Read Disciplining the Maid Online

Authors: Zoe Blake

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Historical, #Victorian, #Romantic Erotica

Disciplining the Maid (2 page)

"Your hair too.  There is a pitcher of vinegar and rose water to your right." 

Lily dutifully washed her hair.  When she was finished, Mrs. Oliver approached the tub.  "Stand up."  Lily obeyed even though she felt self-conscience as Mrs. Oliver gestured for her to turn around. 

"Bend over and grasp the edge of the tub," said Mrs. Oliver in a no nonsense tone.  

Fearing the worse, Lily whimpered as she dutifully followed Mrs. Oliver's instructions.  She felt the harsh scrape of the bathing cloth as it was forced between her legs.  Lily cried out and tried to move away which earned her a stinging smack to her naked buttock. 

"Stay still," Mrs. Oliver admonished as she scrubbed Lily's cunny and bottom hole.  By the time Lily was permitted to exit the tub she was numb and worn out.  Mrs. Oliver wrapped her in a course dressing gown and placed her in front of a small fireplace for her hair to dry. 

"Nice and clean,” Mrs. Oliver beamed proudly.  "We will do this once a week on Sunday to keep you that way.  Now stay put till I come and get you." 

Mrs. Oliver left, leaving Lily to ponder what she had just learned. Believing the enema and intimate scrubbing to be isolated incidents had been the only thing that had gotten her through them. How could she possibly go through this every week?  She then reminded herself that Lord
Stockton paid an exorbitant two pounds a year over the standard salary and an extra two pounds was a fortune she could not afford to turn away from, no matter the cost to her pride.       


Intimate Inspection


Lily struggled to balance the heavy silver tea tray as she made her way to the front parlor. She was freshly dressed in her afternoon uniform - a long, black dress with three-quarter length sleeves edged with lace, a crisp white apron, and a small lace cap pinned above a tight chignon. She concentrated on keeping her back straight and eyes forward as she entered the room, standing quietly till his Lordship acknowledged her presence and instructed her as to where he wanted his tea. 

Lily covertly studied him from across the room.  He was reading in a chair by the fire and had not noticed her entrance.  Lord
Stockton was much younger than she expected. Most of the titled gentlemen she had worked for in the past had been old and fat. 

Despite his seated position, it was obvious from the long legs stretched out before him that her new employer was quite tall.  And judging by his strong profile he was handsome, with his wavy dark brown hair and clean-shaven jaw.  Lily wondered at the color of his eyes.  With her musings, she became distracted and almost dropped the heavy
tray which clattered loudly in the silent room.  His Lordship looked up.  She felt like a bird caught in a predator's site.  His eyes were a piercing crystal blue and refused to relinquish her gaze as he indicated with a wave of his hand where to place the tray.  Lily nodded and slowly approached, unable to avoid the tray rattling in her shaking hands as she placed it on the small table in front of him and quickly stood back, locking her hands behind her back in an effort to hide her fear at his overwhelming presence.

"Will that be all
, my Lord?"  Lily asked barely above a whisper.  He did not answer directly but looked her up and down.  Lily tried not to fidget under his perusal as she stood there biting her lip, willing herself not to blush any hotter. 

"Pour.” His voice was dark and rich, almost a growl.  She jumped to do his bidding, wincing as the
tea cup shook.   

"Sugar and cream, my Lord?" she asked breathlessly, feeling a sudden urgency to escape the room radiating with his masculine energy. 

"Yes." The short gravely response making her drop the sugar spoon she was holding with a clatter.  Lily took a deep breath and tried not to think about the intense eyes she could feel watching her.  She finished preparing his tea and once again stood back at a safe distance, desperately waiting to be dismissed. 

Mrs. Oliver had outdone herself this time, he thought.  Lord Randolph
Stockton, Rand to his peers, was a powerful member of the ton, who often entertained in his home.  Employing a handsome staff reflected his wealth and status.  Servants usually came into London from the countryside, which meant they lacked refinement both in their manners and bone structure, so he’d taxed Mrs. Oliver with the difficult task of finding female servants who were comely. This new one far exceeded his expectations with her slight stature. The silver tea set looked as if it weighed more than her. 

Despite her small frame, the new maid had generous curves, especially her breasts
which were high and full.  As she bent over to prepare his tea, her dress pressed against the curve of her backside. Plenty to fill a man's hand, he noted.  Soft brown eyes dominated her face's delicate features but he was particularly drawn to her mouth.  He could easily imagine his cock stretching those cute pink lips as she struggled to take him deep.  Lord Stockton reached for the cup of tea, the movement masking his right hand as he adjusted his growing cock.  The girl had barely walked into the room and already he was primed with sexual need. 

"What is your name?" 
he asked, his voice low and harsh with arousal. 

"Mrs. Oliver said you would determine what I should be called, my Lord,
"  Lily answered demurely, never taking her eyes off the floor.  Lord Stockton smiled at the subservient response. 
God, he wanted her on her knees.

"What are you currently called?" 
His casual question belying his turbulent emotions.


"Lily." Rand tested the name on his tongue. “I believe that suits you.  Lily it will be." 

"Yes, my Lord,” she answered respectfully. 

"Did Mrs. Oliver give you a thorough washing before you started service?" he asked studying her reaction carefully.  Lily's cheeks flamed an adorable dark pink, showing her mortification at Mrs. Oliver's ministrations.  She could not form the words to answer her employer.

"Lily." Lord
Stockton's voice was deceptively soft and quiet. “I asked you a question."  His growing frustration at her failure to respond showed in the icy depths of his eyes. 

....yes...yes, my Lord,” Lily stammered, her cheeks flaming hotter.  Rand noticed how prettily her cheeks blushed and could not help thinking how precious that same blush would look on a hidden pair of cheeks.  He took a sip of tea, deliberately making her wait, knowing it would increase her awareness of him.

"Yes, what?" he prodded.

"I'm sorry....I...I don't understand the question." Lily's nervous hands twisted in the front folds of her apron, hopelessly wrinkling it.

"I want you to tell me what Mrs. Oliver specifically washed," Lord
Stockton answered, enjoying the nervous shiver that coursed through her body. "I need to know she was thorough."

Lily wondered if it was possible to die of shame.  "She gave me a bath.” At his raised eyebrow, she continued more softly than before. "And an enema."

"Speak up, my dear," Rand said, savoring every moment of her obvious distress.  He resolved in that moment to always make her blush around him.  Her cheeks glowed bright giving her face the most adorable, child-like animation. 

"She gave me a bath and enema, my Lord," responded Lily as she swiped at a single tear coursing down her cheek. 

"Show me,” he commanded.

"Show you?" Lily repeated, shocked.

He gestured to the plush chair across from him. "Bend over the cushion of that chair, placing one hand on the seat."

"But my Lord!" Lily tried to protest.

"Do it now or gather your things and leave my employment." His voice carried a startling air of finality as he put down his tea cup and reached to pick up his reading.  It looked to all the world as if he could care less if she complied. Little did Lily know she truly did not have a choice.  She had awoken something in him and he was prepared to force her over the chair if she did not do as he commanded. Either way, he would get what he wanted.

She approached the chair as if it
were the gallows and bent over the seat, resting one hand in the center.

"Good girl," Rand said.  "Use your other hand to lift your skirts."  Fresh tears formed in Lily's eyes at this new humiliation but doing as she was told, she reached back and haltingly raised her skirt.

"Higher," he barked.  She jumped at the stern command, but raised her skirts higher and waited.  She heard him slowly rise from his chair and approach her from behind. Grabbing a handful of her skirt and petticoats, he ruthlessly pushed them up past her waist, exposing her linen covered backside. 

"Lean down on both elbows and spread your legs," he ordered.

"Please, sir," Lily whimpered.  "I'm a good girl.  I'm untouched.  Please don't...please don't..." She could not finish the sentence through choking sobs muffled by the plush cushion of the chair. 

"Hush, baby.  Don’t worry," Rand cooed soothingly.  "Your maidenhead is safe."  He reached around her waist and pulled the strings on her drawers, letting them fall to her ankles.  Noticing the red handprints on her pale white cheeks, he traced the outline of one with the tip of his finger.

"So what did you do to deserve a spanking from Mrs. Oliver?"  he asked, admiring the housekeeper's handiwork.

Lily unwillingly replied, "I tried to move away while she was washing me."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Rand admonished as he continued to gently trace each red welt with his finger.  "It will not be your last spanking in my household if you do not behave."  Lily's mind reeled not only from the implications of what he just said, but from the touch of his hand on her bare bottom. 

"I'm going to part your bum and inspect Mrs. Oliver's work," he said calmly as he took a generous cheek in each hand and forced them apart.  "You must try very hard not to move about or I will get angry."   

He now had an unobstructed view of her little puckered hole with a faint red outline from the abuse it took from the enema nozzle.  He smiled as he watched it tremble and clench under his scrutiny.  Rand pressed the pad of his thumb against it.  Lily started at the contact and began to whimper. 

"Settle down,” Rand said sternly, applying more pressure on her back entrance with his thumb.  "You don't want another spanking so soon, do you?"  Lily shook her head, too frightened and embarrassed to form an answer.  He slowly moved his thumb in counterclockwise circles, testing her.

"Was it your first enema?"  Lord Stockton asked as he used the edge of his thumbnail to softly scratch at her sensitive ring, delighting in how it quivered. 

"Yes, my Lord,” she answered, her voice hoarse from tears.

"How did it feel having so much soapy water pushed into your poor bottom?"  he continued casually, still stimulating her rosebud with his thumb.

"It hurt, my Lord,” Lily answered truthfully. "There was so much pressure.  I wasn't sure if I could take it." 

"But you did take it," Lord Stockton said almost as if he himself had willed it.  "Like a good girl.  You let Mrs. Oliver fill your bottom and now you are all nice and clean."

"Yes, my Lord," she softly agreed.  Her whole body began to shake from too much strain.  He was a lord - a member of the ton and her employer. Saying no was not an anything he asked. 

He moved his index finger to the entrance of her pussy, smiling when he encountered warm wetness.  Rand felt Lily stiffen and heard her sharp intake of breath. 

"Relax, my dear," he said with a calming hand to her lower back.  "I do not employ harlots.  I am merely testing the truthfulness of your claim." 

He moved the hand on her lower back in a soothing circular motion, then without further warning, he pushed his finger deep inside her tight passage. Lily yelped in surprise. Steadying her with his left hand, Rand forced his right middle finger deeper till he felt her virgin barrier.  Lily thought she would feel nothing but mortification at his intimate touch but that was not entirely the case.  She felt warm and lightheaded, like she couldn't take a deep breath.  Her breasts pressed against the confines of her uniform.  

Sweat broke out on Rand' brow as he sought to control his lust.  He removed his hand from her lower back to palm his hard cock through his trousers.  His cock was inches away from her wet pussy and he hungered to bury it deep inside her.  It was a miracle after at least nine or ten years in service she was still a virgin.  Like most men in his position, he saw nothing wrong in fucking the staff.  From the time of his maturity, maids had been throwing themselves at him - always game for a laugh or a quick fuck in the back stairwell. 

He knew Lily would be different; she may even be the one.  He had been searching for a female who was the perfect combination of innocence and sensuality, one who would bow to his particular dominant needs to treat a subservient woman like his very own little one.  He would need to take his time with her.  It was intoxicating to think he may have finally found his perfect little one.  Rand could feel the shivers coursing through her body as he stroked her cunny.  He knew he had to stop before he released his cock and fucked her bent over a chair in the parlor.  He removed his finger and flipped her skirt down. 

"You may go,” he growled, summarily dismissing her. 

Flustered, Lily stepped out of her drawers and quickly swiped them into the hidden pocket of her uniform as she practically ran from the room.  As he watched her flee, he brought his dew soaked finger to his mouth, tasting her. 
Yes, he thought, Mrs. Oliver had outdone herself this time.


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