Raine English

Tags: #contemporary romance

Chasing Happiness (4 page)

Zoe had said good-bye to most of their guests when she spotted Dan sitting at a table with two young women. She walked over and placed her hand on his shoulder.

“How’s Ariana doing?” he asked.

She shrugged, then turned to the women and said, “Thanks so much for coming. I hope you had a nice time.” They got the message that it was time to leave, and after they were gone, she sat down next to Dan. “Ariana’s a mess, actually. Katie and I are really worried about her, so we’re going to spend the night at her house. I know you wanted to do something tonight, but…”

He leaned forward and kissed her tenderly. “It’s fine. Your friend needs you.”

“Thanks for being so understanding.”

Dan kissed her again, a little more passionately this time. When their lips parted, he said, “Remember, you have the key to my heart.”

She rolled her eyes and laughed. “The key to your heart is wonderful. The key to your apartment, not so good. Besides, I’m not going to use it.”

“I know. I know, but I can hope, can’t I?”

Zoe took hold of his hands and pulled him to his feet. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

As she walked him to the door, they encountered Katie, Jake, Ariana, and Maggie.

“Everyone’s pretty much cleared out,” Katie remarked. “Guess we should start cleaning up.”

Zoe looked at the dark circles beneath Ariana’s gorgeous blue eyes. “You know what, tomorrow’s Sunday, and we don’t open until noon, so why don’t we just leave that for the morning?” There was no missing the look of relief that spread across Ari’s face.

“Sounds good to me.” Katie put her arm around Jake. “This wonderful guy’s going to give me a quick ride home to grab a few things, then I’ll meet you two over at the condo.”

Zoe shook her head in agreement. “Ari, if I can borrow something to sleep in and maybe a T-shirt and jeans for the morning, I’ll ride with you.”

“Of course. You’re free to help yourself to anything you need.”

“Let me go tell my mom I won’t be home tonight.” Zoe scanned the room for her and spotted her by the buffet table, picking up garbage and dumping it into a big black trash bag.

She said a quick good night to Dan, Jake, and Maggie, then hurried over to her mom. “You don’t have to do that.” Zoe took a paper plate from the older woman’s hands. “We’re going to clean up tomorrow morning.”

“Are you sure, dear? I don’t mind staying a little longer to help.”

“Thanks, Mom. I appreciate the offer, but Katie and I are going to spend the night at Ariana’s, and we’re all exhausted.”

Mary Goodwin smiled at her with understanding in her eyes. “I can see why. You girls worked so hard for this grand opening party. It was a huge success, wouldn’t you say?”

“Yeah, except that Ariana’s ex showed up at the end and spoiled the rest of the night for her.”

“Ah, so that dashing man she went outside with was the photographer who did such a number on her?”

“That’s why we’re staying at her place tonight. Katie and I don’t want her to be alone. She was pretty shaken up.”

“I’m sure you and Katie will be a big comfort to her.” She hugged Zoe. “I’ll see you sometime tomorrow.”

Zoe watched her walk toward the front of the shop. She was extremely close to her mom and didn’t know what she’d do without her. It had been just the two of them for a very long time. Her father had left when she was a toddler, and she barely remembered him. The fact that he’d walked out on her and her mom had contributed to her distrust of men. It took a lot for her to let her guard down. Thankfully, Dan had been able to break through her shield. However, her not sleeping with him before marriage had become a problem, and she hoped that wouldn’t ruin their relationship. As she pushed away that melancholy thought, she tied shut the top of the garbage bag, and then went to find Ariana.

Her friend was up front, standing in the doorway, talking to Maggie. Everyone else had left. “Ready to go?” Zoe asked, coming up to stand beside them.

“Just waiting on you.” Ari pushed out a halfhearted smile, leaving no doubt that she was still very upset about Phil showing up. She walked outside with Maggie so Zoe could lock up, before the three of them headed into the parking lot.

“I’ll see you later.” Maggie gave Ariana a hug, and then got into her car. A minute later, she turned left out of the lot, the opposite direction of her condo complex.

“Hmm, wonder where she’s going?” Ariana asked, climbing into the driver’s seat. “I think she has a boyfriend and just doesn’t want to tell me because we’ve had this single-girl comradery going on.”

“I like Maggie. She’s nice.” Zoe slid into the passenger seat.

Ari started the car’s engine. “We’ve had some fun Saturday nights until lately, which is what’s led to my suspicion that there’s a man in her life. For her sake, I hope there is, even though I’ll miss our movie nights.”

“Do you ever think about getting back out there?” A shadow of alarm touched Ariana’s face, and Zoe tried to backpedal her question. “Not now. I know it’s way too soon for that, but what about down the road?”

Biting her lip, Ari looked away. “I can’t even think about that,” she muttered uneasily.

Zoe wished Ariana could get to a place where the past was the past so that she’d be able to move on. Ari was beautiful, smart, and compassionate. She deserved to be loved…but to have the right kind of love. Not the obsessive, controlling kind she’d had with Phil.

Zoe rolled down the car window, letting the balmy night air blow over her skin as Ariana drove home. They rode in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

Once they were inside the condo, Zoe kicked off her shoes, then padded barefoot into the kitchen. “Mind if I put the water on for some tea?”

“Not at all. I’d love a cup too,” Ariana yelled as she walked toward her bedroom. A few minutes later, she was at Zoe’s side, dressed in pajamas and handing Zoe a lovely floral pair and matching bathrobe. “Do you mind wearing these tonight?”

Zoe smiled as she took them from her. “They’re perfect. Thanks.”

“You can use the spare room to change.”

As Zoe headed there, she couldn’t help but admire Ari’s home. It was furnished with sleek modern furniture—lots of steel and glass. Zoe’s mom’s house was old-fashioned and full of antiques. It hadn’t been updated since the sixties. Not that she didn’t love it. She did. But there were times like this, when she was at a friend’s home, that made her think she’d like to try her hand at decorating…see if she could find her own style. As long as she lived with her mom, though, that wasn’t going to happen. And she sure couldn’t afford her own place now, having just opened the Rosebud.

It looked like the only chance she might have would be if she got married… Her thoughts began to drift back to the party, when she’d thought for a moment that Dan was going to propose. Her chest tightened with disappointment. Would Dan ever be ready to get married? Or was his wanting her to move in with him as much of a commitment as he was willing to give? With a sigh, she entered the spare bedroom, closing the door behind her, then she changed into Ariana’s sleepwear.

When she returned to the kitchen, Ari was pouring them each a cup of tea, while her cat, Tabby, sat next to her, meowing.

“All she does is beg for food.” Ariana set a bowl of dry kibble down onto the floor. “Maybe that comes from having been a stray.”

“Could be. She’s put on quite a bit of weight.”

Ariana petted the top of Tabby’s head. “She needed to. Remember how she was such a scrawny thing when I found her?”

Zoe stared at her friend and had thought the same thing of her when she’d picked Ari up at the train station the night she’d returned home from her stint as a model. She was skin and bones, and her once beautiful, glossy hair was dull and lifeless.

Ariana seemed to read Zoe’s mind, because she said, “It wasn’t that long ago that I was a mess too. Maybe that’s why I have such a connection to Tabby.”

Zoe carried the teacups over to the kitchen table, then pulled out a chair and sat down. “Thankfully, you’re both doing well now.”

Ariana studied her face. “I suppose. At least I was…”

“You still are. It’s to be expected that you’d be upset by what happened tonight. You just can’t dwell on it and let it destroy all the progress you’ve made.”

Ariana sat in the chair across from her and blew into her tea before taking a sip. “I know. I keep telling myself that. The problem is, I just can’t get Phil’s face out of my mind. The way he looked at me earlier… It brought me right back to the past, and now that’s stuck in my head.”

“It’ll go away. I promise.”

Ariana took another sip of tea, then leaned back in her chair. “I hope so, but I’m afraid tonight was just the beginning of more problems with that man.”

Zoe looked down at the table, not wanting Ariana to see that she had the same fear. Something was telling her that he was by no means out of Ari’s life.




Katie stuffed her clothes into an overnight bag, then turned to Jake, who was leaning up against the bedroom door. “Try not to miss me too much.” She chuckled.

He put his hand to his heart. “That’s not possible, and you know it. Even one night away from you is torture.”

She laughed as she threw her hairbrush into the bag, then zipped it up. “Stay busy, and that should keep your agony at bay.”

“I plan to. I have lots of work. First thing Monday, I have a meeting with the board about the Mexico trip.”

Jake had a passion for kids, so when he’d come to her last year with his idea to start a nonprofit that would help children in need, she was more than supportive. However, she doubted either one of them had had a clue that One Life at a Time would become such a success so soon. Not only did they provide relief to children in need in the US but to kids across the world. Jake and his staff were planning to bring much-needed supplies to orphanages in the western part of Mexico as well as rebuild their crumbling facilities.

Katie crossed the room to stand in front of him. She put her hands on his shoulders. “I’m so proud of what you’re doing. Have I told you that lately?”

He smiled. “Yes, but I never tire of hearing it.” He kissed her gently before deepening it to a smoldering desire that left her legs like rubber.

“If I don’t get going now, I won’t make it to Ariana’s at all.” She spun out of his arms, picked up her overnight bag, and headed toward the front door. “I’ll call you later,” she said before heading outside.

As she drove to the condo, she made a mental note of all the things she needed to do this week for the wedding. Although it was ten months off, it would be here before she knew it. Thankfully, she had a lot of it already done. The church, reception, and caterers were booked. She still had to pick out the invitations and find a gown. That was what had been giving her the most trouble. It probably had to do with her size. Usually, her weight didn’t bother her. She liked her generous curves, and so did Jake. But most wedding gowns looked best on women who were tall and thin. Women like Ariana. Or Zoe—even though she was petite, clothes still looked great on her small frame.

Katie pulled her car into the condo’s parking lot and quickly found an empty guest space. Before she turned off her engine, Maggie buzzed through the lot in her red Mustang convertible. She parked in her driveway, not bothering to pull the car into the garage, and then hurried inside. Before Katie had crossed the parking lot, Maggie was back outside and racing toward her car. She had a hot pink tote in her hand with Victoria’s Secret written across the front in silver sequins. Good for her. She must have a hot date.

When Katie knocked on Ari’s door, Zoe opened it, looking adorable in a pair of pajamas with the legs rolled up.

“Perfect timing. We were just having a cup of tea,” she said, locking the dead bolt behind Katie.

“Double lock it,” Ariana yelled from the kitchen.

Zoe pushed the lock in on the doorknob.

“She’s still a nervous wreck, I see.” Katie set her duffle bag down in the foyer.

“Yep. We haven’t really talked about it. I was waiting for you to get here. I think it’s time for her to get everything off her chest.”

“I agree completely. She’s been holding it in for way too long.” Katie followed Zoe into the kitchen.

“I just put the kettle on for more tea,” Ariana said over her shoulder as she stood in front of the stove.

Katie sat at the table. “Are you feeling better?”

Ariana turned around to face her. “I don’t think that’s possible until Phil’s out of my life…for good.”

Katie shot Zoe a knowing glance. This was the time to approach the subject they’d been so hesitant to bring up. “You know, you haven’t told us everything that happened in New York, and we haven’t wanted to push.”

Ariana took the kettle off the stove, poured Katie a cup of tea, and then refilled hers and Zoe’s cups before answering. “I guess now’s a good time.”

Chapter Four



Ariana took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. Talking about what happened in New York terrified her. The last thing she wanted was to relive that time in her life. But when she glanced at her friends’ faces, she knew her secrets would be safe with them.

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