Read Doughnut Darlin' (Plus Size Romance 4) Online

Authors: Lynn Cooper

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Romantic Comedy, #Short Stories, #Series, #BBW, #Foodie, #Donut, #Humor, #Steamy Love, #Sensual, #Romantic, #Danger, #Erman, #Town, #Elderly Owners, #Little Doughnut Shop, #Bad Boy Biker, #Pastry, #Stay Safe, #Benefit Himself, #Life On The Streets, #Survive, #Capital T, #Past, #Correct Past Actions, #Life Decisions, #Adult

Doughnut Darlin' (Plus Size Romance 4) (5 page)


RAVEN WAS MORE EXHAUSTED than she had ever been.  Dragging herself up a flight of stairs to her apartment, she was near tears.  How could an evening that started out like a sweet dream turn into a nightmare?  When she got to her door, she paused with her key hovering over the lock.  The fine hairs on the back of her neck prickled.  There was a tiny stream of light visible beneath the crack.  Shaking her head, she chastised herself for being so skittish and paranoid.  She was perfectly safe here.  No one except Ronan and the Dimsdales knew where she lived.  Obviously, she had left the lights on earlier in her haste.  She had been flustered by Ronan’s surprise visit and rushed out without turning them off.

Opening the door, she stepped over the threshold.  Her eyes quickly scanned the living room.  Everything looked just the same as she had left it.  Knowing her fears were silly and unsubstantiated, Raven smiled to herself, locked the deadbolt and slid the safety chain into place.  All she needed was a snack and a good night’s rest. 

Tossing her keys onto the coffee table, she made her way to the kitchen.  When she pushed open the swinging door that separated it from the living room, she screamed.  Bile rose in her throat as she fought the urge to faint.

“Did you really think you could hide from me forever?” Alan Shore asked, sitting at the small breakfast table where Raven always drank her morning coffee. 

The smug look on his face made her stomach roil with nausea.

She answered his question with a question.  She was getting really good at that.  “How’d you find me?” Raven hated talking to him at all, but she needed to know if Ronan had sold her out.  If he had lied to her once again.

He grinned, fingering the laptop lying on the table.

“Pure fucking luck.  I was going through some of your mother’s crap and stumbled upon a receipt for this cute little laptop of yours.  Good old reliable, responsible Lana had insured it for three years, including GPS tracking in case it got lost or stolen.  I contacted the company and gave them the receipt number.  They were more than happy to help a desperate customer locate his valuable property.  And to think it had only been a two-hour drive up the road this whole time.”

Raven groaned her disgust aloud.  How could she have been so stupid?  Her mother had given her five-hundred-thousand dollars; she could have easily paid cash for a new, untraceable laptop.  But, she couldn’t bear to part with this one—the one her beloved mother had given her, had asked her to write her books on.  Books that would make the whole world read.

She fisted her hands in anger.  “You have no right to be here, Alan.  Get out!”

The menacing look in his eyes made her cringe inwardly.  “I have every right, Raven Leigh
.  You’re my property.  I adopted you eight years ago and made you mine.”

“You’re a sick sonofabitch, and I want you to leave right now.”

Standing up, he advanced on her like a ravenous tiger on a helpless antelope.  “I’m not going anywhere.
are.  Pack your things, but leave the laptop.  I can’t have your little biker boyfriend using it like I did to track you down.”

Oh God, Ronan—strong, sexy, bad boy, Ronan. 
Even in the desperate, screwed-up situation she now found herself in, knowing he hadn’t sold her out made her heart soar.  Yes, he had lied, but they were lies told to protect her.  To keep her safe.  Raven should have stayed at the cabin with him.  Or, at the very least, let him walk her to the door.  If she had, maybe she wouldn’t be in this mess.  Alan would probably take her somewhere far away, maybe even keep her locked up in a room where she couldn’t escape.  She would never see Ronan again.  Never get a chance to tell him how she felt. 


HE WAS TOO late.  Ronan pressed his ear to Raven’s door.  He could hear Shore’s filthy voice threatening her.  For a brief second, Ronan thought about calling the police or getting the landlord.  But then there was a crash, a scream and the sound of breaking glass.  There was no time to find help.  He had to get Raven away from Shore
.  Taking a few steps back, he turned to the side, slamming his shoulder into the door.  It didn’t budge.  Adrenaline coursed through his veins, giving him the strength he needed to kick the door in.  Chunks of splintering wood flew in every direction. 

When he bolted into the living room, his heart failed.  Shore had Raven in his clutches, holding her backside flush against his front, one hand gripping her waist, the other holding a gun to her head.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, she whimpered, “Ronan, thank God you’re here.”

“Where else would I be, darlin’?”

Alan growled.  “Get on your fucking knees, biker boy, before I put a bullet in your big-ass girlfriend’s brain.”

Ronan winked at Raven before looking Shore in the eye.  “I think you mean
girlfriend, don’t you?”

Alan’s face was practically purple with rage.  “Her ass will be dead if you don’t do as I say.”

Ronan dropped to his knees.  In regards to Raven, he had pictured himself in this position many times.  On his knees begging her forgiveness for lying.  On his knees between her thighs eating her pretty little pussy.  On his knees asking her to marry him. But he never once imagined himself on his knees in front of a shithead like Alan Shore, and it wasn’t sitting well.

Ronan’s heart clenched at the pleading sound of Raven’s voice. 

“Please don’t hurt Ronan.  I’ll do whatever you say; just let him go. Please.”

Alan scoffed.  “You’ll do whatever the fuck I say anyway.”  The hand at her waist slid down and cupped her mound.  “I’ve been waiting a long time to pop this cherry, and no double-crossing bastard is going to stop me,” he said, waving the gun at Ronan.

With the barrel of the gun away from Raven’s temple, Ronan took the opening to lunge forward and knock Alan off his feet.

Unfortunately, Alan had anticipated the move.  Ronan felt the butt of the gun crack against his skull.  Everything went black. 


RONAN DIDN’T KNOW HOW long he’d been out.  He gingerly rubbed the knot on his head.  His vision was blurry, and he felt dizzy.  The room was quiet except for the sound of grunting, heavy breathing and muted crying.  He slowly turned his head in the direction the noises were coming from.  Vomit bit the back of his throat at the sight of Alan straddling Raven. 

The bastard had her pinned down on the sofa, her hands bound together above her head and a handkerchief crammed in her mouth. He hadn’t even had the decency to prop the front door closed.  He was probably a sick exhibitionist on top of everything else, hoping someone would pass by and witness his vicious violation.

Ronan tried to sit up, but his legs and feet had been tightly tied together.  He bellowed his anger and frustration.  “Get off her you cock-sucking motherfucker!”

Alan snickered.  “Good, you’re awake.  I was hoping you’d come around in time for the show.  Your girlfriend has some powerful thighs.  She’s got them clenched tighter than a chastity belt.  I could force her to open these pretty legs with my gun,” he said, gesturing to the .357 Berretta lying on the coffee table.  “But where’s the fun in that?”

“Leave her alone, Shore, I mean it,” he growled, hating like hell the gun was out of his reach.  The ropes around his legs were tied in sailor knots and needed to be cut with a knife, but Ronan didn’t have one. 
What kind of a damn biker worth his salt didn’t carry a knife?
He was feeling madder than hell and hopeless as hell.  He’d never be able to drag himself to the coffee table and get the gun before Shore grabbed it.

Alan’s laugh was evil.  “And if I don’t, biker boy?”

“If you don’t, I’ll

A soft, elderly voice made both Ronan and Alan jerk to attention.  “Nope. This kill is mine.”

Sally Dimsdale was standing in the doorway with a nine-millimeter Glock aimed right at Alan’s head.

Ronan chuckled.  “Why, I never!”

She winked at him.  “No, son, I’m sure you haven’t.”

Irvin was right behind Sally, grinning like a mule eating briars.  “The missus retired from the special forces,” he said, holding out a box of doughnuts.  “Anyone want a cream-filled?”


RAVEN AND RONAN WERE naked, lying on their backs on a blanket in the middle of a lush, green meadow—
meadow, looking up at the stars.  Ronan took her dainty hand in his big one.  “I can’t believe Sally saved our bacon, showin’ up just because she couldn’t ‘raise you on the horn’
and had a gut feelin’ you might be in trouble.”

“Yep.  She’s a tough one with great instincts. We have to find some wonderful way to repay her.”

He nodded.  “Definitely.  She saved our lives, and her eye-witness testimony will put Alan behind bars for a very long time.  Maybe we could send her and Irvin on some kind of romantic cruise or somethin.’”

Raven squealed.  “Oh, that’s a fabulous idea!  Tomorrow, I’ll have a look at some vacation packages online.”

“Good.”  He pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.  “Can you believe we actually own this place?”

Sighing, Raven said, “It’s like a dream.  I love it here.  I can’t wait to finish writing my romance novel in

“Need any love-scene inspiration?” he asked, rolling over on top of her.

She giggled.  “As a matter of fact—”

His lips silenced her.  The kiss was firm and insistent.  Passionate and possessive. He had taken her virginity hours ago, staking his claim and making her his, but the need to have her again was overwhelming.

His mouth moved to her neck, nuzzling the sensitive flesh just below her earlobe.  He whispered sweetly, “I love you, Raven.”

She moaned as his hot breath caressed her skin.  “Oh God, Ronan.  I love you more than anything.”

“How about anybody?” he asked teasingly.

“Yes. I love you more than anybody I’ve ever loved or ever will love again.”

He growled his desire, pushing his tongue into her mouth.  Exploring its deep recesses.  Tasting her sweet lips.  Feeling her body tremble at the intimate invasion.

Pulling back to gaze into her beautiful brown eyes, he moved his hand between her thighs and tenderly stroked her sex.  “I want you so damn bad that I’m about to split in two.  But I can wait if you’re too sore, darlin.’  I never want to hurt you.”

She was sore—deliciously so, and she loved the feeling.  It was physical proof Ronan had been inside her, fucking her, loving her.  He had an amazing cock.  It was just as big and hard and powerful as the rest of him.  As long as she lived, she wouldn’t be able to get enough of it or him. Especially him.

Her voice came out in a breathy sigh.  “Don’t wait.  I want you. I need you, Ronan. Take me now.”

He didn’t have to be told twice. Aligning his prick to her entrance, he slowly pushed his full length inside her hot, wet, tight womanhood.  He let out an animalistic groan with each deep thrust.  Lowering himself to a pushup position, he captured one pink, perfectly pebbled nipple between his teeth and flicked it with his tongue. 

She moaned and writhed, undulating beneath him to a rhythm as old as time.  She fisted her hands in the blanket as he suckled her breast, sending white-hot bolts of electricity straight to her clit.  Her
boy sure was a

“You feel so fuckin’ good, Raven.  I love your body.  Your beautiful breasts, creamy skin, silky hair, luscious legs—”

“What about my sweet ass?” she asked breathlessly.

“I especially love your sweet ass.”  He groaned, grinding his hips relentlessly against hers.  Pulling himself from her sacred depths and plunging back in again until both of them screamed their orgasms in unison.

As their breathing returned to normal, Ronan nestled her to his side.  Starring up at the stars, he asked, “Wanna go for a bike ride?”


“Why not?”

She kissed the hard wall of his chest, letting her hand lazily slide down his stomach. 

Pulling her patented question-for-a-question response, she asked, “Why would I want to ride a bike when I can ride a biker?”

His laughter was deep and rich, reverberating through a perfect starry night—one of many they would share for many, many years to come.


A Perfect Match

Jaslyn Scarpa is chronically cheerful.  She believes in hope and happiness and brighter tomorrows.  Along with being a talented, versatile, hardworking temp, Jaslyn is also a self-proclaimed “grouch whisperer.”  Winning over the grumpy people in this world is her forté.  Or, at least, she thinks it is until she meets the tall, dark—so dangerously dark—moody and sexy Rhein Birkner.  The excruciating emotional pain reflected in his intensely piercing eyes tears at her heart.  No matter how volatile he is, she makes it her mission to turn his hurt into joy.


Rhein Birkner is a ruthless businessman, notorious for hostile takeovers and forced mergers.  He has a hard exterior, a powerful, domineering façade he presents to the world.  But on the inside, he is a little boy who’s terrified of losing the woman who means everything to him.  No amount of money can buy what she needs most.  While he tries to figure out a way to save her, he is forced to contend with an infuriatingly sunshiny temp.  Jaslyn Scarpa is outspoken, bubbly and unbelievably beautiful.  She is the last thing Rhein wants at the moment.  Ironically, she might also be the key to his happiness.


A Perfect Match is part of the Raining Romance Series.  Each book is a standalone where unexpected storms of passion rage and love strikes faster than lightning. 


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In this fast-paced, heart-pumping tale of danger, love and lust, Dante Roman—an undercover FBI agent—finds himself in a surprising, perilous and sensuously-charged predicament.  After two-and-a-half years of deep undercover work, he is only one week away from the biggest mafia takedown in history.  The last thing he needs is the leggy, blond bombshell, Diamond Cross, distracting him.


Diamond’s no-good brother, Glen, has offered her up to an evil, murderous mobster as payment for his gambling debt.  Dante knows all too well what could happen to her should she fall into his boss’s cruel clutches.  It’s up to him to figure out a way to protect her while completing his mission and keeping them both alive.  




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Brett and Karen have been married for sixteen wonderful years. They are good together in every way. But Karen believes they can be great together, especially in the bedroom. She is tired of sex by the numbers and living vicariously through her erotic romance novels. She longs for adventure and figures the best way to get it is to unleash her husband's inner beast. If she can keep her courage up, Karen is certain she can dismantle Brett's deep-rooted need for self-discipline in the bedroom. She is determined to do whatever it takes to convince him to explore the enticing, seductive side of domination and submission. Come join them on a heart-stopping ride to carnal bliss.


Cupcake Cutie (Plus Size Romance Series)

Ella Skye is looking for a fresh start in the town of Pleasant View—a place where she can concentrate on her career as a graphic designer.  She isn’t looking for love or passion.  She doesn’t need the raging flames of desire that always flicker into heartbreak.  She also doesn’t need a nosey neighbor with a temperamental cat, a hot cowboy who moonlights as a fireman or a stubborn friend who insists on dragging her into awkward social situations.  Ella doesn’t need any of it but, in time, she just might realize she desperately wants all of it and more.


Decker Wyman spends all of his time working on his family’s ranch.  When he isn’t there, he’s fighting fires and rescuing those in distress.  For him, romance has been fleeting at best.  In fact, he has all but given up on lasting love—the kind his parents shared.  When the new woman in town finds herself in a precarious situation, Decker is there to give her a hand.  He wants to give her a lot more than that, but things in his personal life are rather complicated and prove to be a hindrance.  The question begs:  is he willing to do whatever it takes to simplify them? Especially if it means he might have a chance with the smart, sweet and sexy Ella Skye?


Soft Serve Sweetie (Plus Size Romance Series)

Cherry Mercer has a degree in biology, but due to the crappy economy, she finds herself working at Pete’s Ice Cream Parlor. As far as jobs go, it isn’t that bad. It enables her to pay back her student loans while indulging her love of soft serve. In her wildest dreams, she never imagines the decadent chocolate and vanilla swirl can get her into so much trouble with the law. When she runs into Officer Zane Barrett, her whole world is turned upside down. He’s as hot as the day is long. And even though a gal can’t be arrested for what she’s thinking, Cherry still finds herself being hauled downtown. 
Zane Barrett—a seventeen-year veteran of the police force—spends his days serving and protecting his community. He lives in a nice house, loves his job and spends his spare time with his partner, Knox, and his wife Sadie. Despite Knox’s badgering, Zane insists he isn’t lonely and doesn’t feel the need to actively look for “Miss Right.” In fact, his philosophy is: Not everyone’s meant for love and marriage. But once he crosses paths with Cherry Mercer, he quickly realizes his philosophy has more holes than a firing range target. Unfortunately, Cherry has erected some emotional walls that could prove to be impenetrable. Zane offers her an irresistible proposition intended to tear down those carefully constructed barriers. The question is, will Cherry take the bait and give both of them a chance for a happily ever after? 


Bon Bon Beauty (Plus Size Romance Series)

Saffron Butler came up hard and fast on the poor side of town.  Now a strong, independent woman and owner of the Bon Bon Beauty Parlor, she is determined to live her life alone.  Having spent years constructing a steel cage around her heart, she vows to never let any man get too close.  Her mama made that mistake, and it ended in tragedy.  Saffron isn’t about to let the same thing happen to her.  She is content to bury herself in romance novels, dreaming of the swaggering, shirtless heroes on the covers. That is enough for her until the morning her eyes flutter open to find the sexiest man she has ever seen hovering over her.  He is tending to her, protecting her and, before she can blink, he is trying to steal her heart.


Parker Sloan grew up in the lap of luxury.  He has every advantage but little freedom.  From the day he was born, his parents have had his entire life mapped out.  His domineering father—Dr. Nate Sloan—insists his son attend medical school, pursue a career in cardiology and get engaged to a self-centered socialite.  But, Parker has other plans.  Against his parents’ wishes, he becomes a paramedic.  One fateful morning he takes an emergency call that lands him smack in the middle of a beauty parlor.  It is there he meets the sweet and beautiful Saffron Butler.  From the moment he looks into her big brown eyes, he is a goner.  In their dark, chocolatey depths, he can clearly see their future—a lifetime of love and happiness spent in each other’s arms.  Wooing Saffron won’t be an easy task.  But it is one he is determined to accomplish.  Failure isn’t an option.  He will do whatever it takes to gain her trust and win her affections.   


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The Pearl Stringer

Lord Seth Welby had not planned to fall in love. But when he arrived at Withersfield Castle during a rain storm to find Olivia Shaw cowering in his courtyard, his plans changed. 
She was in dire straits and needed him desperately. He had not counted on needing her more. Giving her his heart, however, proved to be a difficult task. 
Unbeknownst to him, she had perpetrated a great deceit and was harboring an even darker secret beyond that. 
Only time would tell if they could overcome the pitfalls of deception and find the truth of love and passion in each other’s arms. 
The Pearl Stringer is set in England during the Victorian era and focuses on two very different yet gripping love stories. This historical romance contains sensual and steamy love scenes suitable for ages 18+.

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Steele Winters is a broken man. Twila Eastcott has broken dreams. Each are traveling down separate lonely paths full of heartache. Can a chance encounter merge those paths and heal their hurts? Or will it divide them forever and dash all their future hopes? 




Andrela (A 1920’s historical love story)

After losing her mother in a freak accident, Andrela Lister runs away from the family's blueberry farm. She finds herself destitute and alone on the raucous streets of Pittsburgh during the height of prohibition. As fate would have it, her path crosses with that of 'The Man About Town' newspaper columnist, Trevor Hollis. He is dangerously handsome and charismatic and inadvertently gets Andrela into a ton of trouble. The question is, will he be able to undo the damage and save her before it is too late? 

Burning for Tessa (A suspense novella)

Nessa Waters moves from Mannland, South Carolina to New York to escape the memories of a tumultuous, pain-filled childhood. 
But when horrific nightmares begin to plague her, she knows there's no outrunning the past or the terrible truth buried there. 
*Short Murder Mystery.

Keystrokes: An Erotic Novella

Rebecca Helzner is a dissatisfied, sexually frustrated housewife. Gordon Helzner is a desperate husband fighting an invisible foe. He finds himself in a heart-stopping race against time as he attempts to reclaim his wife and save his marriage before it is too late. 


Long Legs and Even Longer Short Stories: An Erotic Romance Collection

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All of these titles can be purchased at
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