Coveted: An Alpha Male Romance (11 page)

Yanna E. Hill


I would have attempted to be a lady and act like I didn’t know where all of this was coming from, but that would be a lie. I had appreciated Roc showing me that this relationship wasn't just about sex, but Courtney was right. I hadn’t had sex in four long, long,
years. Being so close to Roc had been such an unbearable tease and I couldn’t take it anymore.

So I dropped to my knees.

I laughed on the inside as he looked at me curiously with a mouth that was partially agape in disbelief. I fought the urge, unbuckling his pants in unbearable anticipation. Once they were unbuttoned, I yanked his pants down and began to take off his shoes so that I could get his pants all the way off. As I did, he continued to stare at me. Now, he was no longer staring in disbelief. He was just gazing, as I often caught him doing, with the most adorable smirk on his face. Anything adorable on a man with the usual appearance of a monster was sexy as hell.

I had to avoid his eyes if I wanted to maintain what little control he allowed me to have. But once his pants were off and I reached into his boxer briefs, I lost all aggression.

I gulped, not caring if he saw the shock in my expression or the way my chocolate cheeks turned red, even beyond my blush.

Whoa! Sweet Jesus!

Though we hadn't had sex yet, I had been very close to Roc. We’d danced. I’d sat on his lap. So I had an idea of his size, but with it in my bare hand, flesh to flesh, I was amazed.

No turning back now, girl.

I had to talk myself into giving him oral. I wasn’t sure if I would fit it in my mouth.

Like always, he knew exactly what I was feeling. “Just take as much as you can, Baby.” His coaching was laced with heavy breaths, so I knew that he was anticipating the moment that his dick met my mouth, so I no longer made him wait. I wet my mouth, before bringing his brass to my moist lips and sucking him in. The moment that it met the inside of my mouth, he reacted with a sharp inhale. “Ssss.”

I took it into my mouth and sucked, cautiously, admittedly. I loved his aggression but if he got rough in this moment, he would suffocate me.

Again, he knew what I was thinking. “I won’t force it, Baby.”

With that, I relaxed and lowered my mouth further down his shaft. Though he was more than I could handle, the taste of him in my mouth was wonderful and had instantly satisfied an appetite that I had had for four months.

“That’s it, Baby,” he breathed. “That’s wonderful.”

His words of encouragement turned me on. I wanted so badly to please him perfectly, so I took more of him in. I then relaxed my throat, held him by both hands, and sucked as my hands stroked him.


I looked up and saw that his hands were resting on each side of him as his head cocked back and his eyes shut tight.

I continued with my rhythm, my mouth watering more and more as he throbbed inside of my mouth.

“Shit, stop, Baby,” I kept sucking, but he insisted. “Fuck, you’re going to make me cum.” So, I released him from my throat just as the taste of pre–cum hit my tongue.

“Fuck. I have got to get inside of you right fucking now. Come here.” Roc stood me up and literally ripped my clothes from my body. I heard my shirt tear as he lifted it over my head. He pulled my bra down and attacked my nipples like a hungry creature as he unfastened my bra at the same time.

“Mmmm!” Instantly, my clitoris began to throb as the feeling of his mouth around my nipples set me on fire. I ran my hands through his slick hair, encouraging him to continue to feast as he began the task of getting rid of my jeans. I helped him by wiggling out of them. As soon as they were down to my knees, his huge hand cuffed my cheeks.

“Fuck. I want you so bad,” he literally growled.

I maneuvered towards the bed, forcing his mouth to release my breast. I lay down, kicking off my pumps and then releasing my jeans from around my ankles.

I spread my legs, inviting him in, but he just stood there, as my body was highlighted by the moonlight coming through the window, giving me all kinds of bad boy appeal because his hat was still on, and his dick was rock hard, dancing towards me.

“Damn. You’re amazing.”

was why sex wasn’t necessary all of this time. He had been mentally fucking me every chance he got.

I reached and slid my thong off. Then my hand went to the lake presently overflowing between my legs, and he licked his lips. That was all he needed to see to come to me, crawling between my legs and taking my mouth into his.

As we kissed, I reached down and began to stroke him, bringing him closer and closer towards the lake, ready for him to take a deep dive.

He left my lips and began to sweetly attack the most sensitive part of my neck. “It’s yours. Take it, Baby.”

At that moment, I lost control.

Rocco de Michele

“It’s yours. Take it, Baby.”

I was encouraging her to continue taking control. But that shit was turning me so on that I feared I would cum the moment I touched her walls.

But she obeyed. She guided me towards her opening, and I could literally feel the heat increasing the closer it got. Her body seemed to reach out and grab me, pulling and sucking me in.

And it was at that moment, right then that I fell into the softest, tightest, most secure place on this earth.

“Oh my God,” came from her lips in a whisper as I slowly plunged full length inside of her. “Shit!’

I began a slow swim. I couldn’t stroke too fast, otherwise I would cum. But once her moisture engulfed my cock, I couldn’t take it anymore. This was the pussy that I had waited nearly thirty years to be inside of, and finally, goddamn it, I was balls deep inside of it, and it felt fucking fantastic.

“You feel so good, Baby.” Literally, she felt like perfection, and with each stroke I was literally fighting to keep my release until Baby got hers. “Cum for me, Baby. Cum for Daddy.”

I knew what to say to encourage her orgasm. I knew her reaction to me without being inside of her, so, now that I was deep inside of her cave, I knew it would overwhelm her.

“Fuck,” she cursed, as I went deeper to find her cum. “Yes, Roc! Fuck me!”

She moaned my name. “Mmmm, Roc, yes.”

She yelled my name. “Roc! Oh my God!”

She cursed my name. “Fuck, Roc!”

Between her legs, I rocked her without mercy, gently pulled her curls, forcing her to reveal her neck, and devoured her spot. Then, resting on one elbow, I reached with the other hand and made deep circles on her clitoris as I pounded into her sloppy, wet cove.

“Shit!” she shrieked as she began to tremble.

She was cumming. Her pussy clenched and contracted around my cock.

Fuck! Shit! Damn it!

I was losing control again. “Shit!”

Within seconds, my orgasm won the battle. “Urgggggh!”

We came together. It was wet, sticky and so fucking good.

I went to collapse on top of her, but opted to sweat on the sheets, instead of into her pores. I lay on my back so engulfed in the memory of her walls that I wasn’t aware that she’d left the bed until I felt a warm towel on my tool.

She was smiling as she cleaned me, and I instantly hardened again.

She blushed as I hardened in her hands. “Somebody isn’t ready for me to go.”

“Go?” I rested on my elbows as my heart beat with fear.
She’s leaving?
I thought as I asked, “Where are you going?”

“After that food and this dick, I’m sleepy. I have to drive home.”

I cocked my head to the side as she had the audacity to clean my balls and tell me that she was leaving in the same moment. “So you’re just going to take my breath away and leave?”

She smiled bashfully. “Do you want me to spend the night?”

“Lay down, Baby.”


Present day...

Chapter 15
Yanna E. Hill

do I have to do this?” I whined. I even pretended to sob as I stared out of the window and onto my nightmare.

“Because you’re Mrs. Rocco de Michele.”

My eyes rolled into the back of my head as Courtney parked his BMW along the curb, in front of the de Michele’s estate. “No, I’m not. Not yet.”

Courtney waved his hand, dismissing my disagreement. “Girl, a ceremony and vows are just a mere formality.”

I took a deep breath and decided to suppress that particular anger. That wasn’t what I was irritated with at the moment. It was this God–awful dinner that I had to sit through. I hated to have to sit around Jaimie and Tia and smile as if I wanted to breathe the same air as those heifers. And his father… God, let’s not even get started on him.

“This only happens once a year, pumpkin. Roc is only around his family when it’s absolutely necessary; Matalia’s birthday. And Matalia loves you.”

I sighed inwardly. “Fine. Let’s go.”

I regretfully opened the door. To make matters worse, the now August sun was beating down on me. The ankle–length, silk, maxi dress that I was wearing felt as hot as a chinchilla fur. I was sweating at the roots, so the blowout that Courtney had done few hours prior would surely be an afro soon.

I didn’t need the fire of the sun
the fire in my heart; otherwise I would combust.

Because I knew how some of the closest people to Roc felt about me, I stayed away, which was easy since Roc tried his best to see his family only when necessary. Over the years, Alesandro dealt with my presence, but he never accepted me. I was far from the daughter–in–law to him than the son–in–law that Roc was to my mother and Madea, and it was obvious in the distance that Alesandro kept between him and I when I attended these annual dinner.

I believed wholeheartedly that because of this one and only thorn in me and Roc’s relationship, Roc and I had yet to say “I do.” I knew that Roc loved me, but I was convinced that he loved me so much that he wouldn’t marry me with his side of the church missing the most important people in his family.

I swallowed that horrid realization as Courtney and I walked into the estate. I was so happy that Matilia loved Courtney as much as she loved me, so he had received an invitation as well.

Roc had left home very early that morning, ordering Teddie to bring me to the estate for the dinner, which was odd. He and Gabe had been “running errands” all day. Even more anxiety had me wracking my brain as I attempted to figure out what Roc had been up to these last few days. He never did tell me too much about the business, so I didn’t expect for him to give me blow-by-blow of what was going on, as they attempted to track down who was behind all of the trouble. But something was telling me the secrecy these past few days hadn’t been about the usual business.

Instead of being forced to come here with my “bodyguard,” I opted to accompany Courtney because, given his reputation, I knew he would be late, thus blessing me with even less time to have to be around these people.

I blew breath as the tension with each step we took inside of the mansion. I was so sick of this pressure. It was the one thing that was wrong with what was so right.

Despite my uncomfortableness, the tasty smell of various sauces, meats and baking bread filled my nose. Thanks to these Italian carbs, I had kept every curve that Roc loved over the years.

“Oooo, girl, it smells good in here. Let’s go wash our hands.”

I could hear glasses clanking and lots of conversation near the bar area, so luckily dinner hadn’t started. As we ascended the steps to the second floor, I sent Roc a text message, letting him know that I had made it and was washing my hands before joining him in the lounge soon. I couldn’t wait to wrap my lips around a drink so that I could somehow be just inebriated enough that I enjoyed Matilia and ignored the way that Alesandro’s face appeared that he had sucked on a lemon every time I breathed too loud. I knew that there would not be enough liquor to ignore Jaime, who I prayed had matured enough to watch her mouth since I’d last seen her four years ago.

This was a true estate, so the bathroom had multiple sinks and stalls, therefore Courtney and I were able to go in at the same time. As soon as Courtney pushed open the massive, iron doors of the bathroom, I could hear

“After all these years, he is so fucking gorgeous! Jamie, your brother is hot. I want his dick back in my mouth like yesterday.”

The click–clack of my heels was mixed with Jamie’s giggles as she responded, “You’re such a – Yanna!”

This bitch had the nerve to act like she was happy to see me.

I didn’t bother to put up the front. “Jamie,” I spat, as I checked my makeup in the mirror, not even bothering to give either one of them eye contact.

Courtney stood next to me, washing his lands. He offered them a simple, “

The tension in the bathroom was so thick. You could cut it with the knife that I was imagining pushing through the cynical, judgmental smile that I just knew was on Jamie and Tia’s faces. They didn’t even bother to muffle their snickers. I knew what they were taunting me about, so I did not allow my eyes to wander to the mirror in order to see them behind me, laughing at my round ass and usual big, ethnic hair.

Surprisingly, beyond her giggles, Jaime kept her mouth shut. I guess beyond her disgust with me, she feared her brother’s wrath.

But I wasn’t so lucky with that damn Tia.

, like I was saying…” Tia’s voice filled the quiet like nails on a chalk board. “... I cannot wait to have Roc’s dick in my mouth a–”

Before I knew it, I had spun around on my heels. “Bitch, don’t let this Chanel dress and my white fiancé fool you. I am from the hood…” With each word, I became closer and closer to Tia. “... The
! Do you hear me? I will fu–”

“Oooookay!” Courtney had come between us swiftly with his hands in the air. Facing me, he told me, “I spent too much time straightening out those curls to let you mess them up trying to get in Lindsey Lohan’s ass. Let’s go. Out!”

I was too busy taking deep breaths in order to calm my nerves to actually will my feet to move. I couldn’t believe that I had let this ditzy broad get under my skin. But, truth be told, it wasn’t her that was under my skin. It was being in that house, forced to be around people that I know didn’t like me. I knew Roc was regularly persecuted by them because he had chosen me. That raised insecurities inside of me that I was more than ready to run away from.

Holding me by the hand, Courtney had begun to lead me out of the bathroom, but he stopped and looked at Tia. “I just saved you from an ass whooping, Lindsey.”

Tia moved in the blink of an eye. She went to smack him, but Courtney quickly caught her hand. “Try me. I dare you,” Courtney threatened, through gritted teeth. “I wish you would. I wish upon a star. I wish upon a thousand stars!
try me.”

Biting her lip, with invisible smoke pouring from her ears, she snatched her tiny arm out of his grip and stomped out of the bathroom. Jaime was on her heels.

I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair. “I want to go home. Let’s leave, Courtney.”

I couldn’t take being in that space anymore. For the most part, this wasn’t Roc and my relationship. He did a good job of hiding how his father felt by staying away. But it was now obvious that it was something that couldn’t be ignored since it was still happening and I still wasn’t officially Mrs. de Michele. I wasn’t running from Jaime or Tia. I was running from the stress. The threats, worrying about Roc, Teddie constantly behind me like a puppy, and now this. It was all bringing something into my relationship that I didn’t want to be reminded of; pain and loss.

“Leave? Forget them! Don’t –”

“I just want to go.” I was fighting tears. “Let’s go. Please.”

“Okay, honey. Whatever you say.”


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