Read Clouds of Tyranny Online

Authors: J. R. Pond

Tags: #thriller, #adventure, #fantasy, #sci fi, #post apocacylptic

Clouds of Tyranny (20 page)

After thirty minutes, Ruthie was finally
ready to get to her feet and leave the hut where Pearl was waiting
on the outside. They walked over to the large log building in the
center of town where Elizabeth was waiting. Pearl and Elizabeth led
the way up the stairs to the second floor while holding hands and
Ruthie and Terra followed. Once they reached the second floor they
went to a door that covered a ladder leading to the roof of the
inn. They got on to the roof and saw a long cord descending down
into the ocean. “I hope your strong swimmers,” asked Elizabeth as
she stripped to reveal her bikini. “I grew up in the water,”
strutted Ruthie past Terra as she began to disrobe as well.
“Terra?” asked Pearl taking off her shirt to reveal a tube top, but
left her shorts on. “I get by,” smiled Terra being more than
modest. “Your not gonna swim in your dress, are you?” asked Pearl.
“She’s shy,” giggled Ruthie. Terra frowned as she slid her dress
straps down her shoulders and slid down her dress, “Not anymore,”
smiled Terra as she stood there in her underwear. Terra went over
to the cord and grabbed the handle that would send her traveling
down into the cool blue water. She took a deep breath and took a
small running start and leaped off the building with handle
gripped. Terra sailed through the sky a hundred feet in the air
gradually descending, she felt the cool breeze brush her face and
push her hair back. Terra had an idea; she closed her eyes and
concentrated before releasing the handle in mid flight. She was
over the sand when she released her only lifeline as she felt her
body glide through the air without the use of any support. She was
manipulating gravity,
I’m flying!
She opened her eyes to see
the water fast approaching. She took a deep breath just before
diving into the water headfirst. Her head popped back out of the
water to see her three companions staring at her trick. Terra
smiled and waved up at them, but they didn’t move.

“That was really something Ter,” said Ruthie
as the two of them walked back to their hut at sunset to get
dressed for the night festivities. “Learn something new everyday, I
guess,” said Terra smiling as she slid her wet hair back. “Ever
seen sky fires?” “What’s that?” asked Terra with inquiry. “They’re
these little balls of light that shoot up from the ground and when
they get high in the sky they explode in sparks of color,”
explained Ruthie acting out the effect with her hands. “Sounds like

It was nightfall when Locke and the others
returned to headquarters. Everyone in the car stood and Rueben
looked at Locke and pointed his palm toward the door, “After you.”
“No, by all means. I don’t like certain people behind me,” said
Locke accusingly after Smith was out of hearing range. Rueben
walked ahead and Locke was the last to exit the train. Once inside
they saw that only a few people had returned home early, luckily
the cooks were among them and dinner was being served. “Good to be
home. Though…Velxeer was nice,” commented Ray. “Indeed,” agreed
Smith, “Locke, show these men to the dorm. Captain Antleon will
stay in the spare Returner’s room next to mine.” Locke nodded,
“Come on guys.” The twelve men followed Locke toward the hall
leading to the men’s dorm. “I’d like to speak to you afterwards,”
called out Smith. “And I’d like to talk to you,” yelled Locke
without looking back.

The men’s dorm was pretty much the same
layout as the women’s, only twice the size. “Alright boys! Throw
your belongings on any bed without a blanket and I’ll pass out
blankets after dinner,” ordered Locke, “Any questions? I’m hungry!”
“Where should I sleep, SIR!” yelled a voice from the group. “Was I
not clear?” “It’s against my religion to share a room with men,
SIR!” “Huh? Oh! You’re a… I apologize. Come with me,” said Locke
realizing they had sent a female soldier. Locke walked alongside
this girl towards the women’s dorm. “What’s your name soldier?”
asked Locke trying to get a sense of emotionality from someone from
Velxeer. “Number ten, SIR!” Locke rolled his eyes as they
approached the door. Locke banged on the door three times, “Hello!
Is it safe for a man to enter?” “Come on in,” said a dainty voice
from within the room. Locke opened the door and entered with Ten to
see that only a handful of young girls were present in the dorm.
“Emma, can you give this young lady a blanket and show her to her
bed. She’ll only be staying for a few days,” instructed Locke.
“Sure,” answered the girl as she closed her book and stood up, “I
can put her above Ruthie.” “Fine,” said Locke before leaving the

Locke went back down the hall into the
dining room where he smelled boiled chicken cooking, then he
proceeded to Smith’s room where Smith and Lars were already
talking. “Locke, we were just discussing Harmon,” said Smith who
was sitting at his desk while Lars was leaning against the wall.
“Smith was telling me that Chuck had to stay behind, but I think we
can manage anyway,” confirmed Lars, “I’m going to give you guys
some privacy.” Locke grabbed Lars by the arm as he tried to leave
and whispered, “I didn’t see Alex in the dorm.” “Haven’t seen her
in a few days,” whispered back Lars just before leaving the room
and closing the door behind him. “Well…” asked Locke to Smith. “I
know about Alex, Locke,” said Smith glaring at Locke. “You know.”
“Yes, you’re a fool to think I didn’t.” “Oh man. Listen, she’s a
valuable asset despite what we both know about her.” “I’m not
talking about Alex, this is about you.” “Me? What about me?” “I
specifically ordered you to not get sexually involved with anyone
inside these walls and you promised me!” yelled Smith as he slammed
both fists down on the table. Locke was relieved, “We haven’t been
sexually involved yet.” “Yet is right. I see the way you two look
at each other, its unstoppable. Just…keep it to yourselves,
please.” “We will.” “You had something to talk to me about?” “What?
Oh right. Why are you so spineless with Luther? You act like he’s
your king when he’s not.” “I am being tactful, Locke. Something you
know nothing about. Think carefully, you act hostile to the ruler
of a kingdom and he wont want to help you. Or he could simply just
wipe you out because he doesn’t like you, that can’t happen. As
Returners we have to survive, we have to prevail. That is why I
have already sent out messengers to the Returners positioned around
this half of the continent; for aid. With their help, Velxeer, and
ourselves we can defeat the empire in Harmon.” “Yes sir,” said
Locke as he saluted Smith, which he rarely ever did, then left the
room to have dinner.

At dinner, the present Returners sat
together as always, the inhabitants of HQ were scattered among the
tables, and Captain Antleon was with his archers who absolutely
refused to sit with anyone involved with the Returners; they
segregated themselves in their own private table. “Clyde, how’s the
leg?” asked Ray. “Almost a hundred percent,” he answered. “Good,”
said Locke after chewing some of his chicken leg, “Then you will be
joining us in Harmon.” “Yup, gonna have a good number what with the
Velxeer military at our side, providing that the girls make it back
unscathed. Oh and Docs coming too,” said Clyde. Lars scoffed,
“Looks like it’s gonna be Smith all by himself here. And the little
ones of course.” The wheels in Locke’s head began grinding against
one another,
We will be away at Harmon leaving defenseless
people here, Alex, an ex-imperial told me of this attack and right
now she’s missing.
Locke couldn’t eat another bite; he was
beginning to feel full and his brain was busy with other matters.
After dinner everyone went off to their beds to get some sleep,
Harmon was four days away.

The moon was directly over her head as Alex
crept quietly into the Returner’s hideout, she entered the dining
area; pitch black. Alex took a quick look around tuning her ears
into the elements to hear movement of breathing as she tip toed
toward the hall leading to the women’s dorm. Suddenly, a hand flew
over her mouth muffling her lips and another hand bent her left arm
back. Her assailant spun her around and threw her into one of the
stonewalls, she felt her back crack as her attacker’s right hand
was now on her throat and the left hand was holding a knife to her
heart. “Where were you?” said the voice. “Locke?” she asked
squinting to make him out. He pulled her towards him by the neck
and shoved her back into the wall again, “Answer me.” “I…was…in
Pan’dier.” “Are you setting us up?” “I cant breath.” “No shit,”
said Locke holding the knife closer so she could feel it, “Why were
you there? Will I be seeing imperials at my front door?” Locke’s
right hand could feel the struggled breathing from her throat, so
he released and she dropped to her knees trying to get her breath
back as she hacked saliva onto the cold, hard floors. She looked up
at him, “If that was the case. Why would I come back?” “To throw me
off the scent.” “No baby, I swear. I went there to seek out more
help. Able bodied persons willing to fight for our cause.” Locke
looked down at her as tears streamed down her face, not tears of a
death fearing girl, but those of a woman that lost the respect of a
man she cares for. Locke may not be tactful but he could spot a
liar when he looked into their eyes and he didn’t see a liar crying
on the floor. Locke sheathed his knife back onto his leg and
offered her a hand, which she took as she came to her feet. “And…”
asked Locke wiping the tears from her cheeks. “Fifteen more.
Snipers that will meet us at the rear entrance at dawn, not
imperials,” she assured him. “I’m sorry, Alex. The pieces just fit,
you AWOL, all of us in Harmon on your word alone, it just sounded
like a trap to me. My Returner’s instinct overpowers my heart.”
“I’ve never seen you like that before. So cold-blooded.” “I’ve
never seen you weak before.” “I liked your intensity,” flirted
Alex. “Go to bed, we’ll inform Smith of our new advantage
tomorrow.” “Right,” said Alex as she grabbed Locke’s shirt and
pulled him in for a kiss, “You smell like whiskey…I like that too.”
Locke smiled and went off to bed.



















Locke awoke the next morning with a grueling
headache as he replayed the previous night’s events in his head
over and over again. Alex was flirting with him less than two
minutes after he threatened to kill her. Was it an act or is she
just like him and believes that there is thick line of separation
between business and emotion? Locke forced his body to get out of
bed and get dressed. He went over to the sink and splashed some
water on his face and gargled some antiseptic.

As Locke walked into the dining area he saw
Ray standing next to the ‘Returners’ door staring toward the middle
of the room holding a cast iron mug that shot out steam like a
chimney. “Coffees ready,” said Ray not looking to Locke as he
spoke. Locke stared at Ray who looked hypnotized. Locke turned his
head in the direction that Ray’s eyes were fixed on and he too
froze at the bizarre sight. The twelve archers from Velxeer we
standing at attention should to shoulder in the center of the room
staring dead ahead at nothing. “What are they doing?” asked Ray out
of the corner of his mouth. “Like I would know?” scoffed Locke.
They shifted their gaze to their left where Reuben and Smith were
emerging from the ‘Returners’ door. “Hey Reub, something’s wrong
with your men,” said Ray handing the mug to Locke. Locke smiled to
himself as he put his palm under the hot mug and quickly slipped
his finger in the ring handle. “Captain Antleon,” corrected Reuben.
“Yeah stupid,” said Locke sarcastically. The Captain walked past
them over to his men as Locke and Ray shared a laugh until they saw
Smith who was glaring at them, “You promised me.” Locke rolled his
eyes, “We ain’t in Velxeer anymore.” Smith gave Ray a look and
walked to his usual table as Locke took a sip from their mug. “What
was that look for?” asked Ray confused. “Sit!” yelled Reuben at his
soldiers. The twelve of them sat down at the table with hands
folded in their lap waiting patiently for breakfast. “I knew they
were robots,” chuckled Locke. Locke and Ray got two fresh mugs of
coffee and sat down at their table and were soon joined by Lars and
Clyde. The Velxeer archers were served first at breakfast, which
prompted Locke to ask Smith, “That was your doing wasn’t it?” Smith
didn’t so much as turn his head to face Locke.

When Locke and his friends received their
food finally he kept wondering where Alex was; did she leave again?
Then, halfway through his breakfast Alex came strolling out of the
door leading to the women’s dorm. “Hey guys,” she said as she sat
down with Locke and the other two men. “See our new guests?” asked
Ray. Alex looked up from her breakfast of oatmeal and brown sugar
to see the thirteen people at their own table wearing exactly the
same outfit with the exception of the Captain. “Hmm, who are they?”
she asked. “Velxeer archers,” said Locke, “They’re gonna help us in
Harmon, but I’m skeptical.” “Really? How come?” “Never mind that.
Where have you been the past couple days?” asked Lars glaring at
her. “Pan’dier. Reconnaissance and enlisting more fighters,” answer
Alex stirring her oatmeal. “I didn’t okay that,” said Smith turning
around to look at her. “You weren’t here and it seemed like a good
idea. Anyway, I got fifteen more that will meet us in Harmon at
dawn on the day in question.” “Next time clear it with someone,
don’t go rogue like that,” said Smith in a thankful way, “How’s the
imperial situation in Pan’dier?” “Died down, it seems,” answered
Alex eating her oatmeal. “Honey?” asked Clyde holding up the jar of
sticky, golden honey. “I’m allergic,” answered Alex.
thought Locke.

After breakfast, Alex went back to the
women’s dorm to use the lavatory and when she came out she saw that
one of the archers from Velxeer was a female and was sitting on her
bed above Ruthie’s. Alex walked over to the girl, “Hey there, I’m
Alex.” They shook hands professionally as the woman answered,
“Ten.” Alex’s eyes widened, “Excuse me?” “My number is Ten.” “Oh, I
get it. What was your birth name?” The woman froze for a minute
like she was shocked at the question, or maybe she just couldn’t
remember her name. “We go by number.” “I’ll address you as Ten in
public. Come on, what’s your name?” Ten thought hard for a moment,
“Jillian.” “Much prettier.” Jillian smiled at the compliment; it
was obvious she didn’t get talked to like a human very often. “Come
on, Ten,” said Alex walking toward the door leading out of the
dorm. Jillian leaped off the bed and followed.

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