Diamonds (Den of Thieves Book 1) (9 page)

“My parents.”

Peter glanced at her. “Really? Why is that? Because I said those things about your father. You know I didn’t mean any--”


“Oh no! I know you didn’t. Besides I was the one who started that nonsense about my father anyway.”


“So what were you thinking?”


“Just about how much my father loved my mother.”  She sighed and looked out the window as the houses along the streets flew by.


“He must have loved her a lot, I mean to have never remarried after she died.”


“He did. When she died he was devastated. I remember growing up and there were moments I would catch him looking at me and I would see a tear running down his cheek. I would ask him why and he would just tell me that I reminded him so much of my mother. I think that is why he is so over protective of me. He doesn’t want what happened to her to happen to me.”

Her heart ached for her father. He’d only ever had one love in his life. He had never looked for another after she had died. Instead he had chosen to live a life of solitude except for his daughter.

“How did she die?” Peter asked softly breaking her out of her thoughts.

She didn’t say anything for a moment.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” He put a hand on hers and she felt oddly comforted by it.


“No it’s not that. It’s hard to explain. I don’t know all of the details to be honest. My father doesn’t like to talk about it much so it makes it hard to find out anything.”


“I understand. I wasn’t trying to pry into your personal life. I was just curious. I mean my mother died of cancer when I was five. But given what you have told me it doesn’t sound like it was something like that for your mom. So I --”


“No it’s alright, Peter. You don’t have to explain. I know you weren’t trying to be a pest. My mother was murdered.”


She watched his reaction. She could see the shock cross across his face he had not been prepared for that sort of an answer.


“What happened?” he asked softly.

“She was on her way home from some fundraiser and she was jumped in the street by some man. My mother bled out on the street because there was no one around to help her.”


“Did they think she was purposely targeted? I mean you could be in trouble.” A look of worry crossed Peter’s eyes.


“No they think it was some junkie who did it. The man made off with her purse.” She looked down at her hands.


“The never caught the guy did they?”


“No they didn’t. And try as I might I cant find any information on it anywhere I look.”


“What do you mean?”


“I’ve tried over the years to dig up information on my mothers murder but I have never been able to find a single article or report on it anywhere.” She shook her head. She had gone through a phase where she had been desperate to know and to understand what had happened to her mother but she had never been able to find anything more than what her father and handful of the household staff had told her.


“I’m sorry,” he said as he pulled into her driveway.

“For what?” she asked as he stopped the car.

“For bringing that stuff up again. Here I was trying to make up for upsetting you earlier with the very same thing. And I’ve gone and done it again.” He looked down at the steering wheel.


“It’s not your fault, Peter. I brought it up this time.” She placed her hand on his arm. “And to be perfectly honest. It felt good being able to open up and talk to someone about it for once.”


“I’m glad I was there then.” His face brightened.


Their eyes locked again and Daria felt that spark of electricity she had felt at the lookout.


She willed him with her eyes to kiss her again.


And without a word he leaned in and kissed her again. The heat of the kiss over took her sensibility.


“Stay the night.”



She took his hand and led him up the main staircase in the center of the house. His eyes wandered over the soft curves of her perfect ass as her hips swayed as she took the stairs one at a time.


As they reached the top of the stairs he reached out to wrap his arm around her waist drawing her close to him. She released his other hand to steady herself on the banister. He brushed the hair off of her neck and planted soft kisses where her hair once was.

A soft moan escaped her lips in response and she leaned back into him.


Sebastian spun her around and pulled her into another breathless kiss. He wanted her. All of her.


They stumbled down the hall, their feet tangling as they went, throwing them off balance. They almost fell into her room while their hands searched each other’s bodies.


Her hands on his chest unbuttoning the buttons on his shirt. His hands on her back finding the zipper of her skirt.


The clothes fell to the floor piece by piece as they crossed the room to the bed. He gently laid her down on the bed.


Sebastian watched her eyes and saw them cloud with passion as she looked at him. He leaned forward to unbutton the soft pink shirt that she was wearing. He pushed back the material slowly and gently traced the outline of her lacy, peach bra.


She moaned and arched her back as his fingers touched bare flesh and slowly slid down her stomach. Sebastian wrapped his arms around her and drew her up toward him in an embrace. He kissed her increasing the pressure of his mouth on hers as he pulled her shirt off and reached behind her to unfasten her bra. He drew away from her slightly, bringing the bra with him and cupping her full breasts in his hands. Daria gasped in excitement at his touch.


He stood then and drew her off the bed to stand before him. He kissed her face, her neck, her breasts, her stomach, slowly lowering his body until he was kneeling before her. He placed kisses up her legs until he reached her hips, smiling as he heard the soft moan that escaped her.


Sebastian looked up at her as she reached for his shoulders and gently caressed his body. He kissed her hip tenderly before leaning back to view the incredibly sexy sight before him. He traced the outline of her very feminine peach panties, gently reaching under the edge of her panties to tenderly stroke the soft curls that lay behind the lace. He slowly and gently pulled the lace barrier from her body, kissing the triangle of curls as he disposed of her panties.

Sebastian smiled as he rose to his feet again as he felt her trembling and his heart skipped a beat as she opened herself slightly to accept his searching fingers. He kissed her intimately, slipping his finger into the warmth and wetness that promised him everything he had imagined.

Easing away from her, he looked at her and saw her mouth was still opened slightly and her eyes were closed as she gave in to the pleasure she was feeling and moaned. Her honest, passionate response to his touches served to excite him beyond belief. He removed his finger from within her body and kissed her intimately once more. Her body arched towards him.

“Please,” Daria gasped as he trailed kisses down her neck.

Sebastian pushed her gently back down onto the bed and spread her legs before him. Pressing inside of her, he twisted his fingers slightly as he searched for the spot that would push her over the edge of passion. His tongue circled the engorged nub of her clit, and he sucked at it gently, smiling at the gasp he drew from her.

She gasped.

He didn’t let up, aroused by the intoxicating scent and taste of her wetness, and gave in to the urge to bury his middle finger deep within her. Moving in and out of her body to the same rhythm he intended to repeat with his cock once he was buried deep inside of her, he was overwhelmed with need for his woman. He felt her body clench around his finger as the building explosion burst forward from deep within her. He moaned against her as Daria found her release and smiled as she called out his name.

Sebastian trailed kisses up her body, through the tight curls, across her stomach, up the midline of her body, and across each breast to suckle at each nipple before coming to the hollow of her throat. His hands reached up to frame her face. He leaned toward her slowly, finally claiming her mouth tenderly with his.

As her arms surrounded him, he felt the gentle stroking of her hands across his back. He was unable to contain the sounds of pleasure that her touch drew from him. Daria caressed him tenderly, slowly lowering her hands to follow the muscular contours of his body, cupping his buttocks tightly and drawing him closer toward her. He felt her hand reaching for the waistband of his boxers and reveled in the feeling of the excitement she evoked as she tried to push them down his body.

Sebastian released his hold on her to stand, pulled his boxers from his hips and threw them heedlessly across the bed. She opened her arms out to him, inviting him to join her. He stood before her, fully aroused, looking down at the vision that lay before him. His heart was hammering against his chest as he knelt on the edge of the bed then lean forward to lie beside her and engulf her in his arms once again. He breathed in the delicious scent of her as she wrapped her arms around him.

“I like touching you,” Daria whispered against his chest as he held her tightly to him.

He pulled back from her slightly and looked down at her. She reached between them and took careful hold of his cock, stroking the hard length of him with such gentle tenderness that he thought he would die from the pleasure.

“I have never wanted a man so much in my life,” she whispered rubbing her thumb gently across the tip of his erection before releasing him.

He said nothing but slowly leaned back into her embrace. She gasped softly as he slid inside her.

They slowly moved together as if they had been together this way forever. The rhythm quickened and Sebastian tried to slow down but she would not allow him. He felt himself losing control as she called out his name when she found her release again. He did not slow down and he soon found his world exploding around him.

Chapter 6

Daria slowly opened her eyes. Daylight was creeping through the curtains. She looked over and watched Peter sleeping beside her. She reached out and gently stroked his cheek. He stirred and opened his eyes.

“Hi,” he said softly.

“Hi,” she replied smiling back at him.

“I wasn’t planning on things to work out this way,” he said wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to him, her head coming to rest on his chest.

“I know, but I’m glad it did.”

He pulled back to look at her.

“Are you really?”

She nodded and snuggled closer, wrapping her free arm across his chest. He tightened his arms around her. She sighed. She didn’t want this moment to end.

They lie there in each other’s arms, her mind drifted back to the night before.

Suddenly the door to her room swung open and her father strode in.

“Daria do you know whose car that is in the--” He stopped mid sentence as both Daria and Sebastian sat straight up in the bed.

“Father!” Daria gasped trying to cover herself with the sheets.

Her father turned red as his eyes landed on Peter.

“I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter!” He took another step into the room.

“I...we...” Peter stuttered his face flushed with embarrassment.

“Father, please!”

“Stay out of this Daria! This man and I need to have a word.”

“Father I am a grown woman for gods sake! I don’t need you protecting me from anyone anymore.” Her temper flared as she tried to wrap the sheet around herself so she could stand up and face her father.

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