Read Denying Dare Online

Authors: Amber Kell

Tags: #M/M Paranormal Romance

Denying Dare (4 page)

alpha's good side he didn't need to piss him off at this

juncture. If keeping Silver happy took admiring his best

friend's new bauble, it would be well worth it.

Silver pulled a desk drawer open and handed over a

black leather ring box. Opening the jewelry box, Steven

caught his breath. He wasn't a man given to jewelry but he

knew his friend would adore this. Inside the box lay a

heavy, gold man's ring with a giant square amber stone and

two rows of pavé diamonds circling the band. Steven bet

that if the ring was held up to Anthony's face it would

exactly match his friend's eyes.

"I've never seen a yellow diamond before."

Silver smiled. "They're very rare, just like


Would puking ruin his chances? Who knew the big

alpha was a big softy inside? He wisely refrained from

commenting on the fact. "It's beautiful and I'm sure he'll

love it." Really, he just couldn't resist. "You know, you

could just pee a circle around him. The werekin will know

you're marking him and the humans will be disgusted

enough to leave him alone."

Laughing, Silver shook his head. "Somehow, I don't

think my mate would appreciate the sentiment."


Denying Dare

Amber Kell

Steven smiled at the image of Anthony that sprang

into his mind. It was best Silver didn't follow his advice

because he didn't want to think about what Anthony would

do in retaliation.

Silver frowned at the ring a moment before sliding

it back inside his desk. "He'd better like it; I had to contract

with weremoles to get a rate I didn't have to sell the

building for."

"You know Anthony would love you even if you

didn't give him a ring." Steven didn't want Silver to fall into

the same trap many men did when trying to keep a

beautiful lover interested. As much as Anthony loved gifts,

he wouldn't care if his lover couldn't afford them. Steven

was confident his friend loved Silver with or without the


"I know," Silver sighed. "But I want his parents to

know I can take care of him. His father didn't seem

convinced we are fated to be mates. At least the ring will

let everyone know my man is loved and appreciated and to

back the hell off." The alpha gave a self-conscious shrug.

"Enough about me. What did you come here for?"

Steven took a deep breath. "I'd like to join the


Shrewd eyes examined him. "Why now? You've

never shown interest in the pack before. Unless there's


Denying Dare

Amber Kell

more to the story I heard about a big cat dragging you out

of the bar last night."

"Dare is my mate." Steven rushed the words out like

a run-on sentence. A ball of fear lodged in his throat as he

admitted the truth out loud. It was almost painful to give up

on the dream of a wolf mate, but he wouldn't give up his

weretiger for anyone. Tenderness filled him as he

remembered waking in the other man's arms.

"Are you sure? If he really is your mate I would've

thought you'd know earlier."

Steven blushed. "I kind of did. I just wanted him to

be a wolf."

"Ah. Well, I can't say I don't understand. My life

would be a lot easier if Anthony was a wolf. Less

interesting, but easier. Does Dare know you avoided him

all this time because he's a cat? Has he agreed to be your


"He'll agree," Steven said with a low growl. "He

had better agree, but that's not why I came here. I want to

help you find the mutant pack."

Silver stood up. "I'll give you temporary

membership to assist the others. We can use all the help we

can get. However, until Dare accepts you fully I can't admit

you as a full pack member unless you want to enter as an

unaffiliated wolf."


Denying Dare

Amber Kell

"What's that?" His werewolf lore wasn't the best

and he was still finding gaps in his knowledge when

dealing with werewolves who grew up in a pack.

"It would mean you joined without any affiliation

except the bonds of friendship. Your connection with

Anthony is enough to have you join as a lone wolf."

Steven shook his head. "I'll wait until Dare accepts

me. If I join as lone he might think that means I don't want

him and I did enough damage already."

"Then welcome as a temporary member."

He shook the alpha's hand, tilting his head to

acknowledge his pack submission.

"You're going to have to do that for Anthony also,

you know."

Steven let go of his new alpha's hand. "Shit."

Turning, he stomped out the door.

Dare was sitting where he left him, sipping a cola

out of a clear glass. A few members of the club sat with

him, chattering about something or other, Steven didn't pay

attention. What he did notice was they were all sitting too

fucking close to his man.

"Come on, babe. I'll take you to Parker's."

Dare gave the other men a nod and, after dropping

his glass off at the bar, let Steven lead him outside.


Denying Dare

Amber Kell

Chapter Two

Parker's house was nice. Dare looked around, his

eyes bright and curious, taking in the plush chocolate

brown carpet and the sky blue walls. The house was ranch

style with wide, spacious rooms and a feeling of a home.

He could understand why the other man didn't want to give

up his house to have one of the pack apartments.

"Curious kitty," Steven whispered in his ear. Since

entering the home, the wolf was oddly attentive. He stayed

within arm's reach of Dare at all times and always put

himself between Dare and the other men whenever they

stood together. If he didn't know better he'd say the man

was possessive. It was probably wishful thinking on his


The four of them sat around Parker's round dining

room table. Steven pulled Dare's chair as close to his as

possible without having the other man sit on his lap, which

would look stupid since they were the same size.

"Have we investigated Cindy's employer at the

construction company?" Dillon asked the group. Cindy was

a human who had been abducted by mutant werewolves.

Since the vampire, Alesandro, killed the first mutant they

encountered, they weren't able to question him.


Denying Dare

Amber Kell

No one knew what talents this new breed might

have and it was a priority to find out what these enemies

could do. All they knew at the moment was that they had

gone through some sort of transformation, giving them

stronger wolf senses than most werekin but freezing them

in a human-werewolf form, unable to pass off as anything

other than a mutation. Right now, they were trying to

pinpoint where the other wolves were based so they could

capture a few for questioning. It was possible they weren't

all hunting Silver's pack, but until they knew for sure, all

the local packs were staying close and pulling extra

security around pack homes and businesses.

"Her boss, Richard Hale, smelled of corruption."

Parker said with a sneer on his handsome face. "I assigned

Sheila and Farro to watch their headquarters."

Steven frowned. "I don't think I've ever met Farro."

"He doesn't come to the club very often. His wife

died a few years ago and he hasn't recovered. He spends

most of his time raising his little boy," Dillon said.

This time it was Dare who showed his curious kitty

side. "I didn't think wolves could survive the loss of their


"She wasn't his mate, she was his wife. Farro is

bisexual but sensed his mate would be male. He wanted a

cub so he married a human woman. They might not have


Denying Dare

Amber Kell

been a mated pair but he loved her. She died in a car

accident a year ago, leaving him alone to take care of their

five-year old boy."

"That's so sad." Dare's eyes glistened with tears.

"Shh. Babe, it's okay." Steven stroked his head in a

soothing manner. Dare resisted the urge to rub against him

like a cat in heat. There was something compelling about

the werewolf touching him. It calmed him down to his toes.

The other two wolves looked at them curiously.

"Is there something you two want to tell us?" Dillon


"Dare's my mate," Steven said.

Dare jerked out of his hold. "What do you mean,

I'm your mate? I thought wolves could sense their mate? If

I was yours, you would've known months ago."

He saw Steven swallow and he knew the truth. The

man had known they were mates when he was fucking

around. Nausea churned in his belly.

"I need to go call Ben," Dillon said, jumping from

the table.

"I need a cold drink," Parker followed the other

werewolf with what Dare considered unseemly haste.


"You knew." Dare jumped to his feet with quick,

feline grace. Steven watched him warily. "All this time,


Denying Dare

Amber Kell

while I was lusting after you and you slept with every piece

of wolf tail you could find, you knew we were mates. You


"No. It wasn't like that." Steven grabbed Dare's

arms to stop his pacing. Dare flashed his fangs at the other

man but the wolf held on tight. "I thought you might be my

mate, but I didn't know for sure. I never got close enough to

be certain."

"Because I wasn't wolf," Dare hissed. The pain

caused by the idea that his mate thought he wasn't good

enough knifed through his chest. Having a mate who didn't

want to be yours was a special kind of hell. Every shifter

dreamed of finding the one fated to be theirs; unfortunately,

as Steven proved, it wasn't always a happy event.






statement. "I won't have secrets between us. I wanted to

mate with a wolf, I can't deny that, but I didn't have sex

with all the wolves I left with. Sometimes we just went out

for a meal to see if we were compatible. Now that I know

for certain you are my mate, I wouldn't trade you for

anything." He gave Dare a little shake. "Or anyone. You.

Are. Mine. And I will kill anyone who tries to take you

away from me."

Dare's eyes searched Steven's eyes. All he saw was

honest need. He couldn't blame the wolf for wanting one of


Denying Dare

Amber Kell

his own species, but it hurt to know he was only wanted by

default. If they weren't fated mates, the wolf would never

have wanted to see him again. He could keep the pain close

to him and make them miserable for the rest of their lives

or he could acknowledge his mate made a mistake and be

happy with what they had now. Looking up he saw the

anxious expression in the wolf's face and knew he only had

one real choice.

"All right."

A wide smile crossed Steven's handsome face.

"You'll be mine?"

Dare nodded. The lump in his throat made it too

difficult to do anything else. The joy on his mate's face

went a long way towards resolving any resentment he felt.

Steven wrapped him in his arms and gave him a

tight squeeze before placing a bone-melting kiss on his lips.

"Come on, baby. Let's go hunting."

* * * *

They sat in their car outside the main office of the

construction company, watching people come and go.

Sheila and Farro had left an hour before to get some rest.

Typical of a small company, the office was a yellowish two

story building with the name of the company plastered on


Denying Dare

Amber Kell

the outside and nothing else in the way of decoration. A

steel chain link fence surrounded the machine yard housing

the expensive construction equipment. At this time of night

there were no signs of movement.

"Maybe we should send Cindy inside to spy for us,"

Steven said, watching the guards check an incoming car.

"Yeah. I'm sure Alesandro will take it really well

when his mate becomes upset because we're endangering

his sister."

"Hmm. Vampires can be touchy," Steven agreed.

"Would you really do that?"

"Do what?"

"Endanger that girl in order to find out


Dare wasn't certain how he felt about this ruthless

side of his mate.

Steven nodded. "I wouldn't like it, but if it's a choice

between traumatizing one girl to find out who's trying to

kill the pack or letting these mutants destroy us, I'd toss her

to the enemy in a heartbeat."

Although he appreciated the honesty, Steven's

answer made Dare queasy. He understood the need to

protect the pack, but he'd met Cindy and couldn't imagine

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