Read Cowboy Way Online

Authors: Cindy Sutherland

Tags: #Fiction, #Gay, #Romance, #Western

Cowboy Way (5 page)

Chapter 9

, are you sure about this?” Ryan brought his head up so he could look into those beautiful blue eyes. He needed to be sure.

Jakes voice was hoarse, but steady. “Ryan, Ive never been more sure of anything in my life. Ive been struggling with myself for a long time, trying to be what everyone wanted but never dealing with what I wanted. When I quit the army, that was the beginning for me. My divorce? That was inevitable, but it was the right thing too. I was never going to be happy, and neither was she.”

He reached up and started running his fingers through Ryans hair, wondering if it felt as comforting to Ryan as it did to him. Ryan settled his full weight on Jake so he could touch his face and hair with his hands.

“When you pulled into my yard yesterday, I was sure fate was laughing at me. It threw this beautiful, gay man in my face and said „deal with it. And I almost turned that horse around and left. Or told you to leave, but I couldnt. I needed to be fair to you, coming all this way on my word. So, you got out of the truck, and I got off the damn horse.” He kept touching Ryan wherever he could reach him.

“And it seems to me that we both found something we were looking for. You found a place to fit. Where you can do good work, what you love to do, be accepted for who you are. You found someone who cares about what happens to you, who sees you as someone special. And I know we just met, and I know its too soon, but I dont care.”

Ryan was smiling, but his eyes were overly bright. “And me? God, Ryan, I found a miracle. Someone whos smart and funny. I can tell by the way you are with the horses that you are a caring, devoted person. I found a lover who is making me feel cherished and safe. Someone who understands me and my way of life. So, yes, Im sure, so sure youre the one I want to be doing this with. Sure this is where I need to be.” He reached one hand behind Ryans neck and pulled him down for a gentle kiss that quickly deepened.
Jake had his legs wrapped around Ryans, trying to pull him closer, and he still had one hand behind his neck while the other one went to the swell of Ryans ass, keeping him from moving away.
Not that he was trying to. Hell, if Ryan could have crawled inside Jakes skin, it wouldnt have been close enough. Everywhere they touched it felt like they were on fire, with a delicious burn. Ryan was trying to keep his senses, but it was getting more and more difficult.
“Jake, we cant, I dont, oh God, love it when you touch me like that, I dont have anything, no supplies.” He grunted it out between clenched teeth. Now Jake looked a little embarrassed, but still determined.
“In the saddlebag. I wasnt assuming anything, just… hoping, I guess.” Ryan kissed his nose, because he looked so adorable blushing like that, before pushing off Jake to grab the saddlebag. He opened it up and dug through it, finding a small box of condoms and a bottle of lube. He grinned and raised his eyebrow at Jake, who ducked his head before mumbling something.
“What was that, Jake?” Ryan wandered back over to Jake, dropping the supplies on the blanket beside Jake before pulling his shirt lazily over his head and dropping it.
“About six months ago, I got it into my head to drive to the city and get myself some answers. I was going to go to a club. I got as far as the drugstore to buy that stuff. Walked out, got in the truck, and the next thing I knew, I was halfway home.”
He shrugged, more embarrassed by the second. But Ryan just grinned that heart-stopping smile, undid the button on his jeans, and slid the zipper down. He toed off his boots and socks and slid his jeans down to his knees. He kicked them off and stood there in his boxers, looking like some sort of wild forest creature.
He dropped to his knees beside Jake and started undoing the buttons of his shirt. He bent to lay kisses on every bit of skin that was uncovered before slipping an arm behind Jakes back and lifting him enough to slide it off. Looking at him laying there, on a blanket in the middle of the forest, with so much trust in his eyes, Ryan thought he must have found an angel. No one could be this perfect, could they?
He leaned down to capture Jakes mouth before trailing his lips down his chest and abs. He slid between Jakes knees again, and looking him in the eye, he undid the button of his jeans. He loved the sound Jake made when he accidentally brushed his knuckles over the hardness under the zipper, so he palmed Jakes cock through his jeans, rubbing firmly through the fabric and hearing Jakes breath come in pants and whimpers.
He finally pulled down the zipper, and sliding down to Jakes feet, he got rid of his boots and socks before reaching up to pull both jeans and boxers down Jakes legs and off. God, he was gorgeous, all hard muscle and soft skin that Ryan just itched to touch. And the blush that spread over his whole body was just too adorable for words. Ryan sat back on his heels and slid his boxers down his legs and off, and then they were both naked and wild.
Ryan slid his body back up Jakes, and as he settled there, their cocks touched for the first time. Jakes eyes rolled back in his head, and his back arched, putting more pressure against Ryan. Ryan pushed back with his hips before burying his face in Jakes neck, licking and sucking. Jake threw his head back, giving him better access to the soft flesh.
“Oh God, Ryan, you feel so good, so right.” He wanted to feel Ryan everywhere. His mouth, his chest, his cock, and his ass, God, he needed Ryan in his ass.
Ryan kissed his way back down the beautiful body in front of him, grabbing the bottle of lube on his way. He licked and nibbled and kissed, making Jake frantic, skipping over the feast of his cock for a minute to kiss the sensitive skin on the inside of his thighs, and then moving back to kiss his way up that hard shaft before sliding his lips all the way down, sucking hard and causing Jake to almost sit up before falling back down again. Ryan pulled back a bit, running a flat tongue up from the base, causing Jake to babble incoherently.
Ryan didnt want to make him come yet, so he slowed down to a leisurely torture before popping open the lid of the lube and pulling away for a second. He coated the fingers of one hand, never taking his eyes from Jakes. He kept looking for signs of fear or anxiety, but all he saw was affection and anticipation. He closed the lid and dropped the bottle, then lowered his mouth back to Jakes rock-hard erection. He hummed as he slid further down, gaining moans and arching hips from the man writhing in ecstasy below him. His name was peppered in with the dirtiest of words, and it was making Ryan even harder.
He slid one lubed finger between the cheeks of Jakes ass, rubbing the wetness over his entrance, just getting him used to the feeling of being touched there. Jake just groaned louder, and when Ryan slid one finger in, he stopped all movement for a second. Ryan went to pull back, thinking Jake was going to freak out. But Jake managed to push out a shattered, “Dont,” before pushing down on the finger inside him.
“Feels good, please dont stop.” So Ryan kept going, and before long Jake was begging for more. And Ryan gave it to him, keeping up the not-quite-enough friction on his cock with his tongue, finding Jakes prostate with the second finger, being careful not to push too hard, or it would be over before it began. Soon Jake was pleading for Ryan to fuck him, and finally Jake reached down and grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him back up and kissing him hard.
“Make love to me, Ryan.” And Ryan couldnt resist Jakes plea, so he grabbed a condom out of the box, opened it, and slipped it on. He grabbed the lube and slicked himself up, and after rubbing his fingers against Jakes hole one more time, he pulled Jakes legs high around his waist and pressed slowly inside.
And it hurt. Jake knew it would and thought he was prepared, but he wasnt. The shock of the pain brought tears to his eyes, and he squeezed them shut.
But it wasnt that long ago that Ryan had gone through this himself, and he knew what Jake was feeling. He also knew that, if he could get him through the first bit, that the pleasure he would feel would be amazing. So he linked one of Jakes hands with his own and used the other to rub small circles on his stomach, and waited. He didnt try and pull back, because he knew it would be worse. He just whispered to him, telling him to breathe and to relax. And when those stormy blue eyes opened, and the body surrounding him relaxed a bit, he pressed in a little farther, stopping to let Jake adjust, and kept it up until he was right against his body.
He slid the hand from Jakes stomach down to his cock, which had softened with the pain, stroking gently at first, letting Jake tell him when he was ready.
And Jake could see it in Ryans eyes. The care and understanding, and something he couldnt quite identify, but that made his heart swell. Finally, he pushed back against the fullness, and Ryan started to move, shallow thrusts at first, leaning in to press kisses to Jakes mouth, down his neck, across his chest. Soon the hand holding Ryans was pulling on him, and chants of, “Harder,” were floating across the meadow.
And when Ryan found the right angle, and he was hitting Jake in the sweet spot almost every time, Jake started falling apart under him, and it was an amazing thing to see. It sounded like he was chanting, “Didnt know,” over and over again, punctuated by Ryans name and the occasional sob. “Please, Ryan, oh God, I need to… Ryan I have to….”
And Ryan knew, so he thrust a little harder, and his hand got a little rougher on Jakes cock. There was one long sob—everything in Jake tightened, and Ryan felt heat on his hand. But it was overshadowed by the pulsing muscles milking his cock, and Ryan was pushed over the edge with a cry of Jakes name.

Chapter 10

and Jake lay snuggled up on the blanket, having pulled their underwear back on to protect themselves from the sun. Ryan reached up and grabbed the other bottle of water out of the saddlebag, giving it to Jake first before drinking the rest down. Jake wrapped his arms around Ryan again, wanting him close, and Ryan stroked up and down Jakes chest, knowing the emotional rollercoaster he must be on.

He reached up and kissed Jake on the jaw, loving the feeling of stubble against his lips. “You okay?” Jake looked down, kissed him softly, and smiled.

“Okay? I think Im perfect. God, Ryan, you have no idea.”
Ryan smirked at that. “Well, I kinda have some idea. Can I ask you something, though?” Jake nodded. “Well, what did you mean, at the end there, „didnt know? What didnt you know?”
Jake ducked his head, embarrassed. “I didnt know that sex could be like that. I mean, I had sex with girls before, and it was okay, we both enjoyed it, but I couldnt ever figure out what all the fuss was about. And I feel so stupid, sitting here talking about sex Ive had before, but now I know, thanks to you.” And he was blushing pretty hard for someone who had just had his mind blown on a blanket in the middle of the woods.
Ryan chuckled and hugged him closer. “First of all, that wasnt sex. That was making love, at least for me it was, and there is definitely a difference. And second of all, I am aware of the fact that you werent a virgin, although sex with men is different. I wasnt either, not that I have a lot of experience to talk about. But it helped that Ive been where you are, Jake.”
He couldnt stop touching him, tracing those swollen lips, around those intense blue eyes, through the soft, sweaty curls on Jakes head. And he loved how Jake leaned into the touch. It made him feel strong and protective, all at once.
“I hope youre never sorry about this, Jake, because I never will be.”
Jake rolled them over so that he was on top of Ryan, leaning down to trail kisses over his cheeks and eyes and down his neck. “I promise you, Ryan, I will never, ever be sorry about this.” He grinned and rolled his eyes a little, giving his hips a little roll, too, feeling the hardness of both of them between them. “Hmmm, wow, didnt think that was even possible.”
But Ryan had other ideas. He rolled them over, kissed Jake once, hard, then got up, reaching down a hand to help Jake up. Ryan grabbed Jakes clothes and passed them to him with another kiss before grabbing his and throwing them on. Jake looked a little confused and sort of concerned.
“Lets go back, Jake. We could both use a shower, and theres still work to be done.” Jake sighed and nodded. He walked over to Aragorn and saddled him while Ryan got the blanket and saddlebag ready. He saw Jake wince a little and got concerned. He attached the stuff to the saddle before stopping in front of Jake, putting his arms around his neck, and looking him in the eye.
“You okay? I didnt hurt you, did I?” He seemed really worried, and Jake slid his arms around to link in the small of Ryans back.
“Im fine, Ryan, promise. Im just a little sore, and I am pretty sure its normal.” He leaned down to whisper in Ryans ear. “I can still feel you inside me, and I like it.”
He nuzzled into Ryans neck, a little shocked by his own admission. Ryan held him close before pulling back and kissing him. The bit of sadness was back in his eyes, but Jake let it go for now. He didnt want to push Ryan while they were out here. It was an even more special place for him now. He would talk to him back at the ranch.
Ryan let go and insisted that Jake get on first. “That way you can lean against me and maybe get a little cushioning?” Now it was Ryans turn to blush a little. Jake grinned, but did as he was asked.
Ryan swung up behind him and scooted in close, so that Jake was almost sitting in his lap. He wrapped both arms around Jakes waist, letting him lean back against him. Jake loved the feeling of being cared for and grabbed one of Ryans hands, bringing it up to kiss the palm before putting it back on his stomach. They took one last look around their magical place, then Jake headed Aragorn for home.
When they got back to the ranch, they were surprised to see a truck in the driveway. Jake sighed and squeezed Ryans arms around him before whispering, “Shit.” He stopped Aragorn by the corral fence and let Ryan slide off before getting down himself. He grabbed Ryans hand, pulling him in for a quick kiss, before turning to meet the black-haired tornado bearing down on him.
“Hello, Jen.” He was still holding Ryans hand, not letting him go even when he tried to pull away, seeing the look of fury on the womans face. She was beautiful and angry, and she obviously had something to say to Jake. She looked at Ryan and then followed their arms down to their linked hands, her eyes widening.
“What the hell is going on, Jake? Ive been trying to get a hold of you for two days, and you havent answered. I needed you!” She pouted prettily and pushed her chest out further, trying to force Jakes attention to her rather ample tits. Ryan would have laughed if he hadnt been feeling so sick to his stomach. Did Jake have a girlfriend? He tried to pull away again, but Jake held firm.
“Jen, I told you before, Im not running over to fix your problems anymore. You have a husband for that. I told you a long time ago I wasnt interested in you!”
The woman snorted her derision and sidled closer to Jake, ignoring Ryan, trying to get her body closer to Jakes. “Hes useless, too busy screwing around and gambling to do any work.” She was whining now and not quite as beautiful.
Jake just stepped back, taking Ryan with him, before pulling him closer and putting an arm around his waist. At that, the womans full fury returned. She reached up with both hands, pushing Ryan, trying to get him away from Jake.
“Get the hell away from him, you fucking pervert!” Ryan was shocked and didnt know what to do, but Jake was furious. He let go of Ryan and grabbed her arm, pulling her all the way to her truck. He opened the door and shoved her in.
“Dont you ever fucking talk to him that way again. Dont show up here, and if you step foot on my property again, remember I have a shotgun.” He slammed the door and turned away, striding back to a stunned Ryan and wrapping him in his arms.
He buried his face in Ryans neck, shaking so hard Ryan thought he might break. They both listened as the truck started, and she drove away. Ryan brought both arms around him, holding him tight.
“Ryan, I am so, so sorry. That woman is completely nuts. Even before Mikayla left, she was hitting on me all the time, and after? God, she wont leave me alone. I helped her out a few times because I thought she genuinely needed help, but it turned out she was wrecking things on purpose to get me there. She even went so far as to injure a horse to get me over there in the middle of the night.”
He stood there, breathing in Ryans smell, trying to calm down. The gentle hand running up and down his back was helping. He pulled back and looked into Ryans eyes, afraid of what he would see.
But Ryan was smiling at him, concerned, but not angry. “Its not your fault, Jake. She isnt the first angry female Ive encountered. But, Jake, you know she wont keep this quiet. Everyones gonna know.”
Jake just sighed. “I dont care, Ryan. I never had any intention of hiding myself. And hiding you?” He squeezed Ryan against him, smiling like crazy. “Trying to hide you would be foolish and like trying to hide the sun, with the way you shine.” Ryan was blushing and adorable, and Jake couldnt help the breath-stealing kiss he gave him.
“Why dont you head for the house and the shower while I take care of Aragorn. It wont take me long.” He expected an argument, but Ryan just nodded and gave him a mysterious smile. “Okay, hurry, though!” Ryan kissed him and went to the house while Jake took care of the horse.
It didnt take him long. He walked in the door but was surprised not to hear the shower. He walked toward Ryans room. “Ryan?” He pushed the door open and was hit by the smell of vanilla and musk.
“In here, Jake.” Jake pushed the bathroom door open, and he was sure his heart must have stopped. The window curtains were closed, and there were a few candles lit, and there, in his bathtub, was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Ryan Andrews, wet, naked, and waiting for him.
“Care to join me?”
Jake couldnt speak, so he only nodded. As he walked closer to the tub, he could see that Ryan hadnt used bubble bath, but bath oil, and that crystal-clear water was doing nothing to hide the fact that Ryan was sitting there stroking his already hard cock. There was no way in hell he could get naked fast enough.
“Fuck, Ryan, are you trying to kill me?”
Ryan just smiled slyly. “Nope, but I bet a hot bath would feel real good right now, and maybe so would I?”
Jake was naked in a heartbeat. He dropped to his knees beside the tub, grabbing Ryans neck and giving him a passionate kiss before reaching into the tub to grab his cock and give it a few good strokes. He watched as Ryan dropped his head back, groaning at Jakes touch, before he opened his eyes and put his lips right up to Jakes.
“Get in here!” Jakes cock twitched at the demand in Ryans voice, and he quickly stood and climbed in, settling between Ryans legs with his back against his chest.
The warm water felt heavenly, and he could feel himself relaxing. Ryan wrapped his arms around him and kissed the back of his neck. They sat there for a while, just being with each other and enjoying the feeling of each others bodies. Ryan took a washcloth from the side of the tub and wet it before rubbing it on the sweet-smelling soap he had found.
He started washing Jakes chest and stomach, loving the sweet moans rumbling from Jakes throat. He whispered in Jakes ear, telling him how beautiful he was, how good he felt sitting against him. Jake turned his head back enough for a wet kiss, reaching one arm back to curl his hand around Ryans skull. The hand washing him kept slipping further down, until the cloth was left behind and Ryans hand was pulling gently on his cock. He could feel Ryans hard-on pressed into his back, and he remembered how it felt to be full of Ryan and whimpered, pushing back harder against the body behind him. Ryan nibbled on his ear and licked the sensitive spot under his ear.
“Jake, making love to you was amazing, but now I want something else.” Jake turned his head to look into his eyes. “I want to feel you inside me, Jake. I want to see you over me, looking in my eyes when Im moaning your name cause youre making me feel so good.” He leaned in to run his tongue around the shell of Jakes ear. “Can you do that, Jake? Can you take that rock-hard cock of yours and slide it into my ass? I want you to, please?” He slid his hand up and down, taking care to not put too much pressure on the hot dick in his hand. He knew what he wanted, and he was going to get it.
Jake spun around in his arms, splashing water over the side of the tub and pressing Ryan back, plundering his mouth ruthlessly.
“Fuck, Ryan, what are you trying to do to me?” He couldnt breathe, and he didnt care. He pulled back and stood up, grabbing a towel from the rack. He reached down to take Ryans hand, hauling him to his feet. Ryan stepped out of the tub, and Jake dried him quickly before doing the same for himself. He pulled Ryan flush against him, pressing his face into Ryans neck, alternately licking and biting the soft flesh. Ryan turned his head to give him better access.
“I wanna fuck you, Ryan. God, I wanna be inside you.” He was feeling desperate and started pulling Ryan toward the bedroom. Ryan was holding back. Why? Jake was frantic, but Ryan was pulling him back.
“Ryyaannn.” It came out a whine, and Ryan smiled.
“Candles, babe.” He pulled away to blow them out before turning back to Jake and grabbing his hand. “Lets go!”

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