Read Choosing Rena Online

Authors: Dakota Trace

Tags: #erotica, #bdsm, #dakota trace, #interracial, #spanking, #doms of chicago

Choosing Rena (27 page)

She hissed as a pair of hands cupped
and squeezed her breasts from behind. Arching back against his
solid frame she rode the wave of pleasure and tingling pain. Her
nipples ached terribly from the piercings she’d had done for her
Master while he’d been gone on his last trip.

“Is there something you
forgot to tell me,
” His fingers slid across her
breasts to brush over her nipples. She groaned softly. Even the
lightest touch sent shards of pleasure and just a touch of agony
through her.

“It was supposed to be a surprise for
you, Sir.” She whimpered as he flicked the tips one more time
before releasing her. She turned to face him.

“And what have I told you about
surprising me, Rena?” He had his arms crossed over his chest and a
stern expression on his face.

“That you love surprises, Sir?” She
gave him a hopeful grin. “At least when it comes to this.” She
gestured to their surroundings.

He tapped his fingers on the outside
of his arm. “Strip, let me see if what I suspect is

Toeing off her shoes, she kept her
head lowered. “And what do you suspect, Sir?” Unzipping her jeans,
she let them pool around her ankles before bending over to remove
them. The sound smack to her pantie-covered ass sent thrills
through her. She was tempted to wiggle her ass just to see if he’d
slap her again. She whimpered as his fingers dug into her hips and
she found her bottom pressed against an obviously erect cock.
Bending over her, his lips brushed her ear.

“I suspect you did as I asked and
had…” He freed one hand to tug at her nipple through the cloth of
her shirt. “…these pierced for me.” He licked her ear. “Am I right,
slave? Did you pierce your pretty little nipples for your

Her hissed ‘Yes’ was
obscured by a rap on the door. “If you’re still agreeable to
ma peekôn,
finish stripping and present.” He released her and
straightened before turning to answer the door. Rena’s heart
pounded wildly in her chest. They’d talked long and hard about her
joining Jackson during his next training session. He’d given her
every opportunity to back out, to be a mere observer, but the idea
of another couple watching as he mastered her body, had enflamed
her to the point she’d be willing to beg for the pleasure if he

With trembling hands, she
yanked her jeans off her ankles, stripped her shirt and bra off,
and let the cool air caress her healing nipples. It’d been two
weeks since she’d had them done and while they weren’t completely
healed - they were nearly there.
And as
long as Sir doesn’t tug too hard, we can have lots of fun with
A fresh gush of juices trickled down,
dampening the satin thong Jackson had said she could wear during
his class until he removed it.

Comfortable in her flesh for the first
time in nearly a year, she sank into the ‘at rest’ position, her
palms face up against the tops of her splayed thighs. Tipping her
head, she listened to the deep timber of Jackson’s voice as he
conversed with another man, Master Edward she assumed. The heavy
tread of footsteps as they approached told her Jackson and his
visitor were close.

“Damn, she has exquisite form,
Jackson.” The voice sounded a bit younger than her Master’s but
Rena refused to look up. She was supposed to be showing how a good
sub behaves during a scene, not corrupting Edward’s submissive with
bratty behavior. She’d save the bratty stuff for when they were at

“That she does. And in time your Layla
will have the same. It just takes practice. My Rena has been in the
scene for nearly fifteen years and has perfected her form.” The
pride in his tone melted her heart. “Rise, slave, I wish for you to
demonstrate the correct form to Master Edward’s submissive. Show
her how graceful you are, baby.”

Rising smoothly, she caught her first
glimpse of Edward. He was tall, a few inches taller than her
master, his dark hair pulled back in a short queue at the back of
his neck. Like Jackson, he was wearing only his leathers, leaving
his wide chest bare. Surprising, he only looked to be maybe a few
years older than her Sir. His voice had been very

“Now, slave.”

Jackson’s bark brought her back to the
task at hand. She met the eyes of the petite redhead who was still
dressed in a summer weight tank dress which ended several inches
above her knees. On her feet she wore a pair of strappy white
sandals. But the piece de resistance was the bright red collar
gracing the woman’s neck. Seeing it made her aware of her lack of
one, but Rena pushed the thought out of her mind as she slowly sank
back down to her knees, arranging her body back in the requested

“Beautiful,” Master Edward reiterated,
before turning his attention to his sub. “If it’s okay with Master
Jackson, I’d like his sub to help you, slave. She can correct you
faster than I can.”

Rena’s eyes widened in sheer surprise.
She’d expected to be the one demonstrated on, not to be the

“Of course.
Ma peekôn,
rise and help Master Edward’s sub.”

“Yes, Sir.” She caught a glimpse of
the pride on Jackson’s face as she went to the other

* * * *

Standing to the side, Jackson watched
as Rena instructed Layla in the correct form. Pride filled him
knowing she was his. All that was left was to slip his collar
around her slender throat. He’d been leery of pushing Rena too hard
after her relationship with Louis, but he was drawing close to his
personal limit. He wanted to see his mark at the hollow of her
throat. To show all those around him Rena was his.

“Damn, I can’t believe how patient she
is with Layla.” Lounging next to him, Edward was observing their
subs just as closely as he was.

“She’s a gem,” Jackson agreed as Rena
helped Layla through the graceful movement between standing and the
present position. Layla’s form had improved drastically under
Rena’s tutelage. “But I think it’s time to move onto the next part
of our lesson.” He caught Edward’s eye. “Has your subbie racked up
any punishments?”

Edward grinned. “Oh yes. Earlier this
evening she protested the fact I wanted her to wear that particular
dress tonight.” He raised his voice enough to catch their subs’
attentions. “For some reason, my slave has an issue with her body.
It seems no matter how many times I tell her I love her curves, she
tries to hide them from me.”

Across the room, Layla flushed. “I’m
sorry, Master.”

“Well, my sub has the opposite issue.
She’s proud of her body. So proud in fact she went to a tattoo
parlor and showed some strange man her breasts.”

Rena’s eyes narrowed, before she bowed
her head. “You’re mistaken, Master. A woman pierced this slave’s
nipples for her Master.”

Walking over to where the girls were
kneeling, he lightly tapped the paddle on his outer thigh. “But you
still allowed another to touch what belongs to me, slave. What do
you think the punishment should be for that?”

Rena whimpered, the sound more aroused
than distressed. It was obvious to everyone she wanted to play.
“Twenty strokes, Sir.”

It took a considerable amount of
control to keep the smile off his face. He loved his Rena was
willing to play the naughty girl to his stern master. It had his
dick pressing hard against the zipper of his leathers.

“And such a greedy little thing.” He
turned to Edward. “What do you think, Master Edward, should I give
her twenty?

Edward arched his brow. “I don’t know.
Is she normally greedy when it comes to physical punishment? My
little one can be. Especially if I have the ping pong paddle out.”
Next to Rena, Layla moaned softly at the mention of her favorite

“Hmm. Let me see?” Squatting down in
front of Rena’s splayed legs, he shoved aside the edge of her thong
and thrust two fingers inside of her. As he’d suspected she was
wet, but managed to hold her form, even as his thumb rubbed over
her clit. Finally he pulled his fingers free. Standing, he showed
them to Edward. “I do believe she’s enjoying this. What do you

Edward nodded. “Oh yes, she

“Then I think it’s time we introduce
our subs to the pillory.” He gestured to the two pillories set up
side by side on the other side of the room, looking so much like
medieval stockades, he wanted to shout. As one of his favorite
pieces of BDSM equipment, he’d had many fantasies about seeing Rena
in them. In preparation he’d had an extra pillory brought in
especially for tonight’s session, and now he was glad he had. It’d
have been torturous to see her in it and then have to give it up so
Edward could practice what he had to show him.

“Crawl to the pillory, slave.” At his
command, Rena rose gracefully to her knees and crawled with such
sensual rocking movement to the pillory, Jackson was tempted to say
screw the demonstration and fuck her where she crawled.

Once both of the girls were in
position, Jackson went over the safety procedures with Edward as
they each securely bound their submissive into the stocks; their
hands in the holes provided, and their necks resting comfortably on
the padded neck braces with their asses bare. Once they were
secure, Edward and he stood back to take in the view.

“Damn, what a wonderful sight. I’ve
dreamed of having my sub like this for months.” Jackson sighed,
taking a closer step to the pillory. “Rena, what’s your

, Sir.”

“And what level are you at?” His voice
was raspier than usual.

“Green, Sir.” She wiggled a bit,
lifting her ass higher. He smacked her on the round globe of her

“Good, now stand still you little
slut, or there’ll be no punishment for you tonight.”

A startled cry left her. “I’ll be
good, Sir. I promise.”

Jackson gave Edward a wink. “I know
you will, or I’ll just leave you there after your punishment while
I watch Master Edward fuck his sub.”

Her ass dropped back down into its
original position. “I’ll behave, Sir. Please don’t leave me hanging
here. I’ve missed my Master’s cock.”

He pursed his lips. “Really?
Considering you just had my cock in your mouth yesterday, I
wouldn’t think you’d have had the time to miss it.”

“Please, Sir.” Rena began to

While it was sweet to his ears, he
decided enough was enough. “Count off, slave. We’ll see how well
you do. If you please me, perhaps I’ll fuck you in the

“Yes, Sir.” Rena cried out.

Hauling his arm back, he gave her a
sharp crack on her ass, not giving her time to warm up. He waited
for the resulting moan to judge if he’d been too rough, too fast.
He got his answer fast enough.

“One, Sir,” she moaned

“Good girl.” He allowed another to
land on the left side of her ass.

“Two, Sir.”

It didn’t take him long to
fall into a rhythm. Before he knew it, her
was over.
Taking a step back, he admired the warm flesh of
her ass with the shiny glare of pussy juice running down the inside
of her thighs. Next to him, Edward seemed to be studying his

“See how wet she is, Edward. Rena
loves the paddle – it gives her the release she needs from her
formidable control. When I have her like this, she gives me
everything - and for once forgets about her responsibilities and
being the strong, capable woman society dictates. In fact, if I
were to walk around to the front and ask her to suck my cock, she
would without hesitation.”

“Please, Sir…let me suck your cock.”
Rena was babbling, still skating on the edge of pleasure and

“In a moment, slave.” He gestured to
Edward. “Go ahead.” Stepping close to his slave, so he could
observe, he thrust three fingers into her, pumping them hard.
“Don’t come, slave do you hear me?”

“Yes, Sir!” Rena moaned, her folds
tugging delightfully on his fingers each time he

It took some doing but he managed to
split his attention between Rena’s cries and watching Edward with
his sub. A few times he corrected the man as he came too close with
his paddle to Layla’s kidneys. It was the longest ten minutes of
his life. He was hard and aching like an abscessed tooth. He needed
to be inside of his slave.

“Good job, Edward. You’ve reddened her
ass quite well.”

Flushed with either exertion or his
own desire, Edward’s chest heaved. “Thanks. But I gotta fuck her.”
He tossed away the paddle he’d been using.

“Wait - check her level first. Make
sure she’s ready, Edward.”

The rasping noise which passed
Edward’s lips couldn’t have passed as an actual question, but
Layla’s screaming plea for her Master to fuck her assured Jackson
the girl was more than ready. And just like his own fantasy, Edward
unzipped his leathers and was fucking his sub hard before the plea
had died from her lips.

Which was his cue to care
for his own little sub – jerking his fingers out, he reached for
his own zipper. “What level are you at,

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