Crossing Boundaries (Cape Falls) (7 page)

I’m so sorry,” she whispered. The sweet release had been a joy for her to behold. Never before had she climaxed by her own hand. She'd always had to endure the need of pain or force. This time she’d chosen to climax and she’d brought herself to release.

I want you to understand, Lisa. I’m not punishing you because you found release. I’m very proud you have managed after all this time to find fulfilment by no other means than your hand.”

Lisa felt a wave of pleasure coarse through her from his words.

I’m going to punish you because I wanted to be there to watch as you brought yourself sexual gratification by your own hands. You didn’t let me watch your freedom, Lisa, and now you’ll have to pay the price.”

Far from being scared, Lisa anticipated the punishment. In her mind she’d reached a beautiful release and knew she would be able to do it again and again. Any punishment she met would be well-deserved. She’d both pleased and disappointed her Master.

I’m going to give you ten lashings with my belt. You’re not to come. Do you understand?”

I understand, Master.”

Good. Get on the bed and on your knees.”

Lisa kept her gaze firmly on the ground as she moved to the bed. She climbed to the center and kept her ass up and her head down.

She heard him unbuckle his belt with the faintest sound of the tinkle of metal. Her excitement increased. The cream of her pussy began leaking out and spreading over the tops of her thighs. This day had become a victory of huge proportions. The bed dipped and moments later his hands ran over the curve of her ass.

You’ve been a bad girl,” he said. His fingers ran through her dripping slit and passed over her cunt to press the tips against her puckered anus. “I think you’ll be ready for me to fuck this ass soon.”

She moaned. The thought of him taking her up the ass turned her on more than she’d have liked.

I want you to count for me.”

Yes, Master.”

The leather of the belt came down striking her left ass cheek. She cried out.


One, what?”

One, Master.”

He struck her again and again until the punishment was complete.

I’m going to treat you now. I want to feel your cunt ripple as you come and you won’t refuse me.”

Master gripped her hips and turned her onto her back. Lisa stared up at the man who owned her heart. He’d given her so much in the short time they’d been together. The trust she felt with him she could never experience with another person.

He forced her to watch as his naked cock slid between her pussy lips, her cream flooding and coating his thick member.

Lisa held on as he penetrated her body, her heart and soul. Her entire being was surrounded by the man above her and in her arms.




Laura closed the book. Her heart pounding and
pussy wet and dripping. Did Dean crave submission? She didn’t have a clue and she wouldn’t judge him. Just because he wrote about it didn’t mean he was into it.

She took her empty plate downstairs and thought about getting her own place. When she got an apartment of her own, she wouldn’t be forced to hide her books. She’d be free to come and go as she chose.

The book lay under her covers and she read into the early hours of the morning. The book was addictive. As she lay in bed, she touched herself, just a tentative touch. She’d played with herself many times, but this time felt different, as if she was seeking something more than a release. After a time she stopped. She couldn’t find what she was searching for.

Only time would give her the answer.


* * * *


Dean smiled as he recalled Laura’s dirty look. She hated being treated like a child. She wasn’t one and he knew it, but he couldn’t help but tease her over her age. He wondered if she was enjoying his book, the first story he’d written and the one where he’d begun to explore the BDSM elements. Carla hadn’t been interested in rough sex. She liked long, slow love-making.

Would Laura see him differently? Would she think, like other readers, that he was into all that stuff? He would like to explore certain aspects of the lifestyle, more out of curiosity than a need to live to a strict rule.

He closed his computer and walked up to his bedroom. Laura had become a very important part of his life in the last few weeks. Since he’d opened up to her about the death of his wife and child he’d felt a deeper connection. Laura hadn’t experienced loss, but she understood pain. She didn’t expect anything from him and for that he was thankful. He cared about Laura and he found her attractive. Every time he thought about her, he tried to remember the fact he was twenty years older than she. She was young and had her whole life ahead of her. She didn’t need a man like him in her life. By the time she turned forty, he would be sixty years old. No, he wouldn’t try to argue his point. Laura Cox was a wonderful woman who would one day make a man proud to call her his wife. Even though it would hurt like hell when that day came, he wouldn’t stop her.

He grabbed the story he’d been working on. He was stuck on how to finish it. He didn’t want to tell her he’d spent some days working twenty-four hours straight to complete his story. It wasn’t a full-length novel, but the start of something much bigger. He couldn’t think of the names to call his lead characters and the title eluded him also. The story had started to mean so much more to him, as if the story was his own personal journey. He settled down and started reading the story from the beginning. The deadline was fast approaching and he didn’t have much time.



Chapter Nine


Dear Diary,

I think I’m a submissive. Dean gave me this book the other night and I’ve never been so turned on before in my life. Surrendering to her Master is the title. The story is about a woman, Lisa, who has a less than desirable past. She was forced into selling her body for money. One night when she’s about to end her life a man comes to her. He forces her to call him Master. Nothing else. He takes her to his mansion and brings her back to life. He shows her that no matter how hard her life has been, someone could still love her for who she was.

The Master is in love with her. Lisa can’t reach climax and the time they spend together is about Lisa accepting who she is as a woman and learning to not only love the opposite sex, but to also love herself.

I felt as if the book was speaking to me on a deeper level. The things the Master did to her, I want Dean to be the man to take control, to order me to submit to his love-making. Does this make me a little strange? I don’t know. I’m not repulsed by the idea. I’m more intrigued. How would it feel to have his hand slap across my ass? To punish me for being naughty? The endless list of possibilities has filled me with so much temptation.

Sometimes I find myself staring at him and wondering what he’d do if he knew how I felt about him. Would he be repulsed by my bland features and large size? When I think of him, I forget about the world I live in. My parents don’t matter and the position at the library doesn’t matter. Helping Peter doesn’t matter. Dean can make me forget everything else. It's just he and I.

There are times I see the sadness in his face and know in my heart he misses his wife. No way would I ever be able to replace her. By reading more of his work I understand the value she’d been in his life. I could never be like her.

* * * *


Dean was in his study on the phone as Laura glanced through his collection of music trying to find something of interest. She heard the phone go down and she checked to make sure he’d finished the call before putting some music on. A selection made, she adjusted the stereo so she could feel the sounds rolling through her. After working at the library and being hunched over the computer for the last hour, she was ready for some movement
and her mind was working a hundred miles per minute. The relaxation of dancing would bring her back to neutral. The first sounds spilled from the speakers and she loved the tune instantly. It had a real beat where she could throw her head around and dance to her heart's content.

In no time at all, Dean had found her.

“What the hell are you doing?” Dean called over the loud music.

“I’m working out the tension. I need music. This helps me to clear my head, gets rid of all those bad vibes and have some fun,” she said as her arms swung up in the air and her hips swayed from side to side.

“This isn’t music. It’s an awful noise,” he replied and covered his ears.

Laura burst out laughing. “It can’t be that awful. It’s from your collection.” She moved over to the stereo and turned the volume up.

“Besides, you need to relax and calm down. Come and dance with me,” she said as she went back to the center of the sitting room. She’d moved the coffee table out of the way and made sure there was plenty of room.

Dean refused and made to walk away. She wasn’t letting him get away that easily. Laura grabbed him before he could leave and tugged him into the center of the room.

“Come on. Let go,” she said and holding his hands, began moving to a beat.

His hands were lax in her grip and she refused to let him go. Dean needed to have fun. He spent far too much time feeling guilty. She understood why he hurt and she couldn’t imagine going through the pain and heartache. The only way for him to move on was to accept what had happened and to understand he had no control over the situation. A few more minutes and she wouldn’t give up.

Dean gripped her hands and together they danced. The music was loud enough to cut off all thought and they simply immersed themselves in the fun of the moment. He twirled Laura and wrapped his arms around her before spinning her out and bringing her back into the curve of his body. She laughed and followed his lead. Dean was a wonderful dancer.

The music drew to a close and they tripped. Dean fell on top of her on the sofa. Laura couldn’t stop laughing as she gasped for breath. He’d winded her, but she liked the feel of him against her. He was laughing as well and she’d give anything to hear his deep throaty laugh.

“I’ve not danced like that in years,” he told her on a chuckle. His hands were by her waist and his fingertips ran along the indented curve and swell of her waist. Her shirt had ridden up, exposing her stomach. Laura froze as her stomach quivered. His nearness was shocking her. Their laughter and the music stopped. The only sounds were of their indrawn breaths. She couldn’t look away.

Dean stared down at her. She saw one of his hands come up between them and cup her face. His pelvis pressed ever so slightly between her thighs. Laura became aware of their situation. They’d fallen in such a way that her legs had opened and his most private part was pressed against hers. Something hard, thick and long prodded against her mound and the pressure felt a little uncomfortable. She wasn’t used to anything poking in such a delicate area.

The tension mounted. Dean leaned closer.

What to do?
No man or boy had ever kissed her. Is that what he was going to do?
Shit. What if I’m bad at it? Holy shit.
Most women her age already had plenty of experience.

Her heart raced and she thought it would explode out of her chest. He was close and she felt the rush of air as he exhaled on her face. She closed her eyes. Dean kissed her on the cheek and then quickly pulled away from her. As he got up she noticed he turned his body so his crotch wasn’t visible to her.
Was he turned on by her?

“I think you should go,” he said. His voice quiet and he wouldn’t look at her.

Laura nodded and grabbed her bag. She walked toward the front door and closed her eyes.
You idiot,
she thought. She couldn’t leave like this, but facing him seemed much worse. “I’m sorry. I won’t play any more music,” she shouted for him to hear. As she grabbed the door handle and twisted the knob, a hand came out of nowhere over her head and closed the door.

When he turned her around she saw the arousal on his face. He didn’t speak a word as he closed the distance between them.

“Just this once,” he said seconds before his lips took control of hers.

She gasped and dropped her bag. His touch, taste and every little detail consumed her. It was so unexpected. She followed his lead and sighed.

He pulled away and stared down at her lips.

“Open for me,” he growled.

Laura didn’t speak and opened her lips slightly. He ran a thumb over her bottom lip and then bent down to kiss her again. Dean tilted her head back further and plunged in, his tongue invading her mouth and meeting her own. She moaned as he continued kissing her, their lips taking what they wanted from each other. Laura wrapped her hands around his neck. She didn’t have a clue what she was doing, but the passion was driving her forward and just as suddenly as it began, the passion ended when Dean pulled away.

“You’re too young for me,” he told her and reaching round her body, he opened the door.

Laura was more than thankful to get away. Her first kiss and his only comment had been about her age.


* * * *


Dean watched her go. His lips tingled from the touch of her lips. He licked them and was sure he could taste her on his lips, subtle, yet reassuring to him. The kiss hadn’t been something made up in his mind. Shaking his head, he closed the door and went back to his study. His work-in-progress was still in the works.

After reading through the manuscript in bed, he’d seen it needed a lot of work. There were still some holes in the story that needed to be worked out. His editor had been on the phone earlier and told him he had until the end of the month to finish or his other books were going to be pulled. The publishing house had had enough and with the market being the way it was, someone else could easily fill his shoes. Gone were the days of writing at your own pace.

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