Read Continental Life Online

Authors: Ella Dominguez

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Single Authors

Continental Life (7 page)


Bella didn’t know what Xander’s statement meant, but she knew he was up to something ornery. Standing outside her temporary home, she watched him climb onto the elevator and disappear from sight. Another unwanted moan escaped from her throat and she nearly broke down, but she forbade it. She stood outside the suite for several minutes thinking about how close in proximity she would be to him, yet seemingly so far away. His office was only one block away. It would be difficult not to simply walk up the block and pay him a visit.

Dante came out shortly after and bid her farewell. Finally with the courage to go inside, she eased the door open to find the most amazing suite a woman, or anyone could ask for. She
had no idea what the space looked like before its transformation, but Xander had really outdone himself. It even smelled like him, a nice little touch Dante, no doubt, had a hand in. On the small marble top table next to the entrance sat a bottle of his cologne with a note.


Your bed linens have been sprayed in hopes that you will dream of me while we’re apart. Use this bottle to keep my scent on or near you at all times.


Laying down her keys, she smiled at the rhinestone embellished, princess crown fob Xander had placed on it. Picking up the small bottle of Caron’s Poivre, her smiled widened. Her eyes immediately began to take in her environment, from the decadent, royal-blue velvet drapes adorning the large windows to the thick, white shag style, plush rugs scattered throughout to the small decorations brought from home laid here and there – like the beautiful vase she had spied on their Sunday outing. In the kitchen she found all of her favorite foods and snacks and even some of Xander’s. On the counter was another hand-written message.


I want the taste of my much loved foods to remind you of me. Try to imagine it’s my cock in your mouth when you place these items in that beautiful mouth of yours. I will be doing the same with your foods and eagerly anticipating our next Continental Breakfast together.


Yes, she could do that. It wouldn’t even be a difficult task.

Once in the immense bedroom, she found
an Agent Provocateur black lace, Cendrillon set lying on a tiger maple, queen-sized four poster bed. Touching the one-fourth cup bra, thong, suspenders, and silk stockings, she read the note that lay next to it.


Though we may be apart, we have a date every night at exactly 10:30 p.m. I want you to shower and take your time when washing all those tasty parts of yours. When you’re done, I want you to dress slowly for me in the items I have picked out and placed in your closet. I want your sensual movements to make me hard. After that, I want to see you sprawled out in bed with your fingers buried deep inside of you. Give me a good show, Princess.
Make me come


All of a sudden she remembered Xander’s statement of
seeing everything
and her eyes darted around the room. A small, red, blinking light in the corner of the room caught her attention. As she moved closer, she could hear the mechanical hum of the lens as it zoomed in on her. She stared up at it, her insides going into complete meltdown. Xander really was with her. He really was going to see everything. They may be miles away from each other, but she felt just as close to him at that moment as she did only minutes before when he had had his fingers in her. Nothing could be more heartbreaking and erotic than the thought of Xander watching her every movement from across town.


Seated in her car in the small area designated for parking at the DDTC, Bella looked herself over. She took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Jogging her memory, she tried to recall everything that was contained in the first three chapters of the rule book but it all seemed fuzzy now. She had spent way too much time daydreaming about the show she had put on for Xander the night before. Her dreams had been filled with images of him with his dick in his large hand stroking himself as he came. She had watched him many times before and she knew well the look of elation on his face when he came by his own hand. It was a treat to be allowed to view something so private, but he seemed to enjoy giving her his own show and in turn watching her do the same to herself.

before stepping out of her car to face her new instructors and fellow classmates, she slipped her engagement ring off her wedding finger and moved it to the digit directly next to it; the same finger Xander had placed her beloved ruby ring on before their split three years earlier. A chirp from her phone alerted her to a new text message.


XP: A wonderful experience lies ahead for you. Your resolve will be tested and so will your way of thinking. Keep an open mind and heart.

My distance during class will merely be an unkind pretense, but it is necessary. I assure you, I feel only love and pride for you. Good luck tonight, Princess. Try to enjoy yourself.


The next six weeks were sure to elicit many different emotions in her, but she doubted enjoyment or any derivative would be one of them. Hopefully she was wrong.

Once inside the waiting area, she found two other women who had arrived just as early as she had and they both appeared just as nervous as she felt. They each sat quietly with their hands in their laps and when Bella came to the conclusion that neither
of them was going to introduce themselves, she took the initiative. Being the first to break the ice, she wasn’t sure how she would be received, but both women promptly relaxed and began chatting with her in whispered tones.

, the elegant, sandy-haired psychologist dominated the conversation. She was only two years older than Bella, clocking in at thirty-four. Bella found it interesting that such a well-educated and prominent woman would want to be in a position of being a submissive to a man, especially in view of her profession. Although, considering what she must be tasked with on a daily basis at work, Bella could understand on some level how freeing it must be to let it all go at the end of the day and allow someone else to take over.

That was a large part of why she cherished her relationship wit
h Xander so much. She loved relinquishing all of the inconsequential details that everyday life entailed. It was heartening that Xander enjoyed making those decisions for her and in her own tiny way she was pleasing him by surrendering herself. From the very first day she met him he had taken over her life, but despite his dominance, it didn’t in anyway hinder her ability to be a productive individual. On the contrary, she could focus on the things that were genuinely important. When she was his personal assistant, her duties were limited to running his daily work life. Period. She never worried about how to fix her hair or what to wear, or any of the posturing that the opposite sex acted out when working together. Everything was straight forward, including sex. Not to say it was passionless since there was plenty of steam involved. Xander dictated her behavior, her dress and so much more. Even now, her concentration was solely on her medical studies and how to keep her fiancé happy, and that was enough.

The other woman, though not
as talkative as Clarissa, was nonetheless friendly and engaging. Bella couldn’t be sure, but Lauren, the dark, cocoa-skinned, black-haired stewardess, looked to be at least 45-years old. Her eyes were the most amazing shade of hazel and Bella found herself mesmerized by her full-lips and sparkling irises. She was classically beautiful.

A few minutes later a
nother student joined their small group, a male who looked no older than his mid twenties. Christopher, a Mexican-American mechanical engineer, stated he had applied for the program at the behest of his Top. His toothy grin and casual self-assurance to discuss his private life veiled his meek nature, but it was there – just below the surface of his smooth, good looks and tall, lean physique.

Between the four of them, the
ir ages spanned three decades. It wasn’t only a telling revelation, but an uplifting thought. The quest for knowledge to live an alternative lifestyle knew no age, race or gender boundaries.

The final student
to meander in seated herself away from the others and by her body language and refusal to make eye contact, she appeared painfully shy. Her mannerisms reminded Bella of her younger sister who hid her introverted nature by being difficult. The woman also bore a scar slightly similar to that of Brandon, aka Lord Dalberg, only on the opposite cheek. Bella tried to avoid staring at it, but found it nearly impossible. Her imagination was running wild with what could have caused such a life-transforming disfigurement. Did it happen in childhood or when she was an adult? Perhaps it was the result of a car accident. Or, God forbid, abuse. Lost in her thoughts, the pretty, strawberry-blonde nervously coughed when she caught Bella inadvertently gawking at the blemish. Horrified at herself, Bella apologized for her tastelessness. The woman politely explained that she was accustomed to it, making Bella feel even worse for her rudeness.

This was the whole
of their class, five students; a mere handful of people all seeking the same thing. Bella had anticipated more – many more. When she voiced that, Christopher informed her that the school prided itself on its high standards and arduous selection of students and small classes. Bella was even clued-in about the long waiting list for the DDTC. Having taken up a spot that rightfully should’ve been given to one of the many who had applied months and even years before, guilt washed over her. The tantrum she had thrown most likely pushed someone else out of the program.

It was no surprise
the members of the board didn’t want her there. In their eyes, she was Xander’s Princess and not Bella Darcy, a woman who sincerely wanted to be the best she could be for her future husband.


Waiting for Bella and the other students, Xander’s impatience threatened to ruin his composed veneer. He was adapted to prepping for the first day of the new session and he had tried to convince himself that this time was no different. But it was.
Very different.
Bella was going to be sitting amongst the small group of students, something he didn’t have time to fully prepare for.

indigo eyes were going to be riveted on him and whether or not she wanted to admit it to herself, she would be judging him and herself against the others. He had to keep in mind at all times that his interactions with the other students had to be tempered with full-awareness of how they would be interpreted by her, something that was going to be tricky beyond belief. He had always just gone with his instincts and his own training when dealing with those who needed the kind of training that he provided, but now… with his Princess’ eyes on him, he would have to adjust his style of teaching.

Standing with his back to the door, he
stared out the window at the Golden Gate Bridge in the not-so-far distance as he waited for the sound of footsteps to file into the room. His heart was beating slow and steady in his chest and other than his nerves getting the best of him, he felt weirdly exhilarated. Bella was going to be his to mold even further into what he wanted and needed in a life partner, and the expertise of the other instructors was also at their disposal. If they could only get past what was going to be entailed, this could end up being a win-win situation.

The mingled scents of different perfumes wafted through the room, and the sound of soft, whispered voices lulled Xander into a trance. It was the occasional cracking of high heels on the hardwood flooring that snapped him back to reality.
Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply to try and distinguish the different aromas. Like a person who had been blessed with an extraordinary taste palate, Xander had been gifted with a heightened sense of smell. Mentally sorting through the different scents, he found what he was looking for - his personal brand of cologne. Bella had done as she was told – not that he was surprised. She always did what she was ordered to do.

He smiled as he thought about the
previous night. She had given him exactly what he had asked for – a good show. No… she had provided him with much more than that. The image of her svelte body moving sensually in the shower as she played with herself would be forever etched into his memory. She had a body made for the big screen and watching her in HD was almost as good as the real thing. Oh, who the fuck was he kidding? Nothing compared to the feeling of having Bella’s hands all over his body, her breath on his cheek or her mouth wrapped seductively around his cock.

When the room quieted down, he turned to face his new pupils, making direct eye contact with each of them, saving Bella for last. As he eyed th
e petite woman with the flaw on her face, he could see Bella watching him through his peripheral vision. The scar was more pronounced in person than it had appeared on her profile picture, despite Julianna’s attempt at concealing it with makeup. The son-of-a-bitch who had put it there was a disgrace to the Alternative Lifestyle Community and it was men like him who gave BDSM and Dom’s a bad name. Hutchens had urged the board members to bump her to the top of the list of potentials and even paid her tuition, which was no small offering. Rather than accept his monetary contribution toward her education, the board had decided it was best to award Ms. Julianna Breslin a scholarship so as to not show any favoritism. Considering the adversity she had been faced with, her willingness to still be involved with the BDSM Community, and the possibility that she might someday be able to help other submissives avoid the same situation - it was an easy decision to make.

Next, his eyes moved to the gentleman seated next to Bella.
Mr. Zurita had been on the waiting list for thirteen months. His Mistress had impatiently been on the board’s back every session to enroll him, but, again, the DDTC’s admission protocol frowned upon partiality, despite Mistress Jade’s history with the school.

Their neutrality in such matters was also the reason Bella almost hadn’t gotten into the program and he felt moderately guilty for resorting to threats in order to make it happen, but what was done was done.

Finally, he focused his attention on Bella. A smile touched her lips and her unblinking eyes sparkled with the same intensity they had the first day he met her. He resisted the urge to return her smile, just like he had done so many years before when she was his assistant.
What a cruel thing to have withheld from her
. He swore when he got her back three years earlier, he would never again deprive her of such a thing, and here he was, once again unable to give her that piece of himself.

Irritated with the situati
on, he turned away and got straight to business.

“Welcome to your first
day of class at the DDTC and thank you all for endeavoring to make your love lives more enjoyable and your relationships sustainable.

First: Domestic discipline is NOT abuse or an excuse to abuse your spouse or significant other. If you ever find the courage to admit
to others the kind of lifestyle you’re living, namely family…” his eyes darted to Bella quickly as a silent reminder that she still needed to do the same, before continuing “… you will hear negative and biased comments accusing it as such. Prepare yourself for it because it is inevitable. Choose who you decide to tell with caution. I’m not saying to keep it a secret, but you must be ready for the repercussions, including loss of job, friends and even family. Verse yourself on how to approach the topic and how to appropriately and calmly make your case. Do your best to not appear defensive. Remember – your words can make or break how people perceive this wonderful thing called Domestic Discipline. You can be your own best or worst advocate.

Second: If you’re not already in a relationship of this nature and you’re considering it, communication
and honesty with not only your lover, but with yourself, is key to making this a successful mission. Take the time to discuss every aspect of it with your partner and others already in the lifestyle before indulging it.

Third, but most important: This lifestyle as well as the others that will be discussed during your time here are grounded and based
on the principles of complete love, honesty, trust and respect. I’m sure you’ve all heard it before, but I’ll repeat:
safe, sane and consensual.


Bella knew Xander was frustrated. It was clear to see, at least for her. His deep voice boomed through the small room as he introduced himself as Lord Pettifor and talked about what Domestic Discipline meant to him. It was nothing new to her as they had discussed it many times in the past, but hearing him speak about it to strangers was stirring. He wasn’t ashamed of the lifestyle they were living. In fact, he was a proponent of it. The others nodded in agreement as if they had heard it before, too. No doubt they had or why else would they be there?

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