Downs, Jana - Ravyn's Heart [Ravyn Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) (8 page)

“You like games,” Damian whispered, pulling back from the kiss, and Ally chased after his mouth. The Ravyn swallowed hard and nodded, his eyes darting to the wall instead of the man on top of him. Damian pushed the finger he’d been toying with him with all the way inside.

Ally gasped, and his eyes clashed with Damian’s. “You don’t get to avoid me, naughty boy,” the vampire warned, pushing and withdrawing the finger in steady motions.

“Yes, Damian. Gods, whatever you say. Please.” He moaned, and his eyes slid shut. The sensation of fingers penetrating wasn’t an unfamiliar one. He’d had women try it before, and he’d always been able to take it or leave it. With Damian…the way he curled his fingers up to score a small knotted pleasure spot inside him with each thrust made the experience damn near religious for Allasandro.

“Ready for more?” Damian asked. Ally nodded quickly, spreading his legs farther apart. Two fingers penetrated him then. Ally cried out at the stretching sensation and the slight burn, but when Damian curled his fingers once again, he forgot all about the discomfort of the two sensations.

“Please. Please. Please,” Ally babbled. He was a noisy lover. That was why he usually used a washcloth. Damian was eating it up.

“Please what?” he growled.

“Please fuck me. Please. I need you inside. Need it so bad…wanted it so bad. Please, Damian.”

“Want my cock, naughty boy?” Damian taunted, using his other hand to grab his own cock and slide it against the crease of Ally’s ass to tease him. Ally whimpered.


“Yes what?” Damian demanded sharply, pressing just the tip of his dick inside Ally’s unused passage as he withdrew his fingers.

“Yes, sir. I want your cock.” The softly spoken words made Damian shudder this time. The Ravyn felt a moment’s satisfaction over the fact until his mind blanked completely as Damian pushed inside him.

Damian forged a path into Ally’s body one excruciating inch at a time. He paused periodically, making sure that Allasandro was adjusted properly before continuing on. He needn’t have worried. The Ravyn was meeting him push for push, thrust for thrust. He was writhing like a fish on the end of a hook and was enjoying every second of it.

“Come inside, Damian. I won’t break. Promise.” Allasandro grunted, his hips rotating to take Damian deeper. The words were enough. Damian appeared to be at the end of his patience for the slow pace he’d set. The urge to fuck and fuck hard was written all over the vampire’s strained features. It was sexy as hell. Damian lunged forward, skewering Allasandro with his impressive mass before beginning a driving rhythm that was guaranteed to bring them both to screaming release in no time flat.

Ally reached out with his mind, needing to feel the closeness that came with sex. It wasn’t just a physical act with him. It was a mental one as well. His mind was the strongest of the Ravyns, and gallivanting around other people’s heads was second nature to him. He gasped as their minds merged together. His vision blurred as he saw through his own eyes and his lover’s at the same time. It made his head spin.

, what are you doing?” Damian gasped, his hips jerking harder as their minds slid into one another. He groaned louder and angled his hips to the exact angle Ally needed.

“Yes!” Ally cried out. His hands snaked up and left scratch marks down Damian’s muscular back. The pleasure flowed back and forth between, building as it flowed. It was a ricochet effect that Allasandro had never experienced with any other lover. Of course he’d never had a vampire lover before. Every individual sensation of pleasure rippled through the other person until they were both overly sensitized by touch. They gasped in unison as the orgasm began. Neither of them knew who’d started to fall first, but they were racing to completion together.

Damian’s hips lost their rhythm, and it became a hard pounding that sought only his own pleasure. Ally was right there with him. He cried out over and over, babbling incoherently and loving the expressions that were crossing Damian’s face as their minds’ joining took him higher. Damian grunted from the exertion and his cock nailed Allasandro’s prostate with every lunge. Ally had a feeling that experiencing the pleasure internally and externally tested the limits of what Damian knew of ultimate pleasure. Gods knew that this had just become the most intense sexual encounter of Ally’s considerably long life.

“Allasandro,” Damian breathed as his body jerked and he began to pour the hot wet proof of his pleasure into the tight depths of Ally’s body. Ally’s cock jerked in unison and bathed the space in between their bodies with his pleasure. Damian’s fangs descended, and a growl worked his way up out of the depths of his throat. Ally tilted his head, exposing the thumping artery.

“Take from me,” Allasandro offered. The desire he felt in Damian had become his own. He needed him to feed on him as badly Damian needed to feed. The vampire didn’t make him wait long. His fangs struck quickly, and he instantly sealed his lips over the wound he’d made. Ally felt like he’d stuck his finger in a light socket. The power didn’t just flow. It swamped the both of them. Ally’s hips jacked upward, and he came again, feeling his lover’s body jerk inside him once more as well.

Allasandro’s head swam from the sheer sensuality of the moment. He sighed happily and his entire body relaxed. Whatever had just happened between them was perfection. Together the Ravyn and the vampire were spent.

Chapter Nine

Allasandro rose with the dawn. He’d set Damian’s alarm clock for six, but he’d awakened early. Wrapped in the cocoon of warmth that was Damian’s embrace, Ally had no desire to move.

“Hi,” Damian greeted, obviously just as awake as he was.

“Hi, yourself,” Ally replied, kissing Damian’s lips. The room was nothing but shadows, but the first gray impressions of dawn created intriguing plays of light across the vampire’s face. He truly was beautiful.

“Did you sleep well?” Damian inquired. His voice was soft and low, gentle where before it had been rough and demanding. The memory of the previous night made him shudder. It had been magic, and the soft welcoming bed afterward had made it a perfect end to a perfect night.

“I slept great. You’re comfy.” Ally let his eyes slide closed and snuggled closer to Damian’s surprisingly warm form. He hadn’t expected a vampire to be so damn warm.

Damian’s eyebrow rose in a move more characteristic of his brother Alex than the Damian Ally knew. It reminded him that Dageus’s husband Alex and Damian were closely related.

“Comfy? I think I’m insulted. I’ve never been called comfy before.” His tone was serious, but his eyes were sparkling with mirth. “And how did you enjoy last night?”

“What’s with the twenty questions?” Ally murmured, nipping his chin in protest.

“You give such intriguing answers that I’m curious as to what you think of our evening together,” Damian offered. He kissed Ally’s forehead.

“You’re very odd.” Ally considered the question for a moment, his cheeks heating at the cascade of erotic memories that assaulted him. After their first joining, Damian had encouraged Ally’s exploration, giving him free rein with the sexual experience. All of their play had held an edge of rough desire, and Allasandro had taken to it like a duck to water. His body had taken him to a higher plane of pleasure than he’d ever experienced before. He’d practically flown to the moon and back, drunk off Damian’s paradise of a body. He’d lost count of how many orgasms he’d had.

He finally remembered that Damian had asked a question. “It was amazing.” He whispered it while his cheeks were blazing pink. Damian seemed pleased with his answer.

“When can I see you again?” the vampire asked, scattering kisses along Ally’s jaw and neck. Ally shivered.

“I’m going to tell my brothers today about us. We can make plans tonight after rehearsal. Okay?”

Damian frowned. “Why do you have to tell them? We’re not in any kind of romantic relationship. Besides, Kal will get upset.”

“Ravyns don’t have secrets from one another,” Allasandro reminded him gently. “We’re brothers, and to maintain our mental bond, we have to be completely honest with one another.” He nuzzled Damian’s neck once more before extracting himself from his embrace and rolling to his feet. His mind reached back to Damian, giving him a mental caress. The vampire shuddered, and his fangs dropped. “Besides, Dageus is my best friend. He’ll totally understand.” He added the last because he was sure of Dageus’s reaction. He knew him as well as he knew himself.

“I love when you do that,” Damian murmured, referring to the mental touch Ally had given him. He rolled after Ally as he searched in vain for his clothes. The underwear he’d worn was in pieces, and his shirt was still missing, but maybe his jeans… He felt Damian’s hunger spike. He glanced up from his position by the dresser.

“Need some breakfast before I leave?” Ally teased, slipping into Damian’s mind more fully to gauge his reaction. He was able to get much deeper now. Deeper than he had ever been able to go. Vampire energy was interesting. Different than what he was used to. But he was fascinated with how their minds worked. Well, actually he was just fascinated with how Damian’s mind worked. Slipping into his mind was more complicated to work in, but it had an intimacy that was unparalleled. He could do more than just experience another’s mind. With Damian he was able to share the experience of mind touch, and he found the experience intoxicating.

“I would love a snack before you run off,” Damian said, wrapping his arms around Ally’s shoulders and drawing him toward him. Ally tilted his head to the side, intensely aware of their height difference as he gazed up at Damian through partially shuttered lashes. When Damian’s mouth came toward him, he pulled back.

“Make me.” Ally intended for it to be a taunt, but it came out as a husky murmur.

Damian growled. “Give me your vein, naughty boy.”

* * * *

Ally melted at the words. His head fell back, baring the long line of his throat. Damian practically purred at the sight. “Good boy.”

Damian’s fangs sank in slowly. The tingle of sensation that ran up from the pleasure of inserting his teeth in willing flesh went straight to his cock.

“Yes! Damian, Yes!” Allasandro whimpered. He was so damn responsive. Damian felt a dark possession filling him. He didn’t want to share this beautiful man with anyone else. It didn’t matter that they weren’t romantically involved. Damian wanted to be his only lover. He’d have to keep the Ravyn busy in order to distract him from any further conquests that Allasandro might want to make. Some panicked part of his conscience whispered that he needed to do something more drastic than distraction to keep Allasandro by his side.

I don’t want to be alone again
I like him too much already. He’ll leave. Everyone leaves. Even Kal left.
He knew logically that his son hadn’t intended to get kidnapped, but nonetheless he had snuck out of the house and run away the night he was stolen away to Demontia. Damian had had issues letting things he considered “his” out of his sight ever since.

A little binding would make him yours forever
, an insidious voice in the back of his mind whispered. It was so deep in fact that Allasandro couldn’t even hear the whispered words.
Make him take a little of your blood while you drink. Not enough to make him your Bride, just a tiny bit so that you’ll always know where he is and how you can find him.

Damian pulled back from the puncture he’d made and began to lap at the incision. Delicious. Pure paradise. Demon blood had more spice and passion than human blood.

I don’t know what will happen if I give him my blood. What if even a little of my blood makes him mine?
he argued with that voice.

It won’t. You’re being paranoid. Just do it

Stop arguing with yourself, Damian. You sound like a crazy person

He pulled back from his feast and bit into his own wrist before he could think better of it. He pressed that wrist to Allasandro’s gasping mouth as he went back to his snack. “Take this, my naughty boy,” he commanded. “It’ll make the pleasure better.” And that was true, though it was a half-truth. Damian thought he could live with that. Allasandro would probably never know.

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